Title: Christmas story
Rating: T
Pair: Shizuo x Izaya (this story contains male x male relationship)
Disclaimer: I don't own Durarara or any of the characters. I just own that little green creat- ouch. Yeah, that's it~
Shizuo opened his eyes and blinked a few times. Eyes above him also blinked.
"Hmm," he thought in his sleepy mind. And right after that it hit him.
He sat up quickly and his jaw dropped as he stared at a little creature, which fell down from his bed after his unexpected move.
"What the hell…"
"Ouch, "monster whined. Shizuo didn't have a clue, what that creature is, but it certainly wasn't a human. It was green. Small, furry, with big pointed ears. And green!
"Who are you?" Shizuo was finally able to formulate a meaningful question. Creature stood up, dusted off his clothes and glared at him with big yellow eyes.
"Christmas elf," it said in the end.
Shizuo lifted up one eyebrow in disbelief.
"And I'm supposed to believe that? I might not be a genius, but I'm not an idiot..."
Elf rolled his eyes and shook the head. How many times he experienced this? He stopped to count it after number 1238 and it was already 60 years ago…
"One could think that when your best friend is headless dullahan, you would have more understanding for the supernatural," he responded not amused.
Shizuo let it ran through his head. There was a grain of truth in what he said.
"Okay, let's say I believe you…Wait a minute! How do you know about Celty? And what the hell are you doing in my flat?" Angry Shizuo was prepared to throw the unwanted guest through the nearest window out of his room.
Elf grinned and jumped on the bed. With his legs swaying in the air he winked at Shizuo.
"I came to help you."
"With what exactly?"
"Do you know what day is today?"
Shizuo looked at calendar.
"24th December."
"Right, Christmas Eve," elf nodded.
"And?" Shizuo lighted a cigarette. He didn't use to smoke in bed, but he decided to make an exception, since he was really pissed off and needed to relax a little.
"Nobody should be alone on Christmas."
"I'm not alone."
"Eh~? Really?" elf gave him skeptical look.
Blonde turned his gaze away.
"Fine, I am. No problem."
He really didn't have anyone who could he spend the Christmas with. Kasuka was away from city because of filming. Celty and Shinra were together and Shizuo didn't want to feel like fifth wheel. Moreover Shinra was in his Christmas mood much more annoying than usual and Shizuo really didn't want to hurt him during feast of love, joy and peace.
Elf sighed.
"Argh, you people…can't you accept help without meaningless whining and in the end politely say thank you? Anyway, there's no escape for you from this…"
"From what?"
Green creature smirked.
"Finally good question. I'll show you someone, who is today in similar situation as you. You're alone, he's alone…When you'll get together, you'll spend very merry Christmas, just as it should be."
"What are you babbling about?" Shizuo asked, when he suddenly realized something," what do you mean by 'getting together'?
Elf shrugged the shoulders.
"Everybody should spend the Christmas with his family or his love."
"Love? And what does love have to do with that person you were talking about?"
Yellow eyes focused on him with clearly pitying look.
"A little bit dull, aren't you?"
"You two are meant for each other."
"We're still talking about 'him'? As about a man?"
"Don't be such a puritan. You're living in a modern society after all."
"Puri-what?" Shizuo was slowly becoming really annoyed. This dialog, this entire situation, just didn't have any sense. Even the cigarette wasn't able to calm him. It ended extinguished on his bedside.
Elf jumped to his feet.
"Well, don't be so picky, okay?"
And he continued quietly: "People…they always have to complain about everything. Why I have to hear that over and over again? Stupid job..."
Shizuo gasped. That little monster was irritating him to no end. He sneaked inside his home, talked nonsense, offended him and tried to persuade him that he should get together with some unknown man.
"As if," Shizuo thought, but before he had a chance to say something aloud, elf gripped his hand and declared:
"It's better to see once than hear one hundred times, no? It is time for a little trip."
"What? Where?"
"To the past," said elf like it was the most natural thing ever," I'll show you last Christmas Eve."
"Oi, moment, wha-?..." But sooner as he could finish his protest, his room vanished and Shizuo found himself in the middle of busy street. Only in his shorts and T-shirt for sleeping. He started to feel embarrassed, but just till the moment when he realized that this place isn't unknown to him at all. His worst worry became reality when from the building right in front of him came man dressed in the black jacket with fur.
"Iii-zaaa-yaaaa!" Shizuo yelled and everything was clear to him suddenly. It must be Izaya's doing. That sneaky bastard gave him some drugs or something and he was having hallucinations from it.
"He can't hear you," he heard a statement from below near his left leg. Blonde looked there and he met with yellow eyes of his very material looking 'hallucination'.
"Nor see you," elf added, when Izaya walked pass them without giving them even one look and he continued walking down the street.
"What? How is that possible?" Shizuo couldn't understand anything.
Elf faceplamed and let out weary sigh.
"Why is it that I always have to work with the biggest idiots?"
"HAAAA?!" yelled blonde. That little monster just overdid it. Shizuo decided that for all those snarky comments elf deserved to be beaten up. But when he tried to grab his neck, his hand went through the elf's body like he was a ghost. Shizuo gasped.
"Nobody can see us, hear us nor touch us, because our bodies aren't really here. We are not in the real world. We are inside of memory," elf rolled his eyes. That perpetual explaining was killing him. He reminded himself that he has to request for extra payment. He really deserved bonus for handling such a neanderthal.
Shizuo tried to grasp what was said and after a little while he asked:
"In memory? To whom does this memory belong to?"
"Big Boss," elf grinned.
"Big Boss? Can you explain?"
"He's reaaally big, I suppose his weight is around...well, at least 120 kilograms." Elf giggled.
"Haha, you are really funny," retorted Shizuo sarcastically. His eyebrows twitched, because elf's terrible sense of humor and playing with the words resembled someone too much. "You know what I mean..."
Elf surveyed him from head to toe and in the end said:
"You've heard about him for sure. He's quite famous."
Shizuo seeing that the better answer won't probably come continued with another question.
"And how is it possible that we're in his memory? And why the flea is here too?" he waved his hand in the direction where Izaya had gone.
"Have you ever heard he sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows if you've been bad or good ," sang elf with strident unmusical voice, damaging Shizuo's eardrums very effectively. "He knows everything about everyone and with his permission his employees, like me, can travel through his memories."
Shizuo stared with his jaw dropped.
"That's pretty scary," he said finally and through his head flew a lot of moments when he thought he was alone and now it seemed like there was always somebody watching him. Creepy as hell. Shizuo felt the sudden paranoid panic and he quickly looked around like he was expecting hidden eyes watching him from everywhere.
Elf shrugged.
"He's just doing his job, like everybody else. It's how the world works."
"Stalking people? Reminds me of someone," grunted blonde," If he's just from half such a bastard like Iza- ouch!" yelped Shizuo when elf kicked him right into tibia.
"No insults, okay? When you don't know anything about him, just shut up."
"So tell me more about your amazing boss," muttered Shizuo. "Who is he? Why does he do this?"
Elf just shook his head.
"You're really lost case, you know? Poor man," tilted his head the way where Izaya left," who's supposed to spend Christmas every year with you, I'm starting to feel really sorry for him."
Shizuo looked like he was going to explode. He would gladly grab that little monster by his neck and throw him so strong in the air that he would lend on the Moon. Elf just continued with his rambling, totally ignoring Shizuo's killing eyes and clenched fists.
"When you weren't able to figure out, who he is, till now, you don't deserve to know it at all. And regarding most information about memories, traveling or anything else...if you don't want to let me play a little with your memory after we finish this trip, so I can remove everything what shouldn't be there, you better don't ask. No questions, no digging in memories. Deal?"
Even when Shizuo was mad as hell, he knew he couldn't do anything. What will happen to him depended just on a good will of the elf. Or rather on his whims. But this deal sounded reasonable, so he nodded.
"But why are we here?" he asked considering that this question didn't fall within the prohibited area.
"Good point," elf nodded and showed with his forefinger on Izaya, who has already almost disappeared in crowd in the end of the street, "follow him and you'll see."
Shizuo was already opening his mouth to protest, but elf just grinned like little devil.
"If you don't want to cooperate for whatever reasons...We will repeat this memory once, twice, hundred of times - till the moment you learn what you're supposed to learn. Again and again... From the beginning, right from the place where we are now. And believe me, it's going to be a long day~," elf chirped and jumping happily followed the informant.
Shizuo gritted his teeth and went behind him with unsatisfied growl. In his mind he thought how that green monster and flea would be on good terms with each other.
"Sadistic bastards."
"Shit, Izaya!" swore Shizuo, when he bumped into small man before him again. It' has happened at least tenth time. And, well, he didn't really bump into him, rather he ran right through him, because now in his immaterial form Shizuo was able to run through anything - wall, car or annoying black haired information broker. Elf hopping next to him just chuckled.
"Are you sure you don't do it on purpose?"
Shizuo gave him his worst murderous look and without a word followed Izaya, who already struggled through the crowded street. Shizuo had to stick close to him, so he wouldn't lose sight of him. It already happened to him once - when he kept his distance from the flea, Izaya just disappeared in the crowd without a trace and debt collector had to let his little green guide to climb on his head and look after black jacket with fur. When they managed to localize their target again, elf threatened Shizuo that they would have to repeat whole memory again, if that happened once again. Shizuo would do anything to avoid that, so he was permanently just a step behind Izaya, determined not to lose the sight of him again. It might seem like easy task, but Shizuo quickly learned that it was quite a challenge, because Izaya ran here and there, from one side of the street to the other side, looking around with amused expression on his face and gracefully finding his way through countless number of people.
But what irked blonde the most were all those unexpected stops, which caused that he walked right through the flea. The first time it really shocked him, after all it wasn't normal to be able to walk through a person - material being from flesh and bones - so easily. It was unnatural and his mind couldn't handle this fact for a good while. But that wasn't the worst. What scared him was the feeling he had when his body connected with Izaya's. He was able to feel the feelings, which weren't his at all. It wasn't clear, it was more like some echo of feelings and thoughts, but it shook his inner world like an earthquake. With question in his eyes Shizuo looked at elf. Magic creature immediately recognized what had happened and with all-knowing smile started to explain.
"People usually aren't able to feel the feelings and thoughts of other person, just their own. But at this moment you're not in your physical body, you are something like concentrate of mind, intangible entity; you can easily walk through material objects. In the case that this object is a person, you might be able to create a connection with his mind. You can be able feel and think the same as him. But for this to occur, a few rules must be fulfilled, of course..."
"What rules?" Shizuo couldn't resist the urge to ask.
"Firstly, the feelings have to be quite intensive so you would be able to feel them. And secondly," elf made a dramatic pause and then continued with a grin on his lips," there must exist strong bond between the two souls. The stronger the bond is, the stronger connection is created. And it seemed like it hit you hard enough..."elf nodded, but Shizuo interposed.
"Bullshit. I bet that the same thing happens when I touch anybody else, not just this petty louse," Shizuo poked the informant into shoulder as he was waiting for a green light on traffic lights. His body reacted immediately, but blonde was acting like nothing has happened.
"Unbelieving Thomas," thought elf and he suggested with his hand pointing at the people around them that Shizuo could confirm his theory in practice.
Blonde didn't appreciate the idea of walking through unknown people, but he was determined to try it to prove his point. So he walked through woman standing right next to Izaya and... Nothing. He walked through man standing next to her. Nothing. Shizuo walked through every person in the group waiting at a crosswalk and all he felt were his very confused feelings and thoughts.
In the end he had to admit to himself that the strange feeling rushed through his body just in the case when he walked through Izaya. But he surprisingly quickly came with another explanation.
"Of course we have a bond and really strong one. We hate each other like nobody else in this world. Yeah, that must be the reason..." Shizuo was nodding and elf just rolled his eyes sighing.
"So much in denial..."
The worst thing about this all was a fact that it was becoming more intense. Shizuo felt Izaya's feelings more and stronger every time he accidentally bumped into him. This last time he felt tickling excitement and pure joy almost so badly like they were his own. The feelings, which he would never expect to find in such a devious being like Izaya.
Information broker stopped close to the sliding glass door leading into huge shopping center. Stream of people went there from street and almost equally big group of people walked from there to the street every second. Shizuo just shook his head as he saw people running to and from such a noisy and crowded place. To his disillusionment Izaya after a little break followed the people right into there. And Shizuo followed him as loyal dog his owner. He didn't let his eyes to leave Izaya's back, because he didn't want to lose him. It could be dangerous with a green little creature bouncing next to his leg.
But even when Shizuo would never admit it aloud, he liked the look on Izaya's face. A little. He looked almost likable without that trademark smirk of his. In his auburn eyes shined a little sparks of joy and decent smile played on his lips. Blonde thought that if flea looked like this more often, there wouldn't have to be so much vending machines flying around. Because right in this moment Shizuo really didn't feel the urge to beat up that man to death. Willy-nilly this situations started to absorb him and he was really curious how Izaya planned to spend this day. The Christmas Eve.
-To be continued-
Author's note: Thank you for reading this little creation of my crazy brain~ The whole story is already written, but in my first language, so I translate it to English now. This is first half, second will be similar in length, maybe a little bit longer. I'll post it as soon as I finish the translate, I swear I'll manage to do it till Christmas~ I hope it was read-able and you don't find my mistakes in grammar such a problem. Go easy on me with critic of this, okay? I think I can't do much about it anyway, so it'll be useless, hehe~ But I would love to hear your opinion about the story, so feel free to leave me review or message, ne~? ^^