Chapter IV

Clack. "Merida?" Clack. Soft whispers. Clack. "Afsaka! (Excuse me!*)"

Merida awoke with the short, sharp sounds of clicks nearby. The noises were periodic, but not rhythmic and irritated her immensely. She sat up and squinted in the darkness, her fire had gone out and she didn't have a tinderbox in her room to light the candle on her bedside drawers. Sighing, she pulled herself up out of comfort and ventured towards the sound, letting it lead her to the window, though she couldn't see anything past the frosted glass.

"Ert þú búin? (Are you ready?)" She knew instantly who it was and a smile came across her face, though she dared not speak out for fear of awaking others in the keep, but how could she escape and spend the night with them? Her parents would certainly find out, but that was when the gate had to be opened for her to leave. Without a second thought, she changed her clothes as quickly as she could and picked up her usual weapon, along with ammunition. The tough part was getting out, though. Her bedroom door was cumbersome, it took a great heave in order to pull it back – and even then it was nothing short of cacophonous. Then she had to make her way down to the kitchen: if she kept her shoes on they would make noises against the stone; but if she took them off her feet would get cold. The kitchen door was loud too, but she'd been able to prevent it smashing against the wall last time she'd sneaked out, so there was little to worry about there. Then, there was attracting the Viking's attention without using fire (DunBroch guards would spot the light) or too much noise.

However, by the time that Merida was able to open her bedroom door – and shut it again – she'd realised a more promising plan. By air, the roof of the keep was far easier to get to than the ground beside it, and so, her destination switched and she started to the wooden steps that would lead to the roof. Although, the fire torches that lit the castle were out and so she had to keep her hands running along the freezing wall until she met a crossing – she knew the way, that wasn't a problem – but the noise of her shoes against the stone were noisy, and echoed down the hall like a never-ending roar (she'd had to resort to wearing them when they made too much noise against the wall, as she held them in her hands, whenever she tripped; which happened often). Though finally, she made it, and without waking up her family or attendants either. Cautiously, the princess pushed the trap door open, rushing to catch it as it started to fall – she was far too slow, but noticed that the slab of wood was the same.

"Hei! (Hey!)" Merida looked up to see Astrid shining above her, hand outstretched "Hversu ferr? (How are you?)"

She searched her mind for the answer – she recognised the question and had been taught the various responses by her Viking friend – while getting up from the castle and shutting the trap behind her.

Eventually, she answered; "Allt fínt, þakka...? (Fine, thanks...?)" She ended the phrase with a rising intonation, then was met with a look of disapproval. She repeated the phrase coolly and more confidently, though still slowly. A smile grew on Astrid's face, and Merida grinned with her, not noticing how the girl had advanced upon her. Without warning, a pair of arms were around her neck – at first, she thought, that she may have been tricked, but judging by how light her friend's touches were against her, she thought against it. Unable to stop smiling, she placed her own arms around Astrid's waist and onto her back as they embraced. It seemed far too long to be embracing for; but Merida wasn't about to stop it. It was a strange sensation, but a wonderful one – she'd only ever been taken in arms by her mother before. While Astrid detatched herself, the Celt found herself lingering close to the Viking until she was nestled behind her astride Hríðflúga (she still had no intention to ride the boy's panther-like dragon, they both seemed far to ecstatic).

"Búin? (Ready?)" She heard her companion call to her, but Merida only gripped Astrid's waist a little tighter and waited to be off. Yet, she heard nothing, and when she opened her eyes she saw that they hadn't moved. The Viking had half turned her body in the saddle and was looking to her. "Merida?" She glanced up instantly, searching Astrid's eyes for answers.

"Vel? (Well?)" She spoke softly, her little knowledge of Nordic affecting her answer greatly.

Astrid muttered a second, bringing her hand to rest against the back of the beast to Merida's far left, then leaned down to press her lips against the Scots forehead. Instantly, Merida's thoughts went to her family and home, then slowly came to Astrid. The way she was being stared at was starting to make her feel a little uneasy.

"Astrid…" She uttered, as if to say something else, but nothing could come out. It would be pointless anyway as she wouldn't understand – and at this remembrance, and annoyance and frustration struck her. How was it fair that the first friend she was able to have (besides her mother, of course) couldn't understand her, and was probably going to be a part of a war party that would kill her within the next few days. God-damned destiny. She scoured her mind for something to say, anything to bloody say. "Þakka fyrir. (Thank you.)" She whispered, her eyes fixed on the leathery scales below her. She felt a junction against her chin, and as it pulled her upwards she found it was Astrid's curled finger. "… T'anks." She breathed, unable to turn away from the girl. Was this how it was supposed to be with friends – 'Oh dear God; please don't let this end.'

Though, it had to, and Astrid turned away from her to push her dragon up and onwards. Merida held against Astrid once more, complacent but benignly irritated. Why did this feel so natural, yet so corrupt at the same time? Though, those two emotions fell hand in hand. Like slavery, murder and collecting spoils of war. Her father had done such things – so why couldn't she enjoy herself, too?

N/A: Yes, I know this is a bit short - sorry. ;_;
Expect a longer chapter for #5. ^^

And for those of you who haven't realised - there is a reason I haven't provided translations till now.
(But when the story is finished I may add a full glossary at the end.)

They're only ever saying common phrases that you'd hear in everyday conversation, but I wanted you, the readers, you feel like Merida/Astrid (or Hiccup) does in the story when they can't understand what the other is saying.

*(Infrm.) Would be used in the sense that friends would together, like; "Hey, you!" or "Hey guys!".