A/N - Hi again, hope you enjoy this bit that's in Elena's POV. I think I'll try to continue this story for a few more chapters, because even though I'm really bad at devising plots, I love this idea of exploring Damon's death and Elena's psychological trauma. Also, I hope Elena isn't OOC. She was kind of hard for me to write. I'd love reviews! Thank you for reading. Also, sorry this is a fairly short chapter. I like being concise.

His eyes hold mine in a steady reassurance, steady as his hand on my leg. "I promise you, I will never leave you again," he vows. I feel a hint of a smile cross my face as he gives me a nod. No matter how horrific our circumstances might become, I know I can trust Damon to keep his word. Whether we survive or die, he will be by my side.

"Elena." I jerk at the sound of my name, because I'm waiting for Damon to stride into the room and say, "Elena, I'm here. Elena, you're not going. Elena, we can't." Or he could tell me he hates me, for all I care. I just need to hear him and see him and tell him never to leave me again.

"Elena," the voice that isn't Damon's says again, gently this time. And I can't ignore it, because I love him too. "What is it, Jeremy?" I ask, turning around.

My brother is standing in the doorway, shifting his weapons pack from hand to hand. If the worried look on his face isn't enough, the loud, fast beat of his heart conveys his mood.

"I can't let you do this, Elena," he says. His dark eyes lock with mine and stun me with their seriousness.

For a few seconds, all I do is stare at him. I'm going to rescue Damon. Anything else is unthinkable.

"He wouldn't want this," Jeremy continues steadily. "Elena, he gave himself up so we'd all escape. You can't just – "

"Jer, Damon would do anything to save me," I interrupt, trying to keep my voice from cracking when I say his name. "And he wouldn't care if I wanted saved or not. I used to not understand that, but now I do."

Jeremy shakes his head, and I feel a sudden rush of frustration. We can't afford to argue.

"Damon spent all this time training me how to hunt vampires," my brother says slowly. "I learned a lot about him. Do you honestly think he's going to let you risk your life to rescue him?"

"Do you honestly think I can just stand here and do nothing while they could be killing him?" I snap back, then realize what Jeremy said. "Wait. What do you mean, Damon won't let me save him?"

My brother drops his eyes, and I feel all my fear and frustration harden into something I know is dangerous. But I don't care. "What do you mean, Jeremy?" I repeat in a voice that doesn't sound like my own.

"I mean he'd rather give up his life than have you risk yours," Jeremy bursts out. "You know it, Elena. You know." He slams his pack down on the table and meets my eyes again, and the pain I read in them is like a stake to my heart.

"I know he's still alive," I say, but it comes out in a whisper. Jeremy doesn't answer. He's not looking at me anymore; he's staring into space over my shoulder. "I know," I tell him again, this time putting all the force of my fear and love into my words.

"Elena," Jeremy breathes my name, his eyes wide, and I know.

I know, even though I don't want to believe. I can't believe.

"You are not dead," I'm pleading, crying, yelling at him in my head. "You are not dead."

Suddenly I'm in Jeremy's arms, and he's holding onto me to keep the world from fading.

"He's here," my brother murmurs.

Here. Damon's here. I push away Jeremy and step to the center of the room, then find myself collapsing on the floor. I hug my knees to my chest and lift my head up. Damon's here. Of course he is.

I sit there while Jeremy tells me everything Damon wants me to know. I understand. Then I get up.

Jeremy touches my arm carefully, as if he's afraid I'm going to shatter. "Elena, I think we should – "

"Call Bonnie," I order, not meeting his eyes. "We're going to call Bonnie, and we're going to bring Damon back."