Great. Just when she was about to settle to bed did her nose began to react to the cold. No matter how hard she wished for the temperature to be warmer during the Yuletide season, even with the help of a Home Automation system, Akane still gets cold.
Was it her body? Or was it the sight of chilly fog outside the window that did it?
Maybe it's because she had not put on any clothes while going to get a drink from the refrigerator and padding back to the bed.
Bringing her knees up on her chest when she on the bed, Akane began rubbing her frozen toes and cold soles, not liking one bit that they are looking sickly pale like paper sheets. They will dry in the morning, she thought. Just great.
Just as she was about to reach for a bottle of lotion, the brunette felt her back became warm. Another span of skin radiating a comfortable warmth and transferring said warmth to her became her focus now. At the same time, a pair of strong arms came resting on her shoulders and lazily reaching for her freezing feet. Being pulled into a cocoon of -deliciously warm and naked - muscles and body, Akane could not help a giggle coming out of her lips.
"Good morning, Kogami-san." came her greeting, looking up from her semi-sitting position.
"It's not exactly morning, inspector." Kogami hummed with a slight chuckle through his words. His watch reads 0113 in the wee hours of the early morning. Still dark outside. "Cold feet again?"
"Mhm." Her lips formed a perfect O shape, unable to resist the yawn that came. She is still sleepy and her loyal colleague is providing her a nice place to sleep on. Speaking of which… "Uhm…Kogami-san? I think the blanket would be fine." Akane called out, tugging one of his free fingers while the rest is busy playing with the toes of her feet. "…Kogami-san?"
His chin came resting on the top of her still unruly hair, almost as if replying that no, he is not moving from here and that he is more comfortable than a flimsy piece of wide cotton cloth. Safe to say that, in the brunette's mind, Kogami-san is acting like a dog -too much- who does not want to move from her lap. In this case, her back. He is staying there, relaxed and completely adorable contrary to what he is showing outside this room.
Definitely a rare sight to see and Akane considered herself lucky for this.
I am back in here and writing nicely.
This is the first Psycho Pass Fic I wrote and a kogane one, too. I hope you all like this and enjoy reading!
Read and Review (it will be very nice of you, thank you!)