Hey everyone *awkwardly waves as people glare* so, this isn't a chapter but DON'T WORRY! I will be uploading the next chapter very soon! I know I haven't updated this in foreveeeeer but I went through some personal stuff in which I really couldn't write anything or focus on something that wasn't about getting better, but I have had the next chapter saved up for a while and I just need to go over it and correct any mistakes and all of that before I upload it, so it will be up after Christmas but before New Year's Eve. And yeah, thank you so much for all your reviews and your support! Honestly I was shocked that people were still reading this! It is an amazing feeling to know that people still like what I wrote, even if every time I look at it I cringe at my mistakes and my bad writing, but I have definetely improved and this story will only get better and better, and besides, if I get the time, I will probably go back and fix some of the previous chapters, because honestly I started this story on 2012 when I was like 13-14, and now it's almost 2015 and I am 16 yrs old now so it will definetely be different style of writing! :)
On some completely unrelated news, I have become complete Solangelo trash after BOO, like honestly all my dreams cam true when this ship started! Do any of you guys like Solangelo, oh! and definetely tell me what you thought of Blood Of Olympus! let's fangirl together!
So that's it! Again, I am so sorry for neglecting my fanfiction stories, I definetely am back to stay! And I really hope you enjoy the next chapter 3 (sorry for this really short update, maybe I'll explain more of what happened in the future)
Love all of you,
~Lost Daughter of Poseidon (Who is actually a kid of Hades, oops)