For those who are sensitive readers, read the warnings below and the tags and the summary etc. You have been warned.

Christmas Magic

Chapter 1
The Status of Reindeer Games

"Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer,
Had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw him,
you would say it glows.
All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names,
They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games."
("Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer" sung by Gene Autry)

"Well, if it isn't Reindeer Games." A familiar voice spoke up behind him, causing him to whirl around and glare up at a painfully and equally familiar red and gold metal suit.
"The Metal Man," spat Loki, shoulders tensing as his fists curled up, ready to take on the Avenger.
"Iron Man," corrected the arrogant human. "It's the Iron Man. If you're going to be a proper super villain now, at least get it right. Jeez. Has the criminal world gone to the dogs or something?"

Loki ground his teeth.

"Oh wait..." The Metal Man, Loki corrected himself, Iron – Iron Man, held up a finger. "I don't think you even qualify anymore."

If looks could kill, Anthony Stark, playboy, philanthropist, etc etc would have died three seconds ago. Alas, glares had no effect on the egotistical Avenger.

"Iron Man," Loki growled, arms quivering. "You will regret this. One day, you will pay for your petty remarks so easily falling from your lips – as I tear you apart from limb to limb and show you the true meaning of power –"
"Key word – one day. Not today." Stark grinned inside his suit as Loki began to turn an interesting shade of pink.
"I am patient," was the bitter reply. "I have not waited a thousand years of imprisonment and torture in order to merely bandy words with some coward who can never even dream of equalling my powers!"

Tony Stark, cocking his head and contemplating the ex-God of Mischief who seemed to be in danger of giving himself an aneurism. As he watched Loki rant on for a few minutes (really, the guy just doesn't know how to stop, does he? Who does that remind me of?), Stark couldn't help but notice something was a bit... off. Loki really isn't himself, the genius billionaire thought, surprising himself with that realization. Has he lost weight?

"Uhhh... Yeah, have fun with that."
"I will have 'fun'," Loki spat out. "As you so glibly put it, I will have my day and –"
"Have you lost weight?"
"You will – what?"
"Lost weight. Just wondering. You look a little – gaunt? Unless you're auditioning for Jack the Skeleton King? Which would be interesting by the way – I think I'd pay to see that. Holy shit, don't tell me – you're a Lent kind of guy. Or what – no, that's Easter, isn't it? Sorry, wrong season."

Loki stared at Iron Man, face blank and perplexed. His green eyes seemed larger in his thinner face, giving him a bizarrely peaky look. Not that he looked good the first time I met him either, Iron Man mused. I guess that's usual for super intense super villains? Iron Man looked down. Yes. Definitely not looking any better. Wait... He realized something with horror. Is he still wearing the same clothing?

The ex-God of Mischief appeared to be wearing the same black leathers, severely scuffed boots and the usual Asgardian trench coat he had worn the day he had tossed Stark out of the window. Yet, everything definitely showed wear and tear. Stark couldn't help but notice that there seemed to be a patch on Loki's collar and a couple other tears neatly stitched. Yes, definite wear and tear. And everything hung on his tall frame a bit too loosely to be healthy.

"Not that I give a damn," Tony found himself saying the last thoughts he had out loud. "Just wondering. I must say the rugged look kinda suits you. The Chitauri must have been worried about whether you were pansy back in the day... But now you definitely seem to be channelling some kind of woodsy, outdoorsy – whoa there, Rudolph!"

Scooting upward in the air as Loki lunged at him with an Asgardian curse, the Iron Man shook his head forlornly, tut-tutting as the ex-God of Mischief curled up in pain as the seizures of Odin's spells shook him again. It looked mind-numbingly torturous but Iron Man knew better than to get closer.

"Forgot the restraints, huh. What a bummer. Or maybe not," the billionaire petered off as he watched Loki force his shaking hands to push himself up slowly from the sidewalk. The green eyes were filled nothing with despair and rage and for a moment Tony Stark tasted bitterness.
It wasn't what he wanted to see after all.
Because he understood.
Sometimes he woke up in Pepper's arms still shaking from the memories.

When he tore himself away from the thought, Tony Stark discovered that Loki had staggered off down a small alley branching off the cul-de-sac they had met in. For a moment, he considered following Loki, but something told him that Loki would only hate him more if Iron Man looked down on him, as he found barely enough strength to stumble down the desolate alley to whatever pathetic home waited for him.

Reindeer Games isn't going to be the hero any time soon. Iron Man rose upwards to watch Loki painfully make his way down the quiet alley, dark head bent, lanky, unwashed hair brushing his bony shoulders, which looked even more frail from far away. Tony cursed to himself absently. It's not like he's anywhere close to Rudolph, really. If Santa's Odin, I'd say Rudolph's never going to be the head of any sleigh in his super long lifetime.

Tony Stark returned home, quieter and more thoughtful than usual.

Warning #1: Language, adult situations, possible violence, allusions to mature subject matter (ie. Various forms of assault/torture/etc.)

Warning #2: Unedited.

Warning #3: This is not a slash fic or a romance fic. Sorry. It's Loki-centric, although I definitely show the rest of the Avengers and etc. Please review! Constructive criticism welcome (especially this is my first time writing for Avengers fandom)!Note: This is going to be a series of drabblet/short chappie fic. Hopefully finished before Christmas.

Warning #4: Imagine that your family was killed in an ISIS-related terrorist attack - or imagine that your close family member was raped by an in-law. The in-law went to jail for two years and then was released. Despite people's efforts to reach out to the rapist/terrorist, the rapist/terrorist refused to get help and remained angry at society and basically would go out and rape (or kill) someone again given the chance. Unfortunately, your other family member says that in order to save said unrepentant rapist/terrorist from themselves, you and your family should take them in for a month or so for the Christmas holidays. You know it's something you should do - but you can barely stand the thought of them much less let them sleep down the hall from you. You hate them so much. What do you do?

This is that story.

So don't expect golden Avengers and happy days and sunshine and rainbows. This story is bittersweet and tragicomic because it takes a look at genuinely good people trying to do the right thing but being douches in the process and learning from it. Even more magical, the focus of charity - the hard-nut unrepentant - despite the wavering intentions of said do-gooders learns something about himself and his choices in the process.

In other words, this story is about grace and forgiveness, it's about victims becoming bullies and bullies becoming victims, it's about the cycle of vengeance, it's about the heavy price of love.

If you can't handle mature subject matter or you want a rainbows and roses stories, I suggest you U-turn and read something else.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avengers. Marvel owns it. I do not get paid for this piece of work. Sadly, but understandably. LOL.

Please review and let me know what you think!