And so we reach the end of this little Christmas story with a change in the rating ;) Enjoy!

"You're freezing James, stop trying to be a hero. You can't do much hero work when you're at home under a blanket with a cold now can you?"

"No I suppose I can't," he was cold, they hadn't ever left the mayoral mansion like they had intended to. Their snowball fight had lasted longer than they had thought and soon they found themselves building various things from the snow, anything from snow forts to snowmen. The cold air had chilled them all to the bone and the fact that all of their pants had been soaked through from melted snow and then refrozen once again because of the cold temperature had not helped their case.

"Go run upstairs and change Henry," her son ran up the stairs with a nod and she turned her attention to James as she slid her boots off her feet, "if you track any water through my home, you are cleaning it up," she watched with an approving smirk as he followed suit and took his shoes off and lined them next to hers and Henry's.

She hummed a near silent laugh as she pulled her jacket off and his eyes followed her every movement, often lingering on the button holding the shirt closed over her breasts that threatened to pop open, "you want to start a fire and I will make us some hot chocolate?"

Snapped out of his daze by the question he lifted his eyes, "yes, I think I can manage that," he nodded and watched her walk away in to the kitchen. He knew she wasn't doing it on purpose, it was how she moved, it was how she had always moved but it seemed magnified now. The way her hips swayed with each and every confident and purposeful step, even when she wasn't wearing her heels, had him fighting to keep his thoughts clean.

He sighed deeply as he pulled his coat off, wondering if maybe, just maybe if they were to get it out of their system it could fade away. He didn't want to do that to Snow, he didn't want to hurt her like that. He shook the idea away, fully knowing that it would come back as soon as she got close.

Regina listened to the sounds of James placing wood in the fireplace as she stirred the hot chocolate. She had offered to let him in because she couldn't leave him out in the cold and take her son in. Well, she could have. She shook her head, trying to push away the smile that had formed when an image of James standing out in the cold, hands and face pressed against the glass.

"Are you making hot chocolate?!" Henry bounced in to the kitchen next to his mother. He had really enjoyed spending the day with her, getting to see how she really was, playing with her, having fun, they were all things that he had never really gotten to do with her.

"Yes I am," she smiled down at him, her smile fading slightly when she saw him clad in his pajamas, "you going right to James' to go to bed?"

"Uh no I was wondering," he rocked on his toes and looked up at his mother, her face and position frozen in slight confusion as she listened attentively, "if I could sleep here tonight?" He watched as she gently dropped the spoon in a mug and turned to face him fully.

"You want to stay with me?"

Her voice was so hopeful and quiet, something he had never heard, "yeah," he smiled up at her warmly.

Regina smiled back at him in disbelief, he had just said he wanted to stay with her, something she had only wished and dreamed of him saying. "I uh..." Her voice was incredibly shaky and she looked away from him, trying to swallow the tears pricking her eyes, "I would like that very much," she looked back at him, afraid he would disappear or change his mind.

He hadn't realized how much him staying had meant to her until he heard how unsteady her voice was and the way it cracked as her eyes became glossy with fresh tears he knew she was trying to stop. Jumping forward, he wrapped his arms around his mother's waist and she let out a choked laugh as she wrapped her arms around him, gently at first but her grip was soon tight around him, "Merry Christmas mom," he smiled in to her and nuzzled his face deeper in to the silk clothing her chilled body.


His view of the fire was obstructed when a soft hand holding a mug of sweet smelling liquid was put in front of him. He followed her hand up her arm and to her eyes only to have his breath stolen by the reflection of the fire dancing in her dark irises and the way the orange flame softened her already soft features, "thank you."

"Of course," she nodded and felt her heart flutter in her chest when he took the mug and his fingers grazed hers and the odd warmth his cold skin provided flooded through her body. Quickly she returned her hand to her own mug, both hands holding the warm ceramic as she sat down on the couch. A smile brightened her face as Henry quickly crawled up next to her and lean his back against her side as he took a sip of hot chocolate.

"A candy cane?" James questioningly twirled the peppermint candy placed in his mug.

"It's Christmas," Regina laughed and stirred her steaming mug with the candy cane, "it's tradition," she smiled and felt Henry nod against her, the sound of loud crunching coming from his mouth as he took a bite of his.

James shrugged and brought the mug to his lips, testing the temperature before letting it pour in to his mouth. Swallowing it down he nodded in approval and looked to the pair sitting on the sofa, "this is delicious, why haven't I had this before?"

Regina laughed softly as she ran her fingers through Henry's hair affectionately, "because you've been in a coma for twenty eight years."

"Right," he chuckled and took another drink, never taking his eyes off her as he did so.

"Hey gramps," Henry twirled half a candy cane in his mug, "I want to sleep here tonight is that alright?"

It was subtle but he saw how Regina's expression and position faltered slightly as she looked up at him, silently holding Henry close and hoping that he wouldn't object and that her son wouldn't have to leave her care. He didn't even hesitate, "of course kid, you can always spend time with your mother," he shook his head, "I won't stop you."

"Great!" He grinned as he fully relaxed into his mother, his small body warming as she laid a gentle kiss on the top of his head before resting her head on top of his.


"Henry's asleep," she was amused how he jumped when she spoke.

"Seriously how can you be so quiet? I mean I know you don't have your shoes on but even still," he couldn't keep himself from smiling as she laughed at him on her way to the coffee table.

"Do you want more hot chocolate?" Without looking up at him she bent down and picked up her mug from the table and lifted the partially dissolved candy cane, absentmindedly putting it in her mouth and spinning it, enjoying the peppermint flavor as she scanned the table top to assure everything was in its place.

"No, thank you though," his thoughts were not entirely there, it was more of a subconscious response than anything else. He was surprised by how human she was, he shouldn't be, but he was. The way she had played with him and Henry, the fact that she was wearing jeans of all things padding silently around her home, the way she was cleaning right then, enjoying a simple peppermint candy, not caring how her hair fell over her eyes as she bent down to straighten the small centerpiece. It was all so human, as though she had never been a powerful queen, had never had her heart crushed, and had never used magic.

Regina pulled the candy cane from her lips to speak, keeping her eyes on the table, "you want anything else?" she slid the candy cane past her lips once more and turned to straighten a pillow on the couch. At his lack of response she lifted her head and turned to face him, candy cane still in her mouth and strands of hair over her face.

She smirked and laughed through closed lips and slid the candy from her lips, "no," she shook her head and dropped the candy cane in her mug and placed it on the table.

"Why not?"

"I can think of many reasons why not."

"Like?" He started to walk toward her and she held her ground.

"Henry's sleeping upstairs for one."

"We can be quiet," he could see her getting slightly flustered as he got nearer.

"Two, you're Prince Charming and I am the Evil Queen," her many reason were quickly starting to leave her memory as he stepped closer. When he was within arms reach she began taking a step backwards for every step he took toward her.

He shook his head, his mind becoming clouded with lust, "those are just names."

"The townspeople don't think so," she was painfully aware that she was running out of room to back away in to.

"They won't have to know."

"Three, this is a bad idea."

"That's not a very good reason."

"I'm running out."

He smirked at that, that and the way she said it, willing herself to think of more, "I thought you said you had many."

"I forgot them," she admitted simply, her eyes on his lips as her back collided with the wall next to the door.

He grinned as she remained against the wall, her eyes darting around as she tried to gather her thoughts, "any more reasons?"

Her mind went entirely blank when he walked up and stopped so their bodies were just touching. She cursed herself for letting it go this far, she didn't want this, well she wanted it but she didn't want it with him, no she wanted it with him just, "Snow," it was the one and only thing that came to her foggy mind. It was her last attempt to stop this whole thing.

The name caught him off guard and he stopped but he didn't pull away. Snow. What was he doing? He looked directly in to her dark eyes, searching for answers but finding none. She was practically holding her breath, waiting for him to either come to his senses and get off of her or to stay. Her eyes revealed nothing but a quiet pain that only grew the longer he looked. The pain of wanting to be loved but never having the chance, the pain of rejection, the want for him but the painful knowledge of never being able to have him, pain for Daniel, pain for Henry, just pain.

Without breaking eye contact he closed the door beside them, her heart pounded against her chest, she knew she should run but her exhausted heart willed her to stay, to give in to this man capable of showing her the kindness and affection the world had seemed to deny her of. She wanted warmth, she wanted to be held, she wanted to feel wanted. So she stayed. She listened to her pummeled heart and stayed.

He was sure she wasn't aware of how much her face was telling him as she pushed her head back against the wall when he closed the door. She pushed her head back hard enough to make a quiet thud, not at all impressed with his decision but he didn't move. He was intrigued by how fast her expression had changed from displeasure to panic and then in to a reluctant and sad acceptance. Not sad because of what he was doing, no it was quite clear to him when she opened her eyes and looked at him that her sadness was more for herself, finally accepting that all she wanted was to give in.

James brought his hands up to hold her jaw and he moved in slowly, gently pressing his lips against hers. Her painted lips were soft as they moved with his, hesitantly but willingly. He pulled away slowly when she breathed out a small sad whimper.

His hot breath skimmed against her jaw and she lost all of her will to fight against him. With a quick bounce and a choked breath she pushed herself of the wall and pressed herself against him, pulling his head down to hers to meet him in a fiery kiss. She pulled him down harder and he pulled her in closer by her waist. Desperate to get closer, she arched her back in to him and stood on her toes, gaining only mere inches.

He was surprised by her sudden change in behavior but pleasantly so and he kissed her with more force, causing her head to be pushed back slightly. A low moan vibrated deep in her throat when he took advantage of her open mouth when she gasped for air and slipped his tongue past her lips. She tasted sweet, sweet like the hot chocolate she had drank and then topped off with the peppermint flavor the candy cane had left. She had his head spinning and his heart absolutely racing in his chest.

If she were to remove her hands from him she knew they would be shaking, she was certain of it. She furiously tried to find his mouth again when he pulled away but it was all forgotten when his hot lips found the cool skin of her neck. Her hands fell to his chest as she pushed her head to the side with an uneven breath, revealing more skin that he gladly covered in fierce kisses and gentle bites.

Her labored breathing became even more shallow as he lowered his attention to her collar bone and then even further to where the first closed button laid. He nipped the top of her breast, earning him a particularly sharp breath from her parted lips. Slowly he stood up tall again, trailing his lips over her fair skin and planting the odd soft kiss on his way up to her mouth. When he got there he didn't kiss her, even when she tilted her chin up practically begging him with parted lips to come lower he remained hovering. Her breath hitched quite noticeably when his hands slid up from her waist and to her chest as he began opening the buttons of her ivory silk shirt.

He kept his eyes locked on hers as his fingers moved gradually faster with each button she allowed him to open. They were dark, darker than he thought possible as they swirled with arousal and he was unable to resist any longer and he crashed his lips on to hers, instantly deepening the kiss.

His large rough hands were warm against her skin as he trailed them up her sides and over her shoulders, pushing her shirt and blazer off in one motion. She was only slightly irritated that she had to let go of him in order to remove her clothing but the instant they were off she pressed her bare stomach against his clothed torso. She needed to be closer, she slid her hands up his chest and quickly opened the buttons holding closed his deep purple shirt, never breaking their heated kiss.

Ridded of his shirt she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself in to him, pressing her small frame against his strong and hard body. She was dizzy, both from the lack of oxygen and the feeling of his muscles pressing against her with each heavy breath as he held her close. It was a relief really, to have someone willingly take her in such a way. Quite suddenly she was pushed back against the wall and what ever breath she had managed to keep was pushed out of her in a deep moan.

Her eyes rolled back and she pushed her head against the wall as his hands moved to the button of her dark jeans while he kissed her neck. She could feel the heat grow between her legs and she let out a low and breathy laugh in anticipation, her nails dragging across Charming's bare chest, "you'd better hurry up before I change my mind, dear."

Her voice was deep and thick with arousal, sparking something inside him and only increasing his desire for her. With one swift movement he pulled her jeans from her hips and let her kick them to the side before he pressed hard against her, pinning her firmly against the wall giving her a passionate kiss, a tangle of hands, lips, tongues, and teeth all the while fighting for air.

She was about to take matters in to her own hands, her body aching for release when his firmly placed hands pulled her off the wall by her waist and lifted her off the floor. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist as he spun around and quite suddenly she found herself on laying on her back on the couch with James on top of her, straddling her with one leg bent at the knee on the couch and the other on the floor and his hands on either side of her head.

He raked his eyes over her perfect figure, her dark eyes, her swollen lips, her chest heaving against her black bra. She bit her bottom lip as she brought her knee up slowly to his side and he shook his head through a grin, "you are a beautiful woman," he silenced any protests she may have had with a fiery kiss when her expression morphed in to shock at his words. She accepted his kiss hungrily and moved her delicate fingers blindly to the waist of his own jeans where she made simple work of removing his belt and opening the front of them as she urged him closer with her raised knee against his side.

He obliged and slowly lowered down to her and was unexpectedly surprised to have her run her had up and down his length through his briefs. He moaned in to her mouth and she responded with a low chuckle as she slid his bottom lip firmly between her teeth, sending his heart racing faster. With a smug grin that earned him a small eye roll he brought his mouth to her jaw and her neck and then down to her chest between her breasts. When he was certain she was lost in a blissful state he moved back up and watched her features.

They were soft, her eyes closed and lips parted in a state of pleasure that he almost didn't want to interrupt. He slid his fingers under her black panties and in to her, surprised by how wet she was and continued sliding his fingers back and forth while rubbing her with his thumb. The sudden change in sensation caused her to buck in to his hand and choked out a shocked and pleasured moan as her dark eyes flashed open and her knee tightened against his side.

The soft noises she was making grew in volume along with a combination of quiet hisses and strings of curse words as he increased the speed and pressure. It was a beautiful sight to see her unravel at his hand, "shhhh," he whispered and caught her mouth with his, absorbing several whimpers as his fingers kept moving. He pulled back to let her breathe and watch her teeter closer to the edge, "we have to be quiet," he grinned as the struggle to keep quiet was evident on her face.

She felt her body start to shake with the need to go over, "James," it was barely a whisper.

"Regina," he smirked and laid soft kisses over her chest, reveling in the quick and shaky breaths coming from her. When her nails dug in to his back and her head was pushed back with a nearly silent scream he only increased the speed of his fingers causing her to curl in to him, her face creased with pleasure as she forced her voice to be heard only in small tight whimpers in to his neck.

Her heart beat madly against her chest and her breathing slowed in the warm aftershock and she pulled him in to her, kissing him clumsily as she came down from her erotic high. She was only partially aware of his hands as the slid up her back and unclasped her bra and slowly slid it from her shoulders as he kissed her slowly. She carelessly tossed the garment over her shoulder and brought her hands to the nape of his neck, running her thumbs over the corners of his jaw.

With a loud thud he found himself on his back on the floor with Regina on top of him and he quickly came to realize that she had only given him the illusion of power over her. He didn't mind, he only laughed at himself quietly for believing for one second that she would really submit to him entirely. Slowly he slid her hands up her sides from her hips as she laid soft kisses over his jaw.

"Now," she ground her hips down hard over him and smirked at the low groan that was pushed out of him, "it's my turn," she laid several kisses down his neck and chest, feeling his racing heart under her lips, "to play."