Our Last Stand: Calm Before the Storm

Chapter Summary: Things take a slow turn as the Avengers find some downtime to spend some much needed bonding time with their respective partners. Fury takes the liberty of including Loki to the Avengers roster, just before they need to deploy.

A/N: Apologies for the long delay. We finally got around to continuing this in between our little projects.

Bruce Banner's Lab

"Hey Bruce?" Steve asked hesitantly as he looked up from polishing his shield. "I...uh..."

"Something the matter Steve?" Bruce asked, looking up from the computer screen and peeled off his glasses, turning to the soldier.

Steve glanced at the scientist before looking back at his shield again. "We have...a lot of people that aren't ready for this this time around, don't we?" he asked carefully. "It's not that I don't trust them but...I don't want another 'Stark Scare'," he told him, referring to the time that they thought Tony had died during the first time they had an interplanetary issue.

Bruce nodded slowly in acknowledgment of the situation. "That's true... but I'd like to think each and everyone who's here and willing to help won't die so easily. They're made of stronger stuff. Just like you and me," he reassured him. "Whatever we're going to end up facing, we'll get through it."

Steve stared at his shield for a while longer before sighing. "You're right. I shouldn't be so paranoid..." he told the scientist.

Bruce approached Steve, sensing some lingering apprehension. Gently, he wrapped his arms around the soldier. "You've got every right to be Steve. Every leader has their insecurities, and you're doing the right thing worrying about every little thing."

"Then lets both hope that I'm worrying enough so we all survive," he told the doctor with a smile as he placed his hands on Bruce's arms.

The scientist chuckled. "Oh believe me, if you worry as much as I worry about you when the big guy wants his turn, I think you'll be worrying enough," he teased.

Steve chuckled. "Then I guess I'm worrying enough," he said with a nod of his head.

Thor and Loki's Room

"BROTHER!" came Thor's booming voice as he entered the room where Loki was currently reading a book. "Come! We shall go on what the good captain called a date!"

Loki inwardly rolled his eyes at his brother's antics as he continued reading his book, feigning to notice his entrance. "Surely you aren't suggesting to leave the tower and make a sour attempt at showing affection are you?" he asked.

"Then how do you suggest we spend the remaining time of peace?" Thor asked. "Don't get me wrong Loki, this is not some sad attempt to win your affection. I merely just..." he paused before sighing. "I merely wanted to have a few more memories with you before we go into battle."

Loki shut his book and regarded his brother in full. "Thor, you've already done me many a favor by rescuing me," he said in a much gentler tone before he slowly got to his feet. "But if this means something to you, then I shall do whatever you see fit."

"I don't want you to do things that are you are not comfortable with," Thor told him. "That was one of the reasons why I pulled you out from that...place," he said, suppressing a shudder at the memory. "Perhaps we can just stay here in our room. Together," he suggested. "...or at least until the others have a need for us."

At this, Loki raised a brow. This was a different side of Thor - the side that he grew fond of. He let down his defenses and walked up to his brother and gave him a kiss. "This... this is what I had fallen for, brother. Your ever-feeling gentler side."

"Then maybe I should have this side out more often," he mused quietly before gently pulling Loki towards him for another kiss.

Moaning lowly in approval, Loki dropped his book and clung onto Thor, wrapping his arms as far as he could around the rather muscular Norse god. 'Yes... this was exactly what I wanted...'

Clint and Ethan's Room

Ethan looked at himself in the mirror and sighed. Last month he was running through Prague trying to escape government spies. Now he was prepping to participate in what he heard was probably an interplanetary issue. "Come on, Ethan... it's not as bad as it sounds, right?" he told himself.

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind," Clint voiced out as he stepped out from the bathroom and wiped his hands dry.

"Just shaking off the nerves," he admitted, looking over at Clint. "I mean just a few weeks ago I was worried about guns and sandstorms and now..." he paused. "I have to worry about things I don't even know about until we step out on the field."

Clint had to admit that Ethan had a point. "I guess I can brief you. We've got a video stream of the last all-out war with the Chitauri," he offered.

"You guys have a video stream? How in the world did you manage to take videos despite the all-out carnage going on around you?" Ethan asked incredulously.

"Trust me, I didn't know either until Coulson brought it up in passing," Clint remarked, shaking his head at the memory.

"Speaking of...how did that guy survive again?" Ethan asked.

Clint shook his head before settling down on the bed. "Beats me. Never bothered asking," he said before patting the space beside him. "You're being too tense. Relax and sit down with me."

Ethan sighed and moved over to the bed to sit down beside the other agent. "We'll be fine, right?" he asked carefully.

Bringing an arm around Ethan and held him close, Clint nodded. "I'll make damn sure we will be," he promised.

Target Practice Room

Sif steadied her arm as she focused on the target in front of her. The arrow was unfamiliar, being one of Agent Barton's own. Still, she thought it would be best for her to adapt now rather than wait for the battle.

"Don't forget to breathe," Natasha whispered calmly as she approached the Asgardian warrior. "I assume that's lighter?"

"Lighter and sturdier," Sif said with a smile as she felt Natasha's presence. She felt calm whenever the other was with her. It made her able to breathe and able to focus. Timing it with her breathing, she released the arrow and watched as it zipped through the air and pierced through three targets. "Holds more strength as well, it seems," she commented before turning around to face Natasha.

"You'll do just fine. Out on the battlefield," Natasha commended. "At least that way I don't have to worry about being the only girl out there," she chided.

"Yes, I understand your concern," Sif said with a smile. "In Asgard, I'm the only female warrior that sits among the strongest warriors of the realms. It would be an honor to fight with someone on equal standing."

"Maybe you and I could spend more time getting to know each other," Natasha suggested. "It might help us later out on the battlefield."

"I approve of that idea. Maybe you can show me some activities to ease the growing tension we have in this tower," Sif offered.

"I could show you the game room~" Natasha teased. "Some human leisure should calm whatever nerves you might have."

Tony and Jarvis' Room

Jarvis looked at the screen in front of him. Names of a few scientists appeared swiftly before disappearing to the side. Just as the name 'Parker' zoomed by, he heard the doors open. "Tony," he called out. "I'm not sure that the Tower could endure a beating so soon."

"Why not? We've been hard at work making repairs since the last huge battle haven't we?" Tony inquired, furrowing his brows as he approached Jarvis. "What's gotten you unsure about how fast we do them?"

Jarvis sighed inwardly before putting down his arm that was idly swiping through random profiles. "Will you not reconsider me joining your fight?" he asked the genius. "I want to be of more use instead of being some...intelligence officer watching you all take the blows."

"You know I can't afford that Jarvis," Tony urged him. "And no, it's not because I wanna look like the hero in all of this. Not when your powers are still in the danger zone."

Jarvis quieted at this. "But you won't be able to stop me if I need to run out there and give you a jump start anyway."

Tony shook his head. "I won't because I can't. Assuming my doe eyes can't convince you," he teased lightly.

"One condition then," Jarvis offered. "After all this, we get that out," he bargained, pointing at Tony's arc reactor.

Tony glanced down at it before looking back up at Jarvis. Slowly, he smirked. "Deal."

Nick & Maria's Room

"Sir, you do understand that half of the team isn't prepared for what we will be encountering don't you?" Maria asked as she turned around. "Agent Hunt, most of all."

"He'll adapt as he usually does," Nick said dismissively, glancing down at the table where scattered digital files were displayed. "In truth, none of us are ready, and we won't know the full extent of what we're facing until it happens. But they'll be ready."

"Will they?" Maria asked carefully as she walked up to Nick and placed a hand on his shoulder from behind. "What if we were just lucky the last time? What if it's more than just a 'Stark Scare' this time?"

"Is that what everyone's calling it now?" Nick asked in mild surprise, turning to the agent. "I don't believe in luck. Call it cocky, but I just have this really big feeling that we'll get through this one too."

"If you're confident then. I trust your decision."

"You trust me too much Maria," Nick scolded.

"I'd trust you with my life, Nick," Maria said with a smile. After a round of silence, she walked up to the table and maximized a file. "What are we doing about Loki?"

"He was troublesome before, but I can't overlook the fact that he could be a useful asset for us," Nick admitted.

"Against Norse gods? I suppose so," Maria said in acknowledgment.

The tower then went quiet, each pair enjoying each other's company. It wasn't until soon after, though, that the silence was shattered by an alarm that sounded off throughout the Avengers Tower.

"What the hell was that?!" Ethan asked as they filtered out into the hallway.

"They're here," Jarvis told them, clipping on the ear-piece he had set aside.

When everyone had arrived, Nick stepped forward. "Alright everyone. Be on your guard. Thor, I know these are your friends, but we can't allow any unnecessary damages as is. New York will be needing the help of the Avengers again." Loki stepped back for a moment before Nick added, "That includes you Loki. Sif and Agent Hunt too."

"You heard Captain Eyepatch," Tony remarked before turning to the group. "Okay Avengers. Let's suit up!"