Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a little while since I updated. I will update my other fics, but I hope that you enjoy this drabble in the meantime.

Prompt: As for prompts, how about crime boss Sam, he could be king pin and Mercedes could be his girlfriend or wife. Others stories that I've read always have Mercedes hating that he has this title, but in this one what if she doesn't care or is even turned on by power that he has. While Mercedes is nice to almost everyone Sam only shows his soft side to Mercedes and family.

"See now I know you didn't rat us out to the feds Warner." Sam asked as he hit the guy with the butt of his gun in his anger. "See if you ratted us out to the feds then you will have upset my little lady over there." He pointed over towards his wife as she watched from a couple of feet away. She was gorgeous with her big doe eyes and brown skin. She was the apple of his eye ever since he met her three years ago. He made her his wife as quickly as he could even though he was worried as to how she would react about his job. Turns out though that she loved it and it turned her on to see him that way. That's why when he was interrogating someone, she was always in the room to watch.

The guy tied to the chair, spit out some blood before speaking. "I didn't rat you out to the feds Sam. I promise."

"See now I don't believe you especially since my boy Puck caught you coming out of the police station. So why were you there Warner?" Sam asked in a cold tone, hitting him across the face again.

"A cop had something on me and tried to make me cut a deal to turn you in, but I wouldn't do it." Warner stated honestly. "I promise."

"Well you shouldn't have been talking to the cops in the first place, now should you?" Sam shook his head. "I don't know if I can trust you that you didn't tell them anything Warner. It's nothing personal." He said before popping off two bullets right in the dude's chest.

"I need you all to clean up here and take care of the body." He told his second in command Puck and the other people in the room.

"You got it boss."

"Good. Now I have a date with my wife." He said smirking at her before going to her side and walking her out into the car that was waiting.

Once inside, she immediately attacked his lips with her kisses. The divider between the driver and them was up so they were alone and there wouldn't be any distractions. "God, I love it when you do that." She moaned before straddling his lap with her thighs.

"I love that it turns you on baby." Sam whispered against her lips. "Are you already wet for me?" He asked, already knowing the answer.

He slipped his hand in between her dress and chuckled when he came in contact with her bare pussy. "You didn't wear any panties, naughty Mercy."

She smirked over at him. "I knew I wouldn't need them once you were done." She unbuckled his belt and then unzipped and unbuttoned his pants, freeing his fully erect cock. She shooed his hands away from her leaking snatch and then guided his manhood to her entrance. Slowly she seated herself down on his dick, moaning out at how much he filled her just right. She started to ride him, digging her nails into his chest.

"That's it baby." Sam moaned. "God I love you."

"I love you too baby." Mercedes kissed his lips, slipping her tongue into his mouth.

Sam slapped her ass which made her gasp into his mouth. "I'm so close baby. Are you going to come with me?" He groaned before he pinched her button in between his fingers.

She came, screaming out his name and clenching around his manhood. He followed her after two thrusts, spilling his seed inside of her.

A month later

It was Mercedes birthday and Sam threw a party of her in the family mansion with only their close family and friends in attendance.

Mercedes was having a great time even though sometimes she had to disappear to go the the bathroom. She had news to tell her husband and she was worried about how he would take it.

Sam was a family man and he was great with his siblings, Stevie and Stacie. He was a completely different person when it was just her or his family. He was a great man. She reminded herself as way to cheer herself up and work up the nerve to tell him the news.

She walked up to him and whispered in his ear. "Can I speak to you alone for a minute?"

He nodded his head and she smiled, grabbing his hand to lead him away up to their bedroom.

"What's this about baby?" He asked curiously.

She sighed, wringing her hands out and taking a seat at the edge of the bed. "I have something to tell you. I'm pregnant." She said quickly, not looking him in the eyes.

She was pulled up and spun around by Sam as he giggled in glee.

"This is the best news ever Mercy. I'm so happy." He set her back down on her feet, kissing her lips. "I love you so much and you are carrying my baby inside of you."

She had no clue now as to why she was worried about Sam's reaction as she laughed it off in her head. "Thank you Sammy. You made my birthday even more fantastic."

He smiled down at her before kissing her lips again, going on to celebrate the news with the rest of his family.