Okay, this will be the last chapter of this fic and the ending of this series, I had fun writing it and hope you had enjoyed reading it but it's time to end it so I can concentrate on the other fic I have started. Read and enjoy. I was thinking that it wouldn't be right to separate Jack and Sandy forever so I added a little bit more to this chapter and am now happy with the ending so will not be adding anymore to it.
Jack stood perched on a tree top-side, Sandy floating on his dream cloud, as he stared out over what once was Jack's pond. "Hard to believe that over a thousand years has passed since we first met, huh Sandy?" Jack mused as the both of them flew and hovered in the sky as they watched over the now empty town of Burgess, Sandy spreading his dream sand as they did. "And that a thousand years has passed since we were forced to retreat to Bunny's Warren. I bet he was glad to have his home to himself once more."
Sandy silently chuckled at Jack's words though he did agree with the younger Guardian on Bunny. Once done with his dreams Sandy floated over to Jack and landed on the branch next to him. "You remember the first time we ever met? I was what, four right when you came into my room which woke me up." Jack laughed as he remembered his and Sandy's very first meeting and the look on Sandy's face when Jack woke up surprising him.
Sandy smiled, nodding as he formed a picture of a four year old Jack above his head followed by one of the time Jack slid off the roof the night his sister was born which ended with Jack breaking an arm. "Oh yeah, I remember when that happened, I was the proudest big brother when Emily was born although having a broken arm was not fun. Thanks for putting me to sleep while the doctor set my arm by the way."
Jack stood up as the wind blew past and leapt allowing it to catch him and carry him off, Sandy right beside him. They headed for the clearing not far from Jack's lake were Jamie and his family were all buried the wind gently setting Jack down and Sandy landed beside him. Jack tapped Jamie's headstone with his staff causing frost to lightly cover it before he sat down. "Hey Jamie, I'm back for my yearly visit and I brought Sandy with me this time, he wanted to say hi." Sandy waved, smiling. "Not much has happened since last year though I'm still having fun with the children, at least in my mind, and still doing my duties as a Guardian as well as the Winter Spirit. I miss you and hope to see you again soon.
Do you remember the night when you first started believing in me and all because I made it snow in your room, that was the best night of my life as a Guardian Jamie and I'll always be grateful to you for believing in me." As Jack finished and stood up to leave Sandy floated up and laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Sandy, you always did know what I needed even back when I was still mortal." Jack whispered as he wiped away his frozen tears.
After several more seconds of staring at Jamie's grave Jack turned to Sandy. "Where to next?" Sandy made a picture of Bunny over his head. "Alright, let's head to the Warren." He said and walked off to where he knew the only open tunnel of Bunny's was. Together the two of them jumped down into the tunnel and were soon standing in a now empty Warren.
Jack knelt down and lightly ran a hand over the dying grass. "You remember the first time we pranked Bunny together or that time when you accidently knocked him out with your dream sand. I still wish I had brought a camera with me, for both those times. You hear that Bunny, if I had a camera for either of those times I would have had the perfect blackmail evidence to get you to do what I wanted." Jack jokingly laughed as he flew up to get a good look at every inch of Bunny's Warren, remembering the time when he, North, Sophie and Tooth helped Bunny prepare for Easter only to have it ruined by Pitch's Nightmares.
When they were done at the Warren, Jack leaving a light snow on the ground of the Warren, they flew to a once vibrant and lively Tooth Palace though now it was faded and crumbling. Once they had landed on the only remaining sturdy part of the Tooth Palace, the garden area, Sandy made an image of both Tooth and Baby Tooth followed by one of Jack and Baby Tooth. "You're right Sandy, I am glad I met both of them and I'm glad I rescued Baby Tooth from one of Pitch's Nightmares, both times." Jack grinned as he remembered the first time he met Baby Tooth, gently holding her in his hand after having saved her and being the one to give her the name Baby Tooth.
"I remember this was also where North came up with the idea that we would help Tooth with the teeth collecting which turned into a race between all of us to see who could collect the most teeth though I think North won that one." Jack chuckled as he stepped onto the water, causing it to freeze under his feet just like the first time. "This is also where I learned that the children's teeth held the most important memories of childhood and that Tooth had mine here as well."
Sandy floated over and the two of them stared at once was a colorful mural of Tooth and her fairies opposite of a few children with teeth in between them though now it was faded and dull. "Are all the teeth containers packed and ready to go?" Jack asked as he turned to Sandy.
At Sandy's nod Jack jumped up, the wind once more catching him, Sandy by his side and the two of them flew to the Pole, which was now deserted and dusty. After North faded away the yeti's returned to the Lunar Lamadary, taking the elves with them. They flew in one of the now broken windows to land in what once the globe room and though the giant model of the Earth was still there, there was no longer any lights lit up on it. Jack let out a sigh as he took in his surroundings. "This is where Bunny got us hoping again when he told us that if we helped him with Easter then we would be able to get the lights flickering on again.
I remember trying to break in here my first three hundred years but was never able to get past Phil or the other yetis." Jack told Sandy as they moved into the room where Jack came flying through the portal in a sack the first time he was chosen to become a Guardian, both him and Sandy remembering that day before they went to what was once North's private work space. Jack smirked as he remembered what North told him that day.
"You remember when North insisted I walk with him?" Sandy nodded, it having been his idea for North to break up Bunny and Jack before it went beyond their glaring contest. "Well after he offered me some fruitcake which I declined I thought he was going to beat me up by the way he cracked his knuckles while staring down at me. Instead he asked me what my center was, telling me that I must have something very special inside if Man in Moon chose me to be a Guardian.
After that he handed me his Russian nesting doll and explained to me what his center was. Do you have it packed? I wouldn't like for it to be lost." Once more Sandy nodded, assuring Jack it was packed along with a few of Bunny's special egg flower seeds, Jamie's favorite stuffed rabbit and Sophie's pair of fairy wings.
They left and made their way to their last stop before heading for the Lunar Lamadary, which was Santoff Claussen even though there wasn't much left of the village now except Big Root and the tall hedges surrounding the village that Ombric grew to help protect Santoff Claussen. "I remember the minute I met Ombric he took me under his wing and taught me everything I now know about magic. Want to know what the very first spell was he taught me?" Sandy smiled up at Jack, a question mark forming over his head.
"It was I believe, I believe, I believe. He told me with those two words I could make anything happen I wanted to too bad it can't bring back those who have already passed on. This is also where I first met Katherine and Nightlight. Speaking of Nightlight, are him and Mr. Qwerty ready to go?" Sandy nodded once more to Jack's question.
Jack took one last, long look around his eyes growing sad at what he knew was about to come and called for the wind one last time to take him to the Lunar Lamadary, Sandy joining him in the sky as he flew off. All too soon for Jack or Sandy's liking the two of them were landing in the courtyard of the Lunar Lamadary where the Lamas, Nightlight and Mr. Qwerty met them.
As Jack silently approached the gong resting at the center of the courtyard the Grand High Lama struck it to call MiM. While they were waiting for him to answer Jack quickly turned towards Sandy and held his staff out for the oldest Guardian to take. "I want you to have this Sandy so you may always remember me after I'm gone." He told him and, as soon as Sandy held his staff, Jack turned away so Sandy wouldn't see his tears.
"Are you ready, Jack Frost, to retire from your duties as a Guardian?" MiM asked Jack once his attention was on him and Jack silently nodded, not trusting his voice. "Very well then Jack Frost I am at this moment releasing your soul from this world, may you find the peace you deserve in the next and become reunited with your family once more."
As MiM's face faded from the gong Jack drew in one last deep breath, turning to meet Sandy's eyes as his body faded away. "Goodbye Sandy and thank you for being my friend, for sticking by my side when no one else would. I will miss you Sandman." He told the Guardian of dreams with a smile showing on his face though his eyes held tears.
Sandy set off his dreamsand fireworks for Jack, wanting them to be the last thing he saw before his soul became reunited with those of his family, bidding Jack farewell in his own silent way and turned away once Jack's body was completely gone, the only sign of him having ever existed were Sandy's memories, the staff in his hands and the sound of Jack's last sigh of relief as he was finally allowed to rest.
"Come Sandman, Nightlight is waiting for you in the ship that will take you to the moon so you may join Man in the Moon." The Grand High Lama called to him and, after looking back over his shoulder at the last place he saw Jack, Sandy followed him to where he was to depart the Earth for the last time. "Goodbye Jack, I hope you find what you're looking for." Was Sandy's last thought as he stepped into the ship to be greeted by Nightlight and Mr. Qwerty.
Jack opened his eyes and looked around him, finding himself standing on the lake he had drowned in right before he became Jack Frost. "Jack." A familiar voice called out to him from the edge of the lake so he turned to find Emily, his mother, Jamie, Sophie, North, Bunny, Tooth and Katherine standing there waiting for him to join them. With a joy filled laugh Jack ran to them where he was pulled into a hug by each of them. "We heard you talking to us Jack and were with you as you and Sandy visited each place for the last time." Emily told him, tears coming to Jack's eyes as he thought of Sandy.
"Will he be alright down there?"
"Yes, he has Nightlight and Mr. Qwerty with him as well as a part of each of us to help him remember all the good times we had together." North assured him as he lightly patted Jack on the back. "Come we have place ready just for you Jackson Overland Frost." With those words the group turned and made their way further into the forest soon stepping out of it to reveal several different houses lined up next to each other. Spotting a light blue house with gold colored trimming Jack instantly knew it was his house and walked over to it. "I've found what I'm looking for Sandy and wish you were here to see it with me." Jack thought before he entered into his new home.
Time passes after Jack is reunited with his family and, though they know he enjoys spending time with them, they begin to notice that there are moments when he becomes withdrawn or will stare off towards the sky in longing as if a part of him is missing. It is during those times that they also notice that his hair goes from brown to white and his eyes from brown to blue. On the day his hair become white and his eyes blue Bunny went to his house to see if he wanted to join everyone for a picnic but found the house empty.
Knowing where to find Jack, as it is where he goes when he wants to be alone, Bunny made his way to the lake and is shocked to find it frozen over for the first time since they all had arrived in this place with Jack sitting at the center of it, his knees drawn up and his head hidden in his arms. He is about to step onto the ice when Jack's staff suddenly appeared by his side and streams of golden sand start to swirl around Jack soon blocking him from view. "Sandy." Bunny gasped then turned and sprinted to let the others know what is going on.
On the ice Jack shifts a little and is surprised when something bumped against his side, knowing that nothing was there a second ago. He reached down without looking to feel his fingers brush against what felt like wood causing him to freeze when they did, almost afraid to hope. After a second he grabbed a hold of the object next to him instantly feeling it react to his touch, frost once more covering the length of the staff, his staff. He finally noticed the golden glow surrounding him and his head jerked up to see Sandy standing in front of him smiling and dream sand surrounding them both.
"Am I dreaming?" Jack whispered but Sandy shook his head, laying a hand on Jack's knee bringing tears of hopeful joy to Jack's eyes. "You're really here?" Sandy nodded as he wrapped his arms around Jack and just holding his friend, Jack's own arms holding tightly to Sandy. "You've come." On the shore the others waited for Sandy to lower the wall of dream sand so they could join him and Jack, each of them holding the item that Sandy had with him to remember, a nesting doll, seeds, a child's fairy wings, a stuffed rabbit, a golden tooth container and a glow worm that became a book. Next to Katherine floated a boy holding a staff that contained a moonbeam, their little family now complete.