Obstacled Love {Chapter 1: Childhood friends}

Summary: AU. Ace, age 16, decided to move back to Foosha town to study at Grandline Highschool. Renting a place for himself, he learned that his landlord's name was someone called Luffy, who was 3 years younger than him, someone he never did know who that was. The very first day he moved there, he got a very bad first impression, and things just get worse with her around. FemLuffy AliveSabo

Warning: Unbeta'd; not edited, might have bad English. Might be OOC.


(6 years ago…)

Two children were having fun playing at the sandbox. A girl and a boy. They were both in love with each other but hadn't realized that feeling due to their young age. It was just any other day but there was bad news waiting for them.

"Ne, Lucy… I've something to tell you…"

"Nani, Ace?"

"I… I'm moving away. To somewhere far away. My mum got a better paying job so we have to move. I… don't think we'll be able to see each other any time soon… I'm sorry…" He muttered softly, but loud enough for the girl beside to hear him.

"It's ok Ace! Just promise me something. Promise me that you won't ever forget me. That we'll be friends forever!" She grinned widely, giving a sparkly and sunny aura around her.

"Mmm! I promise!" He grinned too, hooking his little finger around hers.



Sigh… I'm moving back to Fuusha town today. There are many things I have to do. Get my key from my landlord, show the movers the way and settle in at my new place. I felt my phone vibrate at my back pocket. Picking it up, I answered the call from the agent that helped with my finding of a place to stay.


"Oh hey. Could we meet at the restaurant? The name's Baratie. You know where it is right?"

"Yea. We could meet there. But why are we meeting?"

"It seems that the landlord had something on last minute and wouldn't be there for to meet you. So, I would have to past the key to you myself. Hope you don't mind."

"Sure I don't mind. I would meet him anytime soon anyway since he's my landlord."

"Him? He? Ah, I need to hangup now. Someone is calling to view another flat. We'll meet at Baratie after the viewing. I'll call you after that."

"Ok. Goodbye."

(Three hours later…)

Walking towards the restaurant, I wandered how my landlord would look like. I entered the restaurant and was stopped by someone with blond curly hair.

"Yo Ace!"

"Yo…? Sabo! I didn't know you work here. And why are you here anyway?"

"Oh. I didn't tell you? I got accepted in Grandline Highschool. You too?"

"Yea I did. This is good news! We should celebrate. Where are you staying?"

"Ace! Over here!"

"Ah, sorry Sabo. Talk to you another time."

Since I was there, I had dinner before arriving at the apartment. The rent was cheap for a huge place like this. I opened the door while thinking about having a bath before settling my stuff. I took a set of clothes, made my way to the bathroom, I wandered if I'll be in the same class as Sabo. That would certainly be the best. Turning the doorknob, I stepped into the room and took in the sight. The bathroom had a nice big sink table with a nicely decorated mirror. The toilet bowl isn't dirty like all those in the coffee shops. And then the bathtub is huge which is awesome, with a girl bathing in it that has these huge tits staring wide-eyed at me. Wait. A girl bathing?!


"Ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't notice that there was someone inside!" I quickly left the room, closed the door and sat outside the door embarrassed. I could feel that my cheeks had turned red by now. Hearing a click sound, I noticed that the door is being opened. The girl from before is now dressed, can't say that she isn't cute or anything.

"Erm… I'm really sorry about just now. I really didn't notice that you were inside using the bathroom."

"You. Who are you. Why are you in my house."

"Oh. Err I'm Portgas D. Ace, the new tenant here. You are?"

"The landlord. Monkey D. Luffy."

"Y-you're Luffy?" I asked, shocked. I had thought that the name belongs to a guy.

"Can't my name be Luffy? I don't need to have your permission." Ah, her attitude pisses me off. But I have to deal with it since she's my landlord.

"Didn't the agent tell you about me?"

"No he didn't. He did say that you're not at home though. So… why are you?"

"Are you saying I can't be at home? And I just came back from the library. Why am I explaining to you anyways."

"Ah, sorry to bother you." She looks so much like Lucy…no no. There's a huge difference between them. Lucy is always sunny, never rude like how this person is right now.

"Hmph." She really pisses me off. Whatever.


What's with this strange new tenant? I don't think I'll be able to be on good terms with him. He seen me when I'm bathing, what else will he try to do? This pervert… What trouble I've gotten myself into! I've to make him move, I can't just kick him out of my house… Though I can't say that he isn't interesting. He looks very familiar, who was he again? I can't remember. What is with this headache!

"So… are you hungry? I doubt you want to go out to buy take away seeing that you need to settle your stuff in. If you want, I'll cook something for the both of us." I decided to speak after a long while of silence.

"Erm… sure. I'll be in my room if you need me. While on this topic, which is my room?"

"Oh I forgot to mention this but… unfortunately you're going to share the room with me. It's the second room by the corridor. Don't worry. We're not sharing a bed. There's another bed in there just for you." When I looked at him, I could see shock in his face. Guess he didn't expect that.

"Huh? Wait. Lemme get this right. I rented a room here. Don't I get my own room? Why am I sharing it with you?"

"It's because it's my house, I'm the landlord. You indeed paid for the rental of a room but! It didn't state that you're going to be using it alone right? Why do you think it'll be that cheap? Besides, there are only two rooms, a living room, a toilet and a kitchen. The other room is my game room. Is there a problem with that?"

I smirked at him, before heading to the kitchen to start cooking dinner. I never thought that teasing someone like this would be so much fun.


What is with that girl! Sigh… After dinner, I continued settling my stuff. I had help from Luffy and I'm actually quite glad that she helped. That night, I lay on my bed while listening to the even breathing of Luffy. She feels so much like Lucy… But… there's really no way that she's her right? They have the same family name but their name is different. Could it be that they're relatives? That's a possibility. I've got to stop thinking about this. I could do it tomorrow after school. Now is not a good time to do that. School is going to start bright and early. I cannot afford to lose concentration on the first day of school and give a bad impression of myself to my new teachers and classmates. Closing my eyes, I slowly drifted off to dreamland.

Eto… My first AceLu fic~ Moreover, it's an AU one! Pardon me for my bad English! How is it? I'm kinda nervous about this. Any reviews? I've got another idea for another OP fic but I haven't got the motivation to write it down yet. Erm, as for IPW (Into the Pirate World), I'm still being lazy… But I won't break my promise! Has it been one month yet? xD If no, it should be almost a month already right? I'll make sure to upload the new chapter soon (I hope). As for now, R&R~!