A/N: God I have to stop posting stories…

Kid Flash and Superboy leapt out of the way as Klarion threw a black a sparking red ball of magic at them. They were in a small Canadian forest stopping Klarion from gaining a rare crystal from an ancient cave only a few clicks away. Let's just say the 'kid' was more than pissed at them trying to ruin his plans again.

"Dnib Noiralk htiw a ekans!" Zatanna yelled holding her hands out at the villain; a bright green python appeared around Klarion but disappeared immediately.

"Baby magic." Suddenly Klarion`s head was turned quickly as if he had been smacked, when he looked back there was a long slit on the side of his face blood leaking down his jaw line. His eyes burned like fire and the cat on his shoulder let out a faint hiss.

Robin jumped down beside Zatanna, "I think you need a time out."

"Good idea!" Klarion smirked, He muttered something and a larger blue and reddish ball flew at them, Zatanna jumped in front of Robin, "KCOLB!" the ball hit a force field and flung them back, a wave crashing into the hero`s that sent them hurtling into the cave.

"Hey, Over hey!" Kid Flash called. Just as Klarion turned his head Aqualad jumped up and punched him out. The two fell to the ground unconscious along the cat. As M`gann and Artemis tied the villain the others searched the cave for their missing team-mates.

The cave was dark, no a room without light was dark, this was night itself. Slowly as they went deeper into the cave their eyes adjusted to the dark. Wally raced forward avoiding creases in the ground. He could hear the others behind him as he jumped down and landed on wet sand and pebbles. Kid Flash had to blink a few times before he saw Robin and Zatanna at least two feet in front of him.

He smiled and walked over his boots squishing on the wet sand, he kneeled down and flicked Robin on the nose. "Buddy, you up?"

Wally smirked and rolled his eyes, they looked out cold, must have been some hit. Wally walked around to Zatanna to pick her up and his and brushed hers and he pulled back instantly, she was cold. Aqualad jumped down beside him, "Let`s get these two back to the ship."

"Aqualad," Wally said biting his lip as he pulled of his glove, the fearless leader looked at him, "What?"

Wally didn't answer as the panic in his stomach grew as he press two fingers to each of his friends neck.

"No, Wally, their- their fine." Conner said walking up beside them. Wally tasted blood as his teeth bit further into his lip as he searched for a pulse. On Robin and Zatanna. Wally`s breath quickened and his hands balled into tight fist till his knuckles turn white.

"They-,"He couldn't finish, he didn't need to, Conner knew and so did Aqualad. "I don't hear a heart beat." Conner said faintly as if he never thought the words would leave his mouth.

"NO!" Wally cried he slapped Robin in the face lightly, "Come on buddy get up…get up, quit playing! This isn't funny! Come on, you know this isn't funny, wake up, wake up." Wally lifted his friend into a sitting position and Aqualad pick up Zatanna.

Wally hugged Robin who`s head fell back limply, "wake up, you're not gone. You cant be gone, not now…" Tears streamed down his face staining his cheeks. Robin had been his friend for years, had his back for years, was someone he counted on when he was down or when he had broken his arm, he was his partner in crime. He couldn't be gone he couldn't…


Aqualad shocked Zatanna trying to get her heart working, they had managed to get Robin and Zee back but they were on the losing end, their heart rate was faint and weak. Conner cringed every time it stopped and they had to shock them back to life. M`gann hand the bio ship on autopilot as she cried into Conner shoulder, Artemis hand a hand over Wally`s shoulder as the teen pushed on Robin`s chest trying to make the younger boy`s heart beat stronger.

Tears stained everyone's cheeks. They were devastated when they landed. Aqualad picked up robin as Conner got Zatanna. The second they stepped out of the ship they hadn't taken account as to who would be waiting for them.

Black canary smiled at them, "Hey gang how`d it go-," her mouth was wide open as she saw the team mates in Conner and Aqualad`s arms, she took a step forward but Red tornado, who seemed to have come out of nowhere placed a hand on her shoulder, stopping her, "Tell the league." She swallowed but nodded and raced off.

The others made it to the living room while Kaldur and Conner put their two fallen team-mate in the infirmary on the examination tables. Conner left and Kaldur placed a hand in Robin`s limp head, "I`m sorry I failed you…" he looked to Zatanna and had to close his eyes to keep tears in, "Both of you, you didn't deserve this."

He left the room to join then team in their morning. What was he going to tell Batman, what would he say to ?


Robin sat up groaning and grabbing his head in pain. He guessed the blast hit him harder than he thought. He looked over to see Zatanna was looking herself over.

"What are you doing?" he asked tilting his head to the side. She stood up and started to dust herself off, "We were hit with magic Robin and power full magic at that, something had to happen to us."

Robin shrugged carelessly, "But you blocked the spell."

She nodded, "Yeah but I`m not as powerful as Klarion and magic is what knocked us out, there has be something wrong." She ran a hand threw her hair. He smiled, "Your powerful to, and I feel fine so, take my word for it, you're a great magician."

She blushed a little and he smiled scratching the back of his head. "We should go check on the others."

Zatanna smiled and nodded and they headed for the door.

A/N: Okay…what do you think?