Kevin bolted up groggily and found himself fall on the floor with a hard 'thump'. It took him a moment to take in where he was and what was going on and he realised he must of fallen asleep on the couch, and fallen off it so now he was on the floor.

"Kevin baby are you okay?"

He looked up to find his mum standing over him looking worried.

"Yea I'm fine." Kevin replied and stood up. "Mum?" He asked taking in who was talking to him. His mum! She was finally home! He was no longer the head of the house hold!

Thank god! He loved looking after his brothers but it was just too much work! He couldn't handle it, finally his mum was here and she could take over.

"Ye sweetie, it's alright." Denis smiled and took Kevin's face in her hands, "You did a wonderful job looking after your brothers, I'm so proud of you." And she hugged him.

"I didn't do a very good job." He mumbled hugging her back.

"Why not? I think they look very content, Joe was telling me how you took care of them and wouldn't let them get up out of bed and you did everything they asked." She said not letting go.

"I'm the reason they're sick! I poisoned them with my crappy cooking." He said sadly and Denis sat him on the couch.

"Oh Kevin you have always worried too much, you looked after the boys almost as well as I could of. I am so proud of you. And I'm sure you weren't just the reason they're sick. There's been a bug going around for ages now, they were bound to get sick eventually." She laughed.

"I still feel responsible." He said softly.

Denis rolled her eyes and kissed his forehead, "You are just my little superman aren't you."

Kevin blushed slightly, he always got embarrassed when his mum started going all motherly on him. He was 21 for goodness sake! Yet he would never admit he kind of liked it when he didn't have to be the oldest, that was the good part about having a mum, he didn't have to be anything but Kevin in front of her. He didn't have to be the strong one, or the together one. He was just Kevin who needed his mum just as much as anyone else.

Of course that was the kind of thing he kept to himself and wouldn't admit to anyone!

"Mum." He whined childishly. Yes in front of him mother he also whined like a 5 year old.

She laughed and kissed his forehead again. "I'm going to check on your brothers, go get some rest."

"Wait! What time is it? How long have you been here?" He asked realising he couldn't remember going to sleep.

"Its four in the morning dear. I got here around 10 last night and found you fell asleep on the couch, Joe woke up and has been filling me in on what happened over the last few days. His feeling a lot better, and so is Frankie he woke up a little bit ago too." Denis said.

Kevin made an 'O' shape with his mouth, he suddenly felt very stupid. He fell asleep while he was supposed to be watching his brothers, most humiliating (haha that is a joke I put in there for my friend. Stupid I realise)

"Will you stop worrying over your brothers! I'm here now and that my job! And it's also my job to make sure your taking care of yourself which Joe tells me you haven't been doing." She said sternly going into full mother mode. He wondered if Joe and Nick felt this childish when he went into full big brother mode.

"I have. Sort of." He lied.

Denis rolled her eyes, "Kevin I know you love your brother and I love you for that, but if you don't start taking care of yourself more I'm going to have to start babying you." She threatened.

"Start?" like you haven't already been doing that he thought.

"No smart mouth mister." She warned playfully. "Now off to bed now!"

Kevin rolled his eyes but obeyed his mother, it was good not to be in charge any more.

"Aww look at that Kevin got told off by his mummy." He heard Joe yell from his bedroom.

"Oh shut up momma's boy." Kevin yelled back.

"That coming from you?"

"You dobbed me in you rat!"

"Boys!" Denis yelled playfully. "Be quite or you'll wake your brothers. Joe go back to sleep or at least keep your voice down and Kevin go to bed and get some sleep or your grounded."

"Your going to ground me for not sleeping?" He asked.

"Yes." She said simply.

"Alright I'm going." He said.

"Good." She smiled and kissed his forehead once more and went to Frankie's room.

His mother may be a little weird, but he was so grateful she was back and cared so much.

Kevin woke up slowly to the usually voice of his mother telling off Joe.

"JOE! If you don't sit still and stay quite I'm going to send you to bed!" He heard his mother yell.

"MUM! I'm not even sick! You can't send a non sick person to bed! It just isn't right! Think of the principal in that!" He could hear Joe argue, Joe always did have to have some excuse to talk back with.

"I am your mother and I saw tell you when your completely better or not thank you. Now sit down and be quite before you wake your brother." She said.

"Too late." Kevin said as he walked into the living room to find his whole family room sitting around the TV. His mum and dad were sitting on a couch together with Frankie sitting in between them. He was looking much healthier now that he was up and about, he also seemed very glad to have his mum back as he was cuddling up next to her.

Nick was sitting on the couch across from their parents, he was up and dressed and looked much better the he had in days. He was no longer green in the face and Kevin could see no signs of sweating. He smiled up at Kevin and Kevin couldn't have been any happier to see him smile. Thank god nick was feeling better, sure Nick was cute when he didn't have all his walls up and Kevin enjoyed nick acting like the kid he should be. But having the real Nick back was so much better.

Joe was sitting on a bean bag on the floor and Kevin thought you would have never been able to tell he was sick. Looking as bright as ever he grinned stupidly at Kevin.

"Yo, big bro you look like crap walked all over and decided to camp out!" Joe laughed.

Kevin had absolutely no idea what that meant.

"JOE!" Nick yelled and wacked his brother on the head. "What does that even mean?"

Joe rolled his eyes like it was obvious. "He looks sick!"

Kevin stared at him puzzled. "I do?"

Joe nodded and Nick stared for a moment. "Hmm you kind of do."

Denis then stood up and put her hand on her eldest sons forehead. "Oh Kevin! Your burning up!"

"who turned the temperature hotter? I'm burning up for you baby!" Joe sung and went to hi-five Nick who just glared at him. "Okay not ready for jokes yet? Alright I can wait."

Denis rolled her eyes and turned back to Kevin. "Looks like its back to bed then Kevin." She smiled.

"What?" he asked outraged. No way was he going to bed, he didn't get sick. He ate the same soup they did and didn't get sick. Why was he sick now? He was supposed to be immune to it!

"No arguments, bed." She said nicely yet sternly.

Kevin grumbled in complaint yet turned around and allowed his mother to take him back to bed. He could hear Nick and Joe giggling like school girls behind him and their mother babied him.

For the next half hour he permitted his mum to feed him all sorts of medication and fuss over him in all sorts of ways. Finally she turned on his TV, kissed him on the forehead and said 'get some rest'.

Now he was sitting in bed watching only god knows what on the TV, this is what Nick and Joe must of felt like. If I knew it was so bad I would have been nicer about it! He thought to himself and then laughed to himself when he realised he wouldn't have.

"Hey big bro. Feeling better?" Joe said sarcastically as him and Nick entered the room.

"Oh shut up." Kevin groaned.

"Isn't pay back sweet Nick?" Joe asked him.

"Oh yes it is dear brother." He grinned.

"While you were fussing over us we thought we got the worst end of the sick, but you got mum, who we know is much worse then you. So we got off easy. You however did not, and this is revenge. And how sweet it is."

Kevin just groaned and aimed his pillow at Joe's head which missed my a mile. It was going to be a long week.

The End :)