Happy late Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate it! Sorry this was not posted sooner! I'm trying to make this as interesting as possible, so let me know how I'm doing. I know chapters have been short, but it was either a short chapter, or a longer wait. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and, as always, let me know if there is anything that I can improve on. I now give you chapter 4!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Hunger Games or its characters.

Healing Each Other: Chapter 4

Normally, I would be happy to see that Haymitch has drug himself out of his house to talk to someone other than his bottle of spirits. However, right now, I'm in no mood to deal with whatever scornful remarks he has for me. I stare at his face in search of some expression showing to what degree he is sobered, but as I do this, I see him look me up and down with his eyes. Something about my stature causes his face to soften considerably. "What I want is to know what the hell you're doing out here in the rain screaming your lungs out." His comment is one that probably does merit an explanation, but that doesn't mean I'm obligated to respond. I could just turn and run now. I could run and run until I'm too tired to feel any emotions anymore, until I'm finally free of all the sorrow, pain, anger and fear that are currently threatening to explode inside me. But I know I can't do that. I can't just give up on finding Peeta this easily. He deserves to be the exception to my impatient temperament. Maybe Haymitch can help me I think. I quickly evaluate the behavior of my former mentor over the past few months. He has been doing well, I guess. Drinking, as usual, but most of the time he is at least sober enough to hold a conversation, even if it's not always a steady one. And right now I don't really have anyone else who can tell me where to go from here...

"We need to talk." I say seriously. This takes him back a bit. I can tell he was prepared for me to be defensive. I can't say I myself was expecting otherwise, but something tells me Haymitch may be able to lead me in the right direction.

" Oh what could you possibly have to say to me sweetheart." I can tell he is trying to tick me off, trying to get a reaction out of me, but I'm trying hard to stay un-phased.

"It's Peeta." That's all I have to say. If he wasn't sober before, he is now. He knows what's happened. He knows Peeta has had an episode, and a bad one at that.

"Alright let's go." Suddenly determined, he motions for me to follow him to his house. I have to walk quickly to keep up with his pace. What I see upon entering his house is pretty much what I expected. Empty bottles still litter the floor, along with other miscellaneous items, but at least the smell isn't unbearable. I follow him to the kitchen table and sit down across from him. He takes a long swig from a bottle before speaking. "Where is he?" His voice is so urgent that I feel as if I'm being interrogated.

"I don't know. I woke up this morning and he was gone." My voice comes out a little more defensive than I intended it to.

"...Just gone? And what makes you so sure that-"

"The lock on the front door was broken through and the doorknob had blood on it." I cut in.

"And you searched his house?" He questions.

"He's not there." I respond quickly. Well if he wasn't convinced that Peeta is in trouble before, he is now. I can see him trying to figure out what to do next as he runs a hand through his messy hair.

" Well have you not looked anywhere else?" He asks me as if that's such an obvious solution.

"Where else would he go Haymitch? What is he just gonna walk into town or run off into the woods? I don't think so! He's never done that before!" My voice is beginning to raise in annoyance, but Haymitch cuts me off before I have the chance to continue my rant.

"Alright! Listen I didn't ask for you to go crazy on me, all I asked was if you had ever considered the fact that he may not be where you're expecting him to be." I think about this a second, but it still seems impossible.

"Why wouldn't he be? He says his house is the only place that doesn't bring back any conflicting emotions dealing with me." I say.

"I never said it wasn't, but if that's where you always find him, then I doubt he would still choose to go there if he didn't want to be found. " For some reason, this hurts, the thought of Peeta not wanting me to find him. I know he likes to get away from me when this happens, for his safety and my own, but after it's over, he's usually happy to see me again. He always apologies for his actions (even though he and I both know they are not within his control) and he always thanks me for coming back to him...

"So what, you're saying we go wondering through town asking people if they've seen him? Go ambling through the woods calling out his name?" I'm yelling now, I know I shouldn't be, but something about what Haymitch said sparked a fuse. I continue before he can cut me off again. "Look, Peeta wants me to find him! He wouldn't ever let me go, not now, not after last ni-" Oh great. I'll never get out of this. I can see Haymitch's eyes widen a little. I stand up and begin to turn away. "Never mind I'll find him myself." I mutter, but my attempt to leave is quickly halted by his words.

"Woah, woah, woah. Come here, sit down." I turn around, unsure of whether I want to continue this conversation. None of this is his business anyway. Just the thought of looking at him now is enough to make my face burn. Nevertheless, I reseat myself, making sure to keep my head down. "Care to explain?" He tries to come across as grim, but I can hear a hint a amusement in his voice.

"Not particularly with you, no." I try to sound as harsh as possible, but my embarrassment is becoming hard to cover. I can tell by his snicker that Haymitch is clearly pleased with my level of discomfort.

"Too late, spill it sweetheart." Yep, he is definitely enjoying putting me through this. I take a sharp breath and exhale in an irritated huff before continuing.

"Last night, Peeta and I, we...were kissing...and then...things went a little...too far." Never in my life have a had such a problem putting something into words. Peeta would have without a doubt handled that with more grace.

"Well, it was only a matter of time sweetheart." I expected a laugh, sarcasm, a snide remark, a scoff even, but much to my surprise, Haymitch sounds astonishingly wise when he speaks. Maybe it's because he's right. Maybe it's true that Peeta and I becoming so close was something inevitable. I look up at him with questioning eyes.

"You think so?" I sound ten years old when I speak.

"I think that...no matter how much damage that boy took to the brain...he would have never been able to commit himself in that way to anyone but you, Katniss." It's that right there, that is enough to break me. Something about his words hit home. I bury my face in my hands, hoping that somehow this will keep Haymitch from seeing my tears. What do these tears mean? I don't know. All I know is that I now realize how much Peeta and I have really given to each other, and for some reason, the fact that Peeta has done this while simultaneously fighting off wars in his mind, causes me to crumble.

At first I jump when I feel his hand on my shoulder. But when I look up at him, his face is painted with sympathy. I reach my arms out and allow him to console me while I cry. It's a strange yet comforting feeling, having Haymitch, who's usually drunk as a skunk, be my source of reassurance. I'm reminded of a moment similar to this when Peeta was in the Capitol, and Haymitch was my comfort when I couldn't get through saying my line in that stupid propo...

It takes me a few minutes to pull myself together, but when I do, the words come almost immediately. "Haymitch, I think I know where he is."

Chapter 4 completed! I think chapter 5 will be the last one! So how did you like the dynamic between Haymitch and Katniss? I wanted something of an awkward yet sweet father/daughter relationship. Let me know if you think it was well written or not. (It was definitely fun to come up with!)