Auhor's notes: Chapter three! I was really inspired for this chapter, so it's longer. I hope you all enjoy it. Merry Christmas! Review if you feel the need to!


Saavik was aware that Uhura was watching. The man had sat near her and tried making conversation, but she wasn't concentrating on her ex-lover. She still cared deeply for him, but tonight she couldn't keep conversation with him because of someone else.

Shore leave had been announced a few days ago, and after making sure her ship was in order, Jane had come to this bar on the friendly planet. Saavik hadn't followed; she'd been invited by Uhura. They were going to talk, since they hadn't in quite some time; probably hadn't said a word to each other that hadn't been related to the Enterprise and her mission.

But Saavik hadn't planned on seeing their captain at the bar. She was wearing a white slip of a dress, one that Saavik hadn't seen before. And she danced with whoever asked her, she would smile at them and take off with them onto the jumbled dance floor, her arms high above her head as she swung her hips and moved her shoulders to the music. It was beautiful and transfixing to watch. Saavik kept conversation up with Uhura, but often looked past the man to look onto the dance floor and find the white dress again.

"So things are going well for you, Saavik?" Uhura asked gently, taking a drink of his sweet-looking drink. "You've seemed, I don't know, distracted last time we talked." He didn't mention that had been the time that Saavik had confessed that they were not compatible. She had told Uhura that their minds did not meld well together. The experience for her had been unsatisfying; she had thought that the moments before the meld their experience would be wonderful. But it didn't happen. Uhura's mind pushed her away like oil from water.

And there had been Jane, with bright blue eyes and a smile that made Saavik feel lighter, somehow. It made Saavik long to touch the other woman. Between their times playing chess and the way they would meet on the bridge and how Jane would chat away on the bridge, demanding attention and respect.

And now she danced, and Saavik watched. In the white dress that Saavik never would have imagined could cling to Jane's body so well. She blinked, and returned to Uhura, who was looking concerned.

"I am doing fine," Saavik answered, nodding and drinking the tea that had been placed before her, and that was the truth. Life was acceptably unchanging. Yet Saavik longed for Jane.

The Vulcan looked back to the dance floor, where the song was winding down, and Jane left her dancing partner alone and returned to the bar. She got some kind of murky drink in a shot glass and drank it down in a single gulp. She grimaced and turned away from the bar, staring out over the sea of people.

"That's good to hear. I've been worried about you," Uhura confessed. "You haven't seemed like yourself since we stopped dating, and, frankly, it's sort of distressing."

Saavik felt her eyes go wide, and she looked down at her tea, "It is true, my performance is down six-point-four-percent. I assumed it to be a small enough interval to be nothing, but it seems that I have been distracted."

"Do you know what has been distracting you?" He asked, giving a small frown.

Saavik looked up past Uhura's head again, spotting the white dress immediately. She was taken back to see Jane staring right back. She was smirking, and grabbed her drink, hurrying over to where Uhura and Saavik sat. The song loud as she dodged people in the bar and moved over toward the commander and Uhura.

"Saavik! Uhura!" She said, sitting next to the Vulcan, Saavik could smell her, her scent was of alcohol and sea water. She smiled and held her drink like she held her phaser. She took a drink and nodded at the two of them. "You guys havin' fun?" Her speech was slightly slurred, which made Uhura shake his head.

"Affirmative." Saavik replied.

Jane leaned on Saavik's shoulder, "You wanna dance, Saavik?"

Uhura snorted, and got up from the table, "I'll be back, I'm going to go to the bathroom." He turned hotly, disappearing into the crowd of people.

"Bye," Jane replied, and then turned back to the Vulcan, "Come on, Saavik. It'll be fun." She breathed heavily into a pointed ear. Saavik narrowed her eyes.

"I refuse to take advantage of you," She said, taking a gulp of her tea.

"You won't be takin' advantage of me, we're just gonna be dancin'." One of her hands touched Saavik's, with it came a flood of emotions. They were fuzzy and drunk, but Saavik could feel the lust in Jane's touch.

"No." Saavik hissed, pulling her hand away.

"Fine," Jane spat back. She got up and downed the rest of her drink in front of Saavik. She turned and disappeared with her white dress into the crowd.

"Well, she left in a hurry," Uhura sat back down, his eyebrow raising after Jane.

Saavik felt a knot in her stomach. "Yes. She did."

They talked a little longer before Uhura stretched and smiled. "Well, I'm headed off. I promised Scottie I would stop by her quarters."

Saavik nodded. "I will see you soon, then."

Uhura gave the ta'al and Saavik returned the gesture.

Once Uhura had gone, Saavik sat alone, drinking her tea and staring into the crowd, looking for the white dress.

"Hey… are you a Vulcan?" A voice asked.

Saavik looked up to the Andorian who asked her the question. She nodded, and he sat down.

"I've never met a Vulcan before. I heard they were endangered. Did you come on the federation ship?"

She nodded again. "I am."

He sighed wistfully, "Wow, that's really amazing."

He continued talking, but Saavik ignored him, as Jane stood at the bar, staring right at them. Her face is twisted into a grimace. Saavik looked away, back to the Andorian who was talking about how he wanted to join Starfleet, but had to stay with his family. Saavik can't really hear him. He's just talking and she feels Jane's eyes on her for a long time. When Saavik looked back at the bar, Jane is talking with a tall man, and she's smiling and leaning in toward him. He asked her something, and Jane looked over toward Saavik. She looked guilty, staring at Saavik longingly, but she turned away.

In a moment she regretted looking away, and dares to glance back. Jane grabbed the man's hand, and looked right into Saavik's eyes, and they were gone.

Saavik gazed at the spot that they had stood. She longed for the smell of seawater and alcohol. She longed to touch the white dress. Jane had left with someone she barely knew. Saavik had turned her down, she knew that, but still she felt some kind of anger. She looked back to the Andorian, who had stopped talking and now stared at Saavik.

"You alright? You're distracted."

He noticed it, too. Did everyone know there was something wrong? Saavik excused herself, and headed for the door. She just wanted to see Jane one last time before she disappeared. It was too late, though. The captain was gone.

The music in the club had slowed down and now played a melancholy soundtrack to Saavik's regret.