Title: Catching My Superhero

Summary: After being recruited by the Theater Club, it seems like some superhero has been protecting her. She started to remember things from a shaded memory, and yes, it was blurry. Has this superhero have some connection with her? She will find it out.. But.. Why do all superheroes wear masks? Lucy has to catch this superhero in order to see his face..

Category: Me and My Superhero

Prompt: Spiderman and His Amazing Web

Warning: AU & slight OOC

Note: Lucy Harem rocks!

Spiderman and his Amazing Web

A girl ran through the corridor with great speed that can rival Jet's, Fairy Academy's Track and Field Gold Medalist. A bunch of mad scientists were running after her, yelling things like 'Please be our President!' or 'Just please be an officer!'. Disregarding their pleas, she ran faster hoping to get them lost in their tracks.

She excelled in every subject, be it English, Science, Math, or even History. She's may not be the hard-working type but it runs in their blood to be 'Top Students' even without trying.

Lost in her thoughts, the puddle on the way was left unnoticed by the running girl. Once her foot landed on the shallow pool of liquid, she immediately felt her balance getting out-of-control causing her to land on the ground with a not so loud 'thud'. The mad scientists stopped on their tracks and looked at her with hungry eyes.

She lifted her head facing the science club members. The members got shocked seeing her façade, a fragile face- cheeks tinted with shades of pink and eyes with tears warning to fall. She opened her mouth to let out one weak and almost inaudible sound. "I'm sorry."

The science club members bowed their heads and felt sorry for her fate. "W-We're sorry too. Sorry for forcing you to join our club.." The others shook their heads and about-faced, making their way to their classrooms and leaving the girl, still with her 'pitiful' facade, alone.

She lifted her legs up and saw a scrape on her knee. Sighing heavily, she reached for the ointment her mother made inside her bag. She plopped the cap open, spread a little on the wound, and hid the ointment back to her bag. "I wonder if how will my knee look like if mama hasn't invented that scar-removing ointment.." She said while standing up.

"You're acting skills went off without a hitch, Lu-chan!" A small and girly voice startled her from behind, before comprehending that it was her best friend- praising her acting skills.

"I was just taking advantage of what had happened." The girl, called Lu-chan, said while dusting her skirt. "And it's not like I planned to slide on that puddle in the first place." She said while glaring daggers at the pool of liquid. How can there even be a puddle in the middle of summer?!

"You're clumsy as ever Lu-chan. Good thing your brain's not affected with all those bumps and scratches." Lucy turned around just to see her best friend smiling warmly towards her. Is that even a compliment? Or was she insulting me?

Levy McGarden is Lucy's best friend. Adorned with an unusual blue hair, she shares most of the same interest a girl can have with Lucy, except for love. Lucy's ideal men were assertive and clean-looking types, in contradictory to Levy's, bad boys and delinquents.

"You really look like a damsel in distress earlier." Levy squealed in delight. "Which reminds me.. We are having an audition later at the auditorium. We can't decide if who will be playing as the heroine in our play.. Lu-chan, you have to be the heroine!" Levy exclaimed, now holding Lucy's hands while doing the begging puppy face.

"Eh?! I'm sorry Levy-chan but I won't."Lucy said firmly. She looked at Levy who was now wearing an unusual smirk. Lucy shivered with fear while thinking of what Levy has in store for her. Both of them were good at blackmailing each other, but Lucy has no idea reserved for the day. "Levy-chan.. Whatever you're thinking about, I definitely know it's not good."

Levy fished for her phone in her pocket then went straight to the gallery. She opened one file and showed it to Lucy.

Lucy's eyes widened with shock, her face turning into a different shade of red. How can Levy have a photo of me like this?

"I took that a while ago. That's the moment where you slipped on the puddle. I never knew that I can be a great candid photographer, not until today." Levy said while putting her evil smirk again. Lucy inwardly shivered at Levy's new found talent. She perfectly took a shot of Lucy while she was falling down, one of her legs lifted up, showing a good view of the underwear she's wearing. Damn. She inwardly cursed.

Sighing heavily for the second time, she unwillingly nodded her head. How clumsy can I ever be?

"Eh?! You're going to the audition?!"

Lucy nodded her head while earning shrieks from her friends. She expected this to happen since she's neither a fan of dramas, nor acting. Though she has the talent, she never paid attention to it; she's too lazy to do so.

"I still can't believe it. Of all the clubs, why the theater club? You could have just joined my Eating Club.." Natsu said to Lucy.

Natsu is also Lucy's best friend. He's a pink-haired, slant-eyed, impatient freak, as to how Gray calls him. He has this weird blue feline that's quite attached to Lucy. And that feline has an unusual habit, that is, to purr when Lucy blushes.

"Or my Sewing Club." Gray recommends.

Gray is also Lucy's best friend, often mistaken as Lucy's boyfriend since he was over-protective to Lucy. They were childhood friends. The Fullbusters and Heartfillias have been very close, leading to the blossoming friendship between the two.

"I still don't get how Gray became a member of the Sewing Club. I seldom see you dressed, so why sew?" Erza said confused.

Erza is considered by Lucy as her savior, protecting her from fangirls that blames her for taking away their Natsu and Gray. Crowned with scarlet-red hair, she's known as the Strict Class President. And unexpectedly, she has a soft spot for Strawberry Cheesecakes.

Leaning on her table, she rested her head above her folded arms. "Levy and I had a bet. Unfortunately, I lost, so this is the consequence." She said while closing her eyes. "Please wake me up when classes are over".

The trio stares at her as her breathing became synchronized.

"Lucy's a heavy sleeper." Gray informed the two.

"Ohh. No wonder she's heavy.." Natsu said with a grin.

They were walking away Lucy's desk when they heard her whisper. "I'll kill you later, Natsu."

The news of Lucy trying for the audition spread to the male population of the academy like wildfire. Having the gift of beauty, Lucy pierced through the hearts of men in their academy. She was known as the sweet and bubbly type, as to what the male population sees Lucy in their eyes. She's in contrast with Erza, who was known for her snobbish personality. The former always smiles when boys wave at her while the ones who waved at the latter earns death glares.

30 minutes before the auditions start, the auditorium was full, much to Levy's expectations. Being the scriptwriter, Levy wants the play to be a success. That's when Lucy comes to the picture. Lucy and Erza were very well-known, so once one of them decides to try the audition, chances are there will be more students who will watch. Since Lucy will try the audition, her gang, which consist of Natsu, Gray, and Erza, will definitely support her. Gray and Natsu have fangirls and Erza has a lot of supporters too. Looking at the big picture, if you combine the four, you will get a crowd, a crowd more than enough to fill the auditorium. It will not only fill the auditorium, it will also lessen the chances of picking a performer who has stage fright. 'Hitting two birds with Lucy' Levy thought.

When the gang entered the auditorium, Levy met them halfway giving Lucy a big hug.

"Lu-chan~ are you ready?" The blue-haired scriptwriter giggled.

"Uhhmm.. Yes. But what are they doing?" Lucy asked dumbfounded by seeing the crowd who will watch them. It's not like I have stage fright or anything, I might get self-conscious.

"Nevermind them Lu-chan. You have to win this one!" Levy said while holding her hands into a fist.

"Somehow, I get the feeling that you wanted me to win so that you will not be dealing with unsold tickets for the actual play." Lucy said in a deadpanned voice. Levy grinned at her then lead her to the backstage. 'Hitting three birds with Lucy' Levy corrected herself.

Upon seeing the dressing room, Lucy was amazed to see such. Clothes can be seen anywhere, different colors and different sizes, different themes and different styles. A member of the theater club approached and guided her towards her seat. Leaning her back on the chair, Lucy scanned her image on the huge vanity mirror in front of her. She was scanning how she looks when a small voice cuts her train of thoughts. "C-Can I style your hair? S-Sumimasen.."

Shifting her gaze to the origin of the voice, she found a lady bowing her head slightly. She smiled at her as she remembered one of her childhood friends acting exactly the same as the lady did. She smiled sweetly at the lady before shifting her gaze back to the mirror.

"You remind me of someone close to my heart." She said while a warm smile lingered on her face. The lady was mesmerized by Lucy's sudden reaction. She was always seen with a huge grin or a sweet smile, but seeing her smile nostalgically warmed her heart more. "You can do anything you want with me, as long as I'll be presentable enough." The lady paused for a while before acting upon Lucy's request.

Her hair was pulled to a messy bun onto her back leaving some short locks on her face. "You act so different compared to how my classmates describe you.." She said as she used some clips to secure the messy bun. "Light make-up will make you perfect since you have such fair skin.." The lady said while grabbing the make-up kit beside her.

"Thank you." Lucy said before the brush hits her face. Once the lady was done with her face, she immediately glanced at the mirror and was surprised to see her face. She applied little make-up but it made her face glow. "It's beautiful." She said while smiling warmly.

They went to the dressing room and Lucy fitted the white dress that halted a few inches above her pinkish knees. Tugging the tube up, the dress halted another inch above her knee, exposing almost half of her thighs. Glancing one more time at the full body mirror, she smiled at her reflection then went out of the dressing room.

"The dress suits you perfectly.." said the lady.

"Thanks to you." Lucy smiled then handed her hand over. "I'm Lucy. Hope we can be friends."

The lady was shocked at Lucy's behavior, little did she expect that the blonde beauty would befriend someone like her, a commoner. She shifted her gaze and found Lucy's cheeky smile plastered. She smiled back then reached for her hand. "I-I'm Lissana." She answered back.

Lucy's eyes widened as she squeezed Lissana's hand. "L-Lissana?" Lucy said while examining the white-haired beauty.

"Y-Yes. W-Why?" Lissana asked rather frightened upon seeing Lucy scan her then gave her a puzzling look. After some time, Lucy returned to her cheeky smile, much to Lissana's joy.

"You're really beautiful Lissana. No wonder Natsu has a crush on you." Lucy praised while mumbling the latter part.

"Thank you ve-"

"Lu-chan!" Levy entered the backstage and was shocked to see Lucy in her dress. "..."

"What can you say Levy-chan? Lissana did a great job right?" Lucy said while posing some funny candid poses in front of the two.

"As expected from Lissana, you did such an amazing job!" Levy said while congratulating Lissana. "But Lu-chan, you have to go to the stage so that you can be presented." Levy said while smiling slyly at Lucy. Lucy nodded her head in return before saying her thanks and goodbye to Lissana.

As they disappeared, Lissana couldn't help herself but to smile at Lucy. You're really lucky to have someone like him, Lucy.

"Thank you for saving me, my Superman.." The performer said as she hugged the actor.

The audience clapped at the play. Everyone's putting their best to it, no doubt. But I have to win this one, or Levy might spread the photo. Knowing her, she will definitely do it if I don't win this one. Lucy joined the applause then congratulated the performer that had just finished. The next turn will be hers so she panicked a little but then regained her confidence when she caught a sight of Levy and her gang.

"So our last performer will be~ Oh my! It's Lucy Heartfilia!" The president of the theater club squealed, much to the boys' delight. Lucy made her way to the center stage, designed with busy streetlights and sky scrapers- complete with flashing lights and supporting actors and actresses, then greeted the president. Everyone was just staring at her with shocked expressions. She felt a little agitated but regained her composure when the president commented that "I never knew that Ms. Lucy Heartfillia will be this beautiful up-close. My~ I'm so jealous with Levy! She gets to chat face-to-face with Ms. Lucy." The crowd laughed after the unceremonial silence. "So Ms. Lucy? Are you ready?" She asked me while handling the bowl to pick which superhero will be saving me.

"Lucy will be fine, Kaicho." She said as she picked one paper from the bowl. The president smiled at her then nodded.

"So.. Let's see if who will be Lucy's Superhero.." The president unfolded the paper and smiled widely after reading the text. "It's Spiderman! Let's see if how will Lucy deal with the plot." The President opened the folder then flapped its pages open until her eyes focused on something. "Here it is!" The crowd went silent waiting for the plot to be outlined. "Soo~ Spiderman. The performer was saved by Spiderman countless of times and somehow, she fell in-love with him. One day, the performer will be robbed then Spiderman will save her. Your goal is to confess your love to him... Is that clear?" Lucy nodded her head then Lucy went to the corner while the President made her way down the stage. "The stage is now yours, Lucy. Presenting~~ Spiderman!"

The lights on the auditorium dimmed except for the ones on the stage. Lucy walked silently towards the center when suddenly, two robbers grabbed her arms. Lucy was really shocked making the act more realistic. She tried to free her arm from their grip but unfortunately, she was gripped tightly, though not that hard.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp! Soooooooooomooooone! Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-Mmmmmm." Lucy's screaming turned into mumbles when one robber placed his hand on her mouth. She tried freeing her arm, and she was lucky to do so.

She ran across the stage but halfway through, the sandal that she wore broke its heels causing her to tumble. The crowd shrieked on what happened. It looks so real! Was what everybody was thinking. Wow! I never thought that my clumsiness may have some good benefits! She thought while getting up and suppressing the smile threatening on her lips. On cue, two hands grabbed her arm again and pulled her up.

"You think that you can runaway from us?" Robber 1 said while glaring at Lucy.

"Let me go! Heeeellp! Hee-" Lucy struggled as the other robber covered her mouth.

"That's enough shouting Missy. Why don't you just hand you precious be-" The robber never got the chance to finish his sentence when Spiderman came and kicked him.

"Spiderman!" Lucy shouted as the grip on her arm gets tighter.

"Let go of the lady." Spiderman said in an authoritative voice.

"Ha! You wish!" The robber pulled out a shiny fake knife from his belt then pointed it towards Lucy. Lucy, thinking that the knife was real, had her face drain it's colors and she felt scared. Once the knife was pointed on Lucy's neck, she let out a shriek then fear encompassed her features..

Wow! I never knew Lucy was this good in acting! And It looks so real.. were some of the thoughts that the crowd were sharing. Even Levy and the president got surprised by Lucy's acting skills.

Spiderman readied his web then held out his line. "Put down the knife. Don't involve her! She is innocent!"

"Don't involve her! She is innocent!" He shouted in front of them.

"Then, will you take the beating?" One of the fat boys asked. He shook his head then they started beating him up.

"S-Stop! S-Stop it!" All I can do was shout but it neither help, nor relieve his pain.

I elbowed the robber on his ribs then freed from his grasp. Spiderman quickly shot him with his web..







But nothing came. No web sprouted.

We were too focused on the malfunction that we haven't noticed the other robber got up. When he was about to hit Spiderman, I was able to warn him, "Spidermaaaan!".

But it's too late. Spiderman was now being beaten by the robbers.. And so the nostalgic scene appeared in my mind again..

"S-Stop! S-Stop it!"

The boys continued to beat him.

"Stop! Please!"

"Stop! S-Stop!" The robbers continued to beat Spiderman while I stood there, crying my heart out. I was too obsessed with the nostalgic scene that it internalized within me.

"P-Please.. You can have this.." I said while handing my purse. "J-Just please.. Please s-stop!" I said as tears roll down my face. I don't know how it happened but my knees suddenly felt weak and another second, they collapsed. I glanced at Spiderman and his costume was tattered and stained with red.

"P-Please~.. Please s-stop.." I said between my sobs. "S-stop.." Tears continued to roll down my face and they don't seem to stop.

The robbers took the purse away from me then exited the scene. I tried to stand up but my feet felt so tired so I crawled my way towards him.

I placed his head on my lap then another tear rolled down from my face to his. Spiderman was still wearing his mask so I don't get a chance to see his face. His eyes were also closed..

"S-Spiderman.." I mumbled as tears started to roll down my face again.. "I-I'm s-sorry.. I'm s-sorry~~y.."

I cried a little longer then placed my hand on his face. "B-Because of m-me, y-you g-got beaten.."

"G-Gomen.. B-Because of me, you g-got b-beaten." I said as I caressed his face. He has cuts and bruises on his face, but he's still handsome..

"I-If not f-for m-me, you wouldn't b-be in t-this s-situation.."

"I-If not f-for m-me, you wouldn't b-be in t-this s-situation.." I said as I caress his face.. "P-Please.. P-Please.."

I sobbed again then I let a handful of tears slide down my face. "P-Please d-don't l-leave me~...








I-I l-love y-you-uu.. I love you~"

I hugged him gently, then buried his face on my neck. "I love you.. Please, don't leave.. Please.." I sniffed once again.. but something distracted me..

Ketchup! He is stained with ketchup! I am wearing a white dress and he is stained with ketchup! I am wearing a white dress that does not belong to me and he is stained with ketchup!

My thoughts about the drama stopped and my brain stopped thinking. Oh damn! The momentum in my head stopped! What to do what to do?! I was still panicking when I heard a clap. After seconds, the clapping grew louder so I stood up. When I looked back, Spiderman was gone.. Where did he go?

When I looked at the crowd, they were standing.. Most of them were rubbing their eyes, some blowing their noses.

I took the honor and seized the moment. I walked towards the center of the stage, clicked my heel, then bowed in front of them. When I lifted my head up, I saw Levy, Erza, Gray and Natsu running towards me.

"Lu-chan~~!" Levy shouted as she tackled me with a hug. Her face was tear-stricken. She definitely enjoyed the show.

"Lucy~~" Erza said as she tackled me and Levy into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you!" She added as she rubs her cheek against mine. Her cheeks were moist, she enjoyed the show too.

"Luce/Lucy!" After hearing those, we were now on the ground. Natsu and Gray tackled me so hard, so hard that we fell on the floor..

"Waaahh Luce~ You made me cry!" Natsu said as he hugs me tighter.

"Lucy! You're awesome!" Gray said as he also hugs me tighter.

I felt my oxygen being insufficient~ they are hugging me too tight!

"C-Can't b-breathe~ C-Can't b-brea~~"

"What are you saying Lucy?" Natsu said. I can feel him grinning.

"Y-You bastards! I can't breathe!" I shouted making them jump. I felt oxygen coming back to my lungs. Thank you! I thought I was going to die.

Before I can regain more air, Levy and Erza pulled me then we went to the backstage. Natsu and Gray followed behind. "Change your clothes Lu-chan, we are going to celebrate!" Yelled Levy.

"Celebrate? But the winner will be announced on monday.."

"It's so obvious that you will win. Gray, get your car! Natsu, go with him. We'll take the fire exit." Erza commanded the two with ease after voicing her opinion in a matter-of-fact tone.

I guess I can't do anything but to compromise.. But something's puzzling me..






How come that I felt a strong connection with Spiderman? I felt like I have known him for so long causing me to not feel any awkwardness with him earlier..

Spiderman.. and your web.. Your amazing web, your trully amazing web..


Other than that...










Who owns the white dress I am wearing that does not belong to me and was stained by Spiderman with ketchup!?

I really wanted to post this one, so I posted it. I don't know when will the next chapter be posted.. but I will try to complete this within 3 months, just like the rules says. I will try my best. Please wish me some luck.
