As the night fell, Thorin had to leave to see Gandalf and Lord Elrond, leaving Kili with Fili alone . Kili was sitting by his side, checking on him once in a while before he rested his own eyes.
The comforting sleep did not surround him for long before he was woken up abruptly by his brother's voice

"Kili.." Kili quickly shot his head up when he heard it . Fili was awake and looking at him.

He got out of his seat and sat on the bed, taking Fili's hand into his own.

"In Durin's name, finally you are awake . How are you feeling ? You were sleeping for so long"

Fili slowly moved to sit up, Kili saw it and helped him.

"I'm feeling a lot better than before, thank you Kili " he smiled . Kili looked at him doubtfully and placed palm on his forehead.
"You still have a fever, do you have a headache ?" he pulled back with frown.

"Trust me Kili, headache hurts a lot less than bite from a warg." replied Fili closing his eyes and resting his head against the bit his lip at the mention of the attack.

Uncomfortable silence settled in the room and Kili stared at the ground.

"Don't even think about saying sorry, Kili." Fili murmured.

"…You could have died" Kili replied without looking at him "You can't expect me to overlook the fact you took the hit for me, I— I don't even know if I—" Kili got up in frustration and walked around with emotions bubbling up.

"I couldn't even get up and protect you when it happened, I just laid there like a fool! So why don't you want me to say sorry?! Look what happened to you because of me, how can you be so CALM about it?!" Kili was now shouting in anger and defeat.

Fili winced at his brother's outburst, opening his eyes, he stared in front of him.

"Because I promised Thorin to look after you, I did what I was meant to do, I don't regret it and I don't want you to feel guilty about it . Kili please—-" he spoke in low voice, looking up at his brother.

Kili just covered his face with his hand, shook his head and left the room.

Now alone, Fili lowered himself to lay on the bed again, his headache was driving him crazy and the injury wasn't helping either . He closed his eyes.

'I did the right thing, he's safe, that's all that matters'