Disclaimer: I own no part of the wonderful world of InuYasha. However, I do have all the mangas, movies, and all dvds leading up to the first part of InuYasha Final Act! I have had surgery recently, so while I am recovering I got the inspiration to write this. My husband was reading a chapter form PhoenixDiamond's Christmas collection she's doing. And, that kind of kicked me into gear. So, this is for her...mostly. I hope she likes it. And, also for GravityNeko. For making me laugh with her SW stories. I love the situations that Luke, Mara, and Ben Skywalker get into. Also, PrincessAurora from . She has one of the best stories I've ever read on there now. If any of you want to read a great Inu/Sess fantasy, please find Change of Heart! It's 33 chapters of AWESOME! So, Happy Holidays and on with the show.

A Christmas Family Vacation by Nikkie23534

Takahiro Residence

It's 2 weeks until Christmas, and InuYasha Takahiro is sitting in his kitchen. With his favorite mug of steaming hot coffee in his hand, he looks over his list of things to do before his family goes on vacation. Taking a carefully sip of the molten brew, he picks up his pen as he starts checking off the items on it.

"Let's see. Make sure all bags are packed and ready to go. Check. Stop grocery delivery service for the next 3 weeks. Check. Have 3 weeks worth bags of coffee and cocoa. Check. Put mail and newspaper service on hold for the next 3 weeks. Check. Inform security to make extra sweeps of the grounds twice a day. Check. Call gas and electric service for cabin turned on. Check. Ship pups Christmas presents to cabin. Check. Go to bank and get extra cash for trip. Well, that was Sesshomaru's department, so that's a big check." He smiles. Picking up his mug and sipping from it. Looking over to his right, he smiles as he notices his 4 year old daughter has just finished her lunch. Her long, thick silver hair gathered back into a long plait down the her back and was tied with a pink bow. Wide innocent golden eyes, that shone like the sun, looked up at him with love and joy. He couldn't help the smile that came to his face, even as he wondered if she ate more than she's wearing! Putting his cup down, he picks up a napkin and begins to clean off the giggling little girls face. "My goodness, kiddo, your father might have been right about you being a buta* youkai, than inu." He mumbles, as he unties the cloth that kept her dress clean. "There we go. Now, there's my pretty pup! Have you had enough?"

"Hai, Tochan, Masumi is full now", she giggled as she answered him. Picking up her plate to show him. "See, Masumi good koinu!" She announced, as those cute little furry ears on top of her head wiggled with happiness.

Chuckling at her antics, he nuzzled her plump cheek with his nose. Loving the sweet scent that was all her own. "Yes, you are a very good pup." He assures her, as he begins to unstrap her from her chair. He only gets the first buckle undone, when the phone rings. "Ah...that reminds me." Going to his list again. "Get the phone and cable service turned on at the cabin!" Check! Getting up to answer the phone, he turns to his child, "sit there and be good, Masumi. Tochan will let you out in a minute."

"Yes, Tochan!" She says, letting her little feet swing as she picks up her new doll. Pretending to wipe her face off. Humming a song to her.

Picking up the phone, he reads the caller ID, and sighs heavily with a smirk on his face. "Moshi-moshi, Oka-san, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" He says, cradling the phone against his shoulder and cheek. He goes back to and resumes his task of freeing her for her nap. "Your calling at a good time. Sumi's just finished her lunch and I'm about to put her down for a nap. Hold on." He holds out the phone to the little girl, "Hey, Masumi, say hello to your Obaasan."

Yaa, obaa-chan! This is Masumi, how are you?" The girl says, bubbling over in excitement that she's talking to her grandmother.

Over the handset, the girl hears the sweet melody of her beloved Obaasan. "Hai, Masumi-chan, ogenki desuka, my dearest girl?"

"Masumi's fine, Obaa-chan! Masumi got the dolly you sent me, she's so pretty! Her name is Hana. We just ate our lunch and she made a big mess. So, Masumi had to clean her face! Masumi loves the pink dress she's wearing! Masumi loves pink! And, Masumi got the dress you sent too. Did you know it was pink too? Tochan let me wear it to school today. Masumi only had morning school today. Because teacher says that we are on vac...um...va-kay-tion!"

On the other line, Chihoshi chuckled softly as she listened to the girl's excited prattle. "Hai, my darling granddaughter, I'm did know pink was your favorite color. It was one of the reason's I chose the doll, and had the dress made special for you! You must tell your Tochan to send me a picture of you with your doll with his phone, alright?" Laughing as she heard the girl yell to her beloved Tochan, her grandmother's instructions. "Masumi, darling, let Obaa talk to your Tochan now. Love you, Sweetling."

"Okay, love you too, Obaa-chan. Buh-bye! Tochan, Obaachan wants you now." Handing the phone to her daddy, she hops down from her chair. "May Masumi watch t.v. now?"

Taking the receiver from her, he pats her on the head. "Yes, you may. But keep the volume low."

"Hai, Tochan!" She says as she skips off to the family room.

Sitting down at the vacant table, InuYasha returns the phone to his ear. Only to hear the soft chuckling of his mother in law. "My goodness, she is just a ball of never ending energy, isn't she? She and the twins must get it from you! I can't see my son expressing such enthusiasm over anything."

Sighing tiredly, Inu smiles. "Yeah. That along with a few of my lesser qualities, according to Sesshomaru. I'm not too sure about Shoichi and Shoji. Shoichi is just a carbon copy of him, while Shoji is a mixed mess!"

"Nonsense, they are all good children. You and my son ought to be very proud! Sesshomaru and the boys are not at home, I take it?"

Looking at the silver and black Tiffany Atlas watch, no it's just 12:40 here. The twins should be on their way home soon, and Sessho won't be here until 5:30. But, if you wanted Sessho for something, you should call his-" He stopped, as she interjected.

"No, no. I don't need to talk to him. Besides, I'm more than positive that if I call him, he won't answer. He's such an ungrateful son!" She sobs dramatically over the phone. "What kind of a son, moves his entire family all the way to America? So, far away and abandoning his poor aging mother! I don't have many years left, as you well know. And, I've dreamed my last days having my son, his beautiful mate, and those precious grandchildren with me! If your father was still alive, that son of mine would never dream of treating me so!"

As she goes on, Inu pinches the bridge of his nose trying to stave off the on coming headache. 'What? Last days, my eye. What a fucking drama queen! Poor and aging, huh? What a load! Two words that just don't sound right coming form her mouth!' he thought to himself as he listens to her tale of woe. "Oka-san, New York City can hardly be called the wilds of America. And, you know as well as I, we had to make the move so Sessho can oversee the expansion of the company himself. And, there was no way that I was going to stay in Japan while my mate was away." He told her, standing while gathering up Masumi's dirty dishes and putting them into the sink to do later. "And, the move was good for the pups. They the experience of new surroundings. They're loving it here."

"That doesn't make it better for me! I miss my family," she groans. "Which brings me to the purpose of this call." 'At last!' He grins, as he waits. "I've decided to come to New York to spend the holidays with my grandpups!" She boasts, sounding very smug with herself. 'Oh god no!' his mind screams, as she continues. "Now, I have made all the arrangements on my side. My plane will arrive at LaGardia airport on Tuesday at 9 am. So, I expect you or my 'charming' son to pick me up. And, bring the pups with you! I shall want to spend the rest of the day resting. So Wednesday, I fully expect you to escort me and the children on a shopping spree. Then we could have lunch, then-"

"What. Wait, Okaansan!" InuYasha jumps in, his mind reeling over what she said. "Mother, you can't come to here for the holidays!"

"Oh, and whyever not, dear?" She asks, her voice tinged slightly with destine. "What? Has my only son closed off the whole of the North America, to shield you from his oh so horrid mother? Is it HIS intention to bar me from ever having a relationship with my own grandpups?"

"No! It's nothing like that! I swear!" He scrambles quickly to answer. "It's just that...well." Over the phone, he could hear the impatient tapping of one manicured claw as she awaits his answer. Sighing heavily, he decides to just bit the bullet. "Well, Okaasan, you can't come to New York for the holidays, because we won't be here."


"Yeah, you see. We decided that since this is our first Christmas here in the States. And, they've adjusted so well to the move and all. We, Sessho and I, decided to take them on a little trip. A ski trip Upstate." He rushed in his explanation. Hoping that she won't get all crazy and overreact, as she's prone to do. "So that's why you can't come. We aren't gonna be here."

Minutes felt like hours as he waited for her response. 'Oh fuck, she's gonna blow a gasket! And, PLEASE don't let her get any ideas, Sessho will kill me!' He freezes when joyous peels of laughter come into his ears, causing the silver flaps to hid in his thick mane. "Is that all it is, you dear boy? Oh-ho ho! I completely understand now. You should have just said that from the start, silly boy!"

InuYasha, thinking he's dodged a big bullet smiles, "I'm so glad you understand, Okaasan. Sesshomaru and I just wanted to have a nice quiet family vacation with the children. Just to get away from the city for a little while."

"Hai, hai. I get it, so what hotel will you be staying in?"

"No, we aren't staying in a hotel. An associate of Sessho's has given us the use of his cabin in the Adirondacks Mountains. There a little town just at the foot of the mountain and a huge lake on behind the cabin. It should be really great the pups are really excited!"

"Yes, it sounds wonderful! A wondrous idea for a family vacation! I'm sure we will have a wonderful time!" She gushes excitedly. "Oh, I'm glad I packed my warmest clothing for the trip! I wouldn't want to have to have you rush me to the store for extra things!"

'Oh hell to the fucking no!' "Wait, what? Okaasan, what are you talking about?"

"What do you mean, InuYasha dear? I'm coming with you of course! Oh, and what a truly wondrous time we shall have! All of us together as a family should be! Oh, it will be grand, dear boy, just grand! Now, when are we planning to be off. Maybe I should leave Japan early, so I won't hold us up. Oh, Yasha dear, this will be so much fun!"

Sinking slowly into his chair, InuYasha hangs his head. Wondering just how he got himself into this. 'Great, just great! Spending Christmas and New Year's with Chihoshi Takahiro. Oh, Sesshomaru is going to kill me!' "Yeah, Okaasan, sounds really fun," he said with the tone of a man on his way to his execution. "We're leaving on Wednesday, so you'll be here just in time." 'To watch your son murder me!' He added to himself. They chatted for a few minutes more, before they hung up. Turning to the door, he sees little Masumi enters with a huge yawn.

"Tochan, Masumi and Hana are sleepy." Rubbing her eyes with her tiny fists, she then reaches up for her daddy to pick her up and carry her and her baby to bed. "Tochan, looks sad. Why?" She asks, concern marring her lovely features.

"No, sweetie, Tochan isn't sad." He smiles as he nuzzles her cheek. "Tochan has some exciting news." Looking into her sweet face, now alight with excitement. "It seems that your Obaasan will be coming with us on our vacation."

The bubbly 4 year old squeals with delight! "Yay, Obaachan is coming!" 'Well, at least your happy,' he thinks to himself as he carries his little girl to bed for a long overdue nap. 'Shit! I just hope you father won't try to take a layer off my ass with that damn energy whip of his!'


Chihoshi- 1000 stars Shoichi- prosperous first born son Shoji- faithful second born son Masumi- increasing beauty; true purity Atlas chronograph watch from Tiffany and Co. is my hubby's dream watch. Damn thing is $8,800! That is why he's still dreaming of it!
Inu- dog Koinu- puppy Buta- pig