Okay, so this will be a multi-chapter Teen Wolf fic, but not too many chapters i think. We have a renovated Hale house, a pack consisting of; Derek, Scott, Issac, Erica, Boyd, Jackson, Lydia, Allison and Stiles. Fem!Stiles is occurring here, so if that's not your thing, turn back now :)

Already together pairs- Erica/Boyd - Lydia/Jackson - Allison/Scott

Developing - Derek/Stiles(Possible Issac addition every now and then but i like him innocent so I'll decide later.)

Timeline is about 6-8 months after the end of S2.

Warnings for Smut of the M/F, M/M, and possible M/M/M. Dark themes of abuse. Be careful for possible triggers.

Other than that, i hope you enjoy!

The first time Stiles walks into a pack meeting smelling like pain and fear, Derek almost brushes it off as a result of the final fight with the Alpha pack two nights ago. They'd won, eventually; with the help of the Argent's and surprisingly, the Sheriff. Stiles had gotten hurt though, pushing her dad out of the way of a stray arrow from Allison meant that it scraped her side instead. The distraction had given one of the remaining Alpha's time to throw her back into a tree. She had a bit of a concussion, a lot of bruises and too much to explain to her father, but it explained her bruises and could maybe explain the pungent scent of fear that hit Derek the moment Stiles walked into the room.

"Hey Stiles. You okay?" Scott was perched on the edge of the sofa, nose crinkled in confusion as he scented his best friend. Derek watched Stiles closely as she walked the rest of the room and slumped down next to Scott. She still looked a little unsteady on her feet, and it was obvious she was in pain; but unlike the last time Derek had seen her, she was conscious and there wasn't any blood, so he's counting this as an improvement.

"Been better, but it's nothing that won't heal up soon." Stiles' heart had been beating so fast and hard with the yet to be fully explained fear that none of the wolves in the room could tell if it was a lie or not. Scott just smiles back at her with a nod and turned back to the discussion he'd been having before Stiles had turned up. Derek kept watching Stiles from his spot leaning against the wall, noticing the way her eyes flickered in badly concealed panic whenever someone moved too quickly or shouted too loud, wondering why she flinched and her hand shook every time her phone buzzed with a message. It was worrying, the concealed terror just under the surface, the way that the pain he could smell seemed like too much for the injuries he knew she suffered.

That worry increased ten-fold when he realised he could still smell fresh blood somewhere on her body. He'd been around women long enough to known that this was in no way normal, and he'd been around Stiles long enough to know that she usually panicked a lot when she was bleeding, if it was unimportant. Paper-cuts and Stiles were often the bane of Derek's life. The fact that she was in pain, terrified, and bleeding away quietly to herself was very concerning.

Derek kept watching, Stiles was leaning towards her left side and keeping her right side from touching everything. She didn't stop flinching at all during the pack meeting, and every time she got a text she would still shake and her fear increased every time someone looked at her curiously. No one else asked though, even though they must have smelt the same things that Derek had, felt the same feelings rolling off her. Derek sighed to himself, newly bitten wolves, no matter how much training they had been given up to now, were still as unobservant and frustrating as ever.

Eventually, Derek found an opportunity to speak to Stiles as she went to get a drink from the newly refurbished kitchen. She was bent over and digging in the freezer for the flavoured ice cubes she'd made the other day when Derek turned up.

"Stiles." Derek watched with mild amusement as she yelped and jumped, hitting her head a little on the edge of the freezer before she spun around and glared at Derek indignantly.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack? Jesus, Derek. Give a girl some notice before you sneak up behind them when they have their head buried in a box of ice, it's totally not okay for you to just do thin-"

"Stiles!" Derek huffed out in irritation, crossing his arms across his chest and leaning against the wall by the door. He narrowed his eyes in concern as Stiles flinched at his tone, curling her arms around herself and looking down to the floor. Nothing about this behaviour matched with his idea of Stiles, the once again increasing scent of fear made him want to wrinkle his nose.

"Sorry, sorry."Stiles murmured under her breath, glancing up at Derek through her bangs and then down again once she'd made sure he was still there. "What did you want me for?" Derek sighed slightly, pushing off from the wall and taking a few steps closer to Stiles. She flinched minutely with every heavy footstep he took, curling into herself tighter and tighter. Once he was about a step away from the terrified girl, he reached out and wrapped his hand around Stiles' thin wrist, trying not to flinch himself as he realised how prominent her bones were, how thin she'd gotten. He was snapped out of his observations as he felt her stiffen and tense underneath his hand, the way she whimpered lightly under her breath, he looked up just in time to see the honestly terrified, pained look in her eyes before she dropped her head again and tried not to pull away from him. Derek pulled his hand away slowly, trying not to startle her again.

"Stiles," he began quietly. "Stiles, can you look at me please." He waited while she raised her head slightly, gazing at him with her expressive eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Derek asked lightly, trying to keep his body relaxed and as non-threatening as possible. He watched closely as pain and terror filled her eyes again before it vanished and she dropped her head again.

"Nothing." Stiles mumbled, before she shook herself out, gathered herself up and looked up at him. There was a smile plastered on her face that didn't reach her eyes, and he could still smell the fear and pain rolling off her. If anything, this forced happiness worried him more than he was before. "Nothing, I'm wonderful. We all are, we won! Why wouldn't everyone be celebrating, i know i am! Anyways, better get back before the others come looking, huh." Derek watched as she visibly gathered up her strength and will, and then she swerved around him and headed towards the door. He whirled around and watched her until she got to the door.

"I can smell the pain, the fear. Stiles. I can smell that you're bleeding somewhere on the right hand side of your body. What. Is. Wrong?"

"Seriously, i'm fine. Still a little shaken, but i got thrown into a tree and was unconscious, man! I probably bust one of my stitches or something when i hopped out of the jeep. Nothing's wrong." There was a definite, clear jump in her heartbeat that time, obvious even though her heart was still beating too fast and hard. He could practically feel the way she was curling in on herself and flinching away from his gaze, even though she still had her back to him. Slowly, making sure he was loud enough for her to know he was approaching, Derek made his way back to her. He didn't touch her this time, not wanting to experience the knot in his stomach getting tighter if she tensed again under his touch.

"You're lying to me, Stiles." Another flinch and Derek wanted to throw things because Stiles was not meant to be this scared of him, of anyone, anymore. Slowly, she turned back to him, purposefully keeping her head up to meet his eyes.

"Am not.' Stiles replied with a false bravado in her voice that made Derek wince, it was too cold and fake to be the real Stiles' confidence. He didn't call her on it though, choosing instead to believe that soon enough she would trust him enough to tell him what was going on.

"Fine, but at least let me take a look at the stitches. We can clean and cover them until Melissa or someone can fix them." And, oh. That brings out an entirely new scent in Stiles. Similar to the fear and terror she'd been giving off for the past hour, but hedging more towards hysterical, panicked. She backed swallowed over and over for a minute, trying to look anywhere but Derek.

"N-No, it's erm.. I can have my d-dad do it y'know. I'll get going now and have him look at it. Yeah, good idea. I'll do that. Bye!"

Derek was too shocked at the fact that everything she just said was a lie, heartbeat skipping and jumping, especially over the word 'dad', to stop her before she made it out of the kitchen and to the front door. Without a look back at the pack, now collected with confused looks on their faces in the passageway, she slammed the door behind her and ran to her jeep. They all listened as her breathing became shorter and heavier, smelt the salt from the tears that had started once the door had closed, heard her faulty old jeep rattle its way dangerously out of the forest. Eventually, when they could no longer hear anything Stiles related, the entire pack turned towards him looking worried and confused. They were scenting the residual emotions Stiles had left floating in the air.

"What the hell was that, dude?" Scott demanded, nose wrinkled like it was when Stiles had first walked in. Derek sighed, turning back to look at the door Stiles had just slammed behind her.

"I have no idea." He murmured in reply.

But he was damn well going to find out.