Author`s note 2
Hey you guys! Long time no see right? I want to apologize for not updating but I… let`s just say that I had a crazy year, got into too many activities and I couldn't keep up with all. I still do them mind you, I only dropped the school chorus, but I joined another one so…
Guys, I`m gonna be honest with you, I kinda lost the inspiration for this story. This was actually going to be a chapter but I sat staring at my screen and I just couldn`t come up with anything, at least not for this story, I`ve got ideas, but for other stories.
So I announce now that I am putting this story up for adoption, that way it can be finished, just not by me.
I will keep writing guys, I've read a lot this past year and learned a thing or two about how to write a good story.
I never meant to give up with this story but sadly I just can`t write this anymore, it all comes out forced and honestly boring.
I am going to wait for two weeks before I either give it to someone or just delete it, if someone is interested in adopting it just pm me, I´ll ask you a couple of questions and the story will be yours.
Sorry from the bottom of my heart,