i'm sorry but this isn't a chapter…. but you still might like it!
this is how it goes, i have lost interest in this story. BUT i have the entire plot line mapped out and i'd hate to be one of those people that just leaves something at a cliffhanger and wanders off forevermore..
so….. if you wish to know what happens in plot line formate read on beginning to end this is what would have happened. if someone wants to take this and write out the rest of the story, be my guest, just tell me so i can read it to ;)
- wind attacks bunny who escapes and heads back to the pole
- Wind snatches up jacks fallen staff and shoots north to where he senses jack
- The bruised up bunny arrives a minute behind the yeti's to find a defensive angry Jack and three confused guardians.
- They ask what happened to bunny and he tells them that a freak wind storm blasted him into a wall
- Jack snorts and tells him it was hardly a freak accident, Wind is really over protective.
- They are confused and ask if wind is a spirit like them when a massive gust tears through the observatory window and Jacks staff comes sailing through
- Jack catches the staff relieved to not be powerless any longer and wind snarls at the guardians
- Jack asks them what they want, North recovers his wits and pulls out the book, cue them trying to swear jack in as a guardian
- Jack knocks them back like in the movie and tells them no
- They argue that its destiny and try again
- Ect.
- North hauls jack off for their talk while bunny agues with Wind.
- They all rush off to the tooth palace to help tooth save the teeth
- The fight with pitch happens the same as in cannon except wind tears several nightmares apparent rescuing a few dozen fairies
- The guardians help tooth and the remaining fairies collect the teeth
- The guardians get knocked out and Wind, jack and sandy go after the nightmare.
- Wind takes the arrow meant for Sandy and is absorbed into the nightmare sand before the others can do anything, Jack blasts Pitch like in cannon,
- (while being consumed by the nightmare sand Wind mutters "Ah, so thats where my hero complex went, I was beginning to wonder where it was")
(Chapter snippet of 8)
Wind studied the endless darkness around him for a long moment before sighing, typical, how did he always manage to get himself into these kind of situations? The darkness around him wasn't still, it writhed and twisted, glowing red eyes watched him from the shadows. All that protected him was a small bubble of light barely a few feet wide. Even that didn't appear to be fool proof protection either. Occasionally a clawed hand or lashing tail would penetrate the edge of his safe haven.
Wind sighed, just another day in the life, he thought humorously before beginning to walk. Staying where he was, was pointless. If he wanted to escape he had to search for a weakness in Pitches mind. Days seemed to pass as he wandered the shadows of Pitches mind, the darkness eating away at his protection millimeter by millimeter. Until something made him pause. He peered off to his left, was it just him, or was the darkness a tiny bit less in that direction? Wind considered it for a moment trying to decide if this was a trap, what would be the point though? Pitch already had him, it was just a matter of time until he couldn't hold out any longer. Turning he walked towards the light spot, slowly it gained strength.
Wind paused in annoyance as the shadows began to press in on him, trying to force him away from his goal. With a hiss he forced his way through the snarling hoard, he nearly lost his balance when the pressure abruptly ceased and he stumbled into another tiny island of light.
The occupant of said island stared at him in undisguised shock. The man sitting on the ground was dressed in black armor edged in gold with intricate patterns also in gold curling across it.. A black cloak pooled around him on the ground, the golden hilt of a sword visible at his side. Wind and the man eyed each other for a moment before Wind finally spoke. "Um..hello?" He asked a bit uncertainly, the man blinked, apparently to stunned to answer immediately.
"Wh...Who are you?" The man finally asked, his voice rusty from disuse.
"I haven't had a proper name in centuries, but most call me Wind." Wind answered. "Who are you?" He asked the man sighed softly, looking impossibly tired.
"It has been a very long time, but I do still remember it, my name is Kozmotis, Kozmotis Pitchiner." He answered his eyes distant. Wind was frozen, staring at the man in blank awe. Kozmotis? This was KOZMOTIS? That, it should be impossible! He thought in stunned disbelief. As far as he knew Kozmotis's soul had been completely consumed by the fearlings when he had been tricked into releasing them and become Pitch as a result! Nothing should have survived that! Especially after all these centuries! But still, here sat the last remnant of the once great general.
"if that look is any indication I suppose I must have gained myself quiet the reputation under the control of the fearlings?" Kozmotis asked quietly, bringing Wind out of his thoughts. Wind hesitated before nodding.
"Unfortunately yes, for what its worth, I'm sorry." He added when Kozmotis closed his eyes a tear leaking out from one. Kozmotis merely shook his head.
"Its my own fault, I shouldn't have listened to them, I knew better." He whispered brokenly. Wind looked down uncertainly at the man, not having the slightest clue for how to help him.
"Everyone has their limit." He offered, Kozmotis looked up at him with a faint lopsided smile that spoke of nothing but pain.
"I suppose so, how long has it been?" He asked, Wind frowned, honestly not knowing that answer to that.
"Truthfully I'm not sure, a few thousand years at least." he answered.
"a few thousand years?" Kozmotis echo, utterly horrified, Wind wanted to wince.
"um, maybe? I really don't know for sure, but a long time, I know that much. " His wings flicked nervously, he didn't want to inflict anymore pain on Kozmotis if he could help it, the man had suffered far to much already. Kozmotis's half of the bubble of light flickered dangerously as the man stared at him in despair.
"Why couldn't I have just died?" He asked, Wind sighed softly, he unfortunately understood that.
"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain." he agreed thinking back to his own life, he had seen that coming for him shortly before he became the wind, ever fickle he'd known the tide was turning against him once again and this time there was no war to make him the Hero in their eyes again. Kozmotis chuckled humorlessly.
"You speak from experience?" He asked Wind shrugged.
"People are fickle, when I was alive I led a war, I saved them but they feared the power I had gained to do so. I was lucky, I became the wind before they could decide I was the next monster to threaten what little hope they had gained." Kozmotis nodded.
"At least for you it was all in their minds, you didn't really become the monster."
"True enough, although I don't doubt my friends would have let me get away with it!" Wind smiled wryly, Hermonie was certainly a force to be reckoned with when she saw what she perceived as being wrong. She would have kicked his ass. Kozmotis smiled faintly.
"Indeed, everyone I loved died in the war, its one of the reasons I agreed to guard the prison, I had nothing left to go back to." Wind nodded, understanding very well. A long moment passed in silence before an idea began to take shape in Winds mind. He hadn't used magic in a very very long time, but if there was ever a time to put his knowledge to use, it was now.
"Kozmotis?" he asked quietly, a faintly grin on his face, the general looked up at him curiously. "how about we get the hell out of here?" he asked holding out his hand. Kozmotis stared at him puzzled.
"how would you propose we do that?" he asked drily, " I have been trying to force the darkness out for eons." Wind just smirked.
"ah, but you didn't have me then, did you?" he asked, Kozmotis stared at him for a long moment uncertain before taking his hand and allowing Wind to pull him to his feet.
"you have a way to free me?" he asked, Wind shrugged.
"Won't know until we try, will we? The spell will need both our wills to have any hope of working however."
"what spell is this?"
Wind laughed, " I learned this spell a very long time ago, to make it work you must concentrate on the happiest memory you possess. Hold it in your mind and remember, I will cast the spell." Kozmotis frowned before nodding and closed his eyes, concentrating. Wind took a deep breath and focused as well, thinking back. The memory of the castle as they came around the bend the first time in the boats, the realization that this was real.
"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" everything vanished in a blinding flash of white light.
- Outside pitches mind jack and the other guardians are fighting Pitch in Burgess when the nightmare kind suddenly screams and collapsed clutching his head.
- The guardians back off confused at whats going on and Fearlings explode away from Pitch followed by a blindingly bright light blinding everyone.
- The fearlings retreat into a massive cloud over the city while the guardians stare in shock at the two people now resting on the ground where pitch had once stood, guarded by a giant stag made of light that seems to outshine even the moon
- Jack recognizes the one person on the ground as Wind from when he had manifested to save sandy, the other could only be pitch!
- 'pitch' groans and rolls over before looking at him hands in shocked amazement and whispering that it had worked. The guardians realize that this man only bares a passing resemblance to pitch, North who remembers the original story of what happen to create pitch realizes first who their looking at and asks in shock "Kozmotis?"
- Kozmotis looks over at him in surprise, "you know of me?" He asks just as the fearlings scream above them bringing everyones attention back to the sky.
- Kozmotis is on his feet in moments sword in hand. Wind is still unconscious on the ground. The patronis spell remains strong and paws the ground while tossing its antlers.
- The kids are all amazed
- Kozmotis glares at the fearling and proclaims that they will never take him again.
- The fearlings attack, the kids find themselves protected by the partronis spell while Kozmotis defends Wind and the other guardians begin to fight again Sandy is successful in turning all the nightmares back into dream sand but the other surviving fearlings escape after Kozmotis uses a spell he had used against them a long time ago to drive them back and destroy many of them.
- Wind regains consciousness and the patronis spell fades away.
- Wind is bemused to learn that he missed the fight and comments that he usually gets stuck saving the day, its kinda nice to not have to come up with some impossible feat for once.
- Kozmotis laughs and asks him what exactly he thought that spell wind used to free him was then?
- Wind pouts while all the others laugh as well.
- With Pitch not longer interfering Sandy is able to give good dreams back to the children of the world helping them to believe again and the fairies escape from pitches labyrinth and let all the memories in the teeth out.
- Wind begins to feel a bit strange and has a sudden vision of Hogwarts castle pulling itself together, and all the candles in the great hall relighting themselves. Wind is ecstatic and tells the others what happened.
- They are all happy Winds home has come back as well and asks if he wants to go look, the kids ask if they can come. North laughs and says why not! The 6 kids are loaded into the repaired sleigh. With Kozmotis and Jack flying on Winds power.
- The snow globe brings them out just over the mountains. The castle stands repaired on the mountain side, the windows all lit and the moon reflecting off the black lake.
- Winds is almost crying at the sight of the only place he ever called home standing strong once more and brings the group down to land in front of the main doors before leading them inside.
- They enter the great hall and Wind hears something he never thought he would again, Phoenix song.
- Fawks(the spirit of magic) flies into the room singing, Wind notices the ancient bird is carrying something in its claws.
- Just as Fawks circles back around to them and drops his burden, wind realizes its the sorting hat, the hat lands on Jamie's head and hmm's thoughtfully commenting on Jamie having lots of courage before shouting out GRYFFINDOR!
- fade to black