Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

A/N: This is it. Our last chapter. It's been fun. I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. Hope you like this last chapter. All the mistakes are mine own.

"Careful not to fall!" Jane yelled as a wet James ran through the house towards the bathroom. Upon seeing the frowned look on Maura's face, and not knowing what she had done wrong, she asked: "What?"

"You were supposed to tell him not to run in the house. Instead you simply asked him to be careful while running." Maura replied. When Jane only gave her a blank look, she could practically hear Jane's thought that it was the same thing.

"And no, it's not the same thing." Maura smirked at the bewildered look on Jane's face.

"How did you…Never mind...Look, babe, I think today we can let him loose a little. Tomorrow you can crack the whip again." Jane said, moving to embrace her wife.

"Jane, I'm appalled! I would never use that kind of force on our son! And don't you even dare to think of ever doing that!" Maura said angrily, poking Jane's chest with her finger.

"Stop it, Maur." Jane said, squirming. "It's an expression.", smiling at the clueless look on the blonde's face.

"Oh! Sorry." Maura said with a sweet smile and a peck.

They were interrupted by a yell coming from the bathroom, "Mommy! I'm awaiting!"

"Do you want me to go help him so you can go shower?"Jane asked her wife.

"No. It's fine. I'll send him down later and go take a shower." Maura reassured.

"Okay. I'll clean myself up while you're with him." They parted their way with a kiss.

"I'm coming, honey!" Maura announced, making her way to the bathroom.

Later in the night, a now cleaned Maura arrived at the kitchen to find Jane and James having a thumb fight.

"So, what are the ideas for dinner tonight?" Maura said, breaking their game while making her way towards the fridge to see have they had.

"It's our last night so it has to be extra special." Jane added.

"I kinda wanted to do something." James said, not looking at his mothers.

Maura made her way closer to both of them and asked, "What is it, honey?" smiling reassuringly.

"I thought maybe we could go camping on the beach." He said, drawing a line with his fingers on the table.

Jane and Maura looked at each other and Jane said "Sure, buddy! I'll go grab everything we'll need. Do you wanna help me set the tent or help your mom with the food?"

James's eyes light up and he exclaimed "Really?! And I wanna learn how to do it, mom. Sorry mama." He said enthusiastically, before moving to kiss Maura's cheek apologetically.

"Come on, let's go get everything ready." Jane said, laughing at his agitation when he ran out of the kitchen. "I'll let you know when we are ready for you, Maur." Jane said, knowing she would only want to get there when everything was set.

"Okay. Don't forget to grab some blankets too." Maura replied, getting a nod and a kiss in return, before watching with a smile, Jane follow him out.

Jane and James stood surveying all their hard work. "What do you think, buddy? It looks good, doesn't, son?" Jane asked, clasping her hand on James' shoulder.

"Yeah! Can we light up the fire now?" He asked, excitedly.

"Sure. Why don't you go and get your mother and help her bring everything out while I take care of the fire, okay?" She replied, encouragingly and shook her head as his only response was to run to the house.

When Jane was putting the logs that would help keep the fire going for a little, she heard the sound of her family approaching. Or more specifically, she heard James's voice non-stop telling Maura how he had learn to pitch their tent and her wife encouraging his learning experience.

"Jane, I brought you a sweatshirt. I don't want any of us getting sick." Maura said, thrusting the sweatshirt into Jane's hand. Jane put it on, noticing that, not only Maura had James put a sweatshirt too, but she had also changed into clothes that would keep the cold away.

The family began their night eating hot dogs by the fire and ended it with the most anticipated Smores. The three of them laughed with Jane's jokes and, at James's insistence, made plans on what they would do the next time they spend the weekend on the beach.

Now the family of three lay together inside their tent, James's light snores filling the room, having fallen asleep after thanking his mothers for the weekend at the beach, his excitement and how much he had fun clear in his tone.

Jane and Maura lay in silence side by side with James in-between them, their hands meeting in the middle while Jane's other arm served as a pillow for Maura's head.

"Jane?" Maura whispered.

"Hmm?" Came the sleepy reply.

"When James started making plans about coming back, my mind got to thinking that perhaps we could buy a house around here." Maura said cautiously, knowing sometimes the subject of spending large sums of money was a touchy one for Jane.

"Sure. We should look into it." Jane said, nonchalantly.

"Really?" Maura couldn't stop herself, surprised.

"Yeah. I mean, he really liked it and from the looks of it, we'll be back more often than not. No sense in troubling your mother every time. Besides, it's a good investment and when we're older it'll be a place for us to come if we don't want to stay in Boston." She said not opening her eyes.

"Okay. I'll contact the realtor when we get home." Maura said, excited.

After a more minutes of silence, Maura broke it again

"Jane, are you asleep?"

"Yes." Came the sarcastic reply.

"Jane, I'm serious." Maura insisted.

"Okay, what is it, babe?" Jane said with a sigh, not bothering to open her eyes.

"I- I want another one." Maura said her voice unsure of the reaction she would get.

"Another Smore?" It was Jane's clueless and sleepy reply.

"Another child." Maura said firmly.

"What!" Jane said surprised, opening her eyes and looking down at her wife and their sleeping son.

"OH. I thought you would be happy." Maura said, disappointment clear in her tone and face, trying to move her hand out of Jane's reach.

"No, Maura. It's not that. It's just – I'm just surprised. The last time I brought it up you said you wanted to wait." Jane said, tightening her grip on Maura's hand and bringing her wife closer into her embrace.

Maura let out a sigh and, playing with Jane's fingers, explained "I know. At the time, I did. But know, looking at how much our son is growing and becoming independent, I realized that soon he won't need us."

"Babe, don't say that. That's not true. He'll always need us. Need you. We did a got job. He knows he can come to us at any time. He'll always love and need you, Maur." Jane said trying to comfort her wife.

"You're right." Maura replied, moving one hand to comb James's hair. "But I also realized I miss having a baby in the house. And I feel like, in order for their age gap not to be too large, this is the time to try for another. I want our children to be best friends and help each other. I don't want them to simply be two people who live under the same roof." Maura explained, looking into Jane's eyes.

"I know what you mean. I know we'll still get a lot of firsts with James, but I do miss the feeling that comes with the first steps, first words. And Maur, they will never be just acquaintances; we'll teach them better than that. With you as their mother, they'll be the best ones in this world." Jane said, emotionally.

"Charmer." Maura joked, leaning in for a kiss. Just as their lips were about to connect, she pulled back "Wait, that was a yes, right? We'll start trying?"

"Yes, honey. That was a yes. A million times yes. I want how many babies you want. It will always be yes." Jane replied, bringing her wife into a kiss.

When they pulled back, Maura had tears running down her cheeks and Jane was quick to dry them.

"I love you so much, Jane." Maura said, emotional.

"I love you too, Maur. You're the reason my life is wonderful. Thank you for that and for loving me." Jane said, hugging both Maura and James closer.

"Thank you back." Maura whispered before letting sleep consume her, where she dreamt of a beautiful baby girl.

Thank you all for reading and for being in this journey with me! All the reviews, alerts, favorites made my day! I hope I didn't disappoint! Thank you again!