Gun X Sword: The Lost Region

Chapter 27: A Looming Darkness

(DISCLAIMER: No, I don't own Gun X Sword because it belongs to the likes of Geneon and FUNimation. So, enjoy the show! Rated M for violence, adult content, and adult language.)

Van was dreaming as he was on the beach with Wendy and the twins. He was watching them play near the shore as he saw them play in the sand. It was a blissful time for them as he was happy to see them at play at such a peaceful time. Just as he was about to join them, he saw a group of soldiers coming towards him as he was worried for his family. He had to get them to safety as he was scared for their lives. The soldiers were coming towards them as he had to get his family out of harm's way. Just as he was about to do so, he saw gunfire rain down on him as he woke up shaking with sweat. It was a nightmare that was unlikely to be real as he couldn't shake the feeling of fear off of him. Looking at Wendy and the twins, who were sleeping, he was grateful to have them safe for now as the nightmare that he had was a bad omen that was coming. Still, he couldn't let it get to him as he had a long way to go into restoring the Lost Region back into its greener glory from the clutches of winter. The time of snow was ending as Van was more than ready to shoulder the journey and stop the House of Feanor once and for all.


The next morning, Van and Wendy were back at the inn as they were busy taking care of the twins. It was the last day here in Gorshin before the next leg of the journey as Van had a long way to go in freeing the Lost Region from its wintry slumber. When it was time to go, he and the rest of the crew were back in the airship as the next leg on their journey to restore the Lost Region. But before he did that, they decided to check up on the twins as they were ready to go on the next leg of this perilous journey. It was just another day for them as it was also the first week in March. Spring was coming as Van and the rest of the crew were going back into the airship. Just as it was about to take off, Van decided to go towards the inn as he was about to bid goodbye to Archimedes, who was taking his role as watchdog very seriously.

"I take it that you're leaving," he said.

"As soon as I return, I'll visit this place the moment that the House of Feanor falls to its knees," said Van. "Our next bid in our journey is in Quenya territory, where the Triple Cities lie."

"The northern territory is dangerous, but there is one more city that is the main lifeline to the Triple Cities."

"There's one more, huh?"

"Cantwell is the main epicenter that is the gateway to the Triple Cities. It is also where the trouble still rolls around."

"Trouble..." Van was concerned for the safety for the Sindar and Moria lands. "We're gonna have to lighten the load here."

"What do you mean, 'lighten the load?'"

"Some of the crew members are gonna have to stay put here so there won't be any retaliation from the House of Feanor."

"Wait!" yelled Josie as she stormed into the inn. "You can't just split up the crew like that! That's unfair!"

"Josie, the real reason to lighten the load of the crew is not to prevent a retaliation from the House of Feanor, but to protect the most vulnerable."

"'Most vulnerable?'"

"Tinuviel and Shelob are pregnant and due to the resonance waves here, their pregnancies accelerated at an alarming rate. It's best to leave them here for their safety. I'm placing Nancy and Dulkas here to tend to the civilians. There's also a slim chance that those Feanor bastards will be coming without warning."

"Van!" yelled Pavel as he ran into the inn. "We've got trouble!"

There was danger that rang true as Van saw Edoras haul in a wounded man that needed medical attention. His nightmare rang true as there was a possible retaliation brewing in plain sight. There was also some more wounded people coming in as they were coming from the wintry surroundings of the Lost Region. There was a huge retaliation going down as the rest of the Lost Region was being oppressed by the waning House of Feanor. Somehow, it was a sign of refuge as Van was also ready to defend the people that waited for their king to return here in this thawing land. He had never seen so many people coming here to Gorshin as they were seeking safety from the House of Feanor's ongoing wrath. There was also the upcoming resonance wave as it was about to aid the heroes in their darkest hour.

"This must be a taste of the House of Feanor's wrath here," said Van.

"These people came all the way from the north," said Edoras. "They even say that there's a danger coming."

"I see..."

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get those guys," said Pavel.

"I hate to break it to you, but the threat coming here won't go easy on any of us. Once again, it's up to me to help the people here. I can't abandon them this time."

"We're gonna have to step up our game face if we're gonna face off against the House of Feanor," said Edoras gravely. "According to the Hejira Brotherhood and Sezorin Sisterhood, these people came all the way from not only Cantwell, but the Triple Cities as well. The watchdogs up there show no mercy because their grip on power is slowly slipping away from their fingers as we speak."

"And they'll be coming here to bring their wrath here in Gorshin and the rest of the territorial regions where the Houses of Moria and Sindar are at risk."

"Lord Van," said Archimedes as he was listening in on the conversation. "The watchdog that governs the north is named Koverys. He's dangerous and far worse than any other watchdog that is loyal to the House of Feanor."

"I already know who he is because he's the twin brother of Viserys and he has a much more terrible fate for anyone who either crosses up in the north or leaves."

"That means he's sent in some soldiers to attack the refugees," said Edoras.

"We don't have much time because we need to prepare for the battle for the territories that we took away from the House of Feanor."

Van was both prepared and worried as he was more than likely to be going up against a looming danger that was coming towards the Sindar and Moria territories. He couldn't hold it off too much as he had no other choice but to ensure the safety to the most vulnerable here. When he left the inn, he saw Wendy and Josie standing next to a bench as they were also concerned about this ongoing threat and retaliation coming from the House of Feanor. They had to defend this part of the Lost Region as there was also the safety of the women and children to worry about as well.

"We have to get the women and children out of harm's way," said Van.

"I already know about it," said Wendy. "Van, I'm afraid for our children's safety that I can't bear to lose them."

"That's not gonna happen. We're living on borrowed time right now because of the situation of the refugees."

"Van, I know that I don't do much, but I want to fight," said Josie.

"I see what you mean because of your lineage with your two older brothers that you haven't heard of for a long time."

"I already know that Ray died fighting during the battle against the Claw six years ago. I also know that I can't do nothing while the House of Feanor tightens its fading grip on the people. I'm not only doing this for the crew and the refugees, but for my nephew, Rikiya. He's been through enough already and I can't let anyone else take back what we restored."

"Alright, you and your Armor are in."

Josie was grateful to hear that from Van as she wanted to be on the battlefield defending the south and west of the Lost Region. The sight of spring was coming at a fast pace as Van was about to go up against a new threat coming from the House of Feanor. He was prepared to shoulder the burden along as he was at the helm of being the future king of the Lost Region.


Fei-Hung was worried as he saw the soldiers from the House of Feanor being camped out in a field that was on Gorshin's doorstep. Staring at the Sindar birthmark, he was fully concerned at the burden that he was bearing as he had to do what was right for the people that lived here. Somehow, he felt more determined to stop the House of Feanor as he was about to have a slight epiphany. When he left for Gorshin's main gate, he noticed something hidden as he found a latch in the ground. Pulling it up, he decided to lift up whatever was in the ground as he pulled out a large manhole cover that revealed a passageway downward. He was eager to go down below as he climbed the ladder that was leading to the bottom below. By the time he got there, he walked towards a tomb that had the crests from both the Houses of Moria and Sindar etched into it. What was it, exactly? Was there an Armor in there or something? He had to find out as he went towards the tomb. When he touched the etching of the Sindar crest, he noticed that there was something glowing from within as he was about to find out more about it. Just as he was about to do so, he turned around as he saw Van and Ghazim standing in front of him as they were lead here the same way.

"You've come a long way, kid," said Van.

"Van..., I mean Lord Eovanuus, I've never expected you to come down here of all places," said Fei-Hung. "This place is more of a tomb here that bears my crest along with that from the House of Moria."

"Please, call me Van. Only my friends do that. As for this tomb, it's a place where the Houses of Sindar and Moria used to meet."

"Are you serious?"

"He is, but he's also right about something," said Ghazim.

"Right about what?"

"This place is a revelation that Allah had called us to in times of battle. It also appears that this meeting place once harbored something sacred in which our enemies cannot open up."

"There are memory-cloth weapons here," said Van.

"What are you talking about?" asked Fei-Hung.

"Those memory-cloth weapons are the signal to the Armors that once belonged to the Houses of Sindar and Moria. It's also a godsend that those things laid dormant from the House of Feanor's radar for so long, but there's also a sign that they can be used at our time of need. Now, can you be able to call them out, the both of you?"

Ghazim and Fei-Hung nodded as they stood in front of their respected crests that were etched in the tomb. They were ready to awaken the weapons that were intended for them as they saw Van close his eyes and felt the resonance come to him. They had never seen anything like it before as he used his channeling of the resonance as a blade. In an instant, both Ghazim and Fei-Hung saw the weapon cut at their hands as they saw blood seep from their wounds. Somehow, they had to activate the tomb in such a gruesome way, but they had no say or choice in the matter. They even noticed that Van's hand was also bleeding as he was there to guide them to what would happen next.

"The tomb of both of your houses calls for your blood to open it," said Van. "I suggest that you two get off your asses and get to work."

Without hesitation, both Ghazim and Fei-Hung placed their wounded hands on their respected crests as they felt the wall shake. It wasn't long until they saw Van place his bloodied hand onto the center of the wall as the resonance was becoming a wrecking ball. There was another sign from somewhere as the wall of the tomb cracked and shattered in front of Van and the two Castellans. With an opening revealed, all three went inside as they found themselves in a room where the memory-cloth weapons would be. The weapons themselves consisted of a scimitar and a spear as they were waiting for their masters to take them right away. By the time Ghazim and Fei-Hung grabbed their weapons, they were ready to go as they were off to fight against the looming threat that came from the north.

"That's so cool," said Fei-Hing as he was holding his new weapon.

"That is your weapon to summon the Armor that's been laying dormant for centuries," said Van.

"It appears that our Armors are waiting for us already," said Ghazim.

"Well, what are we waiting for? We have to fight for the peoples' freedom here," said Fei-Hung.


"The battle's already beginning," said Van as he drew out his sword. "We need to hurry up and get out there!"

"Wait! How do we summon our Armors?" cried Fei-Hung.

"Use your weapons properly and they will come to you."

"We'll do it," said Ghazim as he had his new weapon in his hand. "We will even follow you to the bitter end to stop the House of Feanor and their neverending winter."

With that, all three left the tomb as they climbed back up to the surface. To their shock, they saw many civilians fleeing fot their lives as the sound of gunfire filled the air. It was instant hell as they saw the soldiers emerging towards Gorshin with no mercy in their eyes. There were also enemy Armors coming towards everything and everyone as they were ready to raze Gorshin to the ground. There was a looming darkness there as Van and the two Castellans saw the watchdog from the north standing in front of his troops. He was a spitting image of his late brother, Viserys, as he wanted plenty of destruction and vengeance for his brother's death.

"You fools are in one hell of a grand party!" he cried as he cackled.

"You're Koverys, aren't you?" said Van.

"I've been given an opportunity to take back the west and the south that you took from Lord Eomer. It's such a shame that you're gonna have to die soon."

"Your keeper sure has a lot of balls in sending you to do his dirty work while he sits on his ass in that frozen throne of his."

"You keep your mouth shut, you Telfer vermin! This place is Lord Eomer's and his alone!"

"You won't get far, smart-ass, because I have a much greater weapon on hand."

Van meant business as he used his sword to summon Dann at the last minute. When he saw it fall down from space, he was eager to get on as he jumped in and took control on the battlefield. With Fei-Hung and Ghazim watching on the sidelines, they were more than likely to be joining the battle as they used their new weapons to summon something in their darkest hour. By the time they did so, they saw two Armors plunge down from space as they landed on their feet. Both Ghazim and Fei-Hung were ready to go as they were on their way into their Armors that were once made by the Houses of Moria and Sindar. With the Armors joining Van with Dann, all were ready to face the Armor Armada that was heading towards Gorshin with a vengeance along with Koverys at the helm.

Koverys, however, had an Armor of his own as he called upon it when it hit the ground. It was something that was similar to the House of Feanor's other Armors, but it was far more different. He was willing to strike down his enemies as he used his Armor to attack Dann directly. Van was no match for Koverys and his Armor as he was trying to get out of the way. It was fast, but it was aiming towards the future king of the Lost Region without pity or remorse. The merciless melee continued on until Fei-Hung stepped in with his Armor. The machine itself was flexible as it was using its spear to jab into Koverys' Armor like a shisk kebab. Ghazim's Armor came in second as it used its scimitar to slice its opponent in half.

Getting out at the last minute, Koverys was aiming for cover until he was facing Josie in her Armor out on the battlefield. He was aware that a simple Armor that was made by man could never surpass the ones that were created by the House of Telfer years ago. With the rest of the Armada coming towards Josie and Cupcake. She was simply biding her time as she was destroying some of the Armors that were coming towards Gorshin directly. Even though she was outnumbered, she wasn't about to throw in the towel just yet. It wasn't long until Van and the rest joined up and finished off the rest of the Armor Armada that was heading towards Gorshin as it was a major victory that was ready to be etched into the history books.

With Koverys fleeing from the battlefield the fight was over for now as the snow was melting a little quicker. The Lost Region was slowly melting away, for the House of Feanor would be surrounded by such omens that would enrage even Eomer himself...


Eomer was at his throne as he was furious at the defeat that was at the hands of Van and his friends. He wanted to challenge him directly, but he had to wait until he had the right moment to do so. It wasn't long until he saw Eothain enter into the throne room as he had his chainsaw in his hands. He didn't want any company from the latter as he saw him rev his chainsaw up just for show. The sound of it had unnerved him as he wanted to use it on Eothain and cut his head off. Still, he had to wait it out as he was still grasping at the Quenya and Tolkien territories that were still uneer Feanor control.

"What's eating you, Lord Eomer?" asked Eothain as he put down his chainsaw.

"Eovanuus has discovered the two Armors that belonged to the Houses of Moria and Sindar," he answered with a tone or rage in his voice. "I'll find and kill them all if it's the last thing I'll ever do before I fall under the mighty spring."

"Before you go into any more details, there's also the matter with Koverys. What do you want me to do with him? Throw him around? Bash him? ...Or maybe..." Eothain began to cackle wildly as he picked up his chainsaw and revved it up again. "...decapitate him?"

"Do what you wish of him. I care not."

Eomer saw Eothain leave as he continued to stare at the omens that were creeping everywhere in Telfer Keep. The trees that were once cut down still grew as the sign of spring was coming here in droves. He wanted it all gone, but he had to contend with the trouble that was sprouting all over his frozen terrain. The omens themselves were a burden to him as he wanted them out of the way in Telfer Keep. Still, he was fixated on eliminating Van, for he was the future king of the Lost Region after all...

"I'll find you..., Eovanuus, and this time, I'll bury you!" he roared as his voice echoed in the hall.


Van, Fei-Hung, and Ghazim watched their Armors return back into space as they were exhausted from their battle. It was such a great victory that they even noticed that some of the refugees were coming out of Gorshin's gates to greet them in droves. It was a great battle that ended in victory as Van and the others were hauled back into the city where the rest of the crew were waiting for them in a party of great proportions. It wasn't long until Van later saw Wendy run towards him as he was ready to hold her in his arms. He was grateful that she was safe along with the twins as he was happy to win the battle that nearly attempted to destroy Gorshin.

"I'm so glad that you're alright," said Wendy.

"Same here," answered Van. "Still, we may have staved off the Armada from this town, but we still have to go forth to the Quenya and Tolkien territories to liberate them as well."

"I also heard that we're downsizing the crew. Is that true?"

"Edoras and the others will watch over the west and south. They'll be fine, but we still have to contend with the rest of the House of Feanor as well."

"Come on, you're exhausted and you need more than just a victory to savor."

Van followed Wendy back into further parts of the city as they were on their way towards a familiar place. It was the beach as they were staring at the shore. The ocean waves were crashing near the sand as they were in droves. To Van's suspicion, the waves were an omen in which there was something else happening. Traces of resonance were in the ocean as it was something that Van didn't ignore. He was aware that the House of Feanor was losing power, for the day of restoring the Lost Region to its former glory had to go slowly one step at a time.

"There's still more work to do," he said.

"The people here have stepping into spring the moment we first crossed into its borders," said Wendy. "Also, it's been six years today when we first met."

"It was back in Evergreen, wasn't it? Time sure does fly, but you're far away from home."

"Van, we've gotten this far, but what if the House of Feanor retaliates?"

"They won't retaliate. The masters here in the west and south had been overrun by the surviving descendants from the Houses of Sindar and Moria. Besides, Ghazim and Fei-Hung have their own Armors with them. Sooner or later, we would all leave Gorshin for Quenya territory. It'll be a while before we all get there, but we're gonna have to lighten the load if we're gonna continue."

"What do you mean, 'lighten the load?'"

"Tinuviel and Shelob are pregnant, but their spouses won't leave them like that, so there would be no choice but to protect the west and the south. Edoras and the others are most likely to be debating on who's going and staying on this journey in the Lost Region."

"I see..."

Van was aware of the risk of lightening the load of the crew. It was a move that had to be approved before doing anything as the mission to overthrow the House of Feanor was still in motion. The future of the Lost Region was hanging in the balance as there would also be risks and reasons to restore such a wintry place back to its spring roots. There was the spring resurrection to think about, for it would be in the favor of the future king and queen of this place...


Edoras was busy checking on some patients as he was busy as usual. He didn't want the very thought of separating the crew of his airship get to him as he also had to protect the Lost Region like the rest of everyone. After spending his day with the patients, he was ready to take a break until he saw Van enter into the building where the patients were staying at. He had never expected him to show up in this infirmary as he was about to tell him the concerning news that would worry him to the extreme.

"I take it that we're splitting up the load on the airship," said Edoras.

"The West and South would be vulnerable for attacks if we all hightailed it," said Van.

"Van..., I know that you're gonna leave Dulkas and Nancy behind, but I'm also opting for letting them tag along. Priscilla and I can man the forts until you get back. I'm telling you this because you're gonna need some physicians on the journey to the Quenya and Sindar territories. They're still under Feanor control, but those terrains are also dangerous."

"Fine, then... I'll let them come along. The Sezorin Sisterhood and the Hejira Brotherhood are most likely to tag along on different intervals as well."

"Carmen 99's a member of the Sezorin Sisterhood and don't forget about that. She's been with you before and will be with you again to stop the House of Feanor. We all have a stake into restoring the Lost Region to its original glory, but you can't just go and enter in half-cocked. It's a group effort and I'm giving you a crew to enter into where you need to go."

"What crew?"

"This crew," said a familiar face as she was standing at the entrance of the infirmary.

Van turned around as he saw Rhaenys appearing out of nowhere. He had never expected her to show up out of the blue like that since she whisked him and his family to Missoghi. Still, she was there for Van and his family as she was ready to continue the journey towards Telfer Keep. There was still hope for the Lost Region as it had more assistance than it did in the past, for the time of the House of Feanor's frozen reign was about to come to an end sooner or later.

"It's been a while, Rhaenys," said Van.

"Your friends from Missoghi have contacted me at the last minute," she said.

"Well, it's sheer luck that I've got help on my side."

"Edoras told me about your next injunction into Quenya Territory, but there's still an influx of Feanor loyalists that still support Eomer and his cronies."

"Well, if I'm ready to go ahead, I'm gonna need some backup."

Van was ready to select the help that would be needed to go to the Triple Cities, where he would soon free them from the House of Feanor's icy grip. Still, he had a long way to go, but he also had to look after Wendy and the twins as well. With the extra support from Rhaenys, Van was also shocked to see that Nancy and Dulkas were there as well when they were about to take off with them. Even Ithilien and Marta were there as they couldn't let Van out of their sight, for the battle against the House of Feanor would soon become a huge battlefield in the middle of Telfer Keep. By the time that Ghazim, Undomiel, and Fei-Hung stepped in, they were also on hand to join the battle as the assembly of this rag-tag team of heroes would soon turn the tide in this battle between good and evil. Last, but not least, there was Kalanen, Guthrie, and Guofeng on hand as they were ready to be with the future king, who would stop at nothing to put Eomer in his place.

"So, shall we get going?" said Van.

"Wait! Aren't you forgetting something?!" cried Pavel as he was huffing towards the crew.

"Alright, you can go!"

To be continued...