Okay, so. This is a little story that's been in my head, and chiz... I'm feeling DRAMATIC right now, soo... Hope you enjoy!


Warm. His lips are warm. The first time I kissed Sasuke, I never got to register that. Now, though, I can. They're also kind of rough. Surprisingly so. I always thought he was perfect, like a porcelain doll.

But I guess even porcelain dolls have their imperfections.

His hands are calloused, but that's understandable. After all his years of training, and such. Training so he could defeat his brother, who turned out not to be that bad after all.

Hmm... It's funny how things ended up. How I came to be with Sasuke, who saved me more then once on our missions together. Sasuke, who left the village to get power from Orochimaru. Sasuke, who threatened to destroy Konoha. To kill everyone in it.

To kill me.

Then, after everything... After defeating Danzo, Itachi, Orochimaru, joining the Akatsuki, then leaving the Akatsuki, becoming a missing nin (S-ranked), fighting along side Itachi against Kabuto...

He came to me.

Came to me after I defeated Pain, saved Konaha, met my father, trained with Bee-san, met my mother, harnessed Kyuubi's (Nine tails) chalkra, went to war, took down the Juubi (Ten tails), and defeated Obito and Madara, defeating the Akatsuki...

He came to me.

And now, in this cave, hidden from society, not having to follow any rules, any demands, i'm kissing Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke Uchiha. The Ice Prince.

The man who could have anyone he ever wanted, ever could dream of. The man who has TONS of suitors. The most wanted bachelor in probably the whole NATION, chose me.

Naruto Uzumaki. The outsider.

"You can always come back, you know..."


"And i'll always be here, for you..."


"I'm going to wait for you... Sasuke."


I never got a reply.

When Sasuke came back to Konaha, he didn't talk to me. He passed me by, right in front of everyone. I mean, I guess it was expected. He passed everyone else up. But... when he came back, standing by the Konaha gates, he stared at me. Right in the eye.

I didn't see anything...

He was under strict surveillance. He couldn't go anywhere without Shinobi personnel. And when he didn't, there was always someone there to make sure he didn't do anything.

I got the first shift.

It was... strange. All he did was sit there, watching me. I watched him, too. When he moved, I couldn't help but notice him. The way his hardened muscles rolled under his skin. His skin, that looked like it had never been disturbed by the sun. His dark hair, black as a raven's. And his eyes...

They penetrated into the depths of my soul.

It made me feel... insecure.

He was staring, right at me. Even when he would shift into a different position, he still stared. I would have to turn away. I felt so... vulnerable. And, it made me start thinking about... My imperfections.

I don't have skin that's a beautiful white. My skin has been disturbed by the sun. I'm not anywhere near as built as him. I'm very skinny. Flabby even. Sure, I have no excess body fat at all, but i'm definantly not all muscled up like some people would prefer. And I really stand out with my hair... Hell, it practically glows in the dark. And my eyes... They're not penetrating at all... You can read my every emotion just by looking into them.

I glance back up at him... He's still staring.

I wonder what he's thinking. Is he noticing my flaws? Does he think I stand out, too? Or... Does he think it's endearing? Is he... 'checking' me out? Am I unattractive to him? I can only assume so... Maybe that kiss was just so he could figure things out... I bet i'm a turn off. I bet he decided it was hormones, and he didn't actually have feelings for me, after the kiss and all...

Not for me.

For me, that kiss sent my brain wheeling. All these feelings smashed together at one time, I was sure I was going to pass out form emotional distress. I realized my love for Sasuke... I always knew, really. I always knew I loved him. But... it never really... ya know... fit together like it did after that kiss.

I snap out of my thoughts when he shifts again. He glances away for a second, putting his back against the wall, and folding his legs... Looking graceful as ever.

After he's settled, he is right back at staring at me.

I can't take it anymore.

"What?" I ask with an edge to my voice. He doesn't say anything... I try again. "What?" This time, there's a response. "What?" He says. Ugh. The bastard. "Huh?" I say. He sighs and shifts again, rolling his eyes and says "I said 'What?' as in 'Why are you asking 'What?', but all you came out with was 'Huh?'" *Growl* "Well I asked 'What?' as in 'Why are you staring at me?', but all you came out with was 'What?'!" I know it was childish, but he was pissing me off. "So, answer the question!" I snap again. He lifts and elegant eyebrow at me and says "What?".

The next time I see Sasuke, I have to take him out.

He decides he wants to go to the hot springs to relax. I don't say it, but all I think is 'I'll show you relax, you ass.'.

I take my post by the door. He can have his privacy, but I can still keep an eye on him. The steam starts getting to my head a little, and I start dozing off. "Oy." I snap my head up and look around to Sasuke, who's still in the springs. "What?" I ask, sleep evident in my voice. He waved a hand towards his direction, and says "Get in."

The water is nice and hot. It relieves my joints and... what little muscle I have. Either way, i'm grateful. Having to sit in one spot over and over again for long periods of time really hurts the back, and you get all stiff. At least here, I can keep and eye on him and relax.

That is, relax until I feel eyes on the back of my head.

I turn slowly and see Sasuke staring at me.

I'm happy for the steam, because i'm pretty sure my blush is BIG. "W-what?" I accidently stutter. Damn. He shrugs and says "Nothing." My face twists into suspicion, but I turn away and slide under the water, up until my nose.

I'm still blushing.

I didn't expect to see him alone.

I was walking down to the graveyard at around 12-12:30 a.m., and I saw him there too.

He was standing over his parents grave.

"Sasuke?" I call walking over to him. He looks up at me, I think I startled him. "Hn." He says, looking back down. I stop a few paces away from him. "Uh... Are you... Okay?" It's not much of a conversation starter, but I couldn't think of anything good to say. He doesn't say anything for a long time... Usually, I would snap at him, but... I feel bad, so I decide to give him time.

While waiting for an answer, I shift my eyes over to my own parents graves. My heart starts to ache, and I can only imagine what Sasuke must be feeling.

I jolt in surprise when I feel a hand on my arm.

I have to look up slightly to look him in the eyes. Damn my shortness. "Who are they?" He asks, indicating the graves. I nod toward them, and we start walking over while I explain "This is the Yondiame's grave, along with his wife's Kushina..." I don't say the last name. He nods his head in understanding. I look back down at the graves. Flowers are decorating the gray stone, and my heart lifts a little. I glance over quickly at the Uchiha's grave, and the little lift dissapear's quickly when I see there are no flowers decorating the graves. "That's not fair..." I accidently mutter, still looking at the graves. I slap a hand over my mouth and look down, ashamed. I can feel my eyes start to sting. Why would I even say that?!

"It's okay..." Sasuke whispers, almost inaudible.

But deep down, I know it's not.

The next time I go to the graveyard, Sasuke isn't there. He's off of surveillance because of the good reports, and he's even going on missions now. But he goes alone. He's not allowed back on our team yet.

I walk to his parents grave.

With me are some Pine mixed with Cattails. For Hope and Peace. I set them on the graves, and light an incense, sitting down to pray.

When I finish my prayers and stand up, I turn around and nearly have a heart attack. Sasuke's right behind me. "S-sasuke! Damn it! You nearly had me kill over!" I look down, shuffling my feet, embarrassed. I never meant for him to see me. What if he gets angry? He probably doesn't want my pity. With my head down, I walk away.

He never stopped me.


Okay so, i'll continue in a little while! Review if you guys even want me to continue! Lol! Love ya'll! Bye-bye!