I do not own Rise of the Guardians or the characters. This is fictional and meant to be fun. I hope you guys enjoy this idea as much as I enjoyed writing it. Seriously please leave reviews and suggestions for upcoming chapters. I love input. I think this is going to be a big one guys.

It's dark… Where…where I am? I can't breathe. I'm scared. The darkness is closing in on me. I am alone.

The darkness closed in harder as he felt himself sinking… but where was he sinking? Why was he sinking? What was he sinking in? His lungs began to burn despite the painful cold surrounding his body. What happened? This moment felt like it would last forever.

"Jack" A voice whispered in the infinite darkness.

Is that… me? He thought.

He suddenly felt himself no longer sinking, but he was being pulled up towards… a light? Could this be his salvation? Was he dying? He no longer worried about it, because whatever was happening was better than what he thought would never end. Suddenly, the voice grew louder and more defined.

"JaAack" He still couldn't tell who it was or where it was coming from.

He found himself standing in the moonlight all feelings of pain, like he would never draw another breath, was gone. He felt at peace as he looked at the cold landscape. Why wasn't he cold? Shouldn't he be cold? He heard the voice again. It was coming from the moon. It told him: "You are Jack Frost."

He paused trying to take this all in. He took a step and slipped on the ice. Much more carefully he began to explore this world… was it heaven? His foot brushed up against a stick on the ice. He touched it and felt an electric jolt and the end touching the ice seemed to spout beautiful patterns of frost on the ice. He cautiously picked up the staff and began touching it to the nearby trees. When he realized that it was him creating the frost he began to dance about excited from this new found power.

He slid all over the ice making bigger and bigger patterns and just when he thought he would burst from excitement he felt a gust of wind and it rocketed into the air. He could fly too?! He laughed as he soared about the sky in a clumsy and sloppy manner, truly this is a magnificent gift he had been given, surely this was heaven. He smiled looking down upon his work. And as pride filled his eyes he felt the wind suddenly leave him and he began to fall through the trees.

Wham! He finally hit a branch strong enough to hold him. He groaned but not because of pain more so the wind was knocked out of him. He laughed and noticed a light off in the distance. He hastily attempted to fly but without a whole lot of luck; he managed a face plant on the ground as he made it to the town. He looked around; no one seemed to notice his clumsy arrival.

He was all smiles, laughing because of the joy that was filling him to the brim. He was pleasantly saying hello to the people. But something didn't seem right. They didn't seem to be responding at all. He at first ignored it wondering if they were just maybe a rude bunch of people, however when he then tried to ask a little boy a question. Something went wrong.

"Excuse me could you tell me where I am?" He smiled.

The boy without hesitation walked right through Jack. Jack reeled back in horror as his heart hit his throat. That couldn't be. He backed up into a woman who went through him as well; panic set in.

"No, NO NO NO NO!" This can't be. What kind of heaven is this? Where you are surrounded by people and no one can hear you?

He tried to catch his breath, it was horrifying. He took off and ran back to the pond where he had woken up in. He tripped falling on top of the ice and slid a few feet. Tears streamed down his face and shattered on the ice. He stood up glaring at the moon.

"MAN IN THE MOON! Why can't anyone see me? What's going on?" He shouted.

But there was no response. He struggled to find words.

"CAN ANYONE HEAR ME?" He began to panic even more.

"SOMEBODY?! ANYONE AT ALL?!" The tears flowed freely and choked his voice as he fell to his knees.

The silence was deafening, why? What had he done to deserve such a punishment?