Seven Years Later

King Arthur walked down the halls of Camelot the way he normally did. He seemed tired, as usual, but yet he wore the same smile. While he had a reason to be tired he had a reason to be happy.

"Noah..." He softly called as he made his way into a large empty room. To his dismay, his son was nowhere in sight and he could only imagine where he was at the time. His fear was that he was once again in the lower class area, where he had made some of his best friends, or he was in the kitchen stealing food.
Arthur exited the room only to be surprised by cold water falling on top of his head. From behind a corner, Arthur heard a giggle. "Come on out Noah, we talked about this."

"Sorry father!" Noah said, coming into full view. "I didn't know it would be you, I was expecting someone else."

"Lady Gwen or Perhaps Lady Morgana!" He smiled and ran over to his father. "They make the funniest noises when I pull pranks on them."
Arthur knelt down and ran his hand through his son's blond hair. "You have a lot to learn, after all, you will be the King of Camelot in years to come. I'd advise you to stop with these pranks."
"I would, but Dad tells me stories about how you would always prank him, or just make fun of him!"
"Oh does he, walk with me and tell me everything he has told you." The two walked as Noah babbled about things Merlin told him.

Through the past seven years, there had been many ups and few downs, and the downs struck hard. Firstly, the fact that even though Merlin had forgiven Uther, Arthur never had. The late King had even learned to accept the young Noah as his grandson. In a sad way of saying it, Arthur and Uther's relationship had never repaired, but the king found a new light in Noah. The two loved each other and were only separated when Uther became ill, and met is eternal rest with his grandson by his side. Uther had carried the guilt of his wife's death and son's hate to his grave, and Merlin could only guess that guilt, is what aided in his quick death.

Gwen's social status had been moved from peasant, to Lady Gwen, now she and Morgana were free to express their friendship. The two women were hardly at the castle, the traveled the lands, in search of Druid camps or anyone they could give hope to. They were never meant to stay in one place forever, and Arthur respected that. They received their freedom, like the deserved.

Merlin and Arthur were married a month after they returned to Camelot, and needless to say, the kingdom was happy, and so was Uther.
The two had their ups and downs, and they would get into small pointless arguments but never once their relationship been threatened. For instance, Merlin's view on using his magic was very ironic in Arthur's opinion. He didn't believe their son should openly use his magic while Arthur thought it would be an amazing thing to do. Because Arthur had a pinch of authority in their relationship, Noah was free to use his magic as he pleased, which usually resulted in pranks.

As the years went on, the Great Dragon had made his presence known to the world or Camelot more specifically and seeing as how the situation was greatly changed, he decided to become its well needed protector.

Much to Merlin's surprise and happiness, Hunnith had made a surprise visit to Camelot, and for the first time met her grandson. The two got along just fine, and often Noah wanted her to stay around a lot longer. Sometimes, she'd take him with her to her Ealdor and he would stay for a few nights. He seemed to enjoy that, and he eventually made his first friends there. Also, to Arthur's dismay, Noah had also made close friends in the slums of Camelot. Though, Merlin didn't mind too much.

In the events that followed, Gwen had married the son of a farmer that she had come across on one of her journeys, his name was Lancelot. He was nice and kind to both of the women.

The years continued on, and Camelot thrived. Arthur believed that his life was at its highest point; everything was how it should've been. About five months before his son's seventh birthday, Merlin had given him very shocking news. This time however, the circumstances were different, and Arthur was more than happy to hear what his spouse had to say.

"You're pregnant again?" He remembered asking Merlin.
"I didn't expect it either," Merlin softly said. "Are you angry?"
"No, it's about time!" Arthur replied with a smile on his face.

Merlin smiled at Arthur, a smile only he knew. It was a smile, Arthur learned, that meant reassurance.

While talking away, the two had bumped into a tired Merlin, who walked the castle grounds attending to his own personal affairs. He seemed even more tired than Arthur but had still managed, to pull his son into an embrace.

"Twins..they are twins." He said as he rubbed Noah's head. "Oh joy..."
"That's wonderful Merlin!" Arthur had nothing but a bright smile on his face. "Though you seem a bit beat about it."
"I'll be a big brother? Right?" Noah looked up at his parents with the same look that Arthur usually wore.
"I think you can answer that question, but you'll have to learn how to share," Arthur knelt down before his son. "And you'll have to learn how to accept things, even if they aren't what you want. Okay?"
"Okay!" Noah replied with his usual innocent voice.
He detached himself from Arthur and quickly ran away from the two with his red robes flying behind him. Merlin knew that he was probably going to go out and play with his friends, which was fine, still he always worried about his son. The world wasn't always safe, and sooner or later, Noah would have to figure that out.

"How are you feeling?" Arthur asked as he put his arm around Merlin and began to walk. "I would like it better if you rested. After all, things are different from how they were last time, you can afford to spend days in bed as the children grow inside of you."

"I tried that Arthur, but I hate the feeling of having to lay down all day." Merlin angrily replied. "Believe it or not, I'm still adjusting to this life."
"Well, you'll have all the time in the world Merlin." Arthur smiled and kissed his cheek.
The two continued to walk before Merlin stopped and felt Arthur's head. "Why are you wet?" Merlin asked, tugging on the sleeves of his own red cloak.
"It was a bit of magic used by Noah, a harmless prank, that's all." Arthur replied.
"Does he deliberately chose to ignore me?" Merlin threw his arms in the air and paced around Arthur. His robes dragged on the ground behind him.
"He's a child Merlin, he's having fun...let him enjoy it, let him use his magic! He has your spirits, and you should be proud of that." Arthur pulled Merlin into him and kissed the crown of his head.

"Next time Arthur, I'll be sure to punish him. But because he has your wit and he is only a child, I think I might just let it slide."

Thank you! Each and every one of you who made this story your favorites, who followed it, who reviewed it, and just plainly read it! This was my first Merlin story and honestly, I didn't think anybody would like it! Because of all your support, I'm going to be posting more Merlin stories in the future, so thank you, every single one of you.

I don't own BBC Merlin, and I never will. I only own my character in this story!
God bless every single one of you and have a great night!
(ps, listen to Slide by the Goo Goo Dolls)