Remus strolled through the halls as he did every Saturday night, a part of his prefect duties. It was dark out, the full moon last week.

He wasn't in the best of moods, though. He was trying to figure out his feelings, particularly towards a certain shaggy- haired, wild friend. He had been having very… strange… dreams about him, and he didn't understand why, and whenever he was near him, he couldn't help but smile.

He finally snapped back to earth when he heard something bang down the corridor. When he looked up, he saw his friend running toward him, half way through transformation. "Siriu….?"

"No time! Come on!" A clawed hand wrapped around his arm, dragging him into a broom cupboard halfway down the hallway.

"Wha-? Padfoot, what's going-"

"Shut up, Moony!" Sirius covered his mouth with his hand, which had gone back to normal.

He heard a bunch of footsteps rushing down the hall. They stopped in front of the cupboard, then continued going on.

"Moony, for someone who keeps his head behind a book, you're pretty stupid, sometimes," He punched his shoulder playfully while trying to catch his breath.

"What the bloody hell was that, you maniac?" Remus asked him.

"Me and Prongs set off a bunch of Filibuster Fireworks. And it they may or may not have been aimed at the Slytherin's Quidditch teammate." He grinned evilly.

Remus shook his head and, suddenly, realized how close they were in the cramped closet. He began to turn red.

"You okay?" Sirius asked him, leaning forward so that his and Remus faces were so close, Remus could feel his breathing.

"Um… Sirius… I have to tell you something…"

Padfoot cocked an eyebrow, so Remus continued. "I… I like you… a lot…"

Padfoot grinned, than looked serious. "I like you, too," and before Moony could respond, Sirius leaned forward and full-on kissed him.

Moony was surprised. He didn't kiss, but he didn't pull back, either. When Sirius wrapped an arm around his waist, though, he decided to return the favor. He kissed and embraced him, and it was nothing like before. He pulled him closer, trying to get their bodies closer, but there was no closer.

As they kissed, Padfoots hands trailed down Remus' back and to the waist of his pants. He then hesitated. After Remus gave him a slight nod, he plunged into his pants. A moan escaped from Moony's mouth when Sirius touched his man-part, which was as hard as a rock.

He continued to stroke him, Remus growing louder and louder, he himself getting hard.

Just as Remus was about to cum all over Padfoot's hand, the door was yanked open and Ryuk and Grell barged in, singing happy birthday at the top of their lungs. As they sang, Dumbledore ran past behind them, completely naked, his long beard covering his privates. He was laughing like a maniac.

Arthur woke with a start. He rubbed his head, thinking, what the bloody fuck did I just dream? When he sat up, he saw that he was completely nude, and his dick was an Octopus Tentacle.

He screamed.

The doctor woke suddenly. He looked around, remembering where he was. He thought back to his dream… well, dream inside a dream…
He shook his head, trying to get the image of a nude Dumbledore from his head. When he rolled over, Jo Rowling was lying beside him.

"Morning, Dear."


Hope you got a good laugh from this! Tell me what you think :P

btw- grell is a character from Black Buter, Ryuk, from Death Note.

If you don't know who the doctor is...