Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail or its characters. I simply wish I did :)

I'm starting my third FanFic already. I really should focus on writing just one or two since I know that if I write too many I won't be able to focus and I'll just end up neglecting the majority of my stories.
Yeah, well anyway...I'm gonna stop rambling now.
Remember to read and review! It inspires me to write more and helps me to improve.


Pain can lead to Love

Chapter 1: Out of Hand

Gray's POV

Gray was shaking uncontrollably, unsure of exactly what was going on.

What the hell had he just done?

There was blood everywhere. Dripping down his arm and seeping from the fresh cuts on his wrists. He tore multiple tissues from their box and held them against his bloody wrist.

The blood wouldn't stop. It just kept on oozing out, no matter how many tissues he went through. It was bleeding profusely and even dripping onto the

bathroom floor.
He grit his teeth in an attempt to try and ignore the growing pain in his arm. He'd promised himself that he'd never let this get out of hand. He thought he could control it, thought that he could be the exception to the rule.

This is how they all feel. Everyone who has ever self-harmed thinks that they can beat this. Gray was no exception.

He'd started off small and shallow, with barely any blood at all. And he never cut more than once a week.

It was a way of releasing his emotions. Focusing on physical pain instead of the mental pain.

But as his mental and emotional pain gradually got worse, so did the cutting. The cutting became more frequent and a whole lot deeper than intended.

Now it was at the point where Gray had cut too deep. He could see the horrors inside his arm and he knew the moment he laid eyes on it that it would scar him for life. Not just physically, but mentally as well.

His breath was coming in short, sharp pants and he was starting to feel light-headed.

"Oh shit!" He thought to himself, "I'm actually going to...die."

He was clutching his wrist desperately; his body was almost doubled over on the floor. The pain was horrific. It had never hurt so much before.

Gray was gasping, tears forming in his eyes. With what little strength he had left he started to call out the names of his flat-mates.

"ERZA! NATSU!" he called out to them, desperation obvious in his voice, "HELP!"

The bathroom door burst open as girl with long red haired girl stalked in, "What the hell do you want?" She asked before looking down at her friend who sat on the ground, crying and covered in blood, "Oh shit! Gray what's happened?"

Gray didn't answer as Erza removed the wad of bloody tissues from his wrist. She gasped in shock and had to force herself not to topple over backwards.

Gray's wrist was a bloody mess. Thick, gaping cuts made their way from his wrist and all the way up his forearm. She could even make out some scars from previous experiences underneath all the mess on his arm.

"Gray..." she whispered sadly, as tears began to leak from her eyes.

Holding Gray's bloody arm in one hand and furiously wiping her tears with the other, she screamed out, "NATSU! CALL AN AMBULANCE!"

The pink haired boy came rushing up to the entrance of the hallway, taking one glance at Gray before pulling out his cell.

He dialled the number hurriedly and tapped his foot impatiently as it began to ring, "C'mon..." He waited a few seconds before someone actually picked up.

"Hello, Emergency services here, are you after the police, ambulance or fire fighting services?" A monotone female voice asked, uninterested.

"Ambulance." Natsu replied simply.

"Hold for a sec..."

Quiet music could be heard in the background as he was directed to another line.

"Hello, Ambulance services. What's your emergency?" A bright female voice answered the phone.

"My friends cut himself too deep, he needs help now or he's going to die!" he shouted into the phone.

The woman on the other end of the phone paused for a long time. Natsu was about to ask if she was still there when she suddenly spoke up again, "Natsu...?"

"Mira?!" Natsu was shocked to find his childhood friend on the other end of the line, "Listen Mira, you have to spend an ambulance here quickly or Gray's going to die!"

"Gray?" Mira muttered under her breath before speaking up again, "Ok, I know your address so I'll give it to them and they should be over there soon."

"Kay, thanks Mira..."

Mira-Jane hung up without a word.

Natsu's POV

It seemed to take forever for the ambulance to get there and Gray was slowly fading in and out of consciousness.

When they finally arrived it took all of Natsu's strength not to have a go at the ambulance officers for being so slow.

They carted Gray away in silence, nobody saying a word.

Erza held tight to Natsu, grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and crying into his chest. He placed a hand on her head and began to stroke her hair gently, trying to sooth and comfort the crying girl.

She didn't usually show this much emotion, but I guess when your friend is on the verge of death, you just can't help it.

The pair stayed this way for a long time before Natsu slowly pried the still crying Erza from his clothes.

"C'mon," he whispered, "We should go to the hospital now and see how Gray's doing."

"Mhm." Erza nodded.

As the two of them drove down to the hospital, Natsu couldn't help but wonder if his lifelong rival would actually be around to see another tomorrow.

Lucy's POV

Her patient had his eyes closed. He was stable but had needed multiple stitches all up his arm, which was now covered in plain white bandages.

His hair was dark and falling into his face and from the angle Lucy was at, it seemed as though his eyes had been almost consumed by his hair.

She was nervous; it was her first proper patient. She was actually going to look after this man during his stay in hospital. She could barely believe that her first job as a nurse had come so soon.

She glanced down at him once again, taking in the pale skin that was almost as white as the sheets that covered him. He looked weak and defenceless as most of the in-patients did when they were in a condition such as he's.

He was quite handsome really. She didn't understand why his arm was covered in cuts and scars. He looked like such a nice person, someone who didn't deserve to be suffering the way he was.

Lucy let her mind wonder, trying to come up with an answer as to why this guy would possibly self harm in the first place.

Since she couldn't come up with an answer she decided that she would find one. She'd help her patient through this time, no matter how hard it was. Because as a nurse, Lucy considered helping her patients as her top priority. She didn't care about what lengths she'd have to go to help him. It was her job after all!

Lucy had just made up her mind when her patients eyes slowly drifted open.

"Lucy..." he whispered, sending beautiful shivers down her spine.


Well there we go! That's the first chapter over and done with. Hope you liked it and didn't think it was too boring.
Also, I do not promote self harm or any of the mental disorders that may appear in this story. It's not a good thing and should be treated professionally!

- LW / Wonder-chan :)