Packing for Hogwarts

"Remember all your books Ron! And don't forget to pack all of Pigs pellets! Ginny, make sure you remember your robes! Harry, give back Ron's jacket! And are you sure you've packed all your stuff? Double check just in case!" shouted Mrs Weasley up the stairs, her face going red as she ran around checking no one had forgotten anything.

"Mum, George has my spell book!" wailed Ron loudly down the stairs.

"Give it back George before I get my wand out!" spat Molly. She made her way upstairs, searching in each room as she went past, checking that everything was where it should be. First she went to Ron's room; it looked as if someone had burgled it.

"I've packed everything I think!" Sighed Ron, he slumped on his bed looking out of breath. Molly searched the room and surprisingly Ron had almost packed everything, apart from the odd sock. Then she moved on to George's room. Although he wasn't going to Hogwarts, Molly had a suspicious feeling that there would be something of someone's in there.

"Mum, get out my room!" screeched George, ushering her out the door, but Molly pushed past and started searching.

"Oh, and what do we have here!" spoke Molly holding up Harry's robes. George laughed and said,

"I'm surprised he hasn't noticed yet…" but Molly had already walked out the room and now headed to Ginny's room. There was a muggle door hanger saying 'Do not enter!' given by Harry on her birthday. Molly marched in and shouted,

"There will be time later for you two to do whatever you need to do! Now, it's time to pack!" Harry and Ginny quickly parted. Blushing, Ginny got up and walked to her suitcase, she shoved some more clothes in then shoved the lid down and zipped it up. Harry sighed and walked into his room next door. He had moved into Charlie's old room after he had gone back to Romania after the war.

"Knock next time mum!" huffed Ginny. Molly ignored her and continued to search the room. After searching all the other rooms, everyone went downstairs for dinner. They all sat down and waited for Arthur, a few minutes later a ginger haired man appeared just inside the door and shouted,

"Good evening everyone!"

"You're late! You were meant to help me out with the kids..!" sighed Molly.

"I'm sorry dear, there were problems at the ministry; Kingsley was struggling and asked for my help!" Spoke Arthur apologetically. He sat down at the table and everyone tucked in. After their meal they all went up to bed as they would have to rise early the next day. Everyone said good night to each other and at 11:15 Harry saw a long ginger streak of hair wiz round his bedroom door. Then a face appeared and whispered,

"Can I come in?" It was Ginny.

"Yes!" whispered Harry back. Ginny walked in and climbed into the big double bed. Harry had brought it for exactly this reason.

"You're freezing!" whispered Harry in Ginny's ear, making her giggle.

"We won't be able to sneak into each other's beds at Hogwarts, I'm pretty sure Teachers aren't allowed to let their pupils into their beds!" sighed Ginny. Harry wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight bringing her closer to him.

"I guess not, but we might be allowed to slip under the invisibility cloak sometime!" joked Harry making Ginny giggle again. They sat in silence for a bit and then Ginny whispered,

"I'm going to miss you Harry."

"I'm not going anywhere Ginny; we'll be able to see each other every day. Everything's going to be fine. While I'm around, no one can touch you. I promise." And with that Harry kissed her on the cheek and wished her good night. They fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms.