And now… Chalant!
Zatanna's POV
Robin and I fought our way through the crowd around the entrance of the zoo. We had no idea where the seals were, but I think a lot of the fun is in looking for the animals. When we were clear of the crowd Robin spotted a hot chocolate stand and purchased two cups and handed me one.
We were going back around the crowd I heard, "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way!"
Robin smiled at me, "Let's go check it out!" he said, and he pulled me towards the music, forgetting about the seals. We headed to the right where the crowd cleared a bit and saw even more beautiful lights, but they were different. About a dozen Christmas trees were standing on stone bleachers lighting up to the song "Jingle Bells." It was so beautiful. Then I realized the bleachers were facing not only us, but the seal pool as well!
"Zee look!" said Robin. He was pointing at two seals poking their heads out of the water staring at the two of us. And if you'll believe it they waved at us! Robin and I both laughed as we waved back.
Then Robin did something I only hoped for in dreams. Before I realized what happened he had taken the hot chocolate out of my hands, put them both on the ground, scooped up my hands in his, and started dancing with me at a fast pace to the rest of "Jingle Bells." I couldn't remember ever having a better time. Then the song changed from "Jingle Bells" to "Jingle Bell Rock." We danced all the way through that song too, just laughing and having a good time, not caring who was watching.
At the end of the song Robin spun me around so fast I lost my balance, but like in a fairytale he caught me. Then just like in those wonderful dreams he kissed me. For a moment I was stunned. Then everything seemed to melt away into hot chocolate heaven.
Well it took forever, but I got it done! Hope you liked it! 1 more chapter….. The Snowball Fight!