Author: HatefulRodeo

Title: Tied Up in Nott

Notes: So here is the final chapter for the story that began in Chapter 5-Part 1. I think I've wrapped it all up nicely. Oh...Enjoy the slash lovelies!

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. I will make no money from the posting of this story.


The potions master looked at the young man; "Thank you, Harry. I never thought I would see the day that monster fell. Now, I think we need to return to the castle before someone notices we're gone or Theo throws a fit from waiting." Harry chuckled; "Indeed, how's your forearm feeling? Do you need to be healed?"

The older man shook his head in the negative; "No, this pain is minor compared to what I've gone through in the past. I'll put some salve on it and take a pain reliever tonight but other than that I will be fine." Harry nodded and both men left the room; before they entered the lobby the teen slipped on his invisibility cloak.

Once invisible he pushed against Snape's back, letting the man know where he was and he was ready to go. With a curt movement of his head the older man began to stride out of the bank and to the apparition point near the bank. Once they arrived Harry stepped forward and wrapped an invisible hand around his teacher's forearm; with a crack they disapparated.

~*~*~*~*~*Chapter 5 – Part 3~*~*~*~*~

The two males landed at the Hogwarts' gates and made their way onto the grounds; Snape cast dark eyes around and when he saw no one near he veered off the path and into a cluster of trees. Harry watched his Potions' Professor walk away. The teen was beginning to feel very odd, as if worms were underneath his skin. He would ask Snape about it when he had a chance.

Harry decided to follow the older man, feeling slightly confused as to what the snarky man was doing but willing to see what his once hated Professor wanted. When they were securely behind the tall trees Snape gestured for Harry to remove his invisibility cloak.

The teenager did as he was bid and stood quietly, waiting for Snape to speak; he found pushing the sour Potions Master to talk never did any good and only ended with the onyx eyed man getting very annoyed. Those dark eyes met his and the emerald eyed teen smiled when he saw the honest relief shining in those pitch black orbs.

Harry remembered that he was not the only one freed of the Dark Lord today; the boy-who-lived felt that Snape deserved his freedom just as much as Harry did. Both had sacrificed much in the battle against Voldemort; they'd lost much and mourned tremendously over the years. The older man smiled a small smile, exposing shockingly straight white teeth; "How are you feeling, Potter?"

Harry cocked his head to the side and explained about his earlier concern about his skin; "I feel...weird, like bugs are crawling under my skin and I'm tired, almost exhausted. You, are you? Are you sure your forearm's alright?" Snape pressed his mouth into thin line while tapping his pointer finger on his lips; Harry knew the man was thinking on what he'd just said.

Finally, Snape deigned to answer; "I believe the sensation of your skin crawling is due to the influx of magic you absorbed when the Dark Lord fell. It should cease soon, once you've adjusted to it. The absorption of the foreign magic will have tired you as well; not only is your body adjusting to a massive addition of magic your magical core it is no doubt still filtering the new tainted magic so it can be accessed and used by you later on."

"There is another side effect of taking the Dark Lord's magic into your body. You will need to work on mastering control over your newly elevated magical levels. Spells cast by you will be infinitely more powerful than say a spell cast by Granger. This can be dangerous, as you know. I miscast Petrificus Totalus by a powerful wizard can not only freeze the body but also the heart."

Harry's eyes bugged out and vowed to slip off to the Room of Requirement to practice his spell casting. Snape's deep voice broke him out of his mental listing of hexes and charms to practice when he had a chance to get away. "As for how I am doing. Mr. Potter I am fine, a little tired and my arm is a bit sore but fine nonetheless, nothing a few potions won't cure."

Harry snorted; "Is there anything you don't think potions can cure?" The Potions Master look affronted, as if Harry had besmirched his very being when he suggested that potions may not be able to cure everything but the older man remained silent. They stood there under the bows of the trees in silence for a bit, each lost in their own mind.

Harry, for his part, wondered how Theo was doing. Did it hurt when he lost his Dark Mark? What happened to the rest of the Death Eaters? Snape looked alright but what of Lucius Malfoy? Snape would have to make a list of Death Eaters that were known to him, which were many, so the Ministry could get on with securing them for trial. It wouldn't be easy to prove that some people were in fact Death Eaters but Harry was committed that those who deserved it would be sent to Azkaban.

His Professor's voice broke him out of his thoughts once again; "Mr. Potter, I believe you should get back to the castle. I do not believe anyone will have noticed your absence yet and we shouldn't push our luck. And I have no doubt that Nott is in a right state by now with worry over you."

"Make sure he's alright and if he is in need of any potions for his forearm go to my rooms. I will be visiting Malfoy Manor where the Dark Lord was last residing and double check that the man is indeed gone."

Harry nodded and slipped his invisibility cloak back on. Before leaving the sanctuary of the trees he turned around to face his Professor even though the man couldn't see him; "Be safe, sir, and thank you for everything." The older man waved him off with a grimace; "Yes, yes, now be off with you brat."

The emerald eyed teen shook his head and smiled at the man's inability to accept any form of care directed toward him. With one last glance at the bravest man he would ever know Harry left the trees and made his way swiftly and silently back inside Hogwarts; he had a Slytherin to find.

As he thought Theo was in the library, working on homework but his slender hand was spastically rubbing his forearm where the Dark Mark was once burned into his flesh. Still invisible the raven plopped into the seat next to Theo and leaned close to the other teen; "Theo," the blonde jumped slightly but other than that gave no indication that an invisible Harry Potter just sat next to him.

Chuckling, Harry continued; "Can you follow me to Snape's rooms. We can't speak here." The blonde nodded minutely and packed up his things before walking out of the library, trusting that Harry was following him. They made it quickly to Snape's rooms; many of the students were out on the grounds or in their Common Rooms at the moment so they ran into very few others.

Once the two teens entered the room and Snape's door was securely closed Harry removed his cloak. He was immediately knocked backward by an enthusiastic, babbling, Theodore Nott; "You did it, Harry. Merlin, you did it! My Mark's he really gone, Harry? Is that bastard gone?" The raven held the Slytherin close to him and nuzzled his soft blonde hair; he quite liked having Theo in his arms.

Harry rolled his eyes; now was not the time to think of things like that besides Theo needed answers; "He's gone. I can't explain it but I know he's gone and Snape's Dark Mark disappeared like yours so that makes me even surer that Voldemort is dead. How's your arm? Does it you need me to heal it at all?"

The blonde pulled away and rolled up his sleeve, exposing the reddened and somewhat raw skin; "It hurts a bit but I'll be alright. Just knowing I won't have to serve that man is enough for me to forget about a little pain in my arm." The raven understood where the blue eyed male was coming from but his arm looked painful.

Stepping around Theo he made his way to the large cabinet near the fire and opened the doors; he rooted around until he found a pain relieving potion as well as an antibiotic. He didn't want his companion to be in pain or get an infection from the wound. He also found a burn salve in the cabinet and removed that too. Harry gestured for Theo to sit on the couch and made his way over to the blonde.

Harry handed the Slytherin the potions and watched the other choke down the vile liquid before cast a cleansing charm on his hands. Hands now clean the raven opened the salve and began to apply it to the agitated raw skin on the blonde's forearm; the salve would heal the skin and also contained antibacterial properties which in conjunction with the antibiotic potion would cut down on the wound getting infected.

Harry was taking no chances with Theo's health; the other teen had gone through enough as it was. Once he felt he'd adequately treated Nott Harry placed the empty potion vials and salve onto the coffee table and leaned back, resting happily against the soft sofa cushions. The smaller male shifted so he was leaning against Harry with his legs tucked underneath him.

Theo broke the content silence; "Where's Professor Snape? Is he alright?" The emerald eyed teen glanced down at his companion; "He's fine. His arm isn't bothering him but then again he probably wouldn't tell me if it was." Theo chuckled, knowing that was true; Severus Snape was a hard man to read unless he chose to be and he rarely allowed any form of weakness to show.

Harry laughed with the blonde before continuing; "Anyway, he's gone to Malfoy Manor to make sure Voldemort is really dead. He should be back soon and when he does we can talk about how we're going to tell Dumbledore about this." Theo nodded, laying his head against Harry's broader shoulder; "Sounds like a plan. I still can't believe it worked...when my arm began to burn and the Mark disappeared I almost jumped for joy."

"I, of course, restrained myself but it's still hard to comprehend that he's gone and all it took was a visit to Gringotts." Harry nodded; "I know, it's surreal but it's true. Now, I wonder where Salazar is. I have bit of a bone to pick with that snake. He never told me what exactly happened during the inheritance verification process; I could have been seriously injured." Theo laughed before responding; "Does it really shock you that Salazar didn't tell you?"

The raven shook his head; "No, it really shouldn't. He is The Salazar Slytherin, getting a full or straight answer out of him when he doesn't want to give one is like pulling teeth out of dragon's mouth." Theo just snorted; "Indeed, Harry, it is. We Slytherins are tightlipped with our secrets unless we trust the other person implicitly." Harry shifted until the two teens were eye to eye; "And do you trust me, Theo? Do you trust me with your secrets?"

The blonde blushed, looking uncomfortable before a determined gleam entered his pretty blue eyes; "I do, I do trust you Harry very much so. You know my darkest secret and have seen me at my worst. Yet you still came to my aid and you're still here and willing to sit beside me. That means a lot and I'm glad you saw me getting Marked by that animal; it's what brought you to me."

The raven smiled brightly and pressed his lips to the smaller males; the kiss was wonderful. Theo's lips were full and soft under his. Harry kept the kiss chaste for now. He didn't want to overwhelm the other boy right now; too much had already happened that day for both of them. Right now it was time to relax and rest for a bit.

When Snape returned they would talk about what would happen now that the Dark Lord Voldemort was really, and truly, dead.

~*~*~*Time Skip~*~*~*

The newly turned seventeen year old stepped inside the foyer at Grimmauld Place, smiling at the way the house shone. It hadn't been easy to get Number Twelve to where it was now but between Harry, Theo, and Kreacher they'd cleaned the place out and redone most of it. Snape, or Severus as Harry now called the man, lended his assistance with removing some of the cursed objects; such as Mrs. Black's portrait.

Who would want that banshee stuck to the wall for the rest of the house's existence was either insane or a masochist. However, she was gone now, burned out back with the rest of the foul things that used to call Grimmauld Place home. Anything that was a Black heirloom was sent back to the Black vault; Harry respected the Black heritage too much to throw out priceless family artifacts. However, he didn't want them in his and Theo's home.

Harry felt great about where his life was taking him now that he graduated Hogwarts. It wasn;t easy to master his magic after he felled the Dark Lord but he'd managed and now he had a purpose that did not revolve around capturing or destroying Dark wizards. That appealed greatly to the emerald eyed man. He was training to be an Unspeakable; the Department of Mysteries had fascinated him since he'd traversed the secretive Department in his fifth year.

Several people who knew him were surprised that he'd want to go back to the place where he'd lost his godfather but Harry made peace with that. He loved Sirius, he truly did, but the man was an adult and he chose to fight for the Order. Sirius chose to go to the Department of Mysteries and duel Bellatrix carelessly; Harry understood that now.

The seventeen year old accepted that the reason Sirius came to the D.O.M. was because of his stupidity but after that his godfather's actions were his own. It took a long while for him to understand that and he had Theo to thank for it. The blonde really helped Harry work through a lot of his hang ups and survivor's understood Harry's issues better than say Ron or Hermione could. His two friends had never had to deal with the death of a parent or loss of a loved one at all. Theo lost his mother to his father's madness so he understood the grief that came from losing someone you loved.

Ron and Hermione; the thought of themsaddened Harry a little. The situation between the once tight Golden Trio was sad but it was what it was. His former best friends were quite angry when they heard what Harry had done to vanquish Voldemort; mostly because the emerald eyed raven hadn't spoken to them about his plans. They wouldn't understand that secrecy had been essential for the plan to work.

No one, other than Snape and Theo, could have known what Harry was going to do. Imagine if it somehow got back to Voldemort that Harry was going to Gringotts; the Death Eaters would have been swarming the Alley, making it impossible for Harry to get into the building. Also, Severus wouldn't have been allowed to escort the raven haired savior to the bank as he would no doubt be called to the Dark Lord's side.

Not to mention Hermione and Ron had a bad habit of squealing to authority figures when they thought it was in Harry's best interest. Harry had not wanted Dumbledore to know what he was planning at all. The raven didn't trust Dumbledore implicitly anymore; not after he found out how much the Headmaster was keeping from him after the D.O.M. fiasco. And he had Severus Snape backing him up; who could be better?

No, secrecy had been essential and hopefully one day Ron and Hermione could get over it. But until then they would maintain a cordial if strained acquaintance. Harry didn't want it to be like this but he had done all he could to make them see it was necessary. Now the ball was in Hermione and Ron's corner; they could approach him when they wished but they better not wait too long.

The Lord of Houses Potter, Black, and Slytherin loved them still but he would not wait forever for them to see reason. Theo believed it was because they were jealous that they were not let into the plan and felt like they were entitled to know what Harry was up to. Harry agreed to an extent; he remembered how mad his two friends were when the raven wouldn't tell them where he was disappearing to when he was taking care of Theo after he'd been branded with the Dark Mark.

He sighed but smiled when Kreacher popped into the foyer to take his outer robe; "Master Harry be needing anything?" Said man smiled down at the now sane house elf; it was amazing what getting rid of Walburga's portrait could do! After she was removed and destroyed Kreacher seemed to snap out of a daze and became the way a house elf was supposed to be...well not exactly as a house elf should be.

The old elf was still sarcastic and didn't like muggle-borns but he held his tongue, usually. However, sometimes the elf would say something so damn funny it was hard not to laugh. Kreacher reminded him a little of Severus; both were sarcastic, acerbic, and unyielding in their beliefs. But the house wouldn't be right without Kreacher in it.

Once his robe was taken Harry steered his feet to the sitting room where his lover would be waiting for him. Theo usually got off work a bit earlier than Harry did; his blonde partner was studying for a Potions Mastery with Severus, a great honor according to Theo. Apparently, the snarky git had never taken on an apprentice so the fact that he chose Theo spoke volumes to the blonde's skill level.

Harry was bit surprised that Draco Malfoy wasn't chosen by Snape as well. He always remembered the newly christened Malfoy Lord being incredibly talented at Potions but alas it was not to be so. According to Severus the platinum blonde was pursuing his certification in Law; Harry thought Draco would do well there. Salazar knew the youngest Malfoy had a silver tongue that could caress as well as cut.

Plus, now that Lucius was in Azkaban for his crimes Draco could spread his wings and not have to worry about what his father thought of him. Harry actually found his longtime rival quite entertaining to debate with now that they let dead dogs lie and started over. And it didn't hurt that Theo and Draco were friends from the time they were infants.

Salazar Slytherin also had a portrait in his sitting room and frequently got into crazy debates with Theo and Severus about potions and anything else they found interesting. Harry liked talking to Salazar because the slu Hogwarts Founder had the best stories to tell. He couldn't believe that Salazar was Gryffindor's lover before he left the school.

He also learned that the Slytherin Founder left because he became restless in the castle and wanted to begin researching and collecting magical plants and fungi. Salazar wanted to see if he could find alternatives to some of the ingredients they were using in existing potions to increase their potency or eliminate annoying side effects. However, even though he left Hogwarts the original Slytherin never stopped loving Godric and mourned the Lion's Founder when he passed on.

Salazar was quite pleased that Harry was now the Lord of his House and would often give advice on what the raven should do now that he had the power to make changes. The emerald eyed teen would merely listen and interject when appropriate. If he was honest he had no interest in politics; that was Theo's arena and Harry was happy to give his blonde the floor.

In fact soon he would be going to the Wizengamot and signing the paperwork for Theo to have control of his votes; Harry had three seats in the wizarding government body while Theo had one. Salazar would no doubt be irritated with Harry for this but the man would get over it once he spoke to newly appointed Nott Lord and saw how clever and intelligent Theo was.

Merlin and Morgana! Harry just realized his house had become a veritable den of snakes but the raven wouldn't have it any other way. Besides most of the former snakes weren't bad at all. They just looked at things from a very different view than Harry did but that was okay. Everyone had the right to their own opinion and as long as that opinion didn't hurt anyone who was Harry to call it wrong?

Arms wrapping around his neck accompanied by a derisive snort broke Harry out of his reverie. Apparently he'd been standing in the doorway to the sitting room and staring off into space. With a sheepish smile on his lips Harry's eyes swept the room, landing on the form of an amused Severus Snape on his couch.

Harry smiled at the older man and wrapped muscled arms around Theo's slender waist; "Hello, Theo, Severus, how have you been today?" His blonde pulled away; "It was a crazy day but Severus said we're making great strides in developing the potion that should work better than the existing remedy for victims of the Cruciatus."

The raven nodded while grasping his partner's hand in his. He knew something was on Theo's mind besides the breakthrough potion but wisely shut up for now. His blonde would tell him when he was ready and no sooner. Together they sat down on the sofa across from Severus' intimidating form.

Harry grinned at the two men, feeling pleased with their success so far with the potion; "That's great to hear! Even though we never got to full scale war this time around there are so many people who suffer with the after effects of prolonged exposure to the Cruciatus. And there are still victims from the First War to think of."

Both former Death Eaters nodded before the Nott Lord steered their conversation to better topics; such as the upcoming wedding of one Draco Malfoy to, surprisingly, Luna Lovegood. Who would have seen that one coming? Harry most certainly hadn't but the two blondes were good for each other. Luna made Draco loosen up and Draco made Luna focus a bit better.

The wedding would take place a year or so from now, allowing Luna to finish school and secure her position in a Magi-Zoology apprenticeship. Harry believed she was hoping to apprentice with one of the Scamanders. The raven was proud of his friend; Luna deserved all the happiness she could get but if Malfoy ever hurt her Harry would make sure no one found his body and being an Unspeakable, even an Unspeakable in training, made that easier than it should be.

The conversation flowed between Severus and Theo and Harry let it wash over him, smiling lovingly at his family. Yes, his family. Severus Snape while not being the most parental of sorts was a rock to Harry after it came out that Voldemort was gone. The dour man ensured that Harry was coping under the constant barrage of well wishers, he made sure Harry was studying, and taking care of himself while he was at Hogwarts.

Once Harry graduated the Potions Master left the school to pursue other interests, mainly experimentation and research in potions. He'd offered Theo an apprenticeship the day after they graduated; his blonde had squealed and accepted the rare offer within a minute, much to Severus' and Harry's amusement.

Harry asked the snarky man why he wanted to leave Hogwarts and was told rather bluntly now that Harry was graduating and out of his hair Severus could escape teaching drooling dunderheaded morons and get on with his life. Funny that that life often led the older man to Harry's house, not that he was complaining in the least. He liked Severus' wit and no nonsense way of dealing with things.

You always knew where you stood with the man and that was rare for Harry; so many wanted him for his name, his scar, or his wealth, or all three. With Theo and Severus he knew that they cared about him for him. So many people had clamored to get a piece of him once the news of Voldemort's defeat became public. The influx of shallow attention made him even happier that he had two staunch supporters in his corner.

After he and Severus explained to Dumbledore how Harry defeated the snakelike man the news exploded into the wizarding world, courtesy of Dumbledore calling a press conference at the Ministry. The emerald eyed teen refused to attend and allowed the aged Headmaster to handle it.

Harry had no interest in fame or glory; he wanted a normal life most of all. When that dream wasn't possible he would suck it up, put on a happy face, and attend the required Ministry function with much sulking, whining, and grumbling. He knew he had to show his face but by Salazar it was unbearble to shake hands with snooty, greasy, politcians all night.

Theo always found it amusing to watch him squirm in his dress robes while being mauled by rabid politicians and reporters. However, Harry was the one amused whenever he drug Theo into the conversation. The two of them would play off the other, often times speaking without words. He adored the blonde and wanted him by his side for the rest of his life.

Somehow, he and Theo just worked very well together. Sometimes, before Theo came into his life, Harry wondered if he would ever find someone who complimented him, a person who would stand by him, and love him for being Harry, just Harry. He found it in the last place he'd ever thought he would. But he had found it with Theo.

And even when things went arse over teakettle they were there for each other. Harry stood by Theo's side during his father's trial and subsequent sentencing to prison. Theodred Nott could never hurt his son again as he was condemned to a life in Azkaban; as were many of the Inner Circle Death Eaters who were tried.

Some Death Eaters never made it to trial due to them being killed in standoffs with the Aurors; Bellatrix Lestrange and Augustus Rookwood to name just a few. Some Death Eaters were sentenced to the Dementor's Kiss; Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange met this sickening fate. Harry despised the Dementor's Kiss he really did but he understood why the Lestrange brothers deserved it.

Other Death Eaters, and supporters of the Dark Lord, were given sentences that ranged from five to twenty-five years. Some like Draco and Theo who were forced to take the Mark were let go without much fuss. They were underage and the Ministry was shown memories from both boys in regards to the night they were Marked.

Also, Draco and Theo answered questions under Veritaserum, attesting to their unwillingness to take the Mark but couldn't refuse due to fear of their own, and in Draco's case his mother's, safety. Harry knew Theo never participated in any form of Death Eater activities as he only took the Dark Mark a week before Harry permanently rid the world of Voldemort's stain.

Draco, while he detested what he had done, was forced to cast the Cruciatus on a muggle but from what Harry understood the Malfoy Lord was unable to do it properly. That more than anything showed Harry that Draco was not evil; as Bellatrix, crazy bitch that she was, said you needed to mean it when you cast an Unforgiveable Curse.

It made the emerald eyed teen feel better that no matter how much of an arse Draco was to him in school he was not so far gone to be able to lower himself to that level of depravity. However, Harry knew Draco would always be a bastard with a sharp tongue but now he found it amusing instead of aggravating.

Ron would be screaming his head off if he knew Malfoy usually had dinner at Grimmauld at least once a week; not to mention that Snape was a frequent guest as well. Maybe it was better that Ron, Hermione, and Harry had grown apart?

It saddened Harry that others like Goyle and Crabbe were sentenced to life when they were shown to have participated willingly in muggle torture and even enjoyed it. How could someone who was not even seventeen at the time enjoy causing that much pain to another human being; did it matter that they were muggles? They were still people with feelings and emotions. They still loved and had family just like any wizard did.

But Harry came to realize you couldn't save everyone. He was pleased that Dumbledore went to bat for Severus when the Aurors came to arrest the man for being a suspected Death Eater. For all the aged Headmaster's manipulations he was honorable in his word. He'd promised Severus his protection all those years ago and would not leave his spy to hang once his usefulness ran out.

Dumbledore; that was another sore spot for Harry. He swung between accepting what the man had done to him over the years to railing against it. He resented the old man's interference in his life greatly but what was done was done; wasn't it? Harry knew it would take a few years before he warmed back up and trusted Dumbledore again but he would try to get over it.

There was no use wallowing in the past when his present and future looked so bright. He was the Lord of three Houses, he had a promising career in front of him, he had a wonderful lover who made him happier than he'd ever been, and great friends to pass the time with. Harry wouldn't let past hurts cloud his mind; no good came from dwelling in the past.

He glanced around and found Theo and Severus were now debating some potion or another, which wasn't so surprising. This was a regular occurrence around the house nowadays but Harry liked to listen to their voices as they verbally sparred. Soon the debate ended with Severus looking smug and Theo looking sulky. Harry chuckled at his lover's adorable pout; this earned him a glare from the blonde and a snicker from Severus.

Kreacher popped into the room and announced that dinner was on the table in the dining room. The three men stood and made their way toward the deliciously prepared food; why did Hermione want to free house elves again? When they were seated Harry was first to serve himself as it was his home. Theo followed and then Severus.

Once they all had food on their plates they began to eat, happily chatting about mundane and boring things; apparently Madam Malkin had a new line of robes coming out. Damn! That meant Theo was going to drag him to Diagon for new robes; shit! He really hated shopping and several times told his blonde to go without him; that didn't work.

Eventually, Theo got his way and Harry found himself at some clothing shop getting poked, prodded, and shoving himself into some new robe or another. But Harry loved his partner and knew that appearances were important to Theo so the raven humored his love. The Nott Lord put up with going to Quidditch matched with Harry so in return Harry could spend a few hours every now and again trying on clothes.

After dinner was eaten and the wine finished Severus stood and said his goodbyes; Harry knew the he would be back within two days. The older man liked to spend time with Harry and Theo; now getting him to admit that would take more fortitude than Harry and half the wizarding world possessed.

The emerald eyed man liked to think that Severus looked at Theo and him as sons of a kind. But maybe that was wishful thinking and Snape just came for the food and free booze; that was something to think about. Theo walked the tall man to the floo in the kitchen and returned to tug Harry up the stairs so they could get ready for bed and Harry hoped other fun activities.

The raven was not disappointed when he stepped out of the bathroom and his blonde pulled him to the bed. He wondered what got Theo so worked up tonight; they had a wonderful sex life but his lover was always subtle about his seduction and desires, always a Slytherin even in bed.

But tonight his partner was being incredibly forceful, not that Harry was complaining. If he was honest with himself Harry quite liked this side of Theo; it made his blood race and his need skyrocket. He let out an "OMPH" when he was shoved onto his back on the bed and straddled quickly by a needy Theo.

Harry looked up into those sapphire eyes that were shimmering in the soft light cast from the bedside lamp. He remembered how earlier he noticed something was off with Theo and decided to figure out what was going on; "What brought this on, love? Not that I'm complaining."

The smaller male scowled; "I ran into Ginny Weasely today when I was in Diagon picking up some ingredients." The emerald eyed man sighed; that would explain why his lover looked unsettled earlier. Would that woman ever get it through her head? He didn't want her! Never would he want Ginny! Why couldn't she see that?

"Theo, love, don't let her bother you. I don't want her and you know that." Harry was cut off by Theo's eyes rolling in fond exasperation and his pointer finger pressing against the emerald eyed man's lips; "I know that! She just gets on my last nerve. But if you must know I'm fulfilling a promise I made to the little bint before I left her."

Harry must have looked confused because his lover chuckled and explained what he meant by fulfilling a promise; "After the Weasely bint was done shrieking at me that I turned you gay and how soon you would be tired of me and leave me for her I promised her that when I came home to our house I would have a nice dinner with my lover, and then we would have amazing sex."

Harry sniggered; "I'm sure she liked that. What else did you say, Theo?" The blonde gave him one of those I'll never tell you looks and the emerald eyed man let it drop; let his lover have his victory. It really didn't matter to him what Ginny said as long as Theo knew Harry adored him and wanted no other. Obviously, the smaller man thought the matter closed and lowered his head to capture Harry's lips in a bruising kiss.

Harry always loved the feel of Theo's lips on his; where his lips were thin and slightly chapped his blue eyed lovers were full and soft. And the taste of the other man was always welcome; right now Theo tasted slightly of mint from brushing his teeth and the raven savored the flavor of his love's mouth. Harry threw himself into the kiss, pushing his tongue against his partner's intruding slick appendage.

Their tongues danced and swept against each other until Harry forced Theo's tongue back into his mouth. The raven's slick muscle followed his lover's back into the blonde's mouth where Harry took great pleasure in mapping out each and every crevice of his companion's mouth. He continued his exploration until the need for air became known and pulled away from Theo so they could gasp for breath.

The gorgeous slim man on top of him recovered first and began to place wet kisses down Harry's neck, only stopping to nip and suck at all the places that made the raven gasp and writhe. Those talented slender hands weren't idle wither; they were everywhere, tauntingly touching Harry's sensitive nipples before they moved to caress the emerald eyed man's ribs.

It was maddening and soon the raven had enough; his hands that were fisting the comforter shot up and grabbed Theo's slim hips. Harry used his greater size and strength and flipped them easily so he was on top, staring down at his beautiful lover. The blonde under him didn't seem to mind the change in position and continued to explore Harry's toned upper body with his greedy hands.

The larger male smiled down at his lover and slunk down the other's lithe body, scraping his teeth against Theo's sensitive pale skin and delighting in the little sighs of pleasure that were coming from the blue eyed man. When he came to Theo's pajama pants Harry hooked his thumbs into the waistband and tugged; his partner raised his hips to allow the fabric to slip off easier.

When Theo was bare before him Harry took in the sight if his lover. Perfect; his chosen was absolutely perfect. With his eyes full of love and appreciation Harry lowered his head and took his lover's hard length into his mouth, lavishing the smooth mushroom head with hard swipes of his tongue. His blonde was arching into him, moaning in pleasure, while pushing his erection deeper into Harry's mouth.

Harry, of course, obliged his lover and sunk further down on Theo's cock. While he pleasured his partner with hard sucks and caresses from his tongue he summoned the lube on the bedside table to his hand with a bit of wandless, non-verbal, magic. Bottle in hand the raven popped the cap and dribbled the slick liquid onto three of his fingers, covering them completely.

Digits coated he re-capped the bottle and tossed it somewhere on the bed; he'd find it later, and moved his had so his middle finger was pushing against Theo's entrance. His blonde mewled in pleasure when he felt Harry's fingertip touch his rosebud and began to push his bottom down, trying to take the emerald eyed man's digit into his body.

Harry smirked around the cock in his mouth and slipped the first finger in until his knuckle met Theo's plump bum. Merlin the tightness and heat of his companion's passage were incredible as were the little whimpers his lover was releasing from his pretty mouth. The taller man continued to orally please his lover, sinking all the way down until Theo's cockhead met his throat.

He relaxed his throat and swallowed around the tip, pulling a strangled scream from Theo. Pleased with himself he proceeded to deep throat his love while finger fucking him. When Harry felt his partner's rings of muscles relaxing he pressed another long finger inside of that delicate body. The raven continued to torment his lover and opened emerald eyes he hadn't realized he'd closed and looked upward at his companion.

Theo looked thoroughly mindless; those pretty blue eyes were half-mast and hazy as they watched Harry suck him off. Theo's cheeks were flushed and his pale skin was sporting a slight sheen of sweat causing tendrils of soft hair to stick to the sides of his angelic face. Indeed, his love looked like sex personified like this and by Salazar Harry wanted him.

With his patience running out Harry slipped his third, and final, finger into Theo's arse. With three fingers now inside of his lover the raven began to pump his appendages in earnest, twisting and scissoring so his partner's channel would relax for him. The taller male continued to prepare his blonde but pulled away from Theo's cock. He didn't want him to cum quite yet.

Theo whined in complaint when Harry's mouth left his erection but moaned loudly when his prostate was struck by Harry's thrusting fingers. When the emerald eyed man felt his partner's rings of muscles relax enough he withdrew his fingers from Theo's now slick arse and slicked up his cock with the remaining lube on his hand.

Now ready Harry positioned Theo the way he wanted him; those smooth sculpted legs were wrapped around his strong hips while Theo's toned arms slipped around Harry's neck and pulled him down so they were face to face. The taller male shifted a little and brought a hand down to move his erection until he felt the puckered skin of his lover's stretched entrance.

His destination found he removed his hand and brought his arm back up so he was leaning on his forearms. Harry's forearms framed Theo's gorgeous face and before he pressed his cock inside his lover's body he leaned forward and captured those plump lips in a soft kiss. Lips pressed together Harry pushed forward, breaching Theo's body.

The raven swallowed Theo's moan of pleasure when his cock head slipped fully inside. Good Godric! The tight heat of his lover's body was overwhelming and the raven pulled away to catch his breath. When he regained enough control to now cum right then Harry, still maintaining eye contact with his blonde, continued to sink deeper into Theo's arse.

The raven was breathing heavily by the time his hips met his lover's perfect bottom and he stilled to allow Theo to adjust. Soon both men were ready and together they began to move. It always felt so right to Harry. He and Theo just fit together so well. They made love like they were doing it for twenty years not one.

No words or pleas for more were heard from Theo Harry just knew what his lover needed, and wanted, just by his lover's body language and moans. All too soon the raven was rapidly plunging inside his partner's body. Harry's release was coming closer and closer with every sweet moan and whimper that came from Theo's lips.

The emerald eyed man could only stare down at the beautiful man below him and continue to push into his lover, hammering his prostate with ever inward thrust of his hips. He could feel Theo's inner walls begin to flutter and clamp down, letting Harry know that his lover was close to reaching his orgasm. Already knowing what his love needed Harry shifted off his forearm and moved his hand, grasping his smaller lover's leaking cock in his hand.

Harry pumped his partner's hard length in time with his quick thrust and before long Theo was throwing his head back while his back arched and cum exploded from the slit, covering the blonde's flat stomach and Harry's hand. The sight of Theo losing it in rapture sent the raven over the edge of oblivion; with one more hard thrust Harry exploded deep inside of his love's tight heat.

The taller male continued to pump his hips and hand, drawing out both their orgasms until they each had nothing else to give. Once he felt their cocks softening Harry pulled gently out of his lover and moved to lay on his side, facing Theo's heaving form. He smiled at his blonde, feeling so much love and sated satisfaction.

They belonged together, they completed each other, and Harry couldn't imagine anyone being more completely perfect for him. With a goofy grin on his face he waved his hand, cleaning both their bodies of any remains of their love making.

Now clean the two men instinctively moved towards each other, legs threading together while Theo placed his blonde head on Harry's strong chest. The raven wrapped an arm around his lover's slender shoulders and pressed him close to his body.

Harry was at peace and when he heard Theo's breathing deepen in sleep he let himself slip into Morpheus' embrace.

Well folks that's it for me for now. This story will be marked as Complete but who knows when that bitch of a muse will return and peck my brain until I write something. : )

I hope you enjoyed the collection of stories featuring one of my fav pairings. I wish there were more stories featuring a Harry/Theo pairing. Oh well a girl can hope...

All Mistakes Are My Own!