We sat in the living room, Carlisle and Esme eyeing me carefully as they waited for me to begin speaking. After Carlisle had posed his question about our evening, Esme decided it would be better if we didn't have that conversation in the hallway. Now as we all sat in the living room, Esme and Carlisle sharing the loveseat and I on the adjacent couch, I was expected to explain my earlier misdeeds.
I looked down at my hands picking roughly at my nails welcoming anything to keep me from looking at Carlisle and Esme. I couldn't help but feel nervous at my upcoming sentence that I was sure to receive after I confessed my earlier actions. Carlisle had mentioned that I would face punishment if I disrespected Esme again and what I had done today went far beyond disrespect. I was nervous; Carlisle had never truly disciplined me before. Through my first two years as a vampire, he understood that much of my misbehavior was either due to the hatred of this new life or to my newborn vampire instincts. He was very supportive and the most Carlisle had ever done was a stern lecture. Somehow, I didn't think that a scolding would suffice this time.
I had a slight idea of what he might do to me after our conversation. I doubted he would be able to stand my presence after I had caused so much suffering to his mate so he would probably ask me to leave. I knew from stories Carlisle had told me that in other covens, the punishment for even raising one's voice against the coven leader's mate is usually death or dismemberment. I shuddered at that idea... Carlisle would never do that right? At most he would exile me from the family... But as the time got closer to explain what I had done, I doubted my hopeful thinking.
"Edward?" Carlisle mentally prompted, tired of my silence, "I'm waiting."
Taking a few shaky and unnecessary breaths I forced myself to look up at him. I was met by those compassionate golden eyes I knew so well, but this time they were tinted with worry and concern. Oh those eyes would be furious and jet-black in just a few minutes, I was sure of it.
"Wh-Where would you like me to start?" I said not knowing where to begin. So much had happened that I couldn't explain with words, I had let my feelings guide me to such overwhelming places. How was I going to get Carlisle to understand that?
"Start from the beginning, what did you do after I left for the hospital?"
Hesitantly I said, "I read some books, um played piano..." I trailed off and looked back down at my hands. He would not like this next part. How I wished I could lie or at least leave some of the details out. But with Esme next to him, I knew it was not wise to lie. I doubted she would rat me out but I knew that if I didn't confess completely, her trust in me would be damaged. Not that she had any reason to trust me given what I had put her through in the past couple of hours but somehow she still trusted me. And I wasn't about to put that newly found faith at risk. I looked up at Esme and she gave me a sad smile, like she was sorry I had to be in this position. I felt sorry for myself too, but ignored that and forced myself to continue.
"When I finished playing, Esme came and complimented my work and that... well that angered me. I don't know why but it did, so I told her to leave me alone and went up to my room," Carlisle frowned at that but I continued, "I... I was trying to calm myself down but the more I thought about what happened the angrier I got so I grabbed the closest thing to me and threw it at the wall..."
"I suppose whatever it is you threw penetrated the wall?" Carlisle asked with a sigh.
"Yes sir," I looked down.
"That's not too bad... We can fix that." I heard Carlisle's thoughts before he spoke.
"Very well, continue please Edward," He was taking this extremely well. Maybe I would get through this in once piece.
Still picking at my nails and looking down I continued, "At the sound of the crash Esme came up... Again I told her to leave but instead, she walked in to see what I had done. When she saw the hole she offered to help clean it up but once again her presence agitated me and I... I..." I started trembling as it came time to confess the worst of my crimes. My voice began to shake before I trailed off, I couldn't tell Carlisle what I had done to his mate, I just couldn't! I didn't care about how calm he seemed now, if I told him what I did, he would kill me then and there for sure.
"I-I'm sorry... I can't, I can't do this," I chocked out with sobs beginning to build in my throat. I desperately put my face in my hands as if that would make this whole mess go away. I was afraid; afraid for my life. I had never done something of this severity around Carlisle and I didn't know how he would respond. I didn't want to wait and see his reaction.
He won't kill you, he won't kill you, I tried to convince myself. But the more I thought about it, the more I doubted my resolve. Yes he will, of course he will! He is a vampire. You mess with a vampire's mate, you die. You were never anything to him anyways. I was just a kid who he had picked up from the streets, filling that hole of solitude until he found someone more deserving of it. And now that he had found Esme, I was sure that he was just looking for an excuse to get rid of me.
"That poor boy..." I heard Esme's thoughts, "he doesn't deserve what he's going through just because of my breakdown." How was she blaming herself for the mess I had caused?
"Carlisle, Edward just didn't want me invading his privacy. When he asked me to leave and I didn't, he escorted me out. On the way, Edward accidentally put too much pressure and I tripped and hit my head on the wall. That is all." She said with finality in her tone.
I immediately lifted my head and gaped at Esme who was standing up as if the conversation had ended. It's okay Edward, I don't want you suffering unnecessarily, none of this is your fault. She thought, sending a sympathetic smile in my direction.
"No, Esme, you can't... you can't downplay my actions like that," I said finally gaining back the courage to speak. I looked at Carlisle who seemed startled by this new revelation, "When Esme refused to leave my room, my anger flared and I grabbed her and threw her out to the hallway where she hit her head. I screamed at her and she became very distraught and slipped into a memory of her past. I left her crying in the hallway for hours until I finally decided to go check on her. Not too long after that, you arrived, and well... y-you know the rest…" I had lost all my newly found bravery by the time I uttered those last words.
"You did what Edward Cullen?" Carlisle's voice rung out with a razor sharp edge. I flinched immediately. He is going to kill me! I thought desperately. And I truly did believe that. I could assume from Carlisle's frantic thoughts and menacing posture that he had every intention to do so. I couldn't make out individual thoughts of his, it was just noise and although I couldn't read whether he was planning to kill me or not, I didn't want to stick around to risk it.
"Carlisle! Carlisle, you need to calm down dear," Esme was quick to say placing a hand on his shoulder. At her touch Carlisle closed his eyes and took a few breaths to calm himself down. Seeing that quick distraction and taking advantage of it, I wasted no time at heading towards the front door and running out. I heard Esme gasp and call me back but I couldn't go back, I couldn't turn back to my own execution. Shooting one last glance back, I saw Esme's broken face and Carlisle's alert features before I turned back and ran as fast as I possibly could.
I knew it was foolish, to be running away from punishment like I was, but at the time all I wanted to do was to save my own life. I just needed to get away from the house, Carlisle would surely be right behind me and I couldn't let him catch up to me. I ran as fast as I could, I had always been faster than Carlisle so I could outrun him. While I fled, it weighed down on me that I had hurt poor Esme and had evaded consequences for it. I deserved to be punished and I deserved to be killed, but I just couldn't stand there and take it. I hoped someday Esme would forgive my childish and immature actions.
I wasn't sure how far I'd run but it had been a few hours and since all I heard was the sound of the wind and the animals around me, I knew it was safe enough to stop. I sat and leaned against a tree from the forest that surrounded me. I was an outcast now, a nomad. Carlisle must have either lost my scent or had mercy on me and decided not to kill me. Probably the latter since he was such a compassionate being. So in a way I didn't completely evade punishment. I was facing consequences, although probably not the ones Carlisle would have picked. But in a way, it felt good to feel so miserable. At least I was facing some sort of retribution for my crime. That was the least I could do for Esme.
Esme. I groaned as I thought of her. That woman had shaken up everything about my world. If only Carlisle hadn't changed her... I couldn't help but start to think before quickly stopping myself. No Edward, it's not her fault. She didn't do anything, stop blaming her. But even as I tried to hide those thoughts from my mind, I knew that if Carlisle hadn't found her; If he hadn't changed her, I would be at home, probably reading in the library waiting for Carlisle to get back home from his shift, not in the middle of nowhere hiding from the man I once considered my father.
But I knew that it was never her fault. It was my own stupid actions that had ruined those perfect moments. Esme was just trying to make things better, she was so sweet and kind and understanding. Way to go Edward, you made even the kindest creature in the world hate you. I rubbed my eyes trying to make some of the strain leave me but as I brought my hands up to my face, I noticed the dark band that coiled like a snake around my wrist. Taking it off slowly, I examined it but it only served to remind me of what I had lost. Carlisle had gifted me this band not long after he found me. He said he wanted something to define us and the crest in the middle symbolized our loyalty to each other, our strength and trust within one another. I had betrayed every detail the crest stood for, and I was no longer nor deserved to be a part of Carlisle's coven... Of Carlisle's family.
Why were you ever foolish enough to think he had any paternal feelings toward you Edward? You are nothing but a burden. I gripped the band in my hand for a second before throwing it with all my force away from me through the trees. After a second, I heard it land softly on the ground too far for me to see and I felt every trace of hope disappear with it. What was I going to do now? All alone, on my own. Wander the streets; try to not run into Carlisle or Esme? It seemed miserable, but still a bit better than death. Maybe someday I would find a companion like how Carlisle found Esme.
I slumped on the ground wondering what I would do next. Maybe I should go back... my mind began to race, but I quickly shook that thought out of my head. No, I had outrun Carlisle and I had escaped punishment, I was not going back. Was it wrong of me to think that way? I didn't care. It wasn't as if the way I thought was going to change anything, I was an exile now, a nomad, I could think and do however I pleased.
A strong gush of wind suddenly blew the scents of all the animals around me in the forest. Their warm blood called me in and awakened a burning in my throat. I needed to hunt, I was thirsty. I stood up and breathed in the air around me ready to hunt. But just as I was about to stalk after the scent of a bear, my previous thoughts ran through my head. I could think and do however I pleased. That meant... I didn't have to follow Carlisle's rules anymore; I didn't have to answer to anyone. I wasn't going to settle for mere animal blood when now I could drink the sweet blood of humans without consequences.
I had always wanted to try human blood, and although I had tried it a couple of times when I slipped, the thought that I would have to face Carlisle's disappointment always left a bitter taste behind. Now that I didn't have to follow his rules, I could hunt and give in to my desires without having to answer to anyone. Yes, I would indulge in my nature and finally fully get rid of the constant burning in my throat. Excitement flowed through me as I prepared for my new prey.
Smelling the air around me, I followed the faint traces of human scent. It was far, given that I was in the middle of the forest but the sudden excitement I felt at doing something forbidden completely overtook me. I ran towards the town and let my instincts take over. As I got closer and closer, the potent scent of human blood took over all my senses. Most humans were in their homes probably sleeping, given the time, so as I got into town, I decided to stalk the neighborhood and make my prey the first person I found alone. This way, there would be no witnesses and I could enjoy my meal without the worry of someone else seeing my deeds.
Walking in the dark streets, I felt even more excitement as I heard the heartbeats of the people sleeping soundly in their homes. Lucky for them, they would be spared of their lives today but not everyone in town would be so lucky. I felt like a true vampire now, coming out at night, stalking the streets for vulnerable humans whom I could sink my teeth into. I chuckled to myself; maybe being an exile wasn't so bad after all.
After walking down a couple of streets and alleys, the outline of a lone human finally appeared. Spotting my first meal, I grinned devilishly to myself and prepared for the attack. This would be the first time that I consciously hunted a human and I was completely engulfed by that thought to think or hear anything else. As the male walked closer and closer to my direction, my throat began to burn fiercely and I let my instincts take over. Running towards the man, I grabbed him by the neck and dragged him roughly to the nearest alley as he struggled to free himself from my grasp.
Cornering him to a wall, I spoke softly without removing my hold on him, "Sorry lad, looks like today wasn't the right time to be out and about in town,"
"LET M-" I cut off his cries not wanting to hear the annoying voice of my meal by throwing him to the opposite wall.
"Be quiet!" I said fiercely walking over to him clearly showing him who was the predator and who was the prey. The man had started bleeding from the impact of hitting the wall and I completely lost myself to the scent. The very frightened human looked at me trembling as I leaned down and pursed my lips against his neck.
"Sorry about this," I said with fake sincerity before baring my teeth and biting deeply into his neck.
He began screaming after I had bit him but his irritable voice didn't affect me any more. The delicious blood was too mesmerizing for me to form any other coherent thought. Sucking his blood, I realized I had forgotten how incredibly appetizing human blood tasted. It was quenching every aspect of my thirst flowing beautifully down my throat and into my system. I drank his blood enjoying the sweet delicacy not even thinking that I was slowly taking the man's life away.
"Edward?! Edward oh no! Edward stop!" I heard the thoughts of someone at very close proximity. I recognized this voice but in the middle of my hunt, I was too distraught to connect the voice with a face. Forcing myself apart from my prey, I turned and hissed at the intruder.
"Leave, he's mine!" I barely recognized the man staring back at me with wide eyes but as I saw no further threat with his presence, I ignored him and went back to my hunt.
"The man is almost dead... and he's seen too much anyways, it looks like I was too late." I heard the thoughts of the vampire behind me. Too late? Too late for what? Did he come here to steal my hunt? Was that his objective? Growling, I finished my meal and let the human's body fall at my feet.
"Edward," A firm voice suddenly spoke from behind me. I turned around as I remembered the vampire that had tried to steel my prey. Crouching into a stance ready to fight, I examined the creature in front of me. My eyes went wide with shock as, no longer distracted by my hunt, I quickly recognized the man. Carlisle. A shudder ran through me, What was he doing here? We were hours away from home, what was he doing?! I felt my panic begin to quickly build.
So he had followed me after all. He couldn't live with the thought that he had released a monster like myself into the world; he had to dispose of me. Well I wasn't going to let him. With fresh human blood running through me, I had found a confidence and strength I didn't have before. Or maybe it was just stupidity. Whatever the case, I would fight him; I would fight for my life. Even though I knew I deserved death, I didn't want death, and my desires were much more potent than my submission to justice was.
"I know why you are here Carlisle, I know what you want, and I'm not going to let you have it. I won't let you kill me," I spat menacingly.
"Edward what are you talk-" I cut him off by punching him hard on his stomach making him crash into one of the walls in the alley. There was no way I was going to let him get the upper hand to this inevitable battle. If I was going to win, I had to be better, and that meant throwing the first punch.
"Edward! What has gotten into you? I need you to calm down, I don't want to hurt you," Carlisle said getting up from the ground and looking me over. I ignored him, he must be playing mind tricks with you, don't let him get the upper hand! I told myself as I ran and made to attack him again. He swiftly dodged my assault however and moved out of the way.
That increased my anger and I growled at him throwing myself full force in his direction, only to be met by thin air as he once again dodged me. Carlisle hated any type of violence; I didn't know he knew how to defend himself on an attack. I thought this would be an easy battle to win, how did he keep avoiding all my moves?!
"What do you think you're doing boy?" He asked as I crouched menacingly once more.
"I know you want justice for what I did to your mate! I know that you won't settle until you have it, but I will not let you! I will not let you kill me!" I went to punch him again but he caught my wrist and twisted it back then grabbed my other hand and pinned them both behind my back. He had trapped me. And he had done it in less than a second, how did he know how to do these things? Carlisle knew how to fight?! I was completely shocked and humiliated at how the battle was turning; this was not how it was supposed to end. I was not supposed to be in such a vulnerable position under my executioner.
"Kill you?! I would never do such a thing, you should know that Edward!"
"Then why are you here?!" I screamed angrily trying to break away from his hold. I didn't believe one word he was saying. I struggled and trashed in his grip desperate to set myself free and save my life.
"I'm here to take you back home. Stop struggling Edward, I'm not going to hurt you. We've been so worried about you, I thought you'd come back, but after an hour I couldn't handle it anymore and went to search for you. We were so afraid something had happened to you although I see now that it wasn't you whom I should have been worried about," he said glancing to the corpse of the man I had murdered.
"But you said I would be punished if I disrespected Esme again and what I did went far beyond disrespect... What I did... It is punishable by death in other covens!" I said trying harder to release myself from his grip. I didn't want to die, I didn't want to die, I was so afraid!
"Since when have we been like other covens Edward? We are a family, a rather odd one, but a family nevertheless. I love you so much; the thought of losing you is one of the worst things that could ever happen, do you not realize how much I care for you? I would never, never do anything that could possibly harm you, please understand this Edward," His voice was thick with emotion and his thoughts read nothing but sincerity. He loved me? Despite all that transpired he still loved me? At that my fights slowed down and I let myself fall into his tight grasp on me.
"But Carlisle... You... You said I would be punished?" I wasn't fighting his grip anymore. I had resigned my fate to him as soon as I had seen the sincerity behind his words.
"Oh trust me, you are in a lot of trouble young man, just wait until we get home," he paused and let my hands go, "but I would never punish you in a way that would permanently harm you. You should know that."
As he released me, I quickly dropped to the floor on my knees. My body was shaking with tearless cries as I once again realized that I had completely disappointed and let Carlisle down. I proclaimed myself an exile, killed a human and attacked Carlisle. What in the WORLD was wrong with me?!
I heard him kneeled next to me and felt his soft touch as he stroked my shoulder. He didn't say anything, just waited until I calmed down and was able to stand again. As soon as I was back on my feet, he pulled me into a hug.
"I am so sorry for the way I reacted earlier Edward," he whispered into my ear, "No matter what you did, I should have never reacted that way. I'm so sorry for scaring you off, and I am so sorry for making you think I wanted to kill you. That will never be my intention Edward, I can give you my word,"
I was confused. If he wasn't going to kill me, then what would my punishment be? Nervously, I searched his mind for what upcoming predicament I would be in but was greeted by the sounds of a different language I didn't recognize. I groaned quietly to myself as nervous anxiety quickly began to build in me.
"Are you going to ask me to leave?" I whispered almost inaudibly, but he heard me nevertheless.
"No Edward, no. I would never ask you to leave either, I love you too much. I..." he trailed off and took a deep breath, "I've never been able to tell you this, I didn't know if it was too soon but... Ever since you came, I've seen you like my own Edward... I've seen you like... Like a son." he admitted and with heartfelt words.
I let go of him feeling overwhelmed by what he had just told me. Could this be true? Could he really mean it? I just stared at him too shocked that a man like Carlisle, a perfect man like Carlisle, would see someone like me as his son. So I just stood there, staring at him, too shocked to say a word.
Clearly embarrassed by my lack of response, he lowered his gaze and said, "Come on Edward, let's dispose of your kill and head back home. We'll talk about this later but right now, Esme is worried sick and I don't want to keep her waiting more than needed,"
"It was too soon, Carlisle... much too soon," I heard him tell himself.
Don't be stupid Edward, do something! I told myself trying to find the ability to speak again. Trailing behind Carlisle and following his lead I smiled slightly to myself and responded.
"Yes... Yes father."
A/N: *falls over* Phew! This one was hard! Edward is so crazy, I never intended the story to take on this turn, but he clearly had a different idea in mind! I hoped you liked this chapter, thank you so much for reading!
Thanks for all the reviews and follows and favorites, they mean so much you guys! You don't know how much I appreciate it! I'm actually incredibly surprised by all the positive feedback and I hope this chapter meets your expectations. Please review, I love reading what you think... 'Till next time! :-)