Hello, everyone! Words cannot subscribe how great it feels to be back to writing fan fics for all you lovely people, especially after the terrible hiatus. I don't think I would have ever been able to pull myself back into this without practicng, putting myself back in order, and most of all, connecting with all of you again, a lot of you even bringing up a lot of good points. Honestly, it makes me happy to know that so many of you understand what's been going on in the past and for saying that taking care of myself is important, which is very true. This should apply for anyone. Someone also bought up a good point (Thank you to PipeDreamPrayer, by the way, for their comment ^^) That writing should be like a stress reliever, something that I should enjoy. And that makes a lot of sense, since writing is something like a stress reliever. It's something that I enjoy to do. Writing for you guys, though makes me happy. I'm happy if I can make other people happy, even through writing these fics. What I'm getting at though is this; thank you so much for the continued support and help you guys have given over the years. And yes, this AN will be posted on the other updated fics, too. No matter which fic you guys read, the gratitude is just as genuine ^^ Thank you once again, lets get this chapter rolling!

Disclaimer: Tiger and Bunny is under the rights of Viz Media and Masakazu Katsura . I am only fulfilling a request.

~Episode 12: Eternally Loved~

'Live TV… Wait, weren't we on this show earlier? Or am I thinking about that one station that had the dog who could balance treats on his nose? No, that wasn't it, but the dog was cute. Maybe I can convince Bunny to get a dog with me! Aw, that would actually be pretty cute, now that I think-'


'Ahh, Bunny is calling me by my first name again. That jerk, he knows what that does to me-'


'Wait, this means I'm going to have to start calling him Barnaby, aren't I? Wait, no, I can still call him Bunny since it's like a pet name, too, and-!"

"Old hag!"

"Don't call me that!" Katsuko snapped out of her musing, shooting a look at the blonde who was trying to get her attention. "C'mon, I thought we were already past that."

"I was trying to get your attention." Sighed the blonde as they stood behind a large curtain together, the faint mumbling of a gathered audience just beyond the simple drapes. "I'm sorry. We have to be ready to walk out when they introduce us, remember?"

"We've been doing this for months now, Bunny." Despite her earlier outburst, the brunette took her boyfriend by the hand and smiled, nodding once. "Of course I remember. I just hope I don't trip on these heels like the first few shows." She tapped the toe of her foot along the ground as she said this. "Everyone keeps thinking it's an excuse just to have you catch me, but I think they're starting to see that I'm just clumsy."

"Everyone already knows that," Said Barnaby as he squeezed Katsuko's hand in return. "Its actually pretty endearing, for the most part." He said, chuckling at the pout he received. "I mean it. And it's not like I don't mind catching you." He said, watching with delight as Katsuko blushed. He leaned down to kiss her. "I'll always be there to catch you-"

"For you twenty-two million viewers out there, the wait is over."

Barnaby pulled away at the last second as the curtain slowly rose. Katsuko tried her hardest to hide her disappointment. 'I'll get you for that next time, Bunny…'

"Let me introduce the stars of today's main broadcast. They are the Hero world's super tag team and power couple of the year. Let's hear it for Tigress and Barnaby!"

The audience that gathered today was on fire. Many of them stood and cheered as Katsuko and Barnaby stood in front of them, hand-in-hand, dressed to impress. They both smiled and shook hands with the TV host before all three of them took their seats. Katsuko tried to think which TV host and which talk show this was today, but after the tenth or twentieth they've been on, she was lost in all the names and titles.

"Welcome to the show, you two. Welcome." Said the host once the audience calmed down. "Its great to have you two here. Ah, inseparable, I see." Katsuko looked away and Barnaby smiled in return, his fingers still intertwined with the cat-themed hero's. The audience was eating it up. "Its good to see that things haven't changed over the past ten months, after your incredible victory against Jake Martinez. After that startling press conference," The clip of said conference played on the big screen behind them. Katsuko only grew redder as her kiss with Barnaby played over national television once more. "Everyone, from fans to fellow heroes, have been more than happy to show their support for your heroic efforts, and your relationship. You two must feel so blessed."

"Very." Replied Barnaby, claiming the kiss he wanted before by pecking his partner on the cheek. Everyone hollered and clapped at the display of affection, laughing as Katsuko was starting to steam up. "Admitting what was going on and finally coming to terms with the truth, felt like a weight was finally lifted off my shoulders. And now, I can say I've never been more happier in my life." He said as he squeezed his girlfriend's hand.

"Yeah," Katsuko agreed once she finally found her face again. "Though, I have to say, Couple of the Year is a little much. We haven't even been together for a year."

"But you're the first crime fighting, power couple the world has ever had!" Laughed the host as the crowd joined him. "It counts for something. Between keeping peace within the city from criminals and Lunatic alike, not to mention ranking 4th and MVP in last year's annual ranking, the both of you look to be in top physical shape! You look as if you just got up from a good night's sleep! You two are the very picture of health." The couple nodded in return, giving their silent forms of thanks. "Moving along, it's been regarded that Jake's accomplice Kryme still remains in a coma and is unable to release any kind of statement." Barnaby's smile dropped, just a little.

"Its frustrating that his capture wasn't helpful," His hand was squeezed. He looked up just in time to see the concerned look on Katuko's face. He smiled sadly in return, telling her that he got this. "For starters, I still don't know why Jake had killed my parents and if Kryme had any involvement with their deaths or not. For now, I'm focusing all the energy on uncovering the crime syndicate, Ouroboros."

"Barnaby has really come a long way from the first day he came to Sternbild." Said Katsuko as she tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "Not only has he been able to work for the city, he takes his time to get to know the place and the people, getting on their level and treating all of them with the respect and time they need, in order to solve whatever problem they have." Katsuko leaned over and rested her head on the blonde's shoulder. "Its one of the qualities that I love about him."

"It was because of you, dear." Katsuko squeaked, from the statement and for being pulled under Barnaby's arm so that her head could rest on his chest, his arm kept securely around her. ("Oooooooh." went the crowd.) "You made me the man I am today." He replied as he kissed the top of her head, the crowd gushing over how cute the two of them were. "I wouldn't ask for anyone else to be me partner, or my girlfriend."

The TV host chuckled. "Has he always been this affectionate, Tigress?"

Katsuko looked up at Barnaby, who smiled in return with a shrug. "W-Well…"

"I think I'm starting to miss when the two of them argued." Said Pao-Lin as she made a face, the other heroes gathered with her either nodding in agreement or tittering as they watched the broadcast from the hero workout room. "I'm serious. They're always making goo-goo eyes at each other and flirting whenever off the clock."

"I think Barnaby is doing most of that. Poor Sweetie always stutters and turns as red as a tomato whenever he says sweet nothings to her." Natalie swooned, pressing her hand against her cheek as she watched the couple on TV. "I think it's rather sweet that the two of them finally got together."

"I think so, too." Said Iva with a smile. "They deserve their happiness."

"I haven't seen Katsuko this happy in a long time," Said Antonio, watching his old friend tell a bad joke that caused nothing but groan and polite laughter. "She's always managed to put up a front in the past but I think Barnaby is actually helping her be happy with herself again. I think Katsuko is doing the same for him, despite her calling him Bunny still." He chuckled softly. "Looks like the two of them changed for the better."

"Change is a good thing, even though it can take some time to process and show results." Said Keith, surprised as soon as he heard someone punching something aggressively. He and the others looked around and saw Kyle standing in a the corner of the room, punching the life out of a training dummy that read the strength and statistics of a hero's punches. "Are you alright, Mr. Blue Thorn?"

"I'm! Fine!" Grunted Kyle as he threw his punches. "I just! Realized! That I! Can't! Fall! Behind! On my training! I have! To catch up! With! Katsuko and!" His next punch made the dummy rattle. "Barnaby!"

"I'm gonna guess that he actually pictured punching Barnaby when he said that." Whispered Pao-Lin to Iva, the latter nodding in agreement.

"Maybe you should try taking a break, Kyle." Said Antonio as Natalie walked over to the boy. "The next hero ranking isn't going to be for a while. You'll have your chance to get back up there. It's not like it's the end of the world."

"Maybe you should consider telling yourself that." Said the blonde as he wiped sweat off his forehead, looking at the older man with narrowed eyes. "Since you dropped into last place." Even though he said, Kyle faltered for a second when he realized that was pretty harsh. "Look," He said as he caught Antonio's frown. "I'm sorry. I guess that has been getting to me more than I'd like to admit."

"Is that really the reason?" Whispered Natalie as she placed a hand on Blue Thorn's shoulder. "Or, could it be that seeing a certain girl officially off the market is what's getting you bothered under the collar? She asked, Kyle lightly smacking her hand away. "I'm right in the ballpark, hm?"

"I-It's not even like that!" His face said otherwise. "I never felt that way about her before." 'Not until I actually got to know her…' he thought, blushing. Now he knew what Keith had gone through from a day to day basis. It hurt like hell. "She's just a friend, anyway. And it's… Weird to not see her stupid grin everyday…" He sighed, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he looked down. "She said she'd always come to my show every few weeks. It's been three months, and…"

"Oh, Kyle," Natalie petted the young man on the head. "I'm sure Katsuko isn't doing it on purpose. She's probably so caught up with work, she doesn't have free time anymore. I haven't gotten the chance to go a coffee run or a guy watching/car cruise with her in ages now."

"Katsuko and I used to go drinking and play soccer on weekends." Added Antonio.

"I'd join you two when I walked John by the park." Said Kyle with a smile.

"Then Pao-Lin and I would find you guys and join in since we both live nearby." Said Iva as Pao-Lin nodded. "We'd all go to that restaurant by the corner, and Natalie would be driving by, too."

"And then Kyle would be playing on the piano of that very same restaurant." Said Natalie, everyone except Kyle laughing fondly at the weekend memories. "Yeah, those days were always fun. We all had to stop once we got busy, though. Still, that doesn't mean we can't have one of those days again." She smiled at Kyle, pinching his cheek playfully. "So keep your head up. We'll get to see more of Katsuko once all of this has blown over. You just have to be patient." She said. Kyle thought over her's and everyone else's words, finally giving a long sigh.

"I guess."

His communicator suddenly buzzed with life, and Kyle picked it up as soon as he saw the caller ID. "Yes, Agnes?"

"Good, I hope I got you on a good time." Kyle could have said no, but Agnes kept going. "Your manager and I just came up with a great idea. You'll be broadcasting a collaboration with your fellow heroes. You, Tigress, and Barnaby will be staging a song and dance routine that'll be live and streaming to every TV in Sternbild. Sounds great, right?" If Kyle wanted to agree with her enthusiasm, he didn't get the chance to. "I know, it does! Anyway, we'll have meet ups and rehearsals lined up so make sure you'll be ready to teach those two how to sing and dance. Get back to you on the rest later!" Said Agnes as she signed out.

"Seriously?" Kyle groaned and glared at the ground. "I have to teach them how to sing and dance? They're so uncool." He huffed as he crossed his arms.

"It'll be fine," Giggled Fire Emblem as she patted the boy on the head. "At least you'll get to spend some more time with Tigress, no? Just try to make the best of the situation and it'll be fun in the end. I promise." She assured. Kyle looked up at her and tried to smile. Maybe she was right. As begrudged as he was about the whole thing, he did want to see Katsuko again.

"Well, if it has to do with business..."

"Does this really have to do with business?" Katsuko scrolled through the schedule for the third time that day, showing it to Barnaby as they walked with Lloyds in-between them. "This looks more like someone's love-triangle fanfiction. I thought the whole idea of Bunny's and mine relationship was just to showcase that? Why are we going to perform a song and dance about two guys fighting over a girl?"

"You're looking too much into it, Tigress," Laughed Lloyds as he placed a hand on her shoulder. It was still taking Katsuko a while to get to Lloyds flipped behavior. "Everyone likes a little excitement and drama on stage. It makes the heroes more relatable. People still know that the two of you are together. This is just for show." Katsuko threw a worried look at her boyfriend but the latter gave her a reassuring smile that said, 'Don't worry about it.' "Anyway, this is going to be exciting! People will be flooding the concert seats and the TV networks to watch Tigress and Barnaby dance on the air." He said as he opened the door to the dance rehearsal room. Kyle looked up from where he was stretching, looking away with flushed cheeks as Katsuko waved at him.

"I haven't danced in ages, though," The last time she could remember dancing, she had stepped on her late husband's toes. "I think I'd sooner quit than do something-!" Lloyds took her hand before she could finish that statement.

"You absolutely cannot quit!" He said. "You don't want to break Barnaby's heart, do you? Your boyfriend?" Katsuko shook her head, a little taken aback at his pleasant smile. "You must be hungry if you're talking like that. I'll fetch you both some lunch." He told her before he hurried out of the room.

"He's certainly changed, hasn't he?" Asked Barnaby.

"You're telling me," The brunette turned her attention to Barnaby. "Would you really be heartbroken if I decided to quit the business, though?" Barnaby thought she was kidding. When she didn't laugh and grin at him a split-second later though, the duties of looking after his SO kicked in.

"I already miss you when I have to drop you off at home," He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her cheek, feeling the soft skin there turn warm under his lips. "I think you already know the answer to that question." He said as he leaned down to kiss her. The annoyed 'ahem' almost caught him off-guard, but he thankfully knew where to direct his glare.

"Are you guys ready or what?" Ignoring the holes burning into his skull, Kyle pointed at his wrist watch. "I'm on a schedule, and unlike you two-" He stopped. Thinking about it, the power couple actually did have a schedule that they needed to keep track of. Why was he getting angry all of a sudden? "Anyway, are you guys ready or what?"

"I wanna say or what, honestly." Confessed Katsuko as she took a few unplanned dance steps, showcasing her version of the tango. To Kyle, it looked it impression of a cat chasing after a feather toy in the air with one of it's paws sewn it its chest. "I haven't danced in ages, Blue Thorn. I mean, if you want dancing," She demonstrated the Robot tied in with the Egyptian. "This is all you're gonna get, boy." She said with a grin.

"Oh my god," Kyle covered his mouth, trying to still his laughter as he watched her. "You can save people's lives and sing, but you can't even dance? Seriously, Tigress," He started to laugh. "Y-You're ridiculous!"

"Ridiculous enough to make you smile, it looks like."

Kyle blushed and looked away. "Whatever. Just go get changed, OK?" He said as he looked back at the pair. "We got some serious work to do."

"So... Sore..." Katsuko collapsed, closing her eyes as Barnaby closed her door and climbed into the car a moment later. She could feel herself being buckled in and heard the sound of the car engine starting. She opened her eyes as Barnaby started to drive. "How long have we been practicing?"

"A few hours."

"And how much longer do we need to practice?"

"The broadcast event is going to be two weeks from now."

"Ugh," Katsuko slid down her seat further, regretting it as her back started to ache. "Damn," She sat up and made her best attempt of a stretch, feeling a little better. "Wanna stay over at my place today?"

"I'm not as tired as you, though."

Katsuko fixed her gaze on her partner with a look. "Bunny-"

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I didn't say I didn't want to stay, did I?" He reached over and took Katsuko's hand, kissing the knuckles and holding her hand as he drove. Butterflies danced in both of their stomachs. "I'd love to. Did you really think I was going to say no?"

"I'm still getting used to you not saying no." Returned his girlfriend as she sat up. "I mean, I know it's been months but can you blame me for still getting used to it all?" She looked at her wedding band. Barnaby never told her to take it off or anything. Didn't it bother him, or was he just being silent for her sake? "It's seriously been ten months..."

"Yeah," Barnaby nodded, squeezing her hand as he smiled. "It's been ten months." Ten months went by so fast. He was almost sure he was dreaming.

"It's also been a while since we were called to do anything important." There was a huff in Katsuko's voice.

"Well, we'd have the broadcasting-"

"I meant something that saved people's lives, Bunny." Sighed Katsuko.

"Look," Said Bunny. "I understand what you mean. You want to go fight crime and save those in need. I know it was wrong of Lloyds to keep us on media work instead of hero work," Katsuko was still pissed about that. How could Alexander keep them away from crime fighting? Just because they were officially dating and still maintaining their image as a literal 'power couple,' that didn't mean they should stop doing their job just to look cute in front of the cameras. "But its kind of nice, if you think about it. We've been able to spend a lot more time together and I've been having fun getting to know you better," He looked at her as they stopped at a red light. "How about you?"

"Of course I'm having fun, too." Barnaby smiled, glad to hear that. "It's nice to have a little break and spend some time with someone, especially you," She confessed with a blush. "I just want to get back into action. Put my powers to work and get back into routine. That's why I signed up to be hero, anyway. At least one of them."

Barnaby looked ahead as he drove. "I know. The next sign of trouble you see, we'll get right on it." He assured. "In the meantime, we have to focus on the broadcast. It's going to be for charity, too, so we're still technically saving lives." He pointed out, though he knew that alone was not going to cover it. "If you don't mind me saying though, maybe you should follow Sky High's example. He probably had to deal with a lot of fame and publicity while he was number one, too. He didn't complain, and I'm sure back then and now, he's working twice as hard as the both of us." Katsuko sighed.

"Yeah..." Her eyes drifted to the sky and narrowed as she saw a small dot. As the dot became bigger and bigger, Katsuko could feel all her nerves jumping an in that moment, and her nerves made her grab the wheel of the car and yank it. The car swerving straight into a shoulder. Barnaby's shout was drowned out by the sound of glass and metal shattering and Katsuko shielded her eyes as an explosion blew out around the road. "What the Hell was that?" She asked, her and Barnaby jumping out the car and running straight to the source of the destruction.

"Sir, are you alright?" Barnaby ran to the side of an old man wearing a black coat, Katsuko standing between them and the young woman that was a few feet away from them. Judging by all the collateral damage around her, it was easy to deduce what had thrown that jumbotron at them. Upon closer inspection, Katsuko could see that that the woman looked almost doll-like, her blue hair and eyes shinning as static electricity and fire blew around them. "She must be some kind of super NEXT. But why would she-" Katsuko jumped and pushed the old man and Barnaby down before the latter could finish his sentence, the girl almost barreling into all three of them. Katsuko looked around when all felt safe and cursed. The girl had vanished right before their eyes and she was no where else to be seen.

So much for getting on the first sign of trouble when they saw it.

"And then to Barnaby... And then to me... And then- Shit!"

"Sorry!" Katsuko backed away from Kyle as he held his sore foot and rubbed it. "I thought I was supposed to be moving on my left foot."

"It's always the right foot. That's why they call it the right foot!" Hissed Kyle.

"Take it easy, Thorn. You know that Sweetie is trying her best." Said Fire Emblem as she sauntered over to them. Today, dance practice was being held in the training room, most of the exercise equipment pushed to the corners so that the trio could have a little more leg room. "Though, I am a little concerned about the potential collateral damage you three will cause. Why are you practicing here, anyway?"

"These two need all the training they can get," Said Kyle as he pointed at Tigress and Bunny. "So I cut in some of our training time to be focused on practicing the routine."

"What about the song?" Asked Pao-Lin from her seat by the weights.

"That was the easy part. It's cheesy, corny, and pretty short when performed with three people." Said Kyle as he wiped sweat off his forehead. He wish he had his towel but of course, a certain veteran had to go and spill coffee on it. "The dancing part is where it gets complicated. Barnaby is learning pretty well. Tigress, on the other hand. . ." He watched from the corner of his eye as Katsuko performed a twirl and stumbled, Barnaby catching her at the last second. He rolled his eyes as she laughed. "Yeah, you see what I mean."

"At least you're spending time with her." Smiled the older hero, giggling as Kyle looked away in embarrassment. "By the way, did Sky High leave early again? I could have sworn I saw him here a while ago."

"Oh," Kyle snapped out of his stubborn stupor and looked at the door. "Yeah . . . He just left a while ago with a new bouquet of flowers. You remember why. . ."

"Oh dear," Emblem rested her hand on her cheek, looking at the door way in worry. "It's already been three weeks. I've seen those flowers piling up in the trash and in his locker."

"Yeah, it's-" Kyle raised an eyebrow at her. "Wait, how do you know his locker's-"

"I pass by the door when you boys walk in, I promise." Assured Natalie, though she was a little too quick to say that. "The point is, I'm worried about the big guy. He's been going to the park the same time everyday, when he gets the chance." She sighed. "You don't think she stood him up, do you?"

"Stand up a guy like Sky High? That sounds a little far-fetched to me." Said Kyle as he folded his arms in front of his chest. "The only person who's ever done that is Tigress, but she's as clueless as they get. ("I'm in the same room as you, Blue Thorn!") Maybe this girl moved away before she could tell him?"

"That's the saddest thing I ever heard! If only they gave each other their phone numbers or emails," Said Natalie with a shake of her head. "Then maybe if it were your idea, she could tell him that things wouldn't work out. Long distance relationships are pretty tricky." She said, her eyes going over to Katsuko and Barnaby as they took a water break. "Well, at least some relationships are working out pretty well." She said.

"Still no information on that girl?" Asked Katsuko as she finished the last of her water bottle.

"Android," Barnaby corrected. "She was an android, and no. While it was his work that caused all that damage to the city, Rotwang's only on house arrest because he wasn't the one technically causing all the damage. Idiotic, but there's nothing I can do about it." He took a seat and stared at the floor, remembering the events after they had found out who the old man was. "I still can't believe he worked with my parents. That he would take the work they poured their life into and use it to make. . . That." He clenched his fists, angry.

"The authorities didn't say we weren't allowed to visit him while he's on house arrest," Pointed out Katsuko as she plopped a seat next to Barnaby. "Why don't we go ask him some questions once our schedule is clear? Even if we can't get a lot of info out of him, maybe it'll get you some closure." She placed her hand on top of his clenched one. "Bunny, you've been on edge ever since we caught Rotwang. You gotta calm down, OK?"

"I . . ." The blonde sighed, looking away as he looped his hand into Katsuko's. "I know. I'll try to calm down, I promise." He squeezed her hand again, assuring her that he was going to be fine. That was good enough for Tigress, for the moment at least.

Several hours of Kyle's directions and promises of food and water later, Katsuko took it upon herself to make the food run for her and her dance partners. The walk would take her a while, but she was willing to use any escape to get her away from the strict choreography Kyle had planned. They had been practicing for hours and judging by the tired look in her boyfriend's eyes, a food run was now necessary.

Picking up her pace in hopes of grabbing some burgers from a local joint, Katsuko took a turn into the park and headed down a typically busy path. It was a little early into late afternoon with the sun starting to set, children packing up their late soccer games and ice cream trucks making a few more rounds to sell their wares to tired park goers. As Katsuko crossed the large fountain smacked in the middle o the park, she was put to a stop as a large and furry beast came running at her.

"John?!" She knelt down and opened her arms as the retriever ran straight into them, a slobbery tongue lapping at her face. Besides the rancid dog breath, Katsuko adored the moment of doggy affection, scratching the large dog between the ears as she stood. "Hey, boy! Where's your owner?"

"Ms. Katsuko!" Right on que, Keith walked over with a grin. "Hello! What are you doing out here?"

"Hey," The brunette greeted as John walked back to his owner. "Just making a food run. Kyle finally said we can get a break after all that practice he made us go through. I'm going to this burger place-" Katsuko stopped. She didn't notice it the first time she saw Keith but now that she got a better look, she could see someone hiding behind him. "Uh... Am I interrupting something?"

"Huh? Oh!" Keith turned around. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ran straight ahead without warning you. Come, say hello to a friend of mine. I'm sure she'd love to meet you." That was the complete opposite of what Katsuko felt when Keith pulled a violent android from behind him. She looked a lot more docile and shy at the moment but Katsuko kept her guard up. "Ms. Katsuko, I'd like you to meet Cis. She's a friend I made here at the park a few weeks ago. Cis, this is Ms. Katsuko. We know each other from work."

"N-Nice to meet you." Stuttered Cis as she looked down at the ground, blushing profusely.

"Hey there..." Katsuko narrowed her eyes slightly at the girl, but tried to keep her cool a float. There were still people in the park and starting another fight like before could put more lives at risk. "Hey, Keith? I was wondering if we could go talk about something? It's only going to take a sec-"

"Ah!" Cis suddenly double-overed and held her torso, whimpering and startling the two heroes with her.

"Cis!" Keith exclaimed.

"I-I'm sorry," She whimpered as Keith held her by the shoulders. "My stomach just started to cramp up. It really hurts..."

"You don't need to be sorry. Come on, I'll take you to the nearest restroom. Ms. Katsuko, would you please come with us?I think it would be better if someone went in with her." As much as Katsuko wanted to argue and keep herself away from the android that nearly bashed her face into the cement, it would give her a better chance to apprehend her in the bathroom. The park was beginning to empty out anyway, so there shouldn't have been many people in the restroom. Making sure she was ready to use hundred power, Katsuko nodded and followed the two over to the local ladies room, Tigress following after Cis as they walked in. Thankfully, no one else was in the small room and there was a second door to it that kept prying eyes away from peeping in. Perfect for arresting psycho androids.

"Alright," Katsuko crossed her arms and leaned on the second door as Cis walked over to the sink and turned on the water. "Listen. I don't know what you're planning to do with Keith, but you need to stop it. You know what you did." She said with a steady but stern voice. "I know what you did. So why don't you just come with me and-" Katsuko stopped when she saw the girl's shoulders start to shake, a sniffle escaping her. "Wait, why are you-?"

"I'm sorry..." The girl began to glow a bright blue and she turned to Katsuko as her eyes turned orchid-purple. "I-I'm so sorry, Katsuko."

"Iva?" Katsuko drew closer to the NEXT as her appearance changed, Iva wiping her eyes and sniffling as she nodded. "What the Hell? Why do you look like that?" Katsuko looked behind her and made sure the door was locked, walking back to Iva as she splashed water on her face. "Iva, why are you pretending to be some other girl?" Iva began to wipe her face with a paper towel. "Why?"

"Mr. Skyhigh," Katsuko felt only more confuse by the single response. "He met her weeks ago. He only knows her as a girl he met while he was walking John. He only met her once but she was all he could talk about when he came into work after that," Iva sighed. "Katsuko, he may not show it but ever since you and Barnaby have taken high spots in the leader board, he's been really depressed. Not because his title was taken but because he felt like the city didn't need him anymore."

Katsuko thought about that for a moment. Keith was always smiling and going out of his way to cheer everyone else up. She never thought he could get depressed.

"I don't know why he started thinking like that. I don't think he understood why either. Depression never really has a clear source sometimes. I know how frustrating that can feel," She leaned a little on the edged of the sink, cupping her hands in front of her. "Anyway, he had only met this girl, Cis, once. Afterwards, she didn't appear for the next few days. Mr. Skyhigh fell into another slump. I... I couldn't stand to see him so sad. Especially after everything he's done for me, to make me happy everyday. So... I asked a few people in the city's security network to take a look at the local traffic cams, hoping to find out what she looked like. Once I found that, I went to the last spot Mr. Skyhigh saw her and met up with him." She sighed again, resting her hand on her cheek. "Looking like her and doing my best to act like her. If I could at least give him some sort of reason to smile again, then I would do this a hundred times over."

"Katsuko, if you could see how much happier he looked when he saw... Her," She paused, taking a moment to pull herself together. "Before I knew it, I started rushing down to the park to meet with him every day. I would just listen to him talk and confinde in," She winced a little. "I guess I've messed that part up already. But Katsuko, please. Please, I'm begging you. You cannot tell him that I am not really her, and you cannot tell any one what I'm doing, even Barnaby. Kyle and Natalie have been scouting around and they said they haven't seen her at all. Maybe she actually skipped town like they thought. If she did, then she left Mr. Skyhigh worried and hurt. I just need... Need to pose as her for a little while longer. I told him that she... I'm going to move away in the next few days. So I'm spending these last few just to give him closure. He needs it, Katsuko."

Iva knew what she was doing. This wasn't just to have Keith's puppy-dog eyes directed at her or to have the ability to talk to him without getting tongue tied like she usually would. Keith needed someone to talk to, and that person was Cis. But Cis had disappeared, and Keith looked sadder than before. If Iva could just look like the person he needed to talk to, give him someone who would just listen to him, she would become that person. Because he had done so much for her after what had happened with Edward and even before that. She had to return the favor in some way.

"Iva," Amber eyes softened at the worried girl. "If he finds out you aren't really her... I think that's going to hurt him more than her suddenly ditching him." 'Maybe being a crazy robot would put a damper on the mood, too.' But Tigress didn't add that. Not when Iva already looked so full of shame.

"I'm... I'm prepared for him to hate me if it comes to that. But it won't. I'll make sure it won't," Resolve and determination washed into her eyes. "Please, just go along with it for now, Katsuko. Please?"

"Ah," Katsuko took off her hat and fanned herself with it. "This is a really bad idea," She felt like a hypocrite for saying that. "OK, I won't tell him anything. But you have to make sure you don't drag this on longer than you said it would. Give him the closure he needs and then stop being some other girl." At the timid nod she got, Katsuko walked back to the door and unlocked it, watching Iva change back into Cis. "And Iva," Katsuko said, reaching over and ruffling the NEXT's hair with a small smile. "Spend some time with him when you're yourself. I'm sure he would appreciate that just as much as Cis."

'Cis' stared back at her with an unsure look. After a moment or two, she nodded and the pair walked out.

"Are you alright? Here," Keith held out a cold water bottle to Iva, looking worried as she shyly accepted it. "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine," Iva smiled a little as John nudged his wet nose at her side. The golden retriever was such a sweetheart. She patted him on the head. "I guess the head cold I had last night hasn't gone away yet." She said as she pressed the cold water bottle to her head, feeling a little flushed. "I think I should go home."

"Ah," It broke Origami's heart to see the worried and crestfallen look on Keith's face. "I understand," He quickly recovered with a smile. "I'll escort you to your apartment, then. It is getting a little dark."

"Mhm. Thank you, Keith." Said Iva, the older man looking away with red ears. Iva turned her attention away from him and smiled at Katsuko. The latter wished she could return one of her usual wide grins. "It was nice meeting you, Katsuko. Thank you for helping me back in the restroom."

"No problem," Katsuko patted John on the head and waved the three of them off as they left. "Take care!" She called after them. "Seriously..." She sighed. "Take care..."

"Hello?" Barnaby opened the unlocked door and walked into Katsuko's apartment. "It's me!"

"Hey, Bunny!" Katsuko called from upstairs. "I'll be down in a few minutes! Make yourself at home, the game's already on!"

Doing just that, the blonde toed his shoes off by the door and made his way over to the living room. He was amused to see the table arranged with snacks and drinks and the television playing the current football game. Katsuko was a sports fan on Fridays. When she wasn't watching reruns of Mr. Legend or cooking shows (It explained how she could cooks a few things without burning them) she was a die-hard fan of sports. This was what they opted to on Fridays, since going out meant they had to avoid the cameras and misunderstandings from the media.

"How much did I miss?" Katsuko came bounding down the steps just as Barnaby sat down on the couch, dressed a lot more comfortably in a T-shirt and jeans with her hair tied up.

"I really don't know," The rookie shrugged as Katsuko plopped a seat next to him, wrapping his arm around her waist as she bought her criss-crossed legs up. None of this made sense to him, the sports talk flying over his head like it usually did. He wasn't really a fan but listening to Katsuko excitedly talk about stats and her favorite athletes was always cute to listen to. "I think the end?"

"Damn," Katsuko huffed, her head resting on the blonde's shoulder as she watched. "I missed the last plays, too. How come whenever I want to do things, I am busy with stuff?"

Again, Barnaby shrugged. "Such is fate, I guess." His hand played with Katsuko's ponytail, curling the brown locks around his fingers as he idly watched the game. "At least we got time to spend with each other," He leaned over and kissed the top of her head. She shivered and he thrived in it, taking a bold move as he kissed the rim of her flushed ear. "And I'm enjoying myself. Are you?" He asked as he pressed kisses along her hair.

"Y-Yeah," Feeling flushed, Katsuko turned and hid her face in the blonde's shoulder, hoping to escape. It was no use, though. That gave Barnaby the opening to pull her into his lap, his arms cradling her as he continued to rain kisses into her hair. "B-Bunny, this is too much."

"That's not my name." He murmured, nosing a few soft locks.

"B-Barnaby," She said as she looked up at him, timid and small. Thrill ran through Barnaby's body. "Barnaby, you know what this does to me."

"I know," Barnaby cupped her cheek, his thumb playing with her lips, caught by surprised as his thumb was grazed by worried teeth. How was this making him want more, though? How was Katsuko able to do this? Turn him into this sort of man? Hundreds of women threw themselves at him on a daily basis and he never felt anything towards them besides annoyance. But Katsuko was able to break him, tear him undone in both a disastrous and beautiful way. And he liked it. "And you know what you do to me." He said as he pulled her up for a kiss.

Katsuko whimpered, the deep kiss throwing her off and making her whole body blush. She closed her eyes and held on for dear life. Barnaby was young and unpredictable, skilled and talented. He knew how to use those skills to leave her like this, helpless yet protected. She made another sound that did something to Barnaby, made him more aggressive. His embrace tightened and the kiss became much more fierce, the groan he let out leaving her breathless. Her chest began to ache for air and her toes curled in delight, shuddering as Barnaby pulled away. Wait, when did Katsuko end up lying on the couch with Barnaby looming over her?

'I have to calm down,' Barnaby licked his lips. They were bruised and slick. Thank god he hadn't eaten one of the instant ramen bowls or bbq chips that were on the table. He had sprayed on cologne before he came here, even got in a shower and changed into some nice clothes. He was ready for everything. 'Calm down.' He strictly told himself. His glasses had fallen off at some point but that didn't stop him from catching the pleased yet hesitant look on Katsuko's face. 'Calm down.' He leaned down and nuzzled her neck, hoping to assure her as he listened to her pattering heartbeat. "I'm sorry," He said softly. "Am I moving too fast?"

"K-Kind of," Katsuko gave a quiet laugh, glad that she managed to find her voice. Definitely too fast for her. That made her young partner feel guilty. "Barnaby, I'm sorry-"

"You don't have to be sorry. Hey," Katsuko looked up at him when he called, tilting her head. So cute, thought the blonde. "I don't want to make you do anything you don't want to do. A month, a year, years even, I'll wait. We'll move only at the pace you're comfortable with, Katsuko," She loved it when he called her by her name. It made her shiver more than the kiss. Taking a much needed breath, the young man sat up a little and looked at the TV. "Game's over. I think our team lost."

"Damn," Katsuko muttered under her breath. "They were winning earlier." She suddenly felt lonely without that comfortable weight on top of her. Barnaby wasn't heavy, but he wasn't exactly as light as a feather. It felt nice, for sure. She looked up at him as he looked at the TV, watching the gears turn in his head as he tried to figure out what was going on. It made her laugh, and made her partner a little crossed and embarrassed. "Don't be like that," She reached up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pulling him down. "Come back to me."

"You were startled earlier, weren't you?" Asked Barnaby, though he complied as he switched they positions, leaving her lying on top of him.

"Yeah, but you said I can move at my own pace," Katsuko snuggled up to his chest. "And this is the pace I'm going at."

"Slow at one point, fast on the other?"


"You're so weird." But that was spoken with affection and hands that kneaded her back. Katsuko loved it, and she loved the man who was doing this for her. "So, we have practice wit Blue Thorn tomorrow and then a few more photo shoots." Barnaby took charge of going over their schedule, one of his hands going back to playing with Katsuko's hair.

Katsuko groaned. "Can we not talk about work?"

"That's strange coming from you, since you love your job." Barnaby reminded.

"I'm not loving it at the moment," She remembered Iva and Keith. She knew she wanted to tell her partner, ask for any advice that he would know. But she had sworn to Iva that she wouldn't tell anyone else. That also meant breaking her promise to Barnaby, about holding back secrets. But this wasn't really be considered as an actual secret, right? She groaned again and hugged Barnaby's torso. He was so warm and toasty, like an electric blanket. She suddenly felt tired. "I just want to stay here with you, Bunny." She murmured.

Barnaby returned the hug, unaware of what was on Katsuko's mind as he held her close and enjoyed her body curled up against his. "Me too, Katsuko.

Barnaby: Hey, everyone. I'm Barnaby. The member of Tigress and Bunny who uses two tissues at once. Everything looks like it's going great for the charity concert. Katsuko and I have been breaking out backs with Kyle's dictatorship but it looks like all our hard work has paid off.

Kyle: Ha! Just barely! I'll give you guys credit in keeping up, though. And what do you mean dictatorship? My old coaches were way tougher on me when I was starting out. If you want dictatorship, I'll show- Hey! Don't ignore me, Barnaby! Where are you going?

Barnaby: Something's wrong! Look, Katsuko just suddenly started to bolt. Who is she chasing after? I got to give her back up!

Kyle: Wait, you idiot! The concert's going to-! Augh, fuck it! Next time, on Tigress and Bunny; Neither to the Right, Not to the Left! Goddamnit, I said wait, Barnaby!

This chapter was more or less just meant to have fluff for our main couple, but I wanted to add some plot points in there, too. That'll be continued on in the next chapter ^^ I had fun putting the two episodes together, mainly because they both alluded to the title, and I had just as much fun writing it :) Seriously, I'd like to thank you all again for your continuing support for the fic. You guys truly are an amazing audience. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I can't wait update the next chapter ^_^ Until next time!