Prompt: Robin Hood and his Arrows

Warning: AU and slight OOC

Note: I am very excited for *****'s appearance in this chapter!

Robin Hood and his Arrow

A fragment of light appeared out of nowhere, lighting the once dark and seemingly void area. Brown irises focused on the glimmering hope almost invisible in front of her. Her sobs subsided a little but her hiccupping continued like uncontrollable and uncountable droplets of a drizzle passing by.

A warm voice echoed from the light, lingering through her ears like a melodious song. "Lucy.."

Stretching her arm to the light, her lips quivered to form a downward curve. The light drew closer, footsteps making subtle noises from the slight contact of the almost dry leaves against the shoes.

The light was now half a meter away from her face, and upon further inspection, blue eyes sparkled against it. The smile forming on the others' lips can be barely seen, but she felt it. From the moment her eyes landed against his, until her hands were grasped by strong and firm ones, she felt it. From that moment, she knew that she was safe.

Erza and Levy directed curious gazes at Lucy, which where left unnoticed by their blonde friend. They were worried on what has been bothering her lately. On a normal school day, Lucy would react immediately once one of them directed such gazes upon her, like some fazed criminal accused of a crime. But unfortunately, today seems to be a not-so-normal school day, at least for Lucy.

"Lu-chan, are you alright?" Levy asked. But her question was kept unanswered, for the third time, by her blonde best friend. Heaving a long and heavy sigh, she glanced at Erza, which was giving her a befuddled look. "Neh Erza, can you give me a hand? I'm starting to think that this is my entire fault."

"Why would you blame yourself?" Erza asked surprised by Levy's words. Thinking that Levy has nothing to do with Lucy's current state, she can't help but to put the blame on herself, but also, knew better than to shout out loud for someone to hit her. "Was it because of the audition?" She asked, since it's the only reason that she can come up with.

Levy suddenly halted from her steps, then casted her gaze to her feet. She heaved another long and heavy sigh before lifting her head and directing her gaze towards Lucy, who was still walking, making small steps, and not noticing that her companions had suddenly halted from their walk.

Since the audition, Lucy has been acting rather strange. She seems to be spacing out a lot, probably thinking about something, but they can't tell what it was.

Being rather curious and concerned to Lucy, Gray confronted her yesterday, to which Lucy answered with a 'nothing'. The two guys, including Natsu, were worried about Lucy's behavior these past few days. Unluckily, they were asked for a favor from their sensei just before the bell rang. They can't accompany the girls on their walk since they were asked to do something, so they told the girls to go on ahead of them and that they'll catch up.

Erza walked up to Lucy, surprising the blonde head as she placed her hands on her slightly slouched shoulder. Erza smiled a comforting one, to which the other returned with a reassuring one. "Let's have lunch at the rooftop today. It can help you sort up your thoughts since its peaceful there." Erza said, hoping to enlighten their blonde friend.

"Mama prepared her specialty today Lu-chan! She mailed me just now to meet her at the lobby." Levy said trying her best to be as cheerful and as realistic like how she originally was, which proved hard enough since she was disregarding the thought that she was just ignored by someone named Lucy a little while ago.

"You can go ahead." Erza told Lucy calmly, only to be followed by a snide remark. "Or if you're feeling a little helpful, you can come with us." She added as a smirk encompassed her face.

Lucy's reassuring smile turned into a smirk. "No thanks. With your brutality and strong-willed personality, who would need another company just to get bentos from her mother? Oh right! I think Levy-chan will!"

"That's so mean Lu-chan!" The little girl shouted while her lips formed a pout. Erza and Lucy giggled a little to be joined by Levy later.

They then continued walking until they went their separate ways, Lucy turning right while Levy and Erza turning left.

While heading towards the rooftop, Lucy pondered for the nth time about the dream. That dream. Having dreamt of that same dream 3 times in a row in less than a week, Lucy can't help but to think about it over and over again. That dream can be a random reverie, a faint recollection, or a premonition. A premonition? What am I? Some black sorceress?

Lost in her thoughts, and not focusing on her surroundings, she passed by the staircase leading to the rooftop for quite some time. She kept on walking aimlessly until she saw a shade of green on the corner, and that woke her up from her own little world. She scrutinized it but it suddenly disappeared. What in the world was that?

She ran to the corner, on impulse and curiosity, then turned right, to where the shade of green disappear to, just to surprisingly catch a glimpse of a guy wearing a green short-sleeved button-up shirt, dark green fitted pants, brown below-the-knee-high boots, and a green fedora hat with.. Quills? Where those feathers on the side of his hat? Lucy thought, amazed by the guy's sense of fashion. Who would wear a hat inside a school on a hot day?

Unknowingly, something inside her wanted to follow the guy, like something's keeping her feet to move, but she thought otherwise. Her mind and inner self continued to battle on whether to follow the guy or not, until an arrow passed by in front of her, missing her only by an inch, then pinning itself to the wooden wall beside her.

She looked at the guy just to see him running away from her, and he was now holding a bow. She shifted her gaze onto the arrow and was shocked to see what was written there. What the hell is wrong with that guy?! Almost hitting me with an arrow just to say something like this! She fumed inside. She pulled the arrow then followed where the guy went. The battle between her inner self and her mind has already ended.

Not in a little while, she was led to the auditorium, the doors being slightly ajar when she arrived. She opened it carefully, being cautious thinking that an arrow might just start flying towards her again. She entered quietly and closed the door, and then she heard a very familiar voice spoke. "Careful, aren't we?"

Her brain started to malfunction for a while until her eyes budged wider as she realized whose voice it was. She looked at the man standing on the stage, his back facing her. She can't believe what she just heard. That voice!

She took small steps towards the stage, still doubting if the voice she heard was real. But nonetheless, all of her doubts were removed when he finally spoke again. "Do you still remember me."

Her mind started going wild. H-How? She can't muster the strength to ask him, but she really wanted to know who he was. Does that mean that the man, who was on her dream, was the same man that was standing above meters away from her? Does that mean that the dream that she kept on dreaming was not just a random reverie, nor a premonition, but a faint recollection? Questions clouded her mind but only three words left her lips.












"Who are you?"

A long and eerie silence lingered in the air, much to Lucy's dismay. Albeit the fact that her curiosity and impatience was getting the better half of her, she decided otherwise and waited for the man's answer. The silence continued for a while until the silent and suspenseful atmosphere was broken when the man about-faced, surprising Lucy and catching her off-handed.

Upon scanning the man's appearance immediately, she suddenly realized a thing. He has the same built as Spiderman. Also, she felt that she has this strong connection with him, the same feeling she felt with Spiderman during the audition. So the man that was messing in my dream was also Spiderman? She inspected the man again until she had just realized another thing.

Green shirt. Green pants. Brown boots. Feathered hat. Bow and arrows.

"Robin.. Hood?" She carefully asked.

"So you are still fond of fairy tales, neh? Or do you still write them as Fairy Tails rather than Fairy Tales?" The man smiled warmly as he delivered his answer, emphasizing the word Tails and Tales, not that it makes any difference in sound, but Lucy got he was implying.

Hiding her surprised reaction, she put up a brave front, just to be betrayed by her voice. "W-Who are you?! And heck! You're the one dressed as a fairy tale character!"










"I'm your Superhero."

Upon opening the doors, a strong gust of wind welcomed her. The sun was hiding behind the large trail of puffy and cottony can be seen flying aimlessly at the sky, chasing each other and simultaneously landing on the rooftop's edges. The temperature seems to be.. just fine. Not too hot, but not to humid, a weather perfect for a picnic.

"Lu-chan, where have you been?" A small and worried voice brought her back from her daydream. "Shouldn't you be arriving first?"

Immediately, another voice followed Levy's question. "Were you hurt anywhere Lucy?"

She looked behind her and saw Erza and her worried face. She smiled her usual cheeky grin before saying "Of course I am! Let's eat already! I'm starving!"

Levy and Erza exchanged weird glances at each other before the red-haired friend told her something.. "Did something happen? No. Scratch that. What happened Lucy?!"

Lucy raised a brow before directing back a confused smile. "What do you mean?"

"Lu-chan, we know you through and through. It's not like you tell something like 'I'm starving!' happily. Unless something amazing did happen.." Levy pointed as her voice trailed off.

Seeing her friends' persistency, she sighed a little then lifted her head. Smiling a wide one, she told them "Let's just say.. Something great did happen."

Knowing that Lucy was not yet ready to disclose any information to them, Erza and Levy just looked at each other with a relieved expression. At least she's back to her old self. Almost..

"Yo! You haven't started eating yet?" "Were you waiting for us?" Asked Natsu and Gray respectively, as they arrived, banging the door wide open in the process then disturbing the birds resting at the end of the rooftop causing them to scram. They were panting a little as they approached the girls. The slightly dusty uniform that they wore proved that their sensei did ask them to do something rather hard.

"Well, not really." Lucy said as she stood up then headed towards Gray, Erza doing the same but heading towards Natsu instead. "But what did sensei asked you to do?" Lucy asked as she started to dust some dirt on Gray's back.

"Where you asked to roll on the ground?" Erza commented rather annoyed at the dirt that does not seem to fall off Natsu's uniform no matter how hard she dusts it. "What the hell! Just fall off already! Stupid dirt!" Erza yelled angrily as she smacks the area harder and harder, making Natsu cringe and scream in agony.

"Well, he asked us to carry some boxes from the storage room to the faculty room." Gray said ,annoyance clear in his tone.

"Why didn't he ask one or two of the maintenance staff to help him?" Levy asked as she thought of possible ideas that may be reasons to their sensei's acts. "It's not like him to just ask someone randomly.."

"A-about that.." Gray started rubbing the back of his neck as he shyly looked away at Lucy, who was now finished dusting him. He started fiddling his fingers then told them "W-We got the lowest scores in the exam. He asked us to help him so that he can reconsider adjusting them a bit." He clasped his fingers then looked down, a faint blush evident in his face, probably because of embarrassment.

Silence ensued.











"Lame Human Beings." Levy

"Pathetic Bastards." Erza

"Brainless Idiots." Lucy

Gray and Natsu felt stabbed after the words escaped the girls' mouths. All they can do is to sulk, which will not be minded by the girls.

"Geez. Sensei teaches well." Levy

"Even 2nd graders can comprehend his way of teaching." Erza

"Maybe their brains were that of kindergartens, or if possible, even lower." Lucy

Gray and Natsu fell dramatically to the floor as puddles of waters form from their tears. "They can sure run their mouths." Natsu said desolately to Gray.

"They have the right to, just let them be" Gray answered in a submissive tone.

"I'm home.. Why the hell do I even yell 'I'm Home' when there's not even a soul to greet me? Sheesh." Lucy said while removing her shoes. "Must be from a habit" she said as made her way towards her room.

After placing her bag on her study table, she opened the door that leads to her walk-in closet, moving to the farthest corner then grabbing a shirt and short to wear. As she walks toward the door of the said closet, she begins to unbutton her blouse right after discarding the vest that covers it. Before she reached the door, her blouse joined the vest on her right hand while her left hand fondled for the zipper of her skirt, immediately removing it once unzipped. She threw her uniform to the cloth basket just outside her room before wearing the clothes she just grabbed, which carried by her mouth.

Multi-tasking has been one of Lucy's habits since she can't stay focused on one thing, but that only happens when she's at home since she's usually cheeky and careless at school. Probably because she loves this house so much that she wants to keep on doing something in this house, even if it were senseless things. She loves this house much more than any material thing she had, aside from her passbook and debit cards, since this is the only memento that she received from her parents. It maybe large, extremely large, for a single person, but she won't leave it nonetheless.

As she strode towards the kitchen, her eyes caught a glimpse of green. She remembered buying those green apples yesterday in a public market and putting them on the dinning table and arranging them with the other fruits that she bought. Green. She remembered something clearly because of those green apples.

"S-super hero?" She asked with a confused look. Isn't it the present age to old for that?

"Yup. And you are my heroine." She said in a husky voice.

Nevertheless, she decided to play with his antics. "So that explains the words written on this arrow."

"Exactly." Said 'Robin Hood' in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Who are you?" She asked for the second time.

The man looked at him, straight in the eye. Blue meets brown. Then realization hit her.

"I'm your super-"

"Your name." She said firmly. Those eyes were the same eyes calmed her in her dream. In 'that' dream.

"You will know about it, soon." The man said then winked at her.

Before she could even utter a phrase, smoke appeared on the stage, leaving a clear and well-polished floor once the it started to fade. She was rather shocked. Not because she was amazed by his grand exit, nor by their conversation. She was shocked because he left her again, for the second time.

'Idiot. Spouting all that nonsense then leaving me alone, you should have at least told me your name!' She fumed inside while she clutched onto the arrow tighter. Giving it another look, she read the words written on it aloud.













"I love you. Hmp! You could've at least shown your face to me, Dammit. Why the heck would Robin Hood wear a mask, a full face mask at that! I hardly remember him wearing any mask in any movie or story that that I have heard nor watched. But you can be quite creative, I might say. Not bad, not bad.."









I will see that face that you keep on hiding, sooner or later. Just you wait.. My Superhero.

Hello everyone!

I apologize for updating this late. I can't come up with the ending that I've wanted for this chapter, and it's frustrating me, a lot. I don't want to update a chapter just because I wanted to, but because I am happy with it. Thank you to those who read, reviewed, and followed. I am very glad, honestly. The next chapter is still on the process, so just you wait and see. That's all for now.. Bye!
