Christine awoke to the sound of Erik on his Grand Piano, but instead of his normal angry music, it sounded quite happy. Getting out from beneath the blanket she unlocked her bedroom door. The moment the door unlocked, the music stopped. She ventured outside, only to be shocked of what she saw.

Strings were attached to the walls, holding up musical sheets with snowflakes, snowmen and other Christmas pictures painted on. Hanging from the ceiling were ropes tied into many shapes and painted red and green. Under the tree was a few poorly wrapped Christmas presents with a picture of herself attached to the top of the tree.

"Merry Christmas my dear" Erik happily said as he finished hanging up more strings with painted musical sheets.

"Erik, what is all of this...? I ... What happened?" Christine asked as she beheld the sight.

"It's for you my dear" He walked closer to her and held her hands tightly in his own "Do you like it"

Christine looked up at the masked man in front of her an smiled "Yes Erik, I love it, it's just that, I thought you hated Christmas"

"I do my love, but I know you like it and I wanted you to be happy, like when you wanted me happy... and I'm only happy when you're happy" He said sweetly as he stroked her cheek.

"This is all beautiful Erik, but what happened to all of the other decorations I hung up, I know you destroyed some, but, surly they are not all gone"

Erik let go of Christine and took a deep breath

"I wanted to put up all new ones for you so I threw them away, but when I went up to the opera house to get some more, I just remembered that I also got rid of them as well and so, I had to... well... improvise" He said as he touched a music sheet with a reindeer painted on.

"Thank you Erik, it means a lot"

"I may not know much about Christmas, but I think I did quite well" He said quite proud of himself

"Yes Erik, you did do very well" She giggled.

Christine walked around his home, looking at everything he had done, just for her. She looked up and noticed the picture of herself upon the top of the tree.

"Er... Erik, what's this?"

Erik walked up besides her and looked at the tree as well

"Why, that's you my dear" He stated quite proudly

"Yeah... but what is a picture of me doing up there?"

"Well the tradition is either a star or an angel is set upon the tree, when it comes to singing you are an absolute star and when it comes to you kindness and acceptance of me, you are my angel... do you want me to take it down, if it makes you uncomfortable... I..."

Christine held Erik's hands firmly in her own.

"No Erik, it's fine... that's very sweet of you, but if a picture should be up there it should be one of you as you are my angel"

"Thank you my dear, but I like it the way it is"

Christine walked away from Erik to continue exploring his newly decorated lair. Erik sat himself in his large arm chair and admired how happy his Christine looked. She was happy because of him, and felt that he may still have a chance to win her love. Erik was even started to enjoy Christmas, as long as his angel was happy, he was happy. He knew that nothing could ruin this day.

"Oh my, Erik, what's happened in here?" Nadir Cried as he let himself into Erik's home

"Oh no"