Marley stood with her mouth agape, attempting to keep her eyes tightly shut. She was used to frequent slushy attacks at Mckinley High School, and had predicted this particular attack a mile away.

"Well, good morning Janet Reno!" came a familiar sarcastic voice.

Marley sighed. "Good morning, Kitty" she replied half-heartedly.

"Just thought I'd bring you your seventh breakfast before class started! At the rate you're piling on the pounds, PETA might just adopt you as a rare breed of elephant, and add you to the "endangered species" list to keep poachers from hauling your fat ass to the butcher's block!" Kitty responded casually before strutting away, forcefully bumping shoulders with Marley as she passed.

Marley's shoulders slumped as she dumped her soiled books back into her locker, slamming it closed with more force than necessary. She couldn't understand why Kitty chose to assault her more frequently than her other hand-picked victims. While Kitty didn't just pick on Marley, she seemed to pick on her with more consistency and frequency than any of the other students.

Marley trudged towards the women's bathroom, making sure to close and lock the door before continuing over to the sinks. While she had never experienced a slushy attack directly after the previous attack, she wouldn't put it past those conniving cheerleaders, and especially not Kitty. No; the head cheerleader had a particular distaste for the blue-eyed brunette. Marley couldn't put her finger on it, but it frustrated her to no end.

She turned the water faucets, attempting to coerce a comfortable temperature out of them. Eventually, she gave up and chose cold as opposed to scalding. She removed her now-green jacket, and peeled her sticky camisole from her torso. She stole a quick glance in the mirror before averting her gaze. "No" she thought to herself. Instead, she focussed on soaking her camisole with water, and lathering it with soap. She caught herself, once again, checking her own reflection. She made another attempt to avert her gaze, but to no avail. It had become routine for her; like breathing. She couldn't help it; at every opportunity, she was pinching and prodding her body, identifying any imperfection that met her fingertips. Just as her fingers were gliding over her protruding collarbone, she was snapped from her trans by a collection of slushy. She sighed and brushed it off, splashing some water on to her shoulder.

"Do my eyes deceive me, or has garbage actually fermented itself into worse garbage? Every one of you disgust me. I want you out of my sight. NOW!" Coach Sue roared into her megaphone.

Kitty was still making a pathetic attempt at catching her breath, but managed a displeased sigh in between gasps. She wiped the back of her hand across her forehead, and swiped her duffle bag from the floor. As she was headed to the locker rooms, she saw Brittany skipping towards her. "Great." she thought to herself. She tried to pick up the pace, but Brittany reached her before she could escape.

"I asked my parents to knock down our chimney." Brittany stated.

"What? Why would you do that?" asked Kitty, feigning slight interest.

"Well, Americans are getting fatter every year. And we make food for Santa and his home in the clouds. I think Santa is putting on some weight. So I bought him low-fat milk, and I asked my parents to make the chimney big enough for him. Everyone says he's magic, but I think Atkins is the only way to fix his addiction. Lord Tubbington even asked him to lose weight. He has a fourth sense for these things."

Kitty couldn't even begin to formulate a response to that verbal monstrosity. She simply rolled her eyes, and raced into the showers before Brittany could continue. As the warm water trickled down her body, Kitty allowed her mind to roam through her typical choice of daydreams.

"Oh, Kitty" Marley purred. Kitty grinned, and continued trailing kisses across Marley's collar. She could feel Marley wriggling beneath her in anticipation of her next move. Their bodies were pressed tightly against one another, reveling in the amount of friction the position was allowing them. Kitty dragged her nails down Marley's bare thighs, earning a shudder in response. She repeated the motion, this time heading inwards towards Marley's clit. She watched in wonder at how Marley's face reacted to every movement she made. Marley's nose was scrunched together, meeting her eyebrows in the middle of her forehead. Her eyes were squeezed shut, waiting for Kitty to continue. Her mouth was slightly agape, and shaky breaths were escaping in rhythm from between her lips.

A thundering echo broke Kitty from her thoughts.

"Kitty! What the hell do you think you are doing in there? The warning bell just rang. If you don't move your ass, your performance in your academics will only be rivaled by your terrible performance as a cheerio; a pathetic, useless excuse for a cheerio. Move it!" Coach bellowed into her megaphone. The tile of the bathroom seemed to enhance the sound, making it's volume nothing short of deafening. Kitty sighed in contemplation before turning off the water.

Why, hello fellow Karley shippers! I used to write fanfiction for Brittana, but took a break. Lately, I've noticed a staunch in the flow of Karley stories for this site. So, I'd like to add to the pile! Reviews, mayhaps? I have no idea where this story is headed, so I would adore some ideas/thoughts to bounce around.

Thank ya kindly!