"Kevin!" Joe yelled from the living room.

"What?" Kevin yelled from the kitchen.

"I'm hungry!" He shouted and walked to the kitchen.

"Yea well the food is coming." Kevin said as Joe walked in. Kevin was wearing an apron standing over the oven stirring something that could only be called yellow mud. Mr and Mrs Jonas had gone out of town for the weekend and he was in charge of looking after Joe, Nick and Frankie. Making sure they do their homework, going to be at a decent hour and things like that. Unfortunately that also includes cooking their meals. Kevin isn't really much of a cook but instead of ordering take out he wanted to cook a meal for their first night alone.

But it wasn't really going well, actually it was going horrible.

"What is that?" Joe asked and he looked into the pot.

Kevin smiled sheepishly. "It's supposed to be chicken soup."

"Okay." Joe said slowly. He didn't really want to tell his brother it looked like mud, Kevin had worked really hard on it and he didn't want to discourage him.

"I know I've stuff it up." Kevin said sadly.

"No, no. I'm sure it tastes great." Joe smiled.

"We'll see about that." Kevin said. "Can you got get Nick and Frankie?"

"Sure." Joe said and went upstairs to Nick's room. He found him sitting on a bed with his guitar writing a new song.

"Hey Nick, Kevin said to come down and have dinner." Joe said.

Nick looked up, "What are we having?"

"I think its chicken soup."

"Think?" Nick asked worried.

"Yea well it kind of looked like mud. I didn't have the heart to tell him." Joe said.

Nick laughed, "You're such an over reactor Joe. I'm sure it looks fine."

"No seriously! Either Kevin's trying to poison us or his really just a horrible cook. " Joe stated.

"Don't be mean." Nick said as his got up.

"I'm not! Seriously I thought it was going to jump out of the pot and attack me!" Joe said.

Nick just rolled his eyes.

"Attack of the supposed to be chicken soup! I could write a book about. I'll make millions." Joe said.

"Whatever Joe."

"You'll be eating your words when it's a best seller."

Nick laughed, "Sure Joe. Lets get Frankie."

They went to Frankie's room he was just watching TV. "Come on tank dinner."

"Yes! What we having." Frankie asked excitedly.

"Mud." Joe said.

"Mud?" Frankie asked confused.

"Not mud! Chicken soup." Nick said hitting Joe on the head.

"Why did Joe say mud?" Frankie asked.

"Because Joe's silly." Nick said.

"Okay." Frankie nodded accepting that answer.

"Hey!" Joe said mock outraged.

Nick just rolled his eyes and they went downstairs to the dining room. They found the table set for 4. At each chair was a plate of yellow mud.

"Hey! You guys hungry?" Kevin asked as he sat done.

"Starving." Nick said unsurely as he sat at his seat staring at his plate.

"Wow Kevin this looks yum." Joe said.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "It tastes better than it looks."

There was silence for a moment while Joe and Nick exchanged worried looks and then Frankie asked. "What is it?"

Kevin looked kind of hurt and Nick said. "Its chicken soup remember. Just try it Frankie."

Frankie nodded and they all started to eat. It wasn't too bad. For looking like mud it didn't taste like it. And it was eatable. Just.

But all the boys ate everything on their plate. For Kevin, he seemed to work really hard on it and none of them wanted to offend him. So no matter how weird it tasted, they ate it all.

After they finished Kevin cleared the table.

"So? How was it?" Kevin asked.

"It was great Kev." Nick said.

"Yea Kev, great." Joe said with sarcasm which Kevin missed.

"Good." Kevin smiled. "Okay Frankie get ready for bed."

Frankie nodded and went to get changed. Joe and Nick went to watch TV while Kevin cleaned up.

"Well that was interesting." Joe whispered to Nick so Kevin wouldn't here.

"Shhhh." Nick whispered.