Disclaimer: I do not own Degrassi, or Eli Goldsworthy, unfortunately.
This little two-shot idea popped into my head while listening to a few different songs. Four songs, to be exact. And this is what I came up with. If you love the idea of escaping with the one person you would do anything for, you're going to enjoy this. Hopefully.
As for the readers who have read some of my other stories and are waiting for an update, don't hold your breath. I'm having horrible writers block with each and every one of my other stories and this idea was swimming around in my head for the longest time that I decided to write it. But who knows, maybe this will spark up some inspiration for my other stories. Just know that I will finish them, sooner or later. In this case it might be later. Sorry! Xoxo
READ: This takes place whenever really, and Clare is quite OOC. Deal with it.
Anyways, enjoy!
"Can you forgive me for dressing you up, Dressing you down, Fucking you up, Bringing you down, And I won't feel guilty at all 'cause I'm done.."
The smirk on his face never faltered as his feet dragged across the grass of Clare's front lawn. It was quite late and he knew the poor girl was probably tossing and turning in her bed; she had mentioned to him earlier in the week that she hadn't been getting very much sleep lately. He had mentioned it was probably insomnia, but the young girl shifted slightly and averted her gaze, uncomfortable with idea of her having anymore issues than she already has. But Eli had a plan up his sleeve. The young boy also knew that Clare's parents were out of town for the weekend, leaving her alone and vulnerable.
Eli stopped in front of her house, staring up at the top window on the left, noticing the lights were off. His gaze shifted to the ground, scanning the area until he found a few pebbles. He shook his hand, feeling the pebbles scatter around in his hand before he took a step back, his arm following in suit before he lurched a pebble forward, hearing it clink against her window. He waited for a moment, but when the light to her bedroom window didn't flicker on, he tried again.
Third time's the charm.
His smirk grew into a grin when the light flickered on. He dropped the rest of the pebbles and stuck his hands in his back pockets when the window slid open, revealing none other than Clare Edwards as she stuck her head out.
"Eli?" Clare questioned, her face twisting into slight confusion. But when she saw the look on his face she smiled, because he was looking at her with that look he always has whenever he has an idea filled with mischief swimming around in that beautiful head of his.
"The one and only," was his reply.
Clare rolled her eyes playfully. "Door's open."
He smirks at her as she blows him a kiss, the window closing after her. He makes his way to the door and enters, closing the door behind him. He can hear her footsteps behind him as she descends from down the stairs, and he turns around to look at her. She's leaning against the wall, her eyes scanning over every part of his body before they reach his eyes. Eli's strides are long as he makes his way over to her, and when she grabs his hand and turns to walk up the stairs with a smirk of her own, he pulls her back, spinning her to face him once again. His arm is wrapped firmly around her waist as she peers at him curiously.
"Go pack a bag," he commands softly.
She tilts her head, "What for?"
He places his hands on her hips and turns her around, pushing her up the stairs gently with a light tap to her bottom. "We're running away for the night."
Without turning to look back at him, she listens and makes her way upstairs.
When Clare returns, she has a different pair of jeans on, and Eli smirks when he recognizes his shirt that is covering her upper half. There is a bag dangling in her hand and she raises an eyebrow at him. He reaches over to the coat rack and grabs her one of the many sweaters hanging before opening the door and stepping to the side. She raises her head and walks out, him following in suit. She's a few steps ahead of him but he catches up fast, his free hand wrapping around her waist. His hand finds its way under her shirt, gently grazing the skin of her hip.
Eli leans in close to her ear and whispers, "Nice shirt."
Without looking at him, she smirks and says, "Thanks."
He chuckles and pulls her close to place a kiss on her temple before releasing her as they both hopped in Eli's dad's truck.
"You tired?"
"No," she answered with a small frown. It bothered her how hard it was for her to sleep lately.
Eli smirked, "Good." He made a turn.
Eli had borrowed his dad's truck for a reason. A very good reason – he thought so anyways. He knew Clare would be up to anything if he asked her, and he rarely used this to his advantage because he respected her too much, but right now he wanted to see her let loose. They both needed it.
So Eli made his way towards a tunnel, only a few other cars accompanying them.
"Clare, can you do me a favor?"
She looked at him, "Yeah?"
"Climb through the window and hop in the pan, please."
Clare's eyes widened slightly. She eyed the window in between them, leading to the pan of the truck. She knew Eli and Adam do this all the time, but she had never witnessed it nor has she ever tried it. But Eli asked her with such kindness that she couldn't help but oblige to his request.
As she unbuckled her seatbelt Eli could see the tunnel getting closer. Clare slid herself through the window, surprised that she was small enough to fit. The wind came at her in every direction, and she held on for dear life.
"May I ask why you requested that I sit back here?" She yelled through the window.
Eli glanced back at her, "Sit? Oh no," he paused, "you're going to stand."
Clare gulped and raised her head slightly, looking over the top of the truck. She watched as they entered the beginning of the tunnel, the lights looking beautiful as they sped on by. She slowly rose from her crouching position and grabbed on to the handles placed conveniently on the back. She steadied her feet and stood up straight and tall, her hair blowing in the wind like it was nobody's business. Eli cast a glance back at her and smiled; she was so beautiful.
The song playing in the background made the moment all the more better for Clare. She will forever remember that song and secretly hoped Eli would, too.
Finally getting used to being up there and feeling brave, she began to raise her arms, loving the feeling it was giving her. She closed her eyes and smiled, all of her worries and troubles seeming to fly away with the wind as it passed. She laughed heartedly and Eli joined her, reaching up to bang on the roof and howling with joy.
Clare could get used to this.
After the tunnel was long gone, Clare climbed back into the truck. She buckled herself up once again and let out a breath. Turning to look at Eli, she smiled. Feeling her gaze Eli grinned, feeling proud of himself for bringing her such happiness.
"I'm kind of in love with you."
"Kind of?" Eli questions.
"You know what I mean."
He smirks, "I do."
"Eli," Clare wines.
"Clare," Eli mimics her.
"I don't want to,"
"Just put it on. Please?"
She taps her foot a few times and glares at him; he's giving her his puppy eyes and she hate's how she falls for them every single time.
"I love you."
"Yeah, yeah. Give me that."
He smirks and hands her the dress, watching as she turns to enter a changing room. He was so glad this store was open 24/7. As she was changing Eli made his way around the store looking for more clothes he could make her try on. He picked up some revealing items, some not so revealing items, and some items she would laugh at because she wouldn't believe it's even a piece of clothing.
When he returned his arms were full, and he waited patiently for her door to open. Once it did, Eli raised his eyebrows. Clare shifted her feet slightly and waited for his approval. He took a breath and walked forward, shoving her back in the change room and joining her. Closing the door, he turned and looked at her.
"Do me a favor and never take that dress off. Unless we're in the shower, of course."
She punched his shoulder and he reacted by pushing his body against hers, holding her close with his arm wrapped around her.
"Forgive me?" he breathed into her lips.
She smiled, "What else do you want me to try on?"
He smirked.
She had tried on most of what he had picked out, and he had helped her in and out of each and every single item. The one she currently had on made them laugh until their stomachs hurt. Let's just say Clare doesn't look good in turtle necks, though Eli will beg to differ. As she tried to take it off, her head got stuck and Eli began to help, though it didn't do much. He was laughing at the way her arms were twisted and she was laughing in embarrassment. By the time they had gotten it off of her, she was red in the face and Eli thought it was adorable.
She placed her hands on her bare hips and glared at him, "It's not funny."
He gave her a look and then moved his arms in a twisted way, mimicking the way she was positioned while stuck in the turtle neck. She laughed and shoved at his chest, muttering, "Shut up."
He smiled at her and she melted inside.
"Put this outfit on and meet me out front," he told her as he placed a few more pieces of clothing in her hands. Before she could protest he turned and exited the change room, a smirk placed firmly on his lips.
She had no idea what he had in mind for her tonight.
Sorry this was so short; the next chapter will be longer because, well, this is rated M for a reason. ;)
Forgive me if there are any grammar mistakes; I rushed though this and it's really late. Review? xoxo