29. Staple papers in the middle of the page
Chiron was going through the papers that he had Percy staple, when he noticed that Percy didn't staple the pages. Chiron went to turn the page when it got stuck! He checked around the papers and made sure nothing was holding them down. Then he tried going to the next page again. It once again got stuck, so he decided to check where the source of the sticking was happening. A shiny piece of metal was the problem.
"Hm", Chiron thought. "I wonder what this could be." He decided to pull on it and realized that it went through that paper and into another one. After closely examining it. He figured out the problem. It was stapled in the middle! Quickly checking the others he saw that they were all stapled the same way! Chiron hopped onto his four hooves (for he was not in his chair) and raced out to the porch. He collapsed to the ground and held the papers to the sky and shouted, "CURSE YOU PERCY JACKSON!"
Around the corner of the house was a black haired boy snickering in delight on how well his plan went.
30. Include irrelevant information in a report and send it to your boss.
Dionysus was, sadly, going through the monthly cabin reports when he reached one from a Percy Jackson. He reluctanly grabbed it to read because his is usually the most weird. He started at the beginning and it went like this:
My cabin is the Poseidon cabin. My name is Percy Jackson. This month I have done many things. I first did my chores. Then I went to Annabeth's cabin. Have you ever seen her eyes? Some might say gray. But you know what I say, I say they are like clouds before the storm. So much emotion. After I, smoothly talked to her, I headed back to my cabin. There I procedde to shower. I took some shampoo and put it in my lucious black hair. Then I washed it out and put conditionar in. After that I washed it out and repeated.
This is where Dionysus stopped and put it in the pile for Chiron to read instead. After a second's thought he took all the unread reports and put them in Chiron's pile. And he walked away to enjoy a nice can of Diet Coke.
31. Give a play-by-play account of a person's every action in a nasally voice.
"And Annabeth grabs her cup and walks over to the Athena table. Alert! She is now heading in a different direction. What will this direction be? It seems that she's headed to... the Poseidon table. Oh no! Abort plan! Look away, look away!"
Percy ducks his face to his plate and pretends to start eating. Annabeth stalks up behind him, stops, and clears her throat. Percy innocently turns his head, "Oh, Annabeth! I didn't notice you there! How are you doing?"
Annabeth scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Whatever Seaweed Brain. I just came over her to tell you to shut up."
Percy placed his hands under his chin and looked up at her through his eyelashes. "Little old me? I wasn't saying a word." He suddenly turns cocky and smirks. "I think you came over here because you like me. Ya know, like like me." He did an obnoxious wink.
She seems to contemplate this before she shakes her head, "No that wasn't it. I was for sure over her to tell you to be quiet."
Before he can say anymore she turns away and leaves, with an exaggerated hip shake.
Roses are red
Violets are not blue
You should probably click review
This is also not a haiku
If you have questions about anything at all, review or PM me and I'll respond as quickly as possible
Since I haven't been on for a while. I will take requests from the first five members that answer this question:
((In mystical voice)) What does Dionysus keep calling Percy Jackson?
I am also still looking for a Beta if any of you are interested. You will have to show some credentials that you are good though.
Have fun and peace and joy! (JOLLY WHISKERS!)