Sweet NightMare

Chapter 1:

A "Normal" start

"What do we do now Dawn!" A Long haired brunette practically screamed.

"I don't know! I really don't know!" A girl who seemed to be Dawn exclaimed back. They were running down the ally, they were each wearing a black cat suite with material so black that it almost seemed to be made out of darkness. Sirens in the background became louder and louder.

Suddenly Dawn hatched an idea, "Come on!" She yelled over to the brunette who was named Leaf.

"What are we going to do! If we keep running they're going to get us!" Leaf yelled.

"Thats the point!"

Dawn pulled out a Poke ball, from her cat suit, "Come on out", Dawn threw the poke ball in the air and out popped a shadow/Dark Pokemon. A street was up ahead in view, and so were the police.

" Gengar! Use teleport!"

Next think they knew They were on the floor in front of other two girls, one brunette with shorter hair, May, another with red/orangish hair, Misty.

The room was very big, One bed in each corner, One corner was decorated with Blue color, blue bed, blue sheets, blue everything. This corner belonged to Dawn.

Another corner was decorated with green, everything but the bedpost was green. This corner belonged to Leaf.

A corner to the bottom left was decorated with Red. This corner belonged to May.

Last but not least was Misty's corner, her's was plain orange, nothing really special but thats the way she liked it.

"How YA doin?" May asked casually, she was chewing on a piece of meat.

Dawn still on the ground with Leaf on top of her sideways making a cross shot a May a 'you gotta be kidding me' face, May just shrugged it off and helped Leaf up.

"So how did it go?" Misty asked when they hauled Leaf to her bed.

"Weeell-" Dawn stretched 'Well' for a long time till May cut her off.

"Let me guess, you didn't get it?" May said rolling her eyes.

Dawn smirked, "Nope~", Dawn pulled out a poke ball.

May gasped and smirked, "Boss will be very happy with this!" May attempted to swipe the ball from Dawn but she pulled back with quick reflects.

"Tsk Tsk, May what do you think boss will do if he finds out you've been ditching drills?" Dawn said while wiggling her finger with her eyes closed.

"Whats this about ditching drills?" A man leaning on the door frame asked smiling. Suddenly everything was forgotten and suddenly they were pushing and shoving each other tackling the man.


They all shouted at once, The man seemed no older than 30, he had black glossy hair, a handsome face, a muscular body, and a uniform, like Dawn's and Leaf's he had a suite, but loose fit. To the girls their boss was almost as a dad to them, he had rescued them from the streets and trained them. Never giving up, thats how they earned their reputations.

After the girls detached them self from the man he cleared his throat "Alright girls, I got a message informing you about your next mission, Head to the message room, there we will first talk about the mission Dawn and Leaf went on and see if it went well."

The girls looked over each other and nodded.

When they walked into the message room they noticed a girl who looked like she was at least 17, she was wearing a white tanktop, a black vest over her tanktop, and shorts, she was bear foot.

"This is young lady is White, she will help through out this mission, now, Dawn can you inform me how the mission went?"

Dawn stood up and walked over to the front where everyone can see her, she sighed, as if disappointed. then smirked and took out a poke ball.

The man sighed in released a sigh and gave Dawn and Leaf a "impressive" look then nodded, singling them to sit down.

Fanilly Boss stood up, all lights turned off and on the wall a hologram appear.

"As you may know, we have been in war with our enemies for years," Everyone nodded, "Well we were just informed that four of the top assassins were sent to a public school, now, we still don't understand why, But this is a chance and I'm not going to let this slip." He gave the girls a determined look and smiled.

"Now, this wont be like any other mission you must of had, we don't know how they will react once they find out-"

"IF they find out." May corrected. Boss smiled a warm and kind smile.

"Right, IF, they find out. Right now we are going to talk about the boys you are going to befriend."

He turned around to the hologram and waved his arm, imidetly a image showed a purple haired boy, his face showed a hatefull expression, while his eyes seemed, lifeless.

"This is Paul, his Japanese name is Shinji, He is known to have a heart of ice. Also, he plays the Violin, they say that the violin has a strange aura, legend has it that Darkrai himself made it.

"Oh? now, How did he get his hands on that?" Dawn thought, she was impressed.

"A full profile will be handed to Dawn, you will be in charge with, "The prince of ice", the girls giggled to the title.

A folder was handed to Dawn, It read:

Name: Paul (Last name unknown)

Japanese name: Shinji

Birth date: Unknown

Parents: (unknown)

Relatives: Brother, Reggie occupation, Daycare.

Tittle: Prince of ice, Heart of ice,

description: Shinji is quick tempered, but keeps his feelings hidden. His mother and father are unknown. He playes the Violin which is said to emerge a strange aura. Legend has it Darkrai himself made it.

Pokemon: weavile level 87 male, umbreon level 88 male, banette level 81 male, Absol 88 male, Gardevoir 82 female, last pokemonUnknown

Reputation: Thief.

Dawn raised an eyebrow, "Um, It says here that he's reputation in thief? This cant be right!" Dawn huffed.

Boss smiled, "Ah My dear Dawn sharp eye sight. Anyhow, you see you're the top Female thief. Plus our spys have told me that his methods are a bit um,better?." Boss gulped and backed away, as well as White and the rest the of the girls.

Dawn ducked her head while a shower of hair covered her hair. "Oh? So thats how it is? Shinji, get prepared to meet your sweet nightmare."

"Okay! Then, leave this up to me!" Dawn said with a determined look.

The room was now covered in confidence.

"Okay, Now," Boss started with a hand wave a image of a green haired boy showed up, he was smiling with holding a rose. "This is drew Hayden. His Japanese name is Shuu. He is said to be the prince of Hearts while his other friend is the king of hearts. A Full profile will be handed to May"

When may got the folder she opened it and it read:

Name: Drew Hayden

Japanese : Shuu

Birthday: Unknown


Mother: Unknown

Father: Unknown

Brother: N/A

Sister: N/A

Cousin: N (Unova)

Description: Drew, Shuu is said to be called the prince of hearts because he has been with many girls on once. He can play the May tree flute.

Pokemon: roserade level 60 female, Flareon 71 male, deerling 62 female, teecko level 65 male, chikorita level 68 female, snivy level 3 female.

"Great", May thought, "I get a Player."

reputation: Disguise artist.

May choked on something invisible, She felt her energy bursting, "Alrighty! A Rival! I'll show him all i got!".

Everyone turned to May,

"Why are you so happy of having a rival? i dont understand" Dawn huffed, "Its just really bothersome."

May crossed her arms, "Well Dawn, Having a rival is great! That means that I can give it my all with out holding back!"

"Sorry, I dont understand, How can you hold back being a disguise artist?" White asked, a confused look over her face.

"You see," Leaf started, "Like dear May here, there are three levels of disguise artist, first level is when you change your clothing, second level is when you change your clothing, hair, face, ect. The third level is considered "Master" level, thats when you change everything. name, birthdate, ect. May here is Master. But," Leaf bit her lip, everyone gazed down, "Theres a next level although...This level is called "The Lost one" because after you get tired of being a master level you want more power, more and more, untill...you become lost, no one remembers you, I mean your alive and all but you're a stranger. Your mother will she never had a child named what your name was,"

White was pale.

"Buut of course that would never happen, because to become a lost one you have to be a master, right May?" Misty said holding back a laugh.

"Why I atta! I AM a master!" May said throwing a pencle and her.

"Alright girls, back on topic, May I need you to befriend, Prince of hearts. Okay?"

The girls giggled.

When Boss waved his arm again, an image of a brown head appeard, he was smirking while having is hand in the air.

"This is Gary Oak. His japanese name is Shigeru, This is the "king of hearts" He was been with so many woman that we could not list all of the in one sheet of paper, front and back... in tiny, tiny, hand writing. He is said to go for pretty faces and curvy bodys, But he is still a gentleman and wont do anything unless the female with him is inder his spell, A full profile will be handed to Leaf.

When leaf got the profile it read:

Name: Gary Oak

Japanese: Shigeru


Mother: ?

Father: ?

Sister: Daisy

Grandfather: Prof. Oak

descreption: Gary Oak's grandfather is prof. Oak, The creator of pokedex's. He has been withmay woman since 13, he grew up along with with his best friend Ash ketchum. There are claims that he grew up along with a girl but this has been proven unknown. He can play the Leaf whistle.

Pokemon: staraptor level 75 male, Salamence level 71, Altaria level 72 female, jolteon level 74 male, Skarmory level 76, Beautifly level 69 male.

Ocupation: Computer hacker

"I Dont think so!," Leaf yelled getting up, "I wont do this! What if he trys to attack me!" Leaf said slaming the folder on the table.

"Dont worry Leaf, Boss said that he likes woman with curves." may said tracing curves in the air, Leaf turned red with anger.

"H-Hush up! I wouldn't be taking May! With all the food you eat Im surprised that you're not fat!"

May shrugged.

"Alright girls, Sorry Leaf but the boss higher up than me said so, I tried to talk about the dangers of that but she wouldn't have it." Boss sighed.

Leaf smiled, "Its alright! Plus! We wont be able to touch this without jolts of electricity going through his body." Leaf Winked.

Everyone's sweat dropped.

"Last but not least," Boss waved his arm, And a image of a black haired boy showed up, he had a goofy grin with a peace sign, "Ash Ketchum."

Misty spit out the water she was drinking, "W-W-What?!"

Boss turned to Misty, "Do you know him?"

Misty nodded, "Yeah, we kinda grew up together," She looked down to the ground, "But after an accident years ago he forgot everything about me while I still remember him."

Boss smiled appolagitic, "Sorry Mist, But it's better this way so he wont remember you, or what you are now."

Boss kept talking, "Althought he is very clumsy, and dence he moves quickly and swift, he is known as "The kind one" which is kind off ironic due to his reputation which is male fighter-"

Misty spit out the water she was drinking giving Leaf a sudden shower.

"Sorry leaf." Misty laughed nervesly as Leaf dryed herself.

Boss sighed, " 'll be all, I'll send a car to drive you to your new apartment, dont bother going to your room to pack, everything is already being loaded."

The girls nodded and got up.

"What school will we be attending?" Dawn Asked.

"If i remember it should be twinleaf high, anyway, the full information on it will be sent to your apartment."

"Alrighty then! Come on! To Twinleaf town!." Leaf said rushing to the door with the girls following.

"Oh! And girls?" Boss said remembering something very importent.

"You're not the only ones that have powers."