Words cannot describe how sorry I am for practically ditching this story and lying to you guys about updates. I'm going to be honest, I went through a rough two months and it's still continuing on now but I know I wanted to write so I began writing but then I kept getting distracted and got writers block. I know I'm terrible but I hope this chapter makes up for the lack of update. So I hope you guys like it and YOU MUST READ THE AUTHOR'S NOTE IN THE BOTTOM.
Eli's POV:
I couldn't focus on anything first period because of Julia. I just can't get over that she wants to talk to me because after I broke up with her, she looked upset but then turned angry so I would think she would want to keep her distance from me. I got to the backdoor of English class to see that Clare, along with a few other students, were already in there.
I took a deep breath before strolling in and taking my seat in front of her before turning around to talk to her.
"Hello Edwards," I said with my smirk.
"Hey Eli," she responded but then got closer and whispered, "so how about instead of having lunch with Ali and Adam, we stay after Drama and have 'lunch' in the auditorium."
She finished her sentence with a cute little wink and smiled brightly. As much as I would love to have 'lunch' in the auditorium, I remembered telling Julia we would talk. Let's see how Clare's going to react to my answer.
"As much as I would love that, I sort of can't," I responded.
"Why not?" Clare questioned me.
"Because…I agreed to talk to Julia at lunch," I answered and was getting ready to get yelled at.
"Oh. Well you agreed so I guess you have to go," she sounded disappointed and it made me upset.
"I'm sorry Clare, maybe I can do a rain check or-"
"Eli its fine. I promise."
"You sure?"
"Yes, Eli. I'm sure."
I smiled at her and turned back around, facing the front of the class. For the rest of the period, we just talked about our next assignment and before we can get started on it, the bell ringed dismissing class. I got up and was going to walk with Clare, but she sped out of the room fast.
I sighed to myself and just decided to walk to Drama by myself. As soon as I walked in, I saw Adam sitting in the front row and made my way over to him. I took a seat next to him and greeted him by doing our handshake. Once we finished it, we started talking until the bell ringed and Ms. Dawes went up on the stage.
I looked around the room and saw Julia with the girls from yesterday sitting on the other side of the room and Clare was in the row next to us, sitting next to Ali. I turned back to Ms. Dawes as she was saying about having everyone share their group ideas.
A couple of groups went up and started to talk about, honestly, the worst play ideas ever. Someone suggested we do a reality TV show play. Really? A play about a fucking reality TV show? I swear I don't even know what genius of that group thought that is a good idea. After everyone went up, our group went up on the stage.
"Okay, Mr. Goldsworthy what has your group come up with?" Ms. Dawes asked.
"Well we all brainstormed and decided on a idea I thought of," I sighed before continuing, "and my idea was we do Romeo and Juliet but with a twist. It'll be a love story between two guys and the play will be called Romeo and Jules."
I looked at Ms. Dawes face and she looked like she was debating with herself on the idea; I really hope that she takes up the idea.
"I love the idea, Eli."
I smirked and we all stepped down from the stage to reclaim our seats again. Ms. Dawes went through all the ideas but when she said our group's idea, all the hands in the room raised in the sky.
"Well then, I see that you four have some work to do," she commented.
I smiled and just as I was about to start brain storm some tweaks in the play to the class, I saw a kid give Dawes a note and read it over before handing it to Clare. She rolled her eyes and went to exit the auditorium. I really want to know where she goes so I ask Ms. Dawes if I can go to the bathroom and she said yes.
I quickly left the room and started to watch Clare from a far distance. She turned the corner and walked towards the nurse's door. I scrunched my eyebrows together as I watched her walk in. I waited for about five minutes before I saw her come out with a sigh.
I turned around and jogged my way back to the auditorium before Clare can see me. Right when I went on the stage to talk, Clare walked in and sat in between Adam and Ali.
"Okay, so before we do any writing or planning we need to decide a crew. So first off, who would like to be the director?" I asked the class.
I saw nobody raise their hands and I was about to move on before Ms. Dawes spoke up, "Eli I think you should direct the play."
"Me?" I questioned.
"Well you were the one pitched the idea so why not?"
I smirked as I responded to her, "Okay, I'm in."
I exited the auditorium and waited for Julia so we can just get our talk over with. I saw her come out and grabbed her arm, which surprised her.
"Okay what do you want to talk about?" I asked letting go of her.
"Actually can we talk somewhere else?" I gave her a weird look but shrugged agreeing.
She smiled up at me and grabbed my hand and led me to the J.T. memorial garden. It was only the two of us so I guess that's good. We took a seat next to each other but she turned so she was facing me and our knees were touching.
"Now what is it you wanted to talk to me for?" I questioned at her.
"Eli, I miss you a lot and I think we should get back together," her voice was laced with hope.
"Julia, I broke up with you because all we have been doing lately was arguing and I don't want that anymore."
Although that was partially true, I want to try and let her down easily because I don't want her knowing about me and Clare.
"I know and I realized now that it was always my fault we fought," isn't that the truth, "and I'm sorry. I just want to be with you because i-I…love you."
My eyes sort of wided on the outside but on the inside, I'm like a cartoon character with their eyes out of their faces. Me and Julia never said 'I love you' to each other when we were together. Not even after or before we had sex. To be honest, I never really felt that way to her.
"I'm sorry Julia but I don't feel the same way," I told her as gentle as I can.
"What? So you're saying that the entire time we were together, you felt nothing for me?"
"Well how do I know if you really loved me? You never said it until right now which is kind of weird," I defended.
"How is it weird I'm saying it now?" she asked me with confusion but also kind of mad.
"You never said it either or hinted towards it. You probably just said that because you're single now and think it would help us get back together."
As I finished my sentence, I got up but was pulled back by Julia. "You know why I think you don't want to get back together Eli?"
"Enlighten me," I responded sort of smuged.
"It's probably because you liked another girl!"
I didn't want to admit that's half of why I broke up with her because of Clare, so I just told her the other half.
"No I didn't. I broke up with you because you never let me have a say in anything and you always started fights."
"Yeah I know that but I'm apologizing," she said getting in my face.
"And that's really cool of you but I don't want to deal with them anymore. I'm out of here."
Just like that, I walked out of the garden and speed walked out of the school, onto the front steps. I took a seat and took a deep breath to control my anger that is starting to build up. Even with my medication I take in the morning, I don't think they can control my bi-polar.
I took out my phone out and saw that I had about fifteen minutes left of lunch. Maybe I should call Clare to see if she still wants to have "lunch" in the auditorium. I smirked at the thought and sent her a text:
Hey, just finished talking to Julia. You still want to have "lunch" in the auditorium? ;)
I waited for a couple seconds before I felt my phone vibrate:
That depends…..can you get here fast since I'm already here? c;
I smirked and got up really fast, rushing into the Degrassi hallways leading to the auditorium. I looked around before slipping into the room. I closed the room and looked around to see nobody there.
"Clare?" I asked confused on why she isn't here.
I was about to turn around and walk out but then I heard some giggling. A little smile appeared on my face, knowing that giggle from anywhere. I walked down the steps towards the stage and made my way on it. I walked behind the curtains, to see…..nothing.
I scratched my head until I felt someone's hands come over my eyes.
"Took you long enough," she whispered in my ears with a small kiss.
"Well I mean I walk in and saw nobody, so I assumed you played me," I responded smugly.
"Now why would I do that?" she came from behind and stood in front of me. She had such an innocent look but I can see past it.
"Because you do seem the type to," I pulled her close by the waist until our chests were touching and I breathed on her lips, "tease."
After I released the word from my lips, I leaned down and devoured her lips with mine. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arm tighter around her waist while I felt her arms come up around my shoulders and wrap around my neck. I smirked as she took charge of the kiss by tilting her head to the side to get a better lip lock on my lips and letting her tongue dance with mine.
Who would have guessed that my Clare can be kind of feisty during our kisses? I started to feel on of her hands trail down my chest until it reached the bottom of it.
"Whoa there tiger," I said while pulling apart and grabbing her hand, "take it easy, Clare."
"What's wrong?" she questioned while taking a step back.
"I don't think any clothes should be getting removed while we are in school."
"Right, sorry. I guess I thought that you've might have done this before."
I looked at her weird and took a second to process on her thoughts, "Why would you think I might have done something like this on school grounds?"
"Because…..the first week of school, when you came over I was going towards the kitchen and I started to may eavesdrop. I heard you mention that you and Julia have had…sex."
"So by hearing that, you assumed that we have also done foreplay too?"
"Don't say that word," she said while looking down and blushing red.
I took a step forward and tilted her chin up to look into my eyes, "Clare it's okay. Look, yes we have done those things too but just because I have done those, doesn't mean I expect us to do it too. I don't want to make you feel like you have to do it or live to an expectation with me. I like you for you and we can go slow if that's what you want?"
She smiled at me and placed her arms back around my neck before giving me a light kiss on my lips. She pulled back again and laid her head on my chest, "I'm glad that you want to do that for me."
I was about to respond but then we heard a door closing or opening. I kind of freaked out and I don't want to take a risk and look to see if a teacher came in. I told Clare to go and we both exited out the backstage door that led into the hallways which thankfully were cleared.
The bell ringed and I looked down at Clare, "I think this weekend we should go on our first date."
"Eli that sounds awesome but where would we would go where we won't run into someone we know?"
"Leave that to me. Now get to class young lady," I teased as she smiled and started walking away.
I smirked and went the opposite direction towards my class.
So did you guys like this chapter or no? Be honest with me please. Okay so I just wanted to say that I will be continuing The Cliffhanger Girl's story Lose Yourself and I will try to update soon. But I will do that update and the next one for this one next week because I'm going to Warped Tour this weekend and Friday is the season finale so yeah. I hope you guys can look deep down in your hearts to forgive me. Well I will update next week and I hope you guys enjoy the season finale on Friday^.^ love you and thank you for the support 3 -NamilovesDegrassi98