Chapter 1

High School. Sophomore year. She wanted to make this year her year. She was playing soccer in the fall. Working inside on her softball for the spring. Jane Rizzoli was one athletic person. She wasn't girly to say the least. She loved to run around and get all sweaty and have fun playing the sports she loved. Jane had the next three years all planned out. She was playing on a travel league for softball to help her get noticed by scouts for Division 1 schools. She knew what she wanted. That was, until the first day of sophomore year started and she met Maura...

Maura Isle. A very intelligent sophomore that just moved to Boston from Seattle. For being 15, she was a lot smarter than most Juniors. She took to learning well. She was fluent in several languages; Spanish, French, Italian, Chinese, Hebrew, and Arabic, and it was extremely easy for her to learn new languages. She had goals with her life. She wanted to be a Doctor. She knew where she wanted to go to college. She had a plan...

Jane woke up on the first day of school with a happiness about her. She knew she was going to have to excel not only on the field but in the classroom as well if she wanted to land an athletic scholarship. She only had her eye on one softball program and she was going to work hard to get them to offer her a scholarship.

After Jane got ready, she headed to school so she could make sure she knew where all her classes were. Jane was honestly excited. Her first period class was Chemistry. She was an accelerated student. That meant when she was in 8th grade she took algebra and earth science instead of regular 8th grade math and science. She also took geometry and biology last year. This year she got to take chemistry and algebra 2/Trigonometry.

Jane got to class about 10 minutes early and sat at the table in the corner closest to the door. There were already some students in the room so they just say and talked. A couple minutes before class started everyone started to quiet down. That's when Jane noticed her, walking in. The new girl in their grade. As Jane looked around she noticed there were no other empty seats at the other tables except for the one next to her. She wanted to be nice. She knew what it was like to be the new girl in school.

She locked eyes with her and smiled. Then Jane said, "Here. Sit Here. Next to me." Why the hell do I have butterflies in my stomach? Gosh she's beautiful. Wait... is that normally something a girl thinks about another girl? Jane was lost in thought. That's when she heard it. A faint 'hello.' It was almost a whisper she almost didn't catch. Jane couldn't just sit there and ignore her though. So she turned in her seat to face her.

"Hey. I'm... Jane... Rizzoli... Jane Rizzoli." She smiled at her.

"Well Jane. It's nice to meet you. I'm Maura. Maura Isles." She was so confident when she was speaking, but her mind was freaking out. When she walked into the classroom and saw Jane, her stomach turned into knots.

"Maura. I like that name. It's nice." Jane paused. "So Maura, where are you from?"

"Before here? Seattle. I moved around a lot."

"Whoa. No way. Seattle? Totally want to college there."

"I loved it in Seattle; for the most part. I did this camp over the summer at a college in Seattle and fell in love with it and I want to go back and go to college there."

"Small world... Wait. What college?"

"University of Washington. They have an excellent pre-med program there."

"Ok definitely a small world. UW is my dream school. I want to play softball there." Jane was interrupted by the teacher, Mrs. Ramirez, starting class.

The rest of the day went by fast. Maura and Jane had 7 of their 9 classes together. Which both Jane and Maura were glad about. At the end of the day, Jane found Maura at her locker.

"Hey." Jane said walking up to Maura.

"Hey yourself." Maura said with a smile. "So, what are you doing after school?"

"Um... soccer practice. Why?"

"Oh. Well I wanted to see if you wanted to come over to my house."

"Yeah. Between soccer and being on a travel team for softball, I will have no time." She looked at Maura who had a disappointing look on her face. "But, I don't start softball for another 2 weeks! Which means for the next 2 weeks I will have some free time. So if you want maybe Friday night we could hang out after school. Maybe a sleep over?"

"I would love that. A sleep over sounds like a lot of fun! I've never actually been to one or had one at my house." Jane looked at Maura confused.

"Well it looks like I will be your first!" Instantly Jane blushed then said, "Sleep over I mean." Maura was smiling at let out a little chuckle.

"Well Jane. I don't mind you being my first." She said with a wink. Maura was flirting and Jane knew it. Oh my gosh. She's flirting with me. And I am really enjoying it. Jane thought to herself.

"Ok. Well. Um. Practice. Yeah. I need... I... I should get going." Jane turned around to walk away then paused. She turned back around to Maura and said, "Why don't you come over tonight. I know it's a school night, but my parents don't care. I mean if you want to come over and your parents say it's ok." What am I doing? I like her, but do I really like her like that? I can't. My parents will kill me! Jane was brought out of her thoughts by Maura speaking.

"My parents are both out of town so it would just be me and the maid. What time?"

She has a maid? What? I assumed she had some money by the way she dressed, but I didn't think she was well off. "I get out of practice at 4, and I live right down the road from here, so how does 4:15 sound?"

"Sounds good to me. I can meet you in the locker room. I was planning on staying here and getting some work done anyway." I really hope she doesn't figure it out and she hates me. I will die if that happens again. I can't deal with that all over again. Being here can't be like how it was at school in Seattle.

"Ok smartypants." Jane gave her a wink. Two can play that game, she thought. "I will see you when I get out of practice then!" Without thinking she walked up to Maura and hugged her. Jane wasn't the type who liked giving or receiving hugs, but for some reason she wanted to hug Maura and have as much physical contact with her as possible. Oh my gosh. She smells amazing. Her arms around me feel awesome. I know this isn't supposed to happen, but I really am into her. Jane was lost in her thoughts but came back to reality when Maura pulled away. This is what I want. I want Jane. More than anything I just want her. I want to tell her my secret. Tell her why I'm here; why I had to move to Boston. Maybe I can tonight. Let her know so that if she doesn't like it then I can just not have anything to do with her. Ok. I need to pull away or this could get ugly and fast.

Jane walked away with the biggest grin on her face. If what she thought was possible was in fact true, her and Maura would be having a lot of fun hanging out. Maura on the other hand just stood in front of her locker in a daze. It was a good daze. She was happy. She also had a grin on her face that matched Jane's.

Maura met Jane in the locker room right at 4 o'clock. She was a very punctual person and hated being late for anything. When she saw Jane walk through the doors after coming off the field her face lit up. Same with Jane's face. Maura couldn't stop thinking about how sexy and beautiful Jane looked in a sports bra and tight shorts.

"Hey. You're a punctual person aren't you?" Jane asked.

"Yes, I am. I hate being late to things, even if it's by a minute!"

"Well I would rather be friends with a person who's punctual instead of always super late." She flashed Maura the famous Rizzoli smile. Jane knew that instant the way Maura looked like she was about to melt, the way she had a huge smile on her face and her face blushed that she was far from straight. Jane wasn't going to say anything though. It wasn't her place, but she knew that when Maura was ready to tell her, she would listen and she would tell her that she was her friend no matter what. Jane also thought that it would also help her figure out what was going on with her. That maybe Maura could help her figure it out. "Ok. I'm going to just go shower really super quick and then we are out of here!" Jane said as she was grabbing her things for a shower and walking away.

After Jane got out of the shower and was getting dressed, she realized something. "Maura, what are you planning on wearing for pajamas and to school tomorrow? You don't have an over night bag!" she yelled to Maura, who was just outside the showers

"Don't be silly Jane. I called Wilma, my maid and had her pack me a bag to send over with my driver." Honestly Maura really wanted to tell Jane that she was hoping that they would both be sleeping naked tonight. "My driver dropped it off to me a little while ago. So I'm all set!" She said as she was walking into the shower area. That's when she saw Jane, in just her underwear. She looked away as quickly as she could but she knew Jane knew she saw her checking her out. All Maura could get out was a faint 'sorry" before the tears started flowing and she ran out of the shower area to sit on a bench. Jane quickly threw on the rest of her clothes and went to her. Maura was really crying and Jane couldn't figure out why or what would have caused it. They were the only 2 left in the locker room thankfully.

"Hey...shhh... It's's ok..." That was all Jane could say. She wrapped her arms around Maura and let her cry it out. When she heard her calm down she pulled away and looked into Maura's eyes. "What's wrong Maur?" Jane wiped away the last of the tears on Maura's face.

"It's nothing." Lies. Maura knew what happens when she lies. She gets hives. Which was something she did not want to deal with tonight. "Ok... maybe something."

"Ya think? Maura. Listen. Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm your friend. Friends support each other through everything and anything no matter what. So you can talk to me. I don't like seeing my friends hurt or upset. Especially crying. I feel like I'm the one who just caused you to cry."

"No. Jane. It wasn't you. I mean, walking in on you and seeing you pretty much naked embarrassed me, but it just caused me to bring back some memories I wish I could forget."

"Oh." That was all Jane could think, to say. "Talk to me. If it's bad or anything I can handle it and I can help you through it."

"Not right now. Let me calm down and we can go back to your house and have dinner and then we can watch a movie or something and talk. How about that?"

"Ok. Promise, because I won't be able to think about anything but you until I know." Jane knew there was a double meaning to telling Maura she wouldn't be able to stop thinkng about her, but right now she didn't care.

"I promise. After dinner I will tell you anything and everything." Maura paused. "And who said I wanted you to stop thinking about me anyway?" Maura and Jane both laughed at that one.

"Ok. Well since you will be spilling your guts to me, it only seems fair that I tell you everything about me too. I want to get to know you Maur, so we just tell each other everything; no secrets." and it was true, Jane did want to know everything about Maura, the good and the bad. She also wanted to know that the hell made her cry.