How a Badger and a Dragon Survived Christmas
In which our heroes return to school.
Tonks flopped down on the seat across from Charlie. "Well…Mum adores you. Slick git."
He grinned. "Not like you didn't charm the pants off my parents. We're even."
"Just remember—next year when you're off chasing dragons and I'm getting my ass handed to me by some ugly Auror, we'll look back and say this Christmas was easy."
"I reckon you're right."
A few Slytherins walked by their compartment just then. One whistled and made kissy faces at them.
"Fred and George must've told people," Charlie said.
"Could be fake-dating a worse bloke," Tonks said, smirking. "I'm not fussed about it getting around."
"Er…that might not be all that gets around. They may have found the special undies you gave me for Christmas."
"We're never going to live this down."
Charlie laughed. "Happy New Year, Tonks."
"And you, Chuck."