The aftermath of Alfred and Matthew's reunion had been quiet but strained. Some of the more gossipy guests were whispering to each other over dinner, coming up with scandalous theories about what could have happened in their past. Alfred felt completely embarrassed and humiliated as he heard these rumours circulating around him. It was bad enough that he actually had to attend dinner, which included every single part guest at one table. He didn't show it though. He was hero after all and what's more, he was a mother. He wouldn't let the snide but quiet comments of these people get to him, he didn't even know them.

He would be lying though if he said that he wasn't nervous. Thankfully, the children had been given a separate table to eat at, so he didn't have to worry about Ivan getting close to Liberty. The less that man saw and knew of her, the better. And poor Liberty too, Alfred, like Feli, had been honest with their children and told them about their fathers that they'd, at the time, thought they'd never meet. Libby knew his name, but she didn't know what Ivan looked like. Alfred was sure that even Feli hadn't told his kids that Ludwig was their father.

This was bad though. This could be really bad. At least Matthew and Ivan hadn't spoken to him at dinner, that was a plus. He sighed to himself and nommed on his mashed potatoes. The food was delicious actually. Alfred was a man who could definitely appreciate a good cooked meal, but he was far from enjoying himself right now. He just wanted to get done, get Libby, and go to bed; retreating to the comforts of their room.

However, it seemed that other plans had already been made. Just as the other dinner guests were leaving, Feli walked over and pulled Alfred aside.

"Alfred." The brunette spoke up quietly but sternly. "Gilbert and Elizabeta said that they want to speak with you." Alfred was about to protest but his words died before he could open his mouth. He simply nodded to his friend and accepted his fate. At least it would give him a chance to explain himself.


Feliciano led the way and after a bit of walking, they reached one of the master bedrooms in the west wing of the manor.

"In here." The smaller man led him inside and closed the door behind them. Gilbert and Elizabeta were sitting at the edge of the bed while Feli and Alfred sat down on the couch in front of them.

"Look, I'm really sorry about what happened I-"

But he was quickly silenced as Lizzy held up her hand in a motion for him to stop. "Enough. We just have a few questions to ask you."

Alfred avoided making a loud gulping sound as he swallowed and listened to the woman, and man, in charge.

"First question." Gilbert spoke up. "Why didn't you tell us that you knew Mat? I knew you guys looked similar but the fact that you're twins too is really weird."

"I didn't know that you were talking about Mattie the whole time. It's a common name and I'm a pretty average looking guy. Short hair, blonde and blue eyes is easy to find. Besides that, I didn't know that Mattie moved to Canada. I…I ran away back when we were still in high school and I haven't seen or spoken to him since."

"I see…" Lizzy spoke up this time. "Second question, do you think you will be able to control yourself around him? Your falling out is unfortunate but I don't want anything to ruin my wedding."

Alfred nodded. "I completely understand and I'm sorry about what happened before. It won't happen again. Mattie's not even the one I'm really worried about. It's…it's Ivan…" Alfred had gripped the fabric of his pants, balling his hands into fists. This was the part he was dreading. Even talking about what Ivan did had always gotten him riled up. He was about to continue when a warm, gentle hand was placed over his own in a reassuring, calming gesture.

"It's alright Alfredo, you don't have to say anymore, I'll tell them." The Italian man flashed him a smile and Alfred gave him a nod in thanks.

"Thanks dude…"

"No problemo!" Feli turned back to face the awaiting couple. "My apologies amico mios. This is not something that Alfred likes to speak about. That man with his fratello, the one named Ivan, is a very bad man. You see, a long time ago…"

*Flash Back*

Alfred smiled happily and hummed to himself as he admired his engagement ring. It wasn't much, just a simple gold band, but what it meant, what it promised for the future was worth so much more.

Arthur had had a cow a few months ago when he'd first heard about the engagement. He threatened to kick Alfred out if he didn't "stop with this foolishness at once". But Alfred wasn't fazed. Honestly, he loved that crazy, bitter old man but he knew that Ivan was best for him.

Besides, Arthur had eventually come around and even promised to pay for part of the wedding as long as Alfred promised him that he'd go to college and not drop out. Alfred had been ecstatic that his guardian accepted their relationship and still wanted to be a part of his life.

Speaking of life though, Alfred was actually a bit troubled. The blushing bride-to-be had hardly seen his fiancée in the past two weeks and it was starting to trouble him. Like today for instance, they were supposed to have a date but Ivan suddenly texted him and told him that he was sick. The poor baby! He'd probably caught a cold from Alfred. The blonde had been throwing up a lot lately, specifically in the mornings, and he wasn't sure why. Probably just a stomach bug.

Regardless, he felt a little guilty and what better way to make it up than nursing his cuddly Russian bear back to health?

He smiled to himself as he knocked on the door to Ivan's house. Upon receiving no answer, he took out the key that Ivan had given him and unlocked the door.

"Hello, anyone home?"

He knew no one as there though and closed the door behind him. He remembered Ivan mentioning that his sisters would be busy today which is why it had been a perfect date day until Ivan got sick and cancelled.

Alfred headed upstairs, knowing exactly where Ivan's room was as this house was practically his second home. He knocked on the door but didn't wait for a response before he opened it.

"Vanya~ Hey sweetie, I know you said you were sick but-"

Alfred never finished his sentence as he saw something truly horrible before him. It was the image of Ivan, his beloved fiancée, naked, and in the middle of fingering the Chinese foreign exchange student from their Geography class, Yao Wang.

Alfred covered his mouth in shock and Ivan and Yao looked over, unhappy to discover that they had an audience.

"Alfred? What are you doing here?"

The stunned blonde was silent for a few moments before his brain finally decided to register on an emotion; anger.

"I could ask you the same thing. What the fuck do you think you're doing with that chinky hussy?!"

Yao had glared, angry at the racial slur, but quickly covered himself up with the blanket while Ivan simply approached Alfred, completely unashamed.

"I was about to be fucking." He answered so easily, like he was talking about the weather.

"You were cheating on me you fucking bastard!"

"It took you long enough to figure out." Ivan rolled his eyes but Alfred couldn't even believe what he was hearing. Why was Ivan acting like this? How long had he been cheating on him?

His eyes were overflowing with tears by now and his explosion continued.

"Why Ivan?! Why are you cheating on me?! H-how long have you been…why…why…why are you acting like this? I knew something was up lately, I just I…I wouldn't ever believe…" He seemed to be screaming phrases now, unsure of how to formulate his feelings. "You're my lover Ivan, we were supposed to get married! I trusted you! I gave you everything, I told you everything, everything…I love you. I…I thought you loved me too…"

"Love?" Ivan snickered coldly. "Maybe I did once Fredka, but things are different now. This shouldn't be anything new to you. After all, you're just a two-dollar American whore. Slobbering capitalist pig! You take advantage of everyone and everything. You're selfish and conniving and you don't deserve to live. Did you think I wouldn't find out? I know who and what you really are and it's over between us!"

Alfred felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. Of all the people that he thought would say those kind of cruel words to him, he never, ever thought that Ivan would be one of them.

Ivan cheated on him. Ivan didn't love him. Ivan thought he was selfish. Ivan thought he was disgusting. Ivan hated him.

It was all too much for Alfred. In a matter of seconds, his whole world had come tumbling down around him. He'd never felt more miserable or alone in his entire life. Before he could even think of anything to stay, Ivan had slammed the door in his face and Alfred ran. He ran out of that house, he ran out of that town, he ran and ran until he toppled over from exhaustion, three miles away from his city.

It was night time by now and, with no one else around, he cried. He cried his heart out screamed, cursing Ivan and every God there was that chose to make such turmoil befall upon him. Even if someone did come by, he didn't care. In a way, he was in mourning. He was mourning the death of his once happy relationship and future with the man he once loved.

So many thoughts swam inside his head. He wasn't just angry at Ivan, he was angry at himself. He felt like nothing, like a piece of shit. Ivan had said it was his fault that Ivan didn't love him anymore. All his fault. Always.


"…and that's what happened. He had even said that he contemplated suicide after what happened but in the end; he left a note and ran away from his home. I can only thank God that Alfred was strong enough to move on instead of taking his life. He is the sweetest person I've ever met and I'm overjoyed that I can call him my best friend."

Feliciano smiled again and squeezed Alfred's hand, which he just realized he was holding. It was a platonic gesture though, something that the two tended to do when the other was in despair. Even a little squeeze, a little touch between the two could mean a world of comfort. It meant they were listening. It meant that they cared.

Elizabeta and Gilbert just sat there on the bed, mouths open, shell-shocked as Feliciano finished telling Alfred's story. Lizzy and Gil didn't know Ivan all that well but from what they did know, he had never seemed like that bad of a guy. A little off-putting yes, but they didn't think that the man had been capable of shattering someone's soul.

"I see…how awful."

Alfred shook his head, finally speaking up for himself. "It's alright. It was a long time ago. But…it still hurts. I thought I had gotten over it but seeing him again…I don't plan to start a conversation with him anytime soon."

"I think that you should." Gilbert surprised everyone as he suddenly spoke seriously. "What happened to you was terrible and I think that by avoiding the issue, you're only hurting yourself. You need closure; you need to talk to him, both of them. Not at the same time of course, but you need to be honest with them. I'm not sure how Ivan will react but don't egg him on either. As for Mattie, he's told me a thing or two about you, and I know for a fact you never told him what happened. As far as he knows, he thought that you dumped Ivan and ran away to avoid your responsibilities. In a way, he was right. But that's not important right now. Tomorrow, I want you to clear things up with him. Matthew is a good friend of mine and I know how much he really loves you. He was angry earlier, you both were. So tomorrow you're going to tell him about everything and make up with him. Understand?"

Alfred blinked. He didn't think the man could be so serious. But was what he said true? Did Mattie really still love him? Well, he'd just have to find out tomorrow. "I understand."

"Good." Gilbert grinned, back to his usual self. "Now, skiddadle, the both of ya. I wanna spend some quality time with my mein wifey~"

Feli and Alfred laughed a little and they could here that Lizzy had smacked Gilbert after they left. Alfred said goodnight to his best friend and went to his room where Libby was watching T.V.; waiting for him.

"Hi mommy!" The little girl ran over to her mother and hugged him around the waist. "Are you feeling better?"

Alfred smiled down at her and stroked her hair. "Yes, much. Thank you sweetie. And thank you for waiting up for me. But it's way past your bedtime missy."

She pouted a little but didn't argue and shut off the T.V. before climbing into bed, patting the side next to her. "Fine, but mommy has to come to bed too."

"Oh? Libby, aren't you a little old to be sleeping in bed with me?" Regardless, he crawled under the covers on the other side and lay down beside her.

"But what if the bad guys that made mommy sad sneak into our room at night? I'm mommy's hero, I have to protect you!" She puffed her chest and her cheeks to make herself look bigger. Alfred simply laughed and wrapped his arms around her small frame, hugging her close, much a repeat of what had happened earlier in the evening.

"It'll be alright. No bad guys will get us; not while I'm around. But even so, I want you to be careful from now on. And don't go near that tall man with the scarf. He's a villain."

"A villain mommy?"

Alfred nodded. The less she knew about Ivan the would make sure that-

"Why is daddy a villain?" Innocent sapphire blue eyes gazed up at him, seeking an honest answer.

"Eh- but how did you-?" his eyes went wide, a spike of icy fear piercing his heart for a moment. How did she know? She couldn't have known! How-

"I don't really know how mommy. I saw him and...he just looked like the man that would be my daddy." She shrugged and answered as if she had read his mind.


"No mommy, listen to me." The child sat up suddenly and looked at her mother with a serious expression. "I want to meet him mommy. I want to talk to him. This might be the only time I ever see him. I know that...he must be bad if mommy says he's a villain...but there's good in him I bet! And Robby and Loti and Krssy get to hang out with their daddy. It's not fair!" She crossed her arms, pouting.

Alfred sat up as well and ran a hair through his blonde locks, sighing.

"Liberty, I know it's not fair. But it's an entirely different situation. If things had been different, I wouldn't have a problem with it but-"

"But why does it have to be different? It's not fair…" her eyes were welling up with unshed tears. "Is it me mommy? Am I the reason why daddy hates us?"

"No!" Alfred wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tight. "Oh baby girl...don't ever think that about yourself. Nothing has ever been your fault. I'm the one to blame. I...grown ups are complicated Liberty. I never wanted you to find least not this way. Not until you were older. There are things in this world that you're just not ready to understand yet. And I want you to be happy. I want you to be my happy, innocent little girl as long as possible. It's not right that you have to suffer because of my mistakes."

"But mommy…" she sniffled and dried some of the tears that had started to fall. "Meeting daddy would make me happy! I can handle it, I promise! He doesn't know he's my there shouldn't be any problem? Why don't you forgive him mommy? Feli forgave Mr. Ludi….and they look happy now. I want mommy to be happy with daddy too!"

"I told you, your father and I are a totally different story. Please Liberty, just drop it. We'll talk about this when you're older. There's just so much you don't understand-"

"I would understand it if you would just tell me! I'm a big girl now, I can handle it, honest!"

"No, Liberty. End of discussion. Now go to bed."

"No, I won't! You always say later! You never have any trust in me! And you're running like a coward! My mommy is supposed to be a big strong hero!"

"I said enough Liberty!" Alfred got up and slammed his fist against the wall, releasing his pent up anger. "So help me God if you don't shut up right now! You want the fucking truth? He abandoned me! He left me for some bitch and he abandoned both of us!" he grit his teeth as fresh tears spilled over. He clenched his fists, the rage building inside of him, threatening to explode. He looked up, about to scream again when he saw the look of hurt in his daughter's eyes. The fear. Oh God...had he done that? He hadn't meant to...but she kept pushing it...he was a terrible parent wasn't he? He was despicable. He couldn't handle it anymore. In one quick movement, he bolted for the door, running down the hall.

Feliciano opened his own door when he'd heard the other slam and went over to Alfred's room to see if everything was ok. He was shocked to see a fresh hole in the wall and Liberty crying on the bed.

"Lib-bella!" He rushed to her side and checked to see if she was alright. "Lib-bella, are you hurt at all? What happened? Did you two have a fight?"

"-hates me…" Liberty hiccuped between her sobs as she clung to Feliciano, taking comfort in her second mother.

"What? I am sure that's not true. Speak up my bella, I can't understand you." he smiled softly and soothed her hair to calm her down.

"I-I said he hates me. -hic- I didn't listen...I didn't listen and mommy hates me now…"

Feliciano shook his head, telling her that she was just being silly because she was scared. He had her explain the whole situation from the beginning. He understood it clearly now, so it had finally come out about her father, huh? A shame it couldn't have happened later, Alfred had been far from prepared to tell his daughter the truth. It was still a very sore spot for him. The young man Feli considered to be his best friend had changed so much in the time since they had first met, but, with a frown, Feli could not deny that even he knew that, in some ways, Alfred was still the same, frightened, self-loathing child that he was back then.

Parenthood wasn't an easy thing, neither of them had been prepared for it. But Feli had always known that Alfred had gotten the even shorter end of the stick. How could you expect a man to love the fragile soul of a child when he himself couldn't come to love the fact that he was even alive?

Alfred wasn't suicidal by nature but he was self-loathing and easily hurt. In a way, he was only as weak as he made himself look strong. He'd gotten so much better these past eight years, but Feli was afraid. Afraid that his friend might revert back to his old ways. The way he used to carry a false smile, the way he used to curl up in a ball and not leave his room for days. He didn't want his friend to become that pathetic mass of sorrow again.

He shook his head and picked Liberty up. "Come sweet one, you will stay with us tonight. And do not worry about your mother, he is just a little cranky right now. He will let off some steam and be good as new tomorrow." He smiled, but his eyes betrayed his confidence. He hoped that his judgment was correct and decided not to look and see where Alfred had run off too. The other should come back in the morning, just like he said. He prayed that his friend was strong enough to battle his inner demons on his own, at least until tomorrow.