Author's Note: I'm sorry that it's been a long while since my last update! I've been busy with University school work.

Dear gosh it's been a really long time since this story had anything going on… I am such a terrible fanfiction author haha.

This will actually be the last chapter of A Railgun Holiday Special. I actually didn't have any long terms plans with this story which is why it's so short. There will probably be those of you wondering if there will be any further sequels, but I don't have any future plans. So far I am working on my other stories in other anime fandoms.

Thank you so much everybody for your reviews/follows/favs and support, it's great knowing that my work is appreciated.

Chapter 3: Thoughtful Gifts

Misaka Mikoto was determined to give Touma the perfect gift. Normally she could have gone to any store and bought anything that caught her eye. However Touma said that the best gifts were the ones that are homemade. That meant Mikoto would have to put real effort to come up with a gift for him. Despite how she excelled in academics, esper ability and athletics, she lacked any skills in home economics.

Home economic tasks such as cooking and sewing were the Railgun's weak points. Most likely Touma would expect some sort of handmade article of clothing or even food. Mikoto thought to herself that one day or another she would have to learn how to be more lady- like.

She noted how Tokiwadai Middle School did not have any course curriculum for home economics. The school was more focused on developing their students' esper abilities than teaching them skills for home use.

The Railgun wished she could ask her mother for help, but that would lead to a lot of unnecessary drama and questioning.

Mikoto was willing to challenge herself for the sake of Touma. He had done so much for her, now it was her turn to show him her affection.

After the adventure at the ice skating rink, Touma and the four girls decided to go back to their respective dormitories. Most likely they were all feeling sore because it was their first time ice skating.

During the night time, Mikoto was having difficulty falling asleep.

She was constantly tossing and turning, her mind buzzing with activity. She was really having a hard time trying to decide what to get for Touma. It was the first time she would be spending the holidays with a very special person, so she wanted it to be a very memorable time.

Kuroko, the teleporting roommate noticed Mikoto grumbling and muttering at night. It was not the first time that Mikoto spoke in her sleep but Kuroko disliked the particular individual that was the target of the Railgun's slumbering mutters. The teleporter sighed as she puts her pillow over her face, there seemed to be no logical way to win Mikoto back from the clutches of Touma.

The next morning Mikoto woke up earlier than usual and yawned. She stretched her arms out and was trying to recall her vivid dream. The dream involved Mikoto and her friends entering into a witch's castle and how the witch was trying to bake the girls like cookies. Fortunately the girls were able to escape from the castle after Mikoto used her electricity to fry up the witch turned the witch into one giant cookie. Usually her dreams were pretty strange but this one definitely stood out.

A light bulb moment hit Mikoto.

That's it! I'll bake him some cookies.

Cookies were the best type of baked sweets she could make. Cakes were far too difficult while cookies could be made by even the most inexperienced baker. In the romance mangas she read, the female protagonist usually presented homemade cookies to her love interest which led to positive results.

Now the hard part would be to find a place to bake cookies at. It was out of the question to use the facilities at the Tokiwadai dormitory. It would attract far too much attention to the female residents if they all found out Mikoto was baking cookies. They all would know the particular recipient of the cookies and make fun of her endlessly. Even though the kitchen and ovens of Tokiwadai were state of the art, she would rather not deal with embarrassment and unnecessary attention. Mikoto also did not want to accidentally catch the kitchen on fire because of her inexperience.

She had to find a place where she could bake in peace and be able to receive additional necessary help.

There was one other resource she could use. Mikoto immediately took out her phone sent an email to Saten Ruiko and Uiharu Kazari. In the email she asked Ruiko if she could go to Ruiko's dorm and bake the cookies there. She also wanted to know if Kazari wanted to come over and help. It was out of the question to ask for Kuroko's assistance since the teleporter would be determined to sabotage Touma's gift. A while later the two girls replied back to Mikoto's message.

Mikoto hoped she did not wake up the two girls in their sleep. Yesterday Kazari and Ruiko had a very difficult time balancing on their ice skates and kept falling down. Most likely they would be tired, sore and achy.

A few minutes later the green Gekota phone buzzed, meaning that Mikoto just received an email.

The response was from Ruiko which read:

Are these cookies meant for Touma-san? How romantic!

Mikoto sighed defeated. It looked like there was only one obvious reason for Mikoto be baking. She felt a bit embarrassed about how she was putting herself through so much trouble just for a boy.

The Gekota phone buzzed again, this time there was the response from the flower haired girl.

I definitely want to come over to help. I'll teach you how to make excellent cookies for your boyfriend.

The Railgun could not get used to the idea that Touma was considered her boyfriend.

Apparently the two girls were quick to tease Mikoto. Even if they weren't intentionally teasing her, Mikoto felt like they were. She felt a bit embarrassed when reading their responses. Even though they accepted Touma, she was still not used to the idea of having somebody she could call a boyfriend.

Now she had to find an acceptable excuse to get out of Kuroko's sights. Most likely Kuroko would want to hang out with the Kazari and Ruiko as well, meaning Mikoto and the two other girls would have to come up with separate excuses. Mikoto knew that she was taking too much effort to conceal her whereabouts from her roommate.

Right now Mikoto was sitting on her bed still in her Gekota pajamas. She looked over and saw Kuroko waking up. The pig tailed girl rubbed her eyes as she yawned.

"So… what are you doing today?" Mikoto tried to ask as casually as possible.

"I have Judgment duty today." Kuroko sighed. "Uiharu is lucky that she has a day off. Do you have plans today Onee-sama?"

"Kind of, I'm probably going to check out this week's manga at the convenient store." Mikoto smiled, hoping Kuroko would believe the lie.

"Geez, that is such a bad habit you have." The teleporter waved her hand in the air dismissively. "I wish I could have spent today with you." Kuroko looked at Mikoto with endearing eyes. "Yesterday your time was monopolized by that ape!"

Mikoto chose to ignore Kuroko's insult towards Touma.

"You and I see each other enough as it is; we even share the same room for goodness sake."

Half an hour later Kuroko left the dorm, leaving Mikoto to her own devices. Mikoto emailed Ruiko, asking if she could arrive anytime soon.


Mikoto arrived at Ruiko's apartment early.

She knocked on the door, waiting for her long haired friend to come answer it.

"Welcome." Ruiko smiled as she saw opened the door. "I got the ingredients ready for the cookies."

"Ah thank you very much." Mikoto smiled gratefully.

"You promised you would treat me out next time." Ruiko grinned. "So I was more than happy to provide you with a place to bake some cookies."

Mikoto promised to buy Ruiko some of the exquisite cakes from the expensive bakery within the School Garden. That particular bakery was said to be one of the best within Academy City. Only the wealthy had the luxury of buying those cakes. Fortunately Mikoto never overspent her allowance given by her family. It was actually her father who was the bread winner of the family because her mother was a university student. Mikoto was not sure what her father did, he was always traveling around the world, trying to "make the world a better place."

The Railgun wished she could have just given Touma some of the sweets from that particular bakery, but he really preferred home made things.

The two girls walked inside. Ruiko lived by herself in a simple dorm. Even though the space was adequate enough for just one person to live inside, Ruiko did not mind having guests come over.

Mikoto washed her hands and then put on her apron that she brought along. Ruiko turned to look towards Mikoto and the long haired girl let out a small chuckle.

"Misaka-san, you actually have a Gekota apron?" Ruiko couldn't help but admire the Railgun's childish taste.

Mikoto's cheeks turned a bit red out of embarrassment.

"My mom bought it for me a while ago. She always got me Gekota accessories when I was younger."

"You truly are a child at heart…"

Ding Dong!

"Coming!" Ruiko announced as she made her way to the door.

The door then opened.



It was rather obvious what just happened. The poor flower haired girl got her skirt flipped up again by her best friend.

"Ooh, you're wearing a lovely design of pink stripes."

"W-why must you embarrass me like that all of the time?!" Kazari screamed at Ruiko.

"All is well so no need to make a big fuss over it. Misaka-san is here as well."

Ruiko led Kazari into the kitchen.

"So what kind of cookies do you want to make for Touma-san?" Kazari asked Mikoto.

"Uh I have no idea… that's why I asked you two to come out and help me."

"No matter what, he should appreciate those cookies, because they will be made with love!" Ruiko said with enthusiasm. It was as if she was playing the role of a person who likes seeing other people in love.

"I-it's nothing that serious!" Mikoto waved her hands in front of her face defensively.

"No matter what it's the thought that counts." Kazari added brightly. The flower headed girl did not want Mikoto to feel too pressured to make the best cookies ever.

"R-right… as long as nothing catches on fire I think we're good."

"Yup, I definitely do not want my dorm room catching on fire."

"So do we have a recipe book?" Mikoto asked the others.

"Yeah, I have one right here." Ruiko dug into her kitchen cabinet and pulled out a normal sized book. She began reading out some of the instructions.

"First, we have to open up a bag of flour."

As instructed Mikoto found some flour and handed it over to Kazari who wanted to open it up.


"Kya!" Kazari yelled out. Her face was completely covered with flour. It was as if she transformed into a real life snowman.

"A-are you alright?" Mikoto expressed her obvious concern.

"Yeah I am." The flower haired girl tried to get some of the flour out of her hair. "We could always have a fight with flour instead of with real snowballs. At least flour won't hurt as much as snowballs would."

"Hahahahaha! This is so hilarious because you wear flowers on your head and now you're completely covered in flour!" Ruiko chuckled uncontrollably.

It took a second for Mikoto catch what was so funny. She shook her head and chuckled as well once she got it.

"Uiharu has flowers and flour in her hair now! I should take a picture of this." The long haired girl was about to take out her cell phone.

"No Saten-san I look terrible!"

Kazari went over to the sink and used a nearby towel to try to wipe the flour off her.

The next ten minutes were devoted to cleaning up the flour mess and helping Uiharu clean.

"Are you going to get him something else other than cookies?"

Ruiko looked at Mikoto curiously.

"Well I was thinking about knitting him a scarf as well."

The Railgun replied back, feeling a bit excited about learning more skills in home economics.

"OOOHHH…" It was as if stars appeared into the two girls' eyes. They looked at Mikoto even more impressed.

"Can either one of you two help me out?"

"Well I sort of do. I kind of dabbled with it when I was younger. Let's hope I don't screw up so badly."

Kazari replied, smiling nervously.

Most likely I'll have to find some online videos to help me out.

"Cookies and a scarf… that is so romantic." Ruiko sighed dreamily.

"We'll help you make this the most romantic Christmas ever!" The flower haired girl beamed.

Mikoto couldn't help but feel more embarrassed than she already was.

"You sure? I've already imposed on you two enough."

"It's fine! You're also repaying us back with some cake anyways. It's the least we could do for you."

Whenever the girls did something to help out Mikoto, she liked to repay them back by treating them with some cake.


A few days before Christmas Mikoto continued asking help from Ruiko and Kazari. Mikoto was at first terrible at sewing up clothing. She made two bad scarves before she started getting the hang of it.

Fortunately Kuroko was busy with Judgment duty so that Mikoto could go and work on her gifts for Touma.

There were a few times when they would contact each other through email, but Mikoto avoided speaking to him in person. She was much too nervous especially since she was working very hard for his sake.

However tonight at 6pm the two of them would meet each other for a date. That meant she had to be done with her homemade gifts by then. The cookies were put into a small box and were put into a gift bag along with the scarf.

I could have saved so much time if I bought these gifts from the store…

The Railgun couldn't help but think of troublesome it was to make the cookies from scratch and knit up the scarf. However the gifts were more heartfelt, which is what Touma wanted.

She waited under a light pole right at a certain shopping area. Lots of couples passed by, making Mikoto feeling even more nervous.

Meanwhile Mikoto was waiting for Touma; a particular group of girls were stalking her.

Kuroko, Kazari and Ruiko had on hats, scarves, thick sweaters and sun glasses to conceal their identities. The three of them looked like private detectives stalking a client.

They made sure to stay out of eye and ear shot from the Railgun.

"You all remembered to turn off your cell phones right?" Kuroko whispered to Kazari and Ruiko.

The two girls nodded.

"Wait, why do we have to do that?" Ruiko asked.

"If Onee-sama happens to call or email us, we don't want our phones going off! Especially since we're going to be trailing her. Also she has the ability to pick up any electronic wavelengths and frequencies. It's possible that she is familiar with the frequencies of our cell phones."

"Oh… I didn't realize Misaka-san's power is that incredible."

"Well we are dealing with Tokiwadai's electric princess after all." Kuroko said rather proudly.

"I can't believe we agreed to do this with you…" Kazari sighed.

This was after all the second time Kazari and Ruiko were assigned to stalk Mikoto. At least this time they were accompanied by a certain teleporter.

"Why are we doing this again?" Kazari hissed.

"You do want to see what is going to happen during their date right?" Ruiko grinned widely.

"If we get caught, Misaka-san is going to be so angry."

"That's why we'll do whatever it takes to not get caught. If anything happens I can teleport you two out of here."

Truthfully Kazari and Ruiko were eager to join in on following Mikoto. They were the ones who did help Mikoto with her Christmas gift after all. Was Mikoto a different girl towards Touma? Did she act cuter? Those were the various things the two girls wanted to find out.

"Though I am afraid of what happens if she does discover we're here…" Ruiko uttered.

"Don't worry." Kazari responded back in a low hushed tone. "Misaka-san will naturally put all of the blame on Shirai-san." She said the last part lowly so that only Ruiko could hear.

The long haired girl grinned. "Makes sense. Technically it wasn't our idea to come here in the first place. We were supposedly forced to tag along."

"What are you two talking about?" Kuroko hissed at them. The teleporter looked rather crazed right now. She had out a pair of binoculars and resembled the image of a crazy stalker.

"Nothing." The two other girls hummed.

It had been a few minutes since Mikoto arrived at the meeting spot.

"That guy better not be late…" The Railgun sighed. She had been looking at her cell phone every few seconds, watching as the time passed.

There had been a good amount of snow on the ground and all of the light poles were on. Most of Academy City had some Christmas decorations, which gave a pleasant atmosphere for the holidays.

Suddenly Mikoto could hear some feet pattering towards her direction. She looked at the person who was running.

A certain spikey haired boy went to her side within a minute.

"S-sorry I'm late." Touma huffed. His arms were resting on his knees. His face was towards the ground as he was continuing to huff and puff tiredly.

However Mikoto noticed Touma wasn't holding onto any gift, whereas she had some items in her hands. Did Touma forget a present for her?

"You're not that late. Thanks for rushing over here anyways." Mikoto smiled kindly.

"I keep losing track of time, I'm such an unfortunate klutz." Touma scratched the back of his head nervously.

While Mikoto and Touma were exchanging greetings, the three other girls were keeping close watch.

"There's nothing better than seeing youthful love~" Ruiko sighed dreamily.

"My onee-sama does not deserve a guy like him." Kuroko resisted the urge to send several spikes at Touma's direction.

"I wish we could hear what they are saying." Kazari commented.

"I bet they're talking about sickingly disgusting lovey dovey things." The local teleporter grumbled.

The two other girls looked at each other nervously. Most likely they were hoping that Kuroko's bad mood would not be felt by the happy couple.

"Shall we head off now? I have a few things planned for our evening." Touma held his hand out to Mikoto.

"Y-yeah sure…" It took her a second before she grasped onto his hand. "So do you have anything planned for our evening together?" She asked him.

"Mhm of course! Luck favors the prepared; I just hope my misfortune won't ruin anything tonight." He said rather nervously.

"I'll make sure my good luck counteracts your misfortune." Mikoto smiles softly. Her eyes give off a gentle expression.

The Railgun's smile makes Touma's cheeks slightly blush and he looks away from her eyes.

"T-the weather has been nice lately hasn't it?" The misfortunate boy felt so embarrassed that he had to change the topic.

Mikoto was surprised at how Touma came prepared. Hopefully the two of them would be in for a lovely evening. It didn't matter if Touma forgot to get her a present, she was happy enough just being with him.

They were blissfully unaware that they were being trailed by a trio of girls.

"Looks like they're on the move, let's go!"

Kuroko pulled out a newspaper and put it in front of her while walking forward.

"Last time we had trees and bushes to hide behind." Ruiko sighed, expressing her complaint. "Now we just look really ridiculous with our disguises."

"At least Misaka-san hasn't noticed us yet."

"I'd be surprised if she doesn't catch us."

"I feel like we have better things to be doing than stalking Misaka-san… this is sort of getting ridiculous."

"Hm not really…" Kazari then said the next part in a low whisper. "Plus we have to make sure Shirai-san doesn't completely wreck Misaka-san's date."

Ruiko nodded in agreement.

Not too long later, the couple arrived at a restaurant. It looked like a place that was at a higher standard than a family restaurant but not as classy as a fancy restaurant.

"Should we go inside?" Kazari asked out loud.

"Of course we are! It's not like Onee-sama can recognize us." Kuroko replied.

All three girls entered into the restaurant a few minutes after Mikoto and Touma. They were seated 3 booths across from the couple. To further conceal their identities, they all grabbed more newspapers and put it in front of their faces.

Ruiko sighed. "Looks like professional stalking will be my back up career."

"Shhhh let's try to listen to what they're saying." Kuroko said lowly. "I wished we could have sat closer to them, but it would be terrible of Onee-sama caught us."

"I'm sure Misaka-san would be very angry if we got in the way of her date with her special someone." Kazari lightly giggled.

"That ape is a thousand years too early to be dating somebody as lovely as my onee-sama!" Kuroko hissed.

The two other girls hushed Kuroko, fearing the teleporter was speaking much too loudly.

Fortunately the couple did not catch on that they were being followed. They were conversing about various topics and even sharing the occasional funny story.

"In order to make your gifts, I had to go through quite a bit." Mikoto smirked, recalling the memories of having to bake in a kitchen.

"Ah sorry, I hope it didn't cause you much trouble."

"Haha not at all, I actually had fun with it. Want me to give you your gift right now?"

"Hm, how about later? My gift is a surprise." Touma grinned.

Mikoto's mind then went buzzing. He just admitted that he had a gift prepared for her, what could it be?

Even though Mikoto looked calm, she actually felt very nervous.

"So what do you want to order? It'll be my …"

"Before you say anything." Touma interrupted. "I know that you have far more money than me, but that doesn't mean that you have to pay every time. Let me treat you out to something nice every once in a while. I made sure to save up enough yen for this occasion."

Mikoto couldn't help but smile. Touma had truly become more independent and responsible.

"Alright sure, I'll make sure not to order anything too pricey."

"That would be much appreciated." Touma smiled nervously.

The two of them pulled out their respective menus.

"Thank goodness this restaurant's prices aren't that outrageous. I heard about how some places charge 2,000 yen for some fancy garlic bread." Touma muttered.

"Don't worry; I'll try not to make you go too broke."

Mikoto had been raised in a wealthy background, but she did not live a pampered life. She did not have maids or butlers to command; rather her mother was usually there for her. Mikoto did not have taste in expensive products such as clothing or make up; rather she liked the simple things like childish toys. Sometimes she resented how people would look down upon her because of her supposedly lady like mannerisms.

"What if Onee-sama and that ape are discussing their future together? Like how many kids they want to have?!" Kuroko's eyes looked like she could commit murder.

"L-let's not assume that they are discussing such serious topics." Ruiko sweat dropped. "They're after all way too young to be thinking about those kinds of things."

"That's right." Kazari nodded. "I assume Kamijou-san would have to jump through a lot of hoops in order to be accepted by Misaka-san's family."

"As if that ape will ever get anybody's approval, especially not mine's!"

"Calm down now Shirai-san, let's not get us kicked out of this restaurant." Kazari attempted to quell the teleporter's anger.

"Oh look, I think Kamijou-san is attempting to make a move." Ruiko watched the other table closely.

"Hahh?!" Kuroko's eyes turned back to where the couple was sitting at.

Mikoto's right hand was laid out on the table top. Her eyes were occupied on the menu and she suddenly felt a warm sensation on her right hand.

Her attention was diverted and she saw Touma placed his hand over hers. A faint pink blush appeared across her face.

"W-what do you think you're doing?" She stammered.

"I couldn't help it, you look so lovely right now- GAH!"

Before the two of them could say anything else, the poor misfortunate boy was struck by some strange flying object. Turns out the object was a tea cup that just seemed like it appeared from out of nowhere. The tea cup dropped onto their table but fortunately did not break apart.

"Are you alright?" Mikoto got up from her seat and went to his side.

"Y-yeah I'm fine, I didn't think I was at risk for being hit by tea cups. It must be my misfortune acting up again." Touma rubbed the part of his head that got hit.

"Serves him right!" Kuroko quietly hissed.

"Shirai-san, don't blow our cover!"

Ruiko and Kazari did their best to conceal Kuroko's seeping anger. Hopefully Mikoto would just think that the flying tea cup was just a freak accident.

Mikoto checked out Touma's injury and saw that he got a bump on his head.

"Looks like you're overall fine."

"Haha yeah, I don't think a tea cup is capable of real harm to me. I've faced way worse danger than flying tea sets."

Mikoto then went back to her seat and felt slightly sad. She wanted to feel the warmth from Touma's hand again. The warmth that reassured her that everything was going to be alright. The warmth that made her heart nearly want to explode.

Right now she really wanted to reach out for Touma's hand but she felt too embarrassed to do so.

"What's wrong Mikoto?" Touma looked at her worried. "You've been quiet for the past few minutes."

"Uh, it's nothing at all!" The Railgun put up a smile. "W-what else do you want to do after we eat?"

"We could always explore the area even more, there are some shops around that might have some cute items such as Gekota merchandise."

At the mention of Gekota, Mikoto's ears perked up in interest.

"C-can we check out the Gekota stuff?" She always felt so self-conscious whenever she discussed her interest in childish things.

"Haha of course, it's no shame to like Gekota. I think it's cute that you like child-like things."

"R-really? I have a lady like persona I have to maintain, so it can be hard for me to express what I really like."

"Everybody is truly a child at heart."

"So do you have any guilty childish secrets you want to share with me?" Mikoto asked, with an amused expression.

"Haha I'm not sure if I should tell you…"

"Aw come on."

Mikoto truly looked like she was having fun attempting to mess with Touma.

The three girls not too far away were able to hear bits and pieces of the conversation. Kazari and Ruiko were nearly squealing with joy.

"Misaka-san is so cute whenever she's around him, it's like she's glowing." Kazari uttered, with a bubbly aura around herself.

"They say that a man can change a woman."

"T-that Touma is not a good influence on onee-sama at all."

"Can't you see that Misaka-san is happy? Why don't we leave them alone and let them continue to be happy."

"I need to watch over onee-sama, just in case he attempts to do lecherous things to her."

Ruiko and Kazari sweat dropped nervously.

"I doubt Touma-san is that kind of person…"

"Onee-sama is too much of a lovely lady to be going out with him."

"I think Shirai-san has serious attachment issues…" Kazari muttered very lowly.

Mikoto noticed Touma wasn't too eager to share any of his childhood stories, thinking that some people just aren't the type to like to talk about themselves.

"Haha it's ok, you don't have to say anything you don't feel comfortable with."

"Well… it's just because I've had some embarrassing things happen to me."

"Oh?" Mikoto's face had an interested expression. "Like what?"

"Well there was this one dog that liked the other kids but always chased me around. The other kids would laugh at me while that dog always pinned me down and wouldn't let me go. My misfortune has cursed me all of my life." Touma sighed. "Any animal bigger than me always want to pounce on me."

"Sounds like you'll have a fun time going to a zoo then." Mikoto jokingly said.

"Please don't get me started on birds, they've ruined my hair so many times."

"Don't worry; animals aren't too keen to be around me either. My body naturally gives off small amounts of electromagnetic waves that frighten animals. Most adorable dogs and cats just run away from me."

"Haha, I guess that means we both have bad luck with animals then." Touma grinned.

"That's definitely something interesting to have in common."

The two of them looked straight at each other and laughed a bit.

Their laughing of course made a certain twin tailed teleporter rip apart the napkin she had in her mouth.

"He must die…"

Kazari and Ruiko ignored the groans and complaints of their teleporter friend and continued to try to listen to the couple's conversation.

"What did your friends think when you said you were going out tonight?" Touma asked as he reached for his nearby cup.

"Hm, well only 2 of them know. If I let Kuroko know I was out on a date, she'd probably try to do something crazy like stalk me or even interfere."

"Really? I doubt she'd do crazy stuff like that."

"Trust me, she isn't exactly happy about us, but my other friends want to get to know you."

"Oh yeah, Uiharu-san and Saten-san right? They seemed like nice girls."

Kazari and Ruiko perked up a bit when they heard their names mentioned. The two of them grinned with glee as they heard how Touma called them nice.

Mikoto smiled happily as she pleased with how Touma could get along with most of her friends, minus Kuroko.

"Well to tell you the truth, they helped me make one of your Christmas gifts." Mikoto's face turned a bit pink.

"I'll be sure to thank them the next time I see them." Touma's eyes lit up "They probably made a big fuss about it."

"Don't get me started at how mushy they got when I told them that the gifts were for you…" The Railgun shook her head and gave an amused sigh.

"She's talking about us!" Ruiko gasped in surprise.

"At least we're getting positive things mentioned, unlike Shirai-san." Kazari uttered.

"Onee-sama has nothing good to say about me?!" Kuroko's eyes looked furious.

The other two girls did their best to hide their sniggers as they looked at how childish and jealous Kuroko was acting.


"You sure you did not want to open your gifts in the restaurant?" Mikoto asked.

The couple just finished their meal and just walked out of the restaurant. Overall Mikoto felt satisfied with her meal and happy that she had a good conversation with Touma.

Meanwhile the stalker trio left as well and still kept their tabs on the couple.

Touma looked over at Mikoto and smiled.

"Hm it's because I was planning on exchanging gifts at a more romantic place."

"R-romantic?" The Mikoto's looked flushed as she felt embarrassed.

Every time he did some sort of romantic gesture, it always caught her off guard.

"I can't wait to see you open up the gift I got you." The misfortunate boy grinned widely.

He reached his hand out for Mikoto's and held it. The Railgun could feel her heart skip a beat and go racing.

"Y-yeah… same here." Was all she could mutter out. "So where are we headed to?"

"To one of my favorite locations in Academy City. It looks even nicer during the winter time."

Right now it snow was falling a bit harder so the streets and the setting was covered in even more white snow.

Even though it's cold right now, Touma's warmth is so overpowering

Mikoto couldn't believe how happy she felt in this moment.

"Makes me wish I had a boyfriend as well…" Kazari sighed.

It was bustling with activity and people right now within the city, so it was easy for the three girls to blend in with the crowd while trailing after the couple.

"Not sure if that's going to happen soon Uiharu, you're not the type to be popular with guys." Ruiko laughed as she poked fun of her friend.

"That's so mean Saten-san!"

"How come their date isn't over yet?!" Kuroko screamed out

"Shhhh… you'll attract unnecessary attention Shirai-san." Kazari attempted to calm down Kuroko as she noticed a few people staring at them oddly.

"Hmph! I wonder where he is taking her now? He better not plan on doing something indecent to her, we must continue our pursuit!"


Touma continued holding onto Mikoto's hand as he led her to a certain location.

Mikoto did not say much to him, because she living in the happy moment and could not find the words to express her feelings.

Eventually they got a park with lots of trees that were all decorated with bright Christmas lights. All of the lampposts were decorated with lights and garland as well. It was interesting how there were no other people in this area.

The snowfall had gotten a bit heavier, to the point that the ground was completely covered in snow.

"It feels more like the holiday spirit with all of this snow." Touma muttered.

"Yeah it does, I always enjoyed the snow during the winter time." Mikoto then noticed that Touma was shivering a bit more. "Are you cold?"

"Haha you noticed?" Touma smiled nervously.

Mikoto immediately wrapped her arm around his and they were shoulder to shoulder.

She noticed Touma's face looking more blushed as they got closer and she laughed a bit.

"Let's go sit down and exchange gifts shall we?"

The Railgun pointed to a nearby bench.

They sat down on the bench and Mikoto could feel her heart rate pacing faster than before. She could tell that she was very nervous about giving Touma his gift and hoped that he would like it.

"H-here…" She nervously held out the gift bag and her eyes faced downwards, looking away from his face.

"No need to be so scared." Touma smiled kindly. "I'll be sure to love whatever you got me."

The spikey haired boy proceeded to open up the gift.

"Is this a scarf?"

He held out the red scarf that she hand knit.

Mikoto nodded. "Yup, I made it."

"You really made this?" Touma's eyes lit up brightly. He immediately put the scarf around him and grinned. "It's warm, I could tell that you worked really hard on this."

"There's something else for you as well." Mikoto couldn't help but feel this burst of happiness from within.

Touma looked back into the bag and saw a container full of the homemade cookies she made.

"Did you make these cookies?"

"O-of course!" The Railgun nodded. "Saten-san and Uiharu-san really helped me out."

Touma opened up the container and ate one of the cookies.

"This is delicious! Homemade things are always the best since they come from the heart."

He then pulled out a small gift bag from his pocket.

"I-I got you this, I hope you like it."

Mikoto noticed that Touma had a hard time keeping eye contact with her, which was how she was like just a minute ago.

She accepted the gift and opened the bag and saw that there was a necklace. More specifically it was a heart shaped locket.

"…" The Railgun was initially speechless. "T-this is beautiful!"

"It's not nearly as beautiful as you."

He stared directly into her eyes and Mikoto could feel herself being entranced with his stare.

This moment of being by themselves in this empty park was very serene.

However there was one thing that bothered her…

Mikoto was hoping that the night would go well without a certain Kuroko appearing out of nowhere. Then again, why would she be worried about Kuroko appearing randomly in the first place?

She thought she was being paranoid and shrugged off that suspicion and focused on her time with Touma.


"I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!" Kuroko roared.

"Shirai-san stop!" Kazari and Ruiko yelled out, but it was too late

Suddenly a wild Kuroko jumped out from the nearby bushes.

"ONEE-SAMA!" The teleporter yelled out loud with a fiery rage in her eyes.

Mikoto and Touma were no longer gazing into each other's eyes and immediately stood up. They stared at the intruder before them.


Mikoto's body began emitting out some dangerous electrical surges. Even Touma took a few steps away from her.

"Uh Mikoto, no need to get angry now." Touma put his hands up defensively.

"We have to do something about this!" Kazari freaked out.

"Leave it to me!" Ruiko gave a thumbs up and leapt out of the bushes.

"Saten-san!" Kazari followed after her friend.

"Snow ball fight!" Ruiko shouted out energetically. She eagerly grabbed the nearest batch of snow and immediately threw it at an unsuspecting Kazari.

Everybody within the area was confused. However they all went with the flow and began gathering up snow and throwing snow balls at each other.

The tension was broken thanks to Ruiko's spontaneous actions.

Kazari was attempting to get revenge back at Ruiko while Ruiko was happily dodging.

"Onee-sama! Feel my snowballs of love!"

"Uwah!" Mikoto was hit by a few of the incoming snow balls.

"Are you alright Mikoto?" Touma looked worried.

Meanwhile Mikoto was attempting to fend off Kuroko's love attacks.

"Get off me!"

"I will be Onee-sama's one and only forever!"

Just as Kuroko could tackle into MIkoto, Touma stepped in the way to intervene.

"I can't let you have Mikoto, she's a very precious person to me."

Mikoto could feel her cheeks flush. He looked very heroic right now.

"Nobody can stand in the way of my love for Onee-sama!"

Before Kuroko could do anything else, she was met with a barrage of snow balls from Kazari and Ruiko.

"We'll help you out Misaka-san." Ruiko grinned.

Kuroko quickly turned her attention towards her two other friends.

"I thought you two were on my side!"

While the three others had their own conversation and bickering going on, Mikoto was able to focus her attention solely on Touma.

"Thank you for everything."

"Hm?" Touma turned towards her with a confused look.

Mikoto wrapped her arms around him in a warm embrace.

She could not have thought of a better way to spend her holidays, alongside with her close friends and the person that she felt the most comfortable with.

Touma hugged her back and the couple remained silent as they were enjoying the moment. They did not seem to be phased at all with the craziness that was going on around them. All that mattered to them was the person they cared most about.

Author's Note: That's a wrap!

Gosh darn it took me AGES to update, I feel really bad for making readers wait. Better late than never!

On another note, I do not have future plans to start another Railgun/Index series. Right now I am working on my Sword Art Online/Railgun crossover story which has been ongoing but slow on updates. Please check it out! The title is "A Certain Strange New World." Unfortunately I have not been very good at updating that story…

Thank you to those who have kept up with my stories ever since The Things Misaka Mikoto Sees, I appreciate the support and hope that you continue reading my stories!