Author's Note: There'll be another one of these at the end of this chapter, for now, I just wanted you to know that I tried continuing into the meat of their relationship but I felt I was unsuccessful. I hope that this epilogue will make up for that and provide Lilly and Scotty with the truly happy ending (or beginning) they deserve.

He had told her not to worry about the wedding preparation. Whether he knew about her fear that it would all go wrong, or he just wanted to keep her a healthy distance from his zealous family, who had been everything she had ever wanted but who could be more than a little overwhelming, or some combination of the two, he had taken care of just about everything. "Just go get your dress, Lil," he had said.

He had checked in with her every step of the way, but she was relieved to not be in charge. More so, she was relieved at how invested he was. His reviewing invitation choices and arguing with his mother about catering was tangible proof to her that he wanted this, needed this, as much as she did, and there was no way he would jeopardize its success.

Christina was still in the wind. Not that she wanted her to show up, a fugitive in a room full of cops, not to mention the cause of previous heartbreak. Lilly knew that Scotty bemoaned his fling with Chris; they hadn't talked about it as a couple, not really, neither wanting to go down that path again, and comfortable enough with where they had left it, but somewhere along the line, Scotty had mentioned in passing that if she came back, he'd do whatever Lilly asked of him. He hadn't said he would avoid her. He hadn't said he'd only see her if Lilly were around. He had simply said he would do whatever she asked. It was almost the same as when he had found her after her mother died, letting her know in calm, certain terms that he would be there for whatever she needed. He didn't need explanations if it would make Lilly happy. And that's how she knew that no matter what had happened in the past, he would never hurt her like her former fiancé. In fact, it was all the more confirmation of her suspicion that Scotty would never hurt her like any of the important people in her life, because no matter what problems they would run across, he'd be there to work it through.

Without her sister, however, Lilly had recognized the inevitability of having to get a dress alone...until Kat had asserted herself. Scotty must have put her up to it—they had been partnered together since he and Lil had announced their engagement, and hence their relationship. They had managed to keep it from the brass lot longer than they had expected. If anything, they had been working better together than they had in years, picking up each other's cues, particularly attuned to fluctuations in moods and needs. Lilly had found that her old walls could be excellently repurposed for covering her burgeoning romantic love towards her partner, and while Scotty was not quite as adept, all it took was a warning glare from Lilly to remind him where they were—and that he'd be going home with her at the end of the day.

Things had started off slow after that first weekend together; though they were practically working backwards relationship-wise, the fear of it all kept them on their toes. Date nights in parts of the city they knew no one would be in, extra caution at work keeping all physical contact to a minimum, as it had been before their revelations. But as the dates went longer and more nights were spent in each other's beds, and their bond did not falter but instead grew stronger than they thought possible—as they eased into it, everything just fell into place. Scotty moved in. Even if everything at work remained professional to the letter, eventually they didn't think twice about coming in and leaving at the same time.

Of course everyone in cold cases noticed. These were their friends and excellent detectives. But no one said anything. Jeffries simply smiled whenever they were around, sometimes muttering something that sounded like "young love." Kat took to teasing Scotty even more than usual, and trying to ally with Lilly. Vera had looked like he wanted to call them out on it most of the time, but after a few sharp whacks from Kat, he had learned to just chuckle to himself.

Only Boss had mentioned anything at all, calling them into his office only a week or so after that fateful day, implying that as long as things stayed normal, he'd let them take all the time they needed. And things had been normal. They were still the top detectives in the division. The regular guys from homicide hadn't seemed to notice a shift at all. Which may have been helped by the fact that Lilly had retained much of her ice queen demeanor for outsiders and that she and Scotty still had the occasional spat, much like before. But if anyone had truly cared to look at her, they would have instantly known how much had changed. She was deeply happy.

They had taken their time getting to that final step, despite how close to it they were, Scotty fearing that making it official in name might still scare her off (he had gotten better about that but it was always going to make him nervous because she meant the world to him), and Lilly appreciating the concern, especially considering her past and how both her former fiancé and this potential new one had a shared lover. But Scotty knew. So he didn't push, content to have what they had.

But he did introduce her to his family as his love and helped her ease into accepting the smothering adoration they gave her in return; he found ways to celebrate their many anniversaries, which most of the time were really just things he made up—the first time he noticed her smile, the first time he knew how she took her coffee without asking, the first time he thought he might like to see her with her hair down. Moments he named all just to acknowledge how grateful he was for all their days together and for all the days they had to come. For such a tough cop, Scotty Valens was a decidedly sappy romantic.

So after a year, when they had come to the actual anniversary of the first day they had admitted their love, and they had celebrated in style and ended the day the same way, lying comfortably in each other's arms in bed, Lilly couldn't help but tell Scotty that if it would make him happy, she would love to wear his ring. His puppy dog excitement once again blew her away, and she once again confirmed that she was telling the truth, and no he wasn't dreaming. He had hopped out of bed to rifle through his drawer and run back to her side, presenting her with a beautiful antique ring that he rushed to explain he hadn't been keeping it because he was going to propose but because he had seen it and thought it would be perfect for her and he would have found a way to give it to her without any weddings. But when Lilly smiled impossibly wide and he knew that he wasn't in trouble, he slipped it on her finger and kissed her, deciding it was safe to add that he had found it a week after their first full day together. She had laughed in awe of the love this man gave her, kissing him with everything she had as she was determined to show him just how much she loved him back.

She had even been excited to make the announcement to their co-workers.

Since their job futures had comprised so much of Lilly's apprehension about their relationship, the Boss' original non-acknowledgement had set her free. The job was their life, and at the beginning, the idea of giving up her work…it was almost enough to go back to how things were. At least it had been for her. Scotty, not surprisingly, had been willing to give up anything for her. But she didn't want that. She knew that the job meant everything to him too, and that he had grown to love the work they did. But with the boss giving them time, she knew she could have both.

Losing him as her partner after their announcement wasn't nearly as hard as she thought it would be—neither of them even had to leave cold cases, though their work together was somewhat restricted. She did miss the dynamic they had in the box, but going home with him every evening to work on their new dynamic was more than enough for her. He was still around. And Kat had taken it upon herself to keep her updated on her husband-to-be's prowess as her partner. Lilly marveled at how falling in love with her partner had not only gained her a fiancé, but a friend, the likes of which she hadn't had since high school.

So after Kat had suffered through dress shopping with her, it made more than enough sense to ask her to be her Maid of Honor—Lilly and Scotty had already asked if Veronica would like to be a flower girl. Scotty's nephew was the ring bearer and his brother his Best Man. He hadn't asked anyone else to be his groomsmen, and Lilly knew it was for her, though he never said a word. His planning the wedding had the added benefit of her not having to see how many stacks of invitations were going out to his family and friends. Lilly had a few acquaintances to invite, though the image of the bride's side of the aisle sitting empty had crossed her mind more than a few times.

The day of, having psyched herself out remembering that she had faced way more frightening things and with a gentle reminder from Kat that she was doing it for the "stupid-in-love" with her idiot waiting at the alter, she walked down the aisle of the grand church that had pleased Scotty's family and brought back some of the more peaceful memories of childhood for her. Her already wide smile had grown seeing that practically the entirety of Philly's police force sat on the bride's side.

Though she would never admit to it, a tear slid down her cheek at the sight, especially when she saw the Boss in the front row, her family. Scotty had had no reservations at letting anyone see his joyful tears, and his outpouring of love during their vows had Lilly forgetting that there was anyone else in the hall. The effect this man had on her…she didn't think she'd ever grow accustomed to it. Her trance was broken by the whoops and hollers at their first kiss, and they broke apart laughing, hand in hand as they lightheartedly made faces at the boisterous crowd.

The reception had gone just as well as the ceremony, Scotty never leaving her side as members of his rather expressive family came to hug their official new member. Mike toasted them, teasing Scotty, apologizing to Lilly for having to be stuck with him and all of the rest of the Valenses, because they would never let a catch like her out of their sight. He didn't know how much but he did know what it meant to her, and she found herself with yet another tear to deny. Kat had roped in Vera to her toast, the old partners providing much needed laughs and a surprising amount of sweetness, making sure that Vera would also be having to deny a tear or two on his return to work.

But the real magic, the moment when Lilly no longer felt any nervousness or worries, was their first dance.

Scotty had led her out to the floor with ease, locking eyes with her, knowing she was uncomfortable with the attention and once again managing to mesmerize her into believing they were the only two around, dancing together like one of their nights out, or the odd night in when Scotty would be suddenly struck by the need to move with her. He had chosen the song just like everything else, but instead of seeking her approval, it was the only thing he asked if he could surprise her with. Trusting him and the sparkle in his eye, she granted him the request, and as she stood in his arms on the dance floor waiting for the music to start, she wondered what he could have possibly chosen.

As the music began, the strains of the violin, the twinkle of the piano, Lilly couldn't place the distinctively old fashioned tune. Scotty drew her in close, his eyes never leaving hers, and began swaying her in time with what he knew was coming.

He leaned in to her cheek and whispered along with the singer.

"I'll be loving you, always."

As Sinatra's distinctive croon continued, Scotty led her around the floor with all the grace and care of an old-time movie star, mouthing along with the lyrics.

With a love that's true, always.
When the things you've planned
Need a helping hand,
I will understand, always.


Days may not be fair, always,
That's when I'll be there, always.
Not for just an hour,
Not for just a day,
Not for just a year,

But always.

As the last echoes of the melody vibrated through the hushed room, Lilly realized it would be hopeless try and deny the tears that were streaming down her face. But she smiled as her love's hand came to rest upon her cheek to brush away the drops with tenderness. She did not want to deny these. She didn't want to deny anything.

Lilly Rush loved her husband Scotty Valens.

And she would, always.

A/N (cont'd.): I need to thank you wonderful people for your support over the course of this story. I cannot believe it took almost a year or that you kept reading in spite of that. Thank you!