Ok, here's what's happened: I've this idea in my head long before the others, but for some reason I decided to do the others first, and I know I haven't finished them, I'm far from it actually, but I thought you might need a change. Also I have a little more time on my hands so fitting another one seemed right.

Disclaimer: Don't own Digimon (blah, blah, blah) so don't sue! I do however own the story, and it is no way connected to the others that are out there like it, this is very dark and very different. Yet you might think that I copied the necklace idea but I swear I didn't!! ^_^

Background: Right before I go on you need to know this: Sora and Matt DID NOT happen! I hate that couple (sorry). Instead Sora baked cookies for Tai and was waiting for him to take her to the concert. They are currently together and Matt is single. Jun is still persistent, but is calming down. Tk and Kari are dating, and so are Ken and Yolie, much to Davis' anger. And Mimi is returning home with her parents, after the battle. Oh and by the way, I see no point in Cody (Iori) so he's not even in it.

That's basically it: enjoy and review

~*Cherry Li*~

~*The Calling*~

Mimi stood in front of her large bedroom mirror, trying to decide if she should wear her shoulder length, honey hair up or down. She bit her bottom lip and twirled slightly, letting her short, dusty pink summer dress twist around her curves. She then picked her hair up, then let it fall around her shoulders again.

"I just can't decide, oh why do I always have to make these tough decisions?" Mimi sighed to herself, "Well I'll just have to wear it down, and then I can tie it up again if I want to, during the party"

Sora decided to throw a welcome home party for Mimi, and invite all the digi-destined who she hasn't seen for a long time, especially the original digi-destined. Mimi was so pleased with this idea, she loved to party and with her friends it would be the best, especially as the party was being thrown in the digital world.

"Mimi, are you ready?" Mimi's mum asked from downstairs.

"Nearly, I've just gotta put my boots on" Mimi called

"Hurry up hunny, you're meant to meet your friends in 10 minutes by the school" Mimi's dad said

"I know" Mimi answered as she put on her near pink, knee high boots.

Mimi stood back up and took one last look at herself n the mirror. "I look great! Pity the party is full of my friends" Mimi thought to herself. "Ah well, doesn't stop me from having fun" Mimi smiled before skipping out of the door.


All the digi-destined apart from Mimi, stood waiting in the school's computer room, where Izzy had obtained a key. They were all dressed in their party clothes, the girls mostly wearing dresses, whilst the guys were wearing shirts and pants.

"So what time is Mimi coming?" Tai asked Sora

"Well she is meant to be here" Sora replied

"That's typical Mimi, always late" Davis said and Yolie growled at him, "Ok, I was only kiddin'"

"Is everything ready in the digi-world?" Jyou asked

"Yep, me and TK did the decorations, and Yolie and Ken did the food" Kari answered and Davis sighed

"You know, I am missing a rehearsal for this" Matt sighed

"Matt is that all you think about?" TK asked

"It depends." Matt smiled

Suddenly Mimi walked into the room with a huge smile on her face for her friends.

"MIMI!" the girls cried and all hugged her, whilst the lads stood there a little taken back by Mimi's appearance.

"Hey Meems you look different" Tai smiled and hugged his friend

"Thanks Tai, I think." Mimi replied with a smile, and then turned to the others.

 "Hey Mimi, how was your journey?" Izzy asked

"Izzy! Wow you've grown taller, and my journey was fine, thanks" Mimi smiled and Izzy blushed a little

"Mimi, this is Ken" Davis introduced

"It's nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you from Yolie" Ken smiled

"Oh this is Ken. You didn't tell me how cute he was" Mimi smiled at Yolie and Ken blushed. "And you never told me about Matt either" Mimi thought turning her attention to the tall, blue eyed, messy blonde guy.

"Er… hey Mimi" Matt mumbled noticing that she was looking at him.

"Hey Matt" Mimi smiled

"Ignore him, he's just sour about his rehearsal" TK smiled but Matt glared at him

"Oh I hope that I didn't make you miss anything?" Mimi asked

"Nope, it's just a rehearsal" Matt smiled and the others looked at him oddly.

"I would say Matt's warming to this idea of the party" Sora whispered to Tai, who then gave an evil grin to her, "Tai don't mess anything up, this is Mimi's party" Sora said

"Won't do a thing" Tai smiled to his girlfriend, keeping two fingers crossed behind his back.

"Right, then we're all here so lets go" Izzy smiled and Yolie opened the digi-port. Within a second the computer room was empty and everyone was transported to the digital-world.


Everyone landed back in the digital world, by a lush forest where decorations and food were laid.

"Wow, this is amazing, thank you guys" Mimi beamed as she saw the party.

"Hey no probs" Davis smiled.

They all then made their way to the party, where all their Digimon were waiting. Hugs and 'welcome backs' were exchanged before they all began the party, with some music provided by Izzy's computer. Matt couldn't keep his eyes off Mimi, she seemed more beautiful to him than he had remembered and a lot more energetic too. Tai saw his friend staring at Mimi and decided to approach him.

"Hey Matt" Tai broke him out of his daze.

"Huh? Oh hey Tai" Matt said

"Listen, you know you should dance with her" Tai suggested.

"What do you mean?" Matt asked turning to Tai

"Duh, I mean Mimi, you've spent most of this party gawking over her, ask her to dance" Tai answered

"I can't"

"What do you mean 'I can't'" Tai said " You're the great Yamato 'no autographs please' Ishida, who gets girls hounding over him every day"

Matt smiled at his friends' words. " Yeah, but I've well never asked a girls out before, they've asked me. Remember I got the crest of 'friendship' you're the one who got the crest of 'courage'" Matt replied

"Hey, I didn't say ask her out, but if you want to then go for it. But first ask her to dance" Tai said pushing Matt a little.

"Fine, Fine!! If it gets you off my case" Matt said and began to walk towards Mimi, who was with the girls.

"So Mimi, what's up with you and that Michael guy?" Sora asked

"Michael? Nothing, he was kinda boring once you got to know him, he kept on trying to impress me, but always ended up looking stupid" Mimi laughed "Anyway, I can't believe I go leave and everything happens!"

"Well I don't think you would have wanted to be here at the battle" Kari answered

"No I meant you lot dating!" Mimi smiled

"Oh right, well I started to date TK after the final battle, he asked me and I said yes" Kari answered

"Tai asked me during Matt's concert, and I couldn't refuse" Sora smiled

"And Ken and me sorta happened. I was helping him with something after the battle, and he just mumbled it out" Yolie said.

"Awww and I missed it, well I'm here now!" Mimi smiled and the girls nodded.

"So do you have your eye on someone yet Meems?" Sora asked and Mimi looked a little to where Matt was talking with Tai.

"Erm… I don't know yet" Mimi sheepishly answered.

"Riiighht" Kari smiled

The girls then looked up and saw Matt standing by them.

"Hey Matt" Sora smiled

"Hey" Matt said. Suddenly Tai joined the group and winked to Sora.

"Sora would you dance with me?" Tai smiled and outstretched his hand to her.

"I would love to Tai" Sora giggled and took his hand, whilst Tai nudged Matt.

"Oh I think that Tk and Ken want us Yolie" Kari said, figuring out Tai's plan.

"Do they?" Yolie asked but Kari nudged her slightly "Oh right" Yolie then smiled and walked over to the others with Kari, whilst Mimi looked at them oddly.

"So Matt, I hear you have a band" Mimi broke the silence

"Yeah, we're pretty big actually" Matt smiled

"I always knew that the great Yamato Ishida would be famous" Mimi giggled slightly, and Matt smiled

"C'mon Matt say it, say it!" Matt's head screamed.

"Why am I asking him stupid questions, I should just ask him to dance" Mimi thought as she looked into his eyes.

"Would you like to dance?" they both then said in unison, causing both of them of blush furiously.

"Ummm, yeah sure" Mimi then answered and Matt smiled taking her hand and leading her to the mini dance floor where Tai, Sora, Ken Yolie, Tk and Kari were. The song was upbeat, and had Tai doing some crazy moves, whilst Izzy and Jyou sat and talked.

"I wanna thank you for this" Mimi said as she and Matt both began to dance.

"It's ok, it was mostly Sora's and Yolie's idea. Are you glad your back?" Matt asked

"Yeah, I missed all of you, even Tai's bossiness, New York just doesn't compare to here" Mimi replied "Are you glad I'm back?" Mimi asked with a slight blush.

"I am now, I didn't realise how much you've changed, and how well…prettier you've got" Matt smiled and Mimi blushed more.

"I didn't realise how much you had changed either, Sora didn't tell me how cute you've got" Mimi blurted out to Matt's surprise.

"Really? I would have thought she would have mentioned that first" Matt laughed and Mimi smiled.

"Your getting like Tai" Mimi smiled

"Oh god no, please take that back!!" Matt groaned and Mimi giggled. Suddenly the music stopped and a slow romantic song began. Matt and Mimi's heart raced as they both looked at each other unable to decide what to do. Matt looked over to Tai who had his arms around Sora and was dancing slow, as was the others (apart from Izzy and Jyou, who were talking to the Digimon and Davis who was watching Kari dance with Tk). Matt had to decide quickly and so took Mimi's hands and placed them on his shoulder as he wrapped his around her slim waist.

Mimi didn't object for a moment, they both just gazed into each other eyes whilst slowly moving from side to side to the music. Mimi's mind raced with thoughts on Matt, and Matt's heartbeat raced when Mimi suddenly rested her head on his shoulders and drew her body closer to his.

Tai suddenly looked across the dance floor, and gasped when he saw Mimi and Matt slow dancing. He tapped Sora who smiled in delight when she saw her best friend in the arms of her boyfriends best friend.

"Oh my gosh" Sora whispered with a smiled "How did you do it?"

"Perseverance" Tai said "But they do look kinda cute together, maybe this is one trick that's finally paid off" Tai smiled

The song then ended, and everyone looked towards Mimi and Matt who were still dancing. Yolie squealed in delight, Ken and Kari both smiled at the sight, as Tk gave a little cheer.

Mimi and Matt both heard the little commotion and turned to see everyone looking at them.

"What?" Matt asked and everyone shrugged innocently.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" Matt then asked Mimi "To get away from everyone?"

"Yeah sure" Mimi agreed and walked into the forest with Matt as everyone watched them go.

Tai then began to follow but was stopped by Sora.

"No, Tai leave them" Sora said

"Oh c'mon" Tai smiled but Sora gave him a 'don't even think about going or we're through' look, and Tai backed down.


Mimi and Matt both walked into a clearing where the moon shone large above them.

"Er… Mimi?" Matt said turning to face her.

"Yeah" Mimi answered softly

"I haven't really done this before, but I want to ask you something" Matt said


"Well I was wondering, if you wanted to go out with me sometime, y'know on a kinda date" Matt mumbled and Mimi was taken back a little.

"If you don't want to then it's ok" Matt said but Mimi wrapped her arms around him and pressed her soft lips against his. Matt then wrapped his arms around Mimi and continued kissing her slowly. Their hearts pounded together as the kiss went on, and when they thought that they would both run out of breath, they slowly broke apart and gazed into eachothers eyes.

"So I can take that as a yes?" Matt smiled

"Yeah I think you can" Mimi smiled.

Suddenly the moonlight hit something in the forest that made it sparkle green. Mimi was dazzled by the light and began to walk over to it.

"Mimi where are you going?" Matt asked a little confused

"Don't you see that light?" Mimi asked still dazed by it.

"No?" Matt said as he followed Mimi.

She peered into a bush, and gasped as she saw a small emerald teardrop on a silver chain. Mimi picked it up and admired it.

"It's beautiful" Mimi smiled and Matt looked at it.

"Yeah, but where did it come from?" Matt asked

"Who cares? It's wonderful" Mimi smiled and put it on. Mimi suddenly took a step back as she felt a rush of energy run through her.

"Mimi are you ok?" Matt asked concernedly

"Hmm? Oh yes Matt I'm fine, just cold that's all" Mimi then smiled coming out from the gaze

"Take my jacket then" Matt offered and wrapped it around her.

"Thankyou" Mimi smiled and kissed him again, as the teardrop glowed a bright green.



Ohhhh what's happened to Mimi??? Hehe review and next chapter will be posted. This is gonna turn dark and a little raunchy I think, but it all fits into the story.

Please review and tell me what you think and if I should continue! ^_^ Arigatou

Ja ne

~*Cherry Li*~