Sif the Dragonborn

Summary: On her way home back to Whiterun after almost being killed, Sif meets Aela. A woman she finds herself incredibly drawn too but Sif's older brother doesn't want Sif near the Companions. After learning she's Dragonborn, she's hoping everything will change. Yuri/Femslash/Lesbian

Disclaimer: Skyrim does not belong to me. Sif, her brother Sifkni (who will go by Kni and yes Sifkni is a boy's name), Astrid, Fraki (Sifkni and Sif's father), Rostei (Sifkni and Sif's mother), and Viguri (Sifkni and Sif's baby brother) belong to me. However the whole Dragonborn stuff and anything related from Skyrim doesn't belong to me, that belongs to…well crap I can't remember who but it's not me.

NOTE: Sif isn't one race in this, she's half Nord and half Imperial cause I mean I don't see why who different races couldn't get married…hell somewhere down the line Sif will marry Aela who is a nord-werewolf lol.

Warning: Will have swears, gore (if I can actually write some detailed stuff lol), and lesbian stuff.

Don't like Lesbian stuff? Then leave now…

Chapter 5 - I have no idea what to name this chapter

"What is wrong with you?!" shouted one of the Companions at Sif who was pissed off at something at the moment and almost gutted someone.

"There's a lot wrong with me!" snapped Sif in return before growling a little bit.

"I swear you're not even a werewolf and you growl a lot." sighed Skjor making Sif glare at him. "What's your issue?"

Sif sighed heavily and put her hands on her hips. "Aela's been…flirting with some people."

"Really? You're acting like this all because she's been flirting with people?"

"We went on a date."

"And it's been nearly two months since that date. Hell, you don't even sleep in her room anymore with that…thing."

"Raan is not a thing. He's a Sabre cat."

"He's a thing."

"He's a sabre cat." she growled.

"He's a thing that destroyed my pillows."

"He's a cub who wants to play."

"He's still a thing." stated Skjor heading inside, the sabre cat cub rising it's head to look at him as he passed him. Raan was sleeping outside while Sif did what she had to do.

"I swore she said she loved me!" snapped the young girl.

"I seriously doubt that Aela said that!" shouted the older man making Sif sigh heavily.

"Yeah…" was all that came out of her mouth as she sheathed her sword and walked over to Raan. She sat on the ground beside him and groaned while burying her face in her arms. "She said she loved me." He let out a small roar as he yawned making Sif look at him. "But did she say it because she thought I was dead?"

"Well…" said a voice making Sif tilt her head back to see Farkas standing there. "…she could love you but she's afraid to love. Maybe incase you were to die or something. She doesn't want to risk the heart ache."

"But if she loved me, she would still be risking the heartache."

"True but not as much heartache as she would if she married you or something."

"Marriage…" muttered Sif playing with the amulet of Mara as it continued to hang around her neck. "Aela admitted she loved me and she's been keeping her distance since the night we slept in the same bed together. Now she wonders why I've been having random outbursts when she's flirting with someone!"

"Aela flirting?" questioned Farkas while raising an eyebrow. "Are you sure it's Aela? I've never once seen her flirt with anyone. She's probably doing it for some mission or something that or to see how angry you get."

"Yeah." scoffed Sif standing up and grabbing her bag while whistling sharply making Raan stand up and follow her. "I'll be back before nightfall. If not…you'll probably want to come find me cause I might be injured and nearly dead."

"Well…she became a pessimist pretty quickly." sighed the male Companion before turning as he heard Skjor and Aela arguing in the main room…that was nothing new but least he could talk to her about Sif.

He walked inside to see Aela with her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at the older Companion. "The child has been…"

"Sif is fine!" snapped Aela.

"Sif is not fine." stated Farkas making Aela look at him. "Sif is anything BUT fine. She's been having random outbursts of anger. She nearly gutted a fellow Companion during sparring this morning. Someone has been pissing her off when flirting with others."

"I haven't…I…only one time! And I wanted the asshole to know what it felt like when talked down to like a piece of meat!"

"Well she witnessed that and now is completely depressed and angry." sighed Skjor.

"Where has she gone?" asked the Huntress.

"She said she'd be back by nightfall and that if she wasn't then to come looking for her because she'll probably be nearly dead. Plus you've been avoiding her since you two slept in the same room together."

"I…" Aela opened her mouth a few more times trying to figure out what to say to that. "…I have my reasons."

"Do you love her?" asked Skjor.

"What does that matter?" questioned the red haired woman.


"Fine! I'll go find her!" she shouted before running off.

Sif kicked a rock as she walked down a path. She heard a roar making her grab the hilt of her sword before crouching down. The Dragon flew over her but it obviously didn't see her because it continued it's path to where ever it was going, it didn't turn around and come at her. She looked at Raan who had crouched down himself while growling at the large creature.

"It's fine." whispered Sif. "It didn't see us." Raan looked at her making Sif rub his head with a smile on her face. "Good boy. We don't start fights with Dragons when we're not in the mood to fight. We hide and wait to see what it does."

The two continued their walk through a field when Sif sat down against a tree with Raan laying on her lap. "You know what I would like?" he looked at her as she scratched between his ears. "I would like to buy a house and work on it. Make it bigger and marry someone….marry Aela." He whined and tilted his head into her hand making her smile.

"I know there are some houses that are for sale. As long as the dragons didn't burn them down but I could make them bigger by adding wings." She leaned back against the tree and looked back the way she came only to see a fiery mane of red hair making her sigh.

Aela could track anything or anyone cause of her heightened sense of smell. She loved the fact she didn't have to be in her werewolf form to have some of her abilities like hearing or smell. She tracked Sif by her scent before finally seeing the girl laying against a tree. Automatically she got worried thinking she was wound and she ran towards her.

"Are you hurt?!" she asked once reaching her.

"No. I'm resting." snapped the girl rubbing Raan's head still. "I mean is that okay?"

"Farkas and Skjor said you nearly gutted someone."

"It was an accident. I lost my temper."

"Is it cause of you seeing me flirt with the guy cause I swear I was doing it back to him so he knew how it felt to be talked to like a piece of meat." stated the Huntress but she just saw Sif raise an eyebrow before looking down at Raan. "You don't believe me."

"You said I love you."

"I…know." slowly answered the red haired woman.

"Did you just say it cause you thought I was dead?" snapped the Dragonborn.

Aela loved her but she didn't want Sif to die and feel the heartbreak of loosing the girl. "…yes." lied the woman but Sif didn't know that.

"I figured." scoffed the girl standing up and making Raan go after her.

"Where are you going?!"

"Does it matter?!"

"Yes as your fellow Companion I…"

"SHUT UP!" she screamed making Aela seem taken back before the girl broke out into a sprint with the cub following her.

'Chase after her you dumb ass!' thought the older woman. 'She's a Dragonborn. She can take care of herself…no she's upset go after her before she does something she'll regret.'

Sif wasn't sure how long she had been running but by the time she reached Riften. Hell she didn't even know where she was until she came to a stop once hearing a Dragon roar. She looked up to see the same Dragon from earlier but the men that guarded the doors asking for a tax fee cowered in fear where Sif just stared at the Dragon as Raan came to a stop behind her. The one good thing was the men remembered those who paid a tax so Sif didn't have to pay another tax to get into Riften.

She picked Raan up and held him in her arms as she walked towards the inn when a body bumped into her. "Oh. Sorry…" said a voice making her look to see Mjoll the Lioness. "Sif. You're back in Riften."

"Uh…yeah." she answered.

"And you have a pet?" she asked looking at the cub.

Sif looked at Raan who was looking at Mjoll. "Yeah. His name is Raan. He's a sabre cat cub that I saved."

"He's adorable." smiled the nord rubbing at Raan's head which caused him to start purring. "Just like you." she lifted Sif's face up making the girl start blushing as she stared at the nord. "I got some extra coin if you're up for doing something with me."

"Which would be?"

"I have to head to Dawnstar to handle a thief problem. We'd take a carriage there but we'd be staying there fore a few days. If you don't mind."

"Nope I don't mind it's just I don't…" she looked down at herself to see she was just wearing her leather tunic and some cotton pants. "Fuck."

"I got extra chest armor, boots, and braces."

"Okay. I can do that. What about Raan?"

"Well he could either come or Aerin can watch Raan for you. Only thing you have to worry about is Maven Black-Briar seeing him."

"Maven Black-Briar?" questioned the Dragonborn.

"Mm-hm. Her." Mjoll pointed towards a black haired Nord who looked like she could kill a bear just by staring at it.

"Well…someone looks like a bitch!" shouted Sif loud enough for Maven to hear making Mjoll smack a hand over Sif's mouth as the Matriarch of the Black-Briar family looked at them.

"Sif!" hissed the blonde Nord.

"Scared of the black haired nord?" smirked the black haired Nord/Imperial.

"Sif she has a lot of pull and influence in Riften. She could have me kicked out." whispered Mjoll.

"I think I'll bring Raan. He's good at staying by my side." she stated.

Sif was standing in the Bee and Bard inn strapping on the chest armor as Maven walked in. She leaned over and slipped the boots before muttering to herself. "I've never seen you before." said the woman making Sif look at her. She just raised both eyebrows before grabbing the braces off the table and slipping them on. "You know it's rude not to talk to me. Especially me."

"Yes whatever you say Lady Black-Briar." stated the 19 year old tightening a strap on her brace.

"Who are you?"

"Dovakiin Sif."

"Dovakiin?" chuckled Maven. "Nice try kid. From what I've heard the Dovakiin is a rather muscular woman."

"Muscular…I am not muscular! Most muscles that I have are my arms." she said flexing making Maven start laughing.

"You are not the Dovakiin."

"Fus!" shouted Sif which made the force actually make Maven stumble backwards. "Hehe. Do-va-kiin." Maven just stared at Sif with large eyes that read what Sif just did shocked the shit out of her. "I could do the remaining two words with it if you wish Lady Black-Briar. Although I fear that the remaining two words would send you flying backwards and ruin the inside of this inn."

"How dare you." snapped the Matriarch of the Black-Briar family. "You dare attack me!" That made Sif start laughing and she looked at Maven.

"You doubted me." she stated as Maven raised her hand to smack her. "Oh you do that. I am Shield Sister for the Companions. My Shield Sisters and Shield Brothers could slaughter your little Thieves Guild who work for you rich ass." Maven glared at her making Sif finish the last strap before putting her hands on her hips.

"Sif are you…" Mjoll stopped as she saw Maven with her hand raised as she was about ready to smack Sif.

"I with use my Thu'um on you so hard you'll end up at High Hrothgar!" snapped the 19 year old getting Maven's face. "I am not some little child you can just push around. That you can intimidate all because you're some bitch with influence in Riften."

"I will tell the Jarl." snarled Maven.

"And I bet you anything I could make Jarl Laila Law-Giver do my bidding because I will give her the most intense orgasms in her life." smirked the Dragonborn. What made her feel more pleased with herself was the blush she saw form on the older woman's face. "Look you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours."

"…deal." muttered the woman backing off.

"And that is how you handle someone like her." giggled Sif as she walked by Mjoll who was holding Raan in her arms. "Come along Lioness!"

Sif was sitting in the horse drawn carriage with Mjoll and a few other people who were heading either to the same place or somewhere else. Her amber colored eyes staring at the sky as Raan sat on her lap cleaning his paw. Mjoll was talking to the soldier beside her about if a group of bandits attacked them but that wasn't what Sif was worried about. She narrowed her eyes as she heard a distant roar which caused her to sit straight up.

"Sif?" asked Mjoll. She saw Sif twisting and turning to look around them. "Sif?"


"You okay?"


"Why?" asked the man beside Mjoll.

The roar got louder and a dragon flew over them. Sif noticed it turned itself. "That's why." she answered as the dragon flew at them and roared.

"Make the horse go faster!" shouted the soldier beside Mjoll.

"Nope. He won't go faster…the horse is going as fast as it can!" shouted Sif pulling her sword out and leaping off the carriage.

"SIF!" shouted Mjoll as Sif whistled making the dragon look at her. "Gods!" she leaped out of the carriage and gave chase while Raan went after her. "Sif what are you doing?!"

"Uh…my job!" she shouted picking a rock up and throwing it at the dragon making it hit it's face and it roared at her. "Come on…" it flew down at her making Sif inhale deeply as Mjoll grabbed her arm to pull her out of the way. "Fus Ro Dah!" The force actually caused the dragon to nearly fall down. "Mjoll just go!"

"No I can help take it down." snapped the blonde.

"Ah!" she shouted as the dragon tried to grab her but she leapt backwards. "I'm Dovakiin!"

"I…" Mjoll stopped as she heard those words come out of Sif's mouth. How could she forget that Sif was Dragonborn? After all she told her the first day they met one another. The dragon went at the blonde Nord making Sif break into a run and tackle her out of the way.

The two rolled down the hill that was beside the road and Sif landed on top of Mjoll making the two groan at the impact the two felt. Raan ran towards them and Sif caught him. She put him up on a tree branch and ordered him to stay before scrambling back up the hill to see the dragon sitting in the middle of the road staring at her.

"Hello there big boy." she whispered making it growl as it stared at her. She watched it's mouth open and fire start forming making her eyes narrow. "Fo Krah Diin!" Ice and snow came out of her mouth as the dragon threw fire at her.

Mjoll reached the hill to see what Sif was doing when the dragon spun around and slammed it's tail into her making her fall down. She rolled out of the way as it breathed fire at her making her jump up onto her feet. She saw Mjoll run at the dragon making it turn to her and the blonde skid to a stop as the dragon growled at her. Sif picked herself up and leaped onto it's back before running up it's back.

She spun the sword around in her hand before stabbing it directly behind the head and twisting it. The dragon fell limp and slammed onto the ground with Sif still on it's back. Mjoll watched as the dragon's skin started burning away and it's soul wrapped around Sif before disappearing and the girl stood up pulling her sword out of it. "Never fought a dragon before?" questioned the girl landing on the ground as the dragon was nothing but a skeleton now. She whistled making Raan come running to her and leap.

"No. I've never even been that close to a dragon. Seeing one fly over Riften now and then is okay but…" sighed the blonde making Sif chuckle as Raan perched on her shoulder the best he could as she pulled a cloth out to clean her blade. "Getting to Dawnstar on foot will take about six hours. Night fall will be in three…it's not safe."

"Then come on. We'll walk until sunset and find a place to rest for the night. I'll hunt on the way too." she stated.

"You have a bow?"

"Yeah it's…" she paused. "Ah fuck it's at Jorrvaskr."

Mjoll saw Sif was a little upset making her chuckle. "If you promise to take care of it I'll let you use mine." she stated touching the top bit of her bow.

"I can make that promise."

By the time sunset came around the two managed to find an abandoned house in the woods. Sif also managed to hunt down three rabbits for dinner. Mjoll was at the house as Sif was getting some river water for the two of them to drink since the water looked relatively clean she believed it was safe to drink. She walked back to the house and pushed it open to see Mjoll poking the fire that was rested under the spit she would put the rabbit on.

"Oh you got the fire ready?"

"It gets rather chilly in this area at night. There are no blankets aside from the furs I packed so I figured a fire would be good. Plus you are cooking us dinner." smiled the blonde making Sif chuckle before going to get to work at skinning and gutting the rabbits.

One whole rabbit went to Raan while Sif and Mjoll shared the other too. Eventually Sif fell asleep with her head on the Nord's lap but it was usual for her to be tired after a fight with a dragon. Mjoll gently laid her down and pulled the large fur pelt out of her bag before covering up the young girl. When sun rise came the Nord found it was hard to wake the girl up.

"Sif come on…wake up."

"No…" groaned the 19 year old. "…ten more minutes Aela."

'I'm not Aela."

"Oh…" Sif tilted her head and saw Mjoll. "Five more minutes."

"No. Up!" she grabbed Sif around the waist and lifted her off the ground which made Sif start laughing.

"Mjoll! Put me down!" she squealed.

"Nope! Not unless you get up!" laughed Mjoll making Sif nod frantically. She set Sif on her feet and saw the girl smiling at her which just smile her kiss her forehead.

"Mm…we need to go." muttered the younger girl.

They packed up what they had and left the abandoned house they stayed in. The walk to Dawnstar took a little but longer than Mjoll thought. It took about four to five hours of walking but they managed to get there safe and sound. Raan was running around and playing with the snow making the 19 year old laugh as Mjoll went to get them a room for two nights. Sif dumped snow on Raan making him freak out and run in a circle trying to get it off.

"Figures he'd like snow." stated the Lioness behind Sif making her look.

"I found him just outside Dawnstar."

"Ah so he is a snow sabre cat. Explains his white coat."

"Mm…did you get the room?" questioned Sif standing up while picking the damp cub up.

"Yes I have. It's one bed but it's big enough to fit us both if you don't mind sharing."

"I don't mind."

The two women had left several hours later, leaving Raan in rented room and paid the bard to keep an eye on him. Mjoll was laying on her stomach in the snow while looking at the house that the supposed thief lived in. "Are you sure you don't want me to go down and act like I'm lost?" question Sif.

"I don't want him trying to kill you to get your things." she stated moving hair out of her face. She laid her bow and a couple of arrows in front of Sif before standing up. "Just keep watch."

"Fine." whispered the black haired Nord/Imperial taking the bow and notching an arrow as she pushed her body up to sit on one bent knee.

She watched as Mjoll slid down the hill and quietly moved around to the front door of the house. Sif drew the arrow back as she watched as the blonde woman kicked the door open to get the thief but then she watched as the man hit Mjoll in the face with a pan he had in his hand before grabbing her sword. Sif watched as the man tried to run but Mjoll kept her grip on the strap connected to her sword's sheath. He turned and kicked her in the face making her recoil and actually let go but he didn't get far before Sif released the arrow which lodged itself deep into his right hip.

Sif grabbed the last two remaining arrows before going down the hill. He grabbed Mjoll and yanked her up in front of him with his dagger pressed to her throat as Sif notched an arrow and drew it back.

"You bitch. You shot me."

"You kicked her." snapped the 19 year old.

"I'll do more than kick her for your stupid little stunt." he growled as he pressed the tip of the dagger against Mjoll's neck. The sharp tip actually drawing blood making the girl falter a bit. "Now give me everything you have on you and maybe I'll let the both of you two live."

"Sif." whispered the blonde making the black haired girl look at her. 'Fus' Mjoll mouthed making Sif narrow her eyes.

'Ro?' mouthed Sif making Mjoll nod.

"Fus Ro!" the shout came out of the young girl's mouth making the man and Mjoll stagger but the man's dagger actually cut the blonde's neck more. Sif then released the arrow making it lodge into his shoulder before she quickly notched the remaining arrow and fired it.

Mjoll saw the arrow lodge itself into the man's throat before his body hit the ground with a thump. "Sif?"

"I killed him…"


"I killed him." squeaked Sif realizing what she did. "I didn't mean…"

"We get the payment whether he's dead or alive." stated Mjoll standing up with her hand clasped over the bleeding wound on her throat.

"I know but…" she saw Sif looking at her with wide eyes. "Oh Mara!" She moved Mjoll's hand to see the bleeding wound. "I'm sorry I didn't…"

"Stop." whispered the blonde taking Sif's chin in her hand and looked at her. "He could've killed me. You protected me."

Sif stared into the Nord's eyes before leaning close and pressed her lips against Mjoll's for a few seconds before pulling away. She didn't mean to do that. She loved Aela but she had a feeling if she didn't end up with Aela she'd probably end up with Mjoll. "Sorry. I…"

"You love Aela don't you?"

"…I do…"


"But I don't think she loves me back." whispered Sif. "She told me a while ago that she did but when I asked her about it yesterday she said she only said it cause she thought I was dead when she finally found me."

Mjoll smiled as she looked at the 19 year old. "Never doubt a woman's love. She may love you."

"But she's afraid I'll die?"

"Someone has told you this before?"

"Yeah." she stated before kissing Mjoll again. This kiss lasting longer than the last one. Mjoll laced a hand in Sif's hair as their kiss started to deepen but they froze as they heard a howl off in the distance making the two look.

"Come on. Lets get back to the inn." stated Mjoll.

Silver eyes narrowed in annoyance as they watched Sif grab Mjoll's arm and go back up the hill towards Dawnstar with her. The werewolf growled before running off into the woods. When returning to the inn Mjoll went to their room while Sif bought a bottle of healing potion. She closed the door behind herself and sat down on the bed beside the blonde nord. She took a piece of cloth she had bought as well and poured some of the potion onto it.

She tilted Mjoll's head up and ran the potion across the cut the thief had caused. After a few moments she watched as the potion did it's job and the cut healed making Sif smile. "All better."

"You had some pretty nice aim back there."

"Aela taught me." whispered Sif.

"Mm…" hummed the older woman before smiling at her.

Sif liked Mjoll. Not as much as she liked Aela but she did like her. Mjoll was a strong woman and was just as beautiful. She pressed their lips together making an arm hook around her waist and pull her close.

"One time thing." whispered Mjoll. "Unless you are told by Aela that you two will never be together."

"I can deal with that." whispered the young Dragonborn.

"What about Raan?"

"He's sleeping and I doubt he'll do anything." muttered Sif pulling her armor off. She dropped it onto the ground with a thump before kissing the Lioness while pulling at the older woman's armor.

After undressing themselves Mjoll pinned Sif to the bed with a grin on her face before kissing her and putting her knee between the girl's legs. The young girl inhaled sharply as she felt the woman's knee rubbing against her most intimate place. She bent her own leg up and pressed her knee to Mjoll's spot as well. The Lioness moaned as she took the girl's breasts in her hands and massaged them.

The girl's nipples hardening in the older woman's hands. Sif could feel the calluses on Mjoll's hands that were probably caused from sword fighting but to her they felt nice on her soft skin. Sif's hips buckled a bit as Mjoll rubbed her knee a bit harder against her wetness making the girl release a moan from her throat. "Mm…" whimpered Sif making Mjoll chuckle.

"Someone's wet."

"S-So are you."

Sif pulled Mjoll's upper body down so she could take one of her nipples into her mouth which caused the woman to growl in the back of her throat as Sif moved her knee between her legs. The 19 year old could already feel herself close to reaching her climax and it was hard to believe but then again she never really had sex before.

"Damn it kid." purred the blonde as she felt Sif's tongue flick at her nipple. She then smacked Sif's knee out from between her own legs and pressed her sex against Sif's which caused the younger girl to gasp at the feeling. "I can't keep moving my knee! Just grind your hips into mine."

"I've never…" she felt Mjoll grind her sex against her own which caused the rest of her sentence to be stuck in her throat. Sif had never felt something so pleasing before in her life and she fucking loved it!

"Mm!" was all that came out of the Nord's mouth as they both continued to grind against one another and get wetter.

"M-Mjoll…" whispered Sif as she pushed herself onto her elbows. She arched her hips up a bit which caused the motion to cause both women to gasp. "I'm…"

"Me too."

Mjoll kind of slumped down with her forehead on Sif's shoulder before both of them seized up against one another as they reached their climax. The Dragonborn fell onto her back with the Lioness directly on top of her panting and her head resting on the girl's breasts.

"Wow…" was all the 19 year old could say making Mjoll chuckle and sit up.

She opened her mouth to say something but then she noticed that Sif had fallen asleep in those short seconds between her speaking and Mjoll sitting up. "Guess you're not used to sex yet." whispered the blonde pushing hair out of Sif's face. She leaned down and kissed the girl's forehead before laying down beside her with an arm securely around the young girl's waist.

Mjoll fell asleep shortly after settling down on the bed beside Sif but she was awoken probably three or four hours later. She looked and saw Sif had rolled onto her side to face her but her expression looked as though she was in distress. "Aela…" whined the girl making Mjoll wrap her arm around the girl to pull her close.

"It's okay sweetie." she kissed her forehead before Sif buried her face in Mjoll's neck.

Several hours passed before Sif's eyes snapped open as a loud howling was heard through out the inn. She looked around with a panicked expression on her face. She remembered just then that Aela was a werewolf…what if that was the howling from the woods when she kissed Mjoll. "Mjoll…"

"Hm…" hummed the blonde resting her chin on Sif's head.

"I wanna go home." she stated making Mjoll open her eyes and look at her.

"Are you okay?"

"I wanna go home…now."


"Please." whispered Sif pushing herself up and rubbing at her eyes.

"Okay. Get dressed and get some food while I go get the payment from one of the Jarl's guards." she stated standing up from the bed while grabbing her armor to get redressed.

"Okay." she nodded before looking at Raan who was looking around after hearing the howling. "You're not scared?" Raan looked at her before blinking slowly. Oh Mara…if Raan wasn't scared than it had to be Aela.

She bought some food from the inn owner before leaving with Raan at her side as Mjoll was walking towards the door. "Here…" she dropped 100 gold into Sif's hand. "…it was two hundred so we both get half."

"Thanks." smiled Sif putting it into her coin purse before tucking it back into clothing when she heard the howl again.


"Something's not right." she whispered before running from Mjoll.

"SIF!" she ran after her as Sif took off out of Dawnstar and sprinted down the road as she heard more howling when a werewolf leaped out and nearly tackled Sif down.

Mjoll pulled her sword out as she saw the werewolf growling at Sif. The black haired girl looked at the werewolf's eyes but they weren't Aela's. They were almost a silvery shade of blue. "Farkas." she whispered making the Werewolf stop growling. "Farkas what's wrong?"

"Sif get away from…" Mjoll went to grab the Dragonborn but the werewolf growled at her.

"Ah! Farkas!" she grabbed Farkas by his muzzle and forced him to look at her. "What's wrong?!" The Nord watched as the werewolf turned into a human male who was standing there panting as Sif stared at him. "Far…"

"Aela's been captured by the Silver Hand."

"…what?" asked the 19 year old as fear filled her eyes. "Those werewolf hunters?!"

"She was caught of guard last night. I saw her being taken…"

"Mjoll I need you to go home. Farkas take her home!" ordered Sif.

"Sif you can't go alone!" said both the male and female Nord making Sif look at them.

"Who said anything about going alone?" she asked making them look at her. "Od Ah Viing!"

The other two looked at each other with confusion when they heard a roar. They turned to see a dragon flying towards them when it landed on the ground with a loud thump. "Sif?"

"Call Dragon Thu'um." she stated walking to it and rubbing the dragon's face. "He will work with me until I no longer need him."

"Sif…the Silver Hand are dangerous." stated Farkas.

"Then get Mjoll back to Riften and get back to the hideout." she stated rubbing up the dragon's wing and sitting on the back of it's neck. Raan leaped up into Sif's arms making her catch him and secure him between her legs.

She saw Mjoll looking at her making her smile at her. "Sif I don't like you going with the dragon."

"I'll be fine." she stated before nudging the dragon with her foot making it flap it's wings and raise off the ground. "I'm Dovakiin!"

"But you're still mortal." whispered the Nord woman as the dragon flew off.

Aela was growling as she was being dragged out of her cell. She kicked one guy in the balls before running from him but she didn't get far before she was tackled by another. They were suppose to bring her outside to the leader for an execution but she was giving them hell. She clawed at the ground as the guy grabbed her around the waist and dragged her towards the exit.

She felt the chill of the winter air as she was pulled out of the hideout and another guy grabbed her to help his friend. She was forced onto her knees as the leader walked up to her. "Any last words before I kill you?" he asked when Aela went at him but was held back. "Not very nice."

"Bastard!" snapped the red head.

The man smirked at her and pressed his sword to her throat when everyone heard a roar. People gasped as a dragon grabbed the leader in it's mouth as it landed on the ground with a thump. "Dragon!" shouted a Silver Hand.

"Fus Ro Dah!" shouted a voice which sent the men holding Aela flying backwards into the walls of the hideout.

"And Dovakiin!" shouted the 19 year old leaping off the dragon. She pulled her sword out and held it in her hand as a Silver Hand ran at her but she slit his throat before he could even draw his blade.

"SIF!" shouted Aela seeing archers aiming at her. She tackled Sif down under the dragon making the arrows strike the beast. It roared and went after the archers.

"Get off me!" snapped Sif shoving the Huntress off her before running after the dragon. She leaped onto it's back before leaping off and stabbing an archer through the stomach with her sword. She dodged an arrow that was fired at her before she grabbed the woman's head and turned it sharply until she heard a satisfying crack.

Raan ran to Aela and nudged her arm making her pick the cub up in her arms. Sif grabbed a bow and a quiver of arrows as Aela ran to get in cover as other archers came out from the tower above the hide out. Sif notched an arrow and released it only to see the arrow lodge itself in a man's head. Aela fell down behind some barrels holding the cub to her chest as she heard the Silver Hand shouting orders as both the Dragonborn and dragon killed them.

Sif leaped off the walk way she was on and landed on the back of the dragon before stepping down. "Aela!" she shouted running to were Aela was hiding. She fell down behind the barrels and smiled at her. "Hello."

"Silver Hand?"

"The dragon just killed the last one." she whispered making Aela exhale heavily when she saw the dragon looking at them. Sif stood up and rubbed it's face before smiling. "You can go now." It raised off the ground and flew towards the mountains.

"You can call a dragon?"

"Yeah. The Greybeards taught me some shouts while I was up there. That one was one of them. First time I used it though."

"You smell like her." stated Aela making the 19 year old look at her.


"That Nord…you smell like her."


"I saw you two."

"Aela I…" she paused as she saw the Huntress rubbing Raan's head. "…it's complicated."

Aela stood up and passed Raan to Sif. "Let me go collect my things and we can leave."

"Okay." she whispered.

Sif stood in the middle of the stronghold with several dead men and women surrounding her as Aela went into the building to get her things. Aela returned several minutes later with her bow on her back with her arrows as she sheathed her sword. "Lets go home." stated the red head heading out of the stronghold with Sif.

Raan was running a few feet a head of the two women and looked back at Sif who smiled at him. "You're mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." huffed Aela.

"Says the woman just huffed."

"I didn't h…" she stopped talking as she looked off to the side before growling a bit. "You had sex with her." Sif remained quiet. "You're not going to even deny it?!"

"Why do you care all of a sudden? You told me you said you loved me cause you thought I was dead when you found me!" snapped the 19 year old stopping.

'Just fucking tell her truth!' snapped Aela's inner voice. "She's not a Companion!"

"I can have a life if I want one! If I wanna have sex with that Nord I can have sex with her!"

"Do you love her?"


"Do. You. Love her?"


"Then why?"

"Cause if I didn't love who I loved I know I would love her." whispered the Dragonborn which caused Aela to knit her brows together.

"Who do you…"

"You know damn well who I love. Don't ask me that." snapped the young woman. That caused Aela to look the girl in the eyes before looking away.

The rest of their journey from outside of Dawnstar to Whiterun took little over six hours. Six hours of quietness aside from Sif speaking to Raan. Farkas had been waiting for them outside Whiterun and once seeing them he gave them both a hug making Sif chuckle at the sign of affection. They returned to Jorrvaskr where Vilkas thanked Sif for saving Aela and had everyone cheer for her during dinner.

Sif sat on the front steps outside of Jorrvaskr with Raan beside her. She was eating some rabbit meat she had torn off the bone. She heard a whine and looked down to see Raan looking at her making her rip a piece in half and hand it to Raan. She heard the door behind her close but paid no mind as she gave Raan half of her meat.

"I've been looking for you." said Aela's voice.


Aela sat down beside Sif as she looked at the area in front of the Companion's building. "I never thanked you."

"You're my Shield-Sister. You don't need to thank me. I know you would've done the same and you would tell me the same thing." smiled the young Companion.

"I'm sorry for being harsh on you about that Nord woman."

"Her name is Mjoll. She's just a friend."

"A really close friend." scoffed the red head making Sif look at her with annoyance. "Sorry."

"It's not going to happen again so you can chill out."


"Mjoll and I agreed it was a one time thing."

"She think you're not good enough for her?" snapped the Huntress.

"Someone was just mad at me over the fact I laid with her and here she is having mood swings."


"She knows I love someone else. That's why." answered the Dragonborn before putting some rabbit meat into her mouth.

Aela wanted to change the subject cause now she was feeling upset about the whole thing. "I saw a book on Dragon language near your bed."

"Mm-hm. Arngier, one of the Greybeards, gave it to me. I wanted to learn it so I could understand what dragons are saying to one another. It's actually pretty easy to learn."

"For a mortal with the blood and soul of a dragon yeah." stated Aela making Sif smirk.



The two sat there quietly when Aela looked at her. "Beautiful night."

"I suppose." shrugged Sif. "Never been overly fond of nighttime."


"It was the time of day my parents and younger brother were killed during." whispered Sif.

"Could you tell me about it?"

"…sure…it happened about nine years ago."

Nine years ago

It was shortly after sunset when a 10 year old Sif decided she wanted to go out in the backyard of her home to play. She was only allowed to play in the light of the torches and wasn't allowed to leave the light. It was mainly so her parents could keep an eye on her when she was outside playing. Her older brother Sifkni was inside with her younger brother Viguri who was playing a little game with Kni. She picked up a rock and looked at it when she heard a loud roar which caused her to look up.

The moon was between two peaks of the mountains and her eyes widened as she saw what looked like a dragon flying between the peaks. It roared once more making her run inside. "Mama!" cried Sif grabbing onto Rostei's dress making the Imperial woman look down at her daughter.

"Sif what's wrong?" she asked bending down. Her long black hair spilling over her shoulders as her pale yellow eyes stared into her daughters amber colored eyes.

"I saw a dragon."

"A dragon?" questioned Rostei with a raised brow.

"What's this about a dragon?" asked a male voice making the two look to see Fraki, the Nord of all three children and Rostei's husband.

"Sif claims to have seen a dragon." stated the Imperial standing up.

"A dragon?" laughed the blonde nord walking to his wife and daughter. "Sif there hasn't been dragons in Skyrim for years."

"But I saw it! It came from between the peaks of the mountain!" cried the 10 year old.

"Sweetie it was probably something else." sighed Rostei.

"You don't believe me!" both parents saw tears in their daughter's eyes causing them both to sigh. Fraki bent down to console his daughter but she ran from them and into the living room towards her 13 year old brother. He caught her in a hug as she cried into his chest.

"Sif what's wrong?" he asked sitting down with her.

"I saw a dragon. Mama and papa don't believe me." cried the little girl.

"I believe you."

"You do?"

"Of course I do." smiled Kni.

Sif opened her mouth to say something else when the same roar she heard earlier was louder than before which caused both Fraki and Rostei to tense up. Viguri had run from his older siblings to go hide from the noise he deemed as scary. Both parents ran into the main room and grabbed two of their three children before running outside to see a dragon circling above their house. "She wasn't lying!"

"Kni get Sif out of here!" ordered Rostei.


"Get her out of here!" snapped both parents.

"Viguri is still inside." said Sif making them both look towards the house.

"Go! NOW!" shouted Fraki as they both rain inside of the house and Kni picked his sister up in his arms before sprinting into the woods. They heard a loud noise causing them both to look and see the dragon had set the house on fire.

"No!" screamed Kni setting Sif down. "Stay here and do not go anywhere!" He ran from Sif as the dragon raised into the air as he sprinted towards the house which was on now burning down.

She could hear shouting from the men that lived in houses nearby their own. She heard a loud noise from behind her which caused her to turn and see the dragon standing there growling at her. She sprinted from it making it roar and go after her. One of the men saw the dragon going after Sif and ran after them as the others ran towards the burning house.

She leaped over a fallen tree and sprinted out into a field as the dragon knocked down trees to go after her. She tripped and hit the ground causing her to cry out. She backed up as the dragon walked towards her and she screamed.

"Sif!" shouted the man running into the field but before he could do anything another dragon landed over Sif and roared at the other dragon. The 10 year old's eyes widened as she saw the grey-chalk colored dragon over her protecting her from the other dragon. The dragon that tried to attack Sif released fire from it's mouth causing the other dragon to wrap it's wing around Sif to protect her from the fire.

The good dragon when spun around and hit the other dragon with it's tail causing it to nearly fall over. It opened it's mouth and a thundering blast left it's mouth as it hit the bad dragon which sent it flying several feet backwards. It roared as it stayed over Sif and didn't move an inch probably thinking the other dragon would get her. The bad dragon flew off the ground and left the way Sif saw it come.

The remaining dragon backed up a bit and looked at Sif who stared back at it. "Dovakiin." it whispered making Sif knit her brows together before the dragon nudged Sif with it's face.

"Who are you?" she asked making it stare at her.

"That isn't important right now." it said before raising off the ground and flying after the other dragon.

The man watched as the other dragon left and he ran to Sif before scooping her up in his arms. "Sif?"

"Hey Astrid's papa." she said making him smile at her before hugging her. "I'm okay."

"Lets go."

He walked Sif back to where the other men where standing as two of them held Kni back. The house was completely burnt down to the ground and some of the men where using buckets of water to put out the remaining fire. Sif let out a small cry as Astrid's dad put her down and she ran to Kni who was released to catch his sister in his arms.

"I'm sorry Sif." whispered the 13 year old rubbing Sif's back. "I couldn't save them." Sif buried her face into his shoulder and cried.


"A dragon saved you." stated Aela.

"Yeah. He used his Thu'um to protect me from the other dragon."

"He called you Dovakiin. He knew what you were before you even knew."

"I suppose dragons would know wouldn't they? The blood and soul of a dragon." stated Sif as she looked at the sky. "I was never so scared in all my life until the dragon tried to kill me."

"Even now?"

"I'm scared of several things now but I've never felt so scared as I did when I was ten." whispered the young girl.

"The good thing is you're my Shield-Sister. Our Shield-Sister. You'll never have to face things by yourself." smiled Aela which caused the 19 year old to smile.

"Zu'u fen jaaril Aela voth dii laas." stated Sif making Aela look at her with a raised brow. (I will protect Aela with my life)

"What did you say about me?" questioned the red head making the black haired girl chuckle.

"You don't need to know. Just trust me."

"Fine. I trust you." smiled the Huntress making Sif smile.

"Nox hi."


"I said thank you."

Aela just hugged Sif around the shoulders and kissed her temple making the younger girl just smile at the feeling. The two sat there was Raan cleaned his paw but once it started raining Aela had to drag Sif inside who stated she wanted to stay outside cause she enjoyed the rain. She eventually got the young girl inside before forcing her to go to bed since it was late. Sif laid on her bed with a lantern lit on the night stand as she read the book on dragon language.

"Would you turn that lantern off already?" snapped Njada.

"Fine." sighed Sif closing the book and laying it down on the nightstand before opening the lantern and blowing the flame out which caused the room to go into complete darkness.

Sif laid back onto her bed and stared up at the pitch black ceiling as Raan laid asleep by her feet purring. She closed her eyes to get some sleep which thankfully over took her with in moments. Down the hall Aela was sitting at her desk fidgeting with her quill as she stared at her book that she wrote in sometimes. She laid it down and stood up to go and check on the other Companions.

She opened the door to find everyone asleep including Sif who was now sleeping on her side. She slowly walked in and grabbed the girl's blankets before pulling them up to cover her with them. "Night Sif." she whispered before leaving the room and shutting the door quietly behind her. She missed the small smile that formed on the 19 year old's face.


Kind of a short chapter for me I guess but I wanted to end this chapter since I've been working on it for about three or four weeks. The next chapter I was thinking about having Sif catch the Vampirism Disease but she doesn't wish to be a vampire so the only way to get rid of it is to contract Lycanthropy (to become a Werewolf) so Aela would have to help her. Was also thinking that Sif would become weak and sickly once contracting Vampirism because her body is responding badly to it instead of how it is in the game.

And if you are all curious the dragon who saved little Sif is Paarthurnax, the grand master of the Greybeards (sorry for the spoiler lol). I figured that dragons would know who a Dragonborn is due to them having the blood and soul of a dragon so that's why Paarthurnax knew what Sif was before she even knew.

Also after this story is done I might write another that involved my High Elf character but it won't be her with Aela. It'll be a different pairing :3

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.