Sorry for the late update I have been swamped with school and life ;( Here is the last part of Death as promised. Please review and let me know what you think. Enjoy
"They deserve a second chance Time." a voice that echoed like a summer rain spoke as pale green eyes stared down at the broken spirits that lay before them.
"They had their chance Nature, they blew it." a child's voice spoke angrily
"They went through so much as mortals can't we just…"
"No, I will not. You only get one chance in my book."
"I agree with Adana on this one Akal."
"Stay out of this Chand." the voice of the child spoke as he stepped from the shadows and joined the woman already at the side of the spirits. His dark amber eyes slanted at them, "I say the world is better without them."
"Perhaps Akal, but even you must have witnessed them fighting with Death. They fought knowing they were going to die, yet they gave it their all." Moon paused, "Even you must admit their bravery."
The boy's shoulders sagged; he brushed his silver hair back that had fallen into his face he huffed as it simply fell back. "Gotta get a haircut." he thought as he chewed on his cheek, he knew Chand was correct, but that didn't mean that he had to like it.
Adana smiled at him, her satin purple robe gracefully flowed as she walked and knelt beside the broken body of Pain. Her earthen colored hair flowed in the breeze as Wind flew around her, excited to see her again. "Please, Akal…"
Akal huffed, he knew he was outvoted, "Fine, but I do so under protest." he stepped forward and pulled Pain to a sitting position. He proceeded to pull Sorrow and Sickness up and set all three back to back. He grimaced at their fatal wounds, "Wait…" he pulled a pocket watch from his pants pocket, he hit the latch and the face of the watch was exposed. The surface rippled as Akal willed it to do as he asked; he smirked as the wounds on each of them slowly faded as if they were never there.
Adana smiled at him, "See, you do care."
The boy narrowed his eyes, "I don't. I just didn't want them to keel over the moment you brought them back."
"Doesn't that little trick take years from the person's life?"
"It doesn't if they are already dead." Akal smirked
Adana rolled her eyes, "Will you boys just behave?" a bright blue light began to form around her eyes as she held her hands toward the brothers. A beam of moonlight seemed to radiate to her, the sound of a watch clicking open echoed throughout the trees.
Pain sat up with a gasp as breath filled his lungs, he looked around confused. He jumped to his feet, his chains in his hands at the sight of the two people in front of him, "Who the hell are you?"
"Your welcome." the boy said as he closed his watch, "Sheesh, the thanks you get for saving a soul from the very clutches of Death herself."
Pain looked him confused, then his eyes fell on his brothers as they rose shakily to their feet, their hands on their heads, "Sickness, Sorrow, you're ok!" he rushed over to them
"Whoa bro, no hugging, that's just not allowed." Sorrow spoke quickly
Sickness turned his arm; staring at the golden runes that now encircled him. He glanced at the woman, questions in his eyes.
She smiled at them, "Boys, you have been given a second chance." she continued when they stared at her, "You have been chosen for an important…"
"Whoa lady, I don't know who you are, but we just kind of got out of a contract and it didn't turn out so well…" Sorrow interrupted her
"Oh but I think you will like this one." she smiled, "You are to be the keepers of Death."
"What?" the brothers looked at each other
Akal laughed, "Yeah, boys. You get to make sure that the woman who killed you gets to stay encased in ice and sand for all eternity…unless you would like for her to somehow esac…"
"I'm in." Pain spoke quickly
"Ehh, I don't have anything better to do." Sorrow smirked
Sickness glanced at his two brothers; he gave a thumbs up, flashing his filed teeth.
"That's great, now come with us and we will show you Death's prison." the woman smiled at the brothers as they started to follow, "I am Adana by the way, also known as Mother Nature, and my friend here is Akal, Father Time. We will be keeping tabs on you."
"Oh shit, I just back talked the spirit of Earth itself." Sorrow was mentally removing the foot he had placed in his mouth.
"What will our duties be, exactly?" Pain asked as they followed
Akal laughed, "It's really simple, watch the spire and kill anyone that tries to break her out."
Pain smiled, "I think we can handle that." his smile grew larger at the sight of the black sand that towered up towards the night's sky. He carefully touched it, his eyes widened as it lit up with blue light.
Sorrow smirked at the silhouette of Death revealed by the light, "Welcome to hell bitch." he then proceeded to lean against the monument, "When I was ten I had this crush on a girl from the next village…"
Pain rolled his eyes, "Sorrow telling his love life, Moon I don't even know if Death deserves that kind of torture."
"… she would never return my letters or…" Sorrow continued.
Akal smiled, "I think I'm warming up to these guys."
Above them the Moon glimmered in what seemed like laughter.
And with that Death has come to an end, I want to thank you all for your support and reviews. Please join me for the next installment, Recovery. It should be up within a few min. I look forward to seeing you there, may start a bit slow but I promise…it will pick up speed (Laughs manically)