Exactly one year later...

Tony was laying in bed, watching television.

"Tony, I talked to your father earlier." Ziva spoke up from the other room, "He wanted me to wish you a Merry Christmas."

Tony picked up the remote control, turning off the TV, "He didn't want to talk to me?"

"It was brief, I heard a woman's voice in the background, she was urging him to come."

Tony groan, "Not something you want to hear on Christmas...well, ever, really."

Ziva walked into the bedroom from the en suite bathroom, holding her baby bump, "What was that?"

Tony sat up in bed smiling, "C'mere." He urged, his eyes fixated on her.

Ziva stopped at the foot of bed, "What?"


"Oh, do not even start, "Ziva groaned, rolling her eyes, "I am...feel disgusting."


Ziva sighed and wobbled her way around the edge of the bed.

Tony stood up and raised his hands to Ziva's cheeks and planted a huge kiss on her lips, "Everything about you is perfect...you're beautiful and sexy and smart and you know how to kill a person 18 different ways with a paperclip..." He grinned, "...and hell, your wobble? So freakin' adorable!" He exclaimed with joy, "Seriously, it is."

Ziva laughed, "It is 19 now, actually." Which quickly turned to a giggle.

"So, are you gonna start believing me?"

Ziva shook her head side-to-side, "No." She laughed.

Tony sat and pulled down on the bottom of her shirt, "A DiNozzo BUN in the Ninja's Oven!" He read word for word from the yellow shirt she was wearing. He smiled up at her and pulled her closer, resting his head against her baby bump.

Ziva raised her hands and slowly began to slide her fingers through his hair, "I know you did not want to know, but I feel I have to tell you that..."

Tony tilted his head up, so that he was looking up at her, "It's a girl, isn't it?"

"Yes." Ziva nodded with a smile, "And a boy."

"And a boy?" Tony repeated her words.

"Yes, we are having twins."

"Twins?" Tony whispered, "A girl and a boy?"

Ziva smiled down at him, "Yes, I have a picture if you want to see."

"Oh, you can see the penis?" Tony started to get excited.

Ziva laughed, "Yes."

"My boy has a penis!"

"And your daughter has a vagina." Ziva chuckled.

"Oh God..."


"I'm never going to sleep again."

Ziva laughed hard, "Do not worry, Tony, Tali will be very protected."

Tony looked up into Ziva's eyes before looking back to her tummy. He pressed his lips to it, "Shalom, Tali."

"And Anthony." Ziva added with a smile.

"Heh. Can the world handle 3 Tony DiNozzo's? Well, a little less than 3, I am missing my pinky toe."

Ziva slowly shook her head, but couldn't help but laugh, "You are a dork."

"Yup." Tony smiled up at her, "But I'm your dork."

"Yeah, well, the store told me my warranty ran out." Ziva smirked.


Ziva chuckled.

"I think I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat, you want me to bring you something?"

"Mmhmm." Ziva smiled, "And I want to make love."

Tony cocked his head to the side, "At the same time?"

"Is that possible?" Ziva retorted with a small laugh.

AN - We all know Ziva would crave Italian sausage while preggers.

AN2 - Pregnant Ziva was adorable! Tony, get on that.